Your Favorite Things About Israel

Or if a foreigner who is not of Your people Yisrael comes from a distant land for the sake of Your name
I Kings 8:41 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

v’-GAM el ha-nokh-REE a-SHER lo may-a-m’-KHA yis-ra-AYL HU u-VA may-E-retz r’-kho-KAH l’-MA-an sh’-ME-kha

The Prayers of Foreigners
King Solomon dedicated the first Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple) on the festival of Sukkotand, in his inaugural address, asked Hashem (God) to hear the prayers of foreigners who would “come to pray towards this house” (verse 42). The first Temple was constructed with the assistance of members of gentile nations, under the leadership of Hiram of Tyre. Similarly, the second Temple was built thanks to the permission and encouragement of Cyrus of Persia, and the third Temple will one day also be built with the participation of righteous non-Jews. This international participation is necessary, as the the Beit Hamikdash is meant to be a “house of prayer for all nations” (Isaiah 56:7).

On the contrary, if you keep silent in this crisis, relief and deliverance will come to the Yehudim from another quarter, while you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows, perhaps you have attained to royal position for just such a crisis
Esther 4:14 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

KEE im ha-kha-RAYSH ta-kha-ree-SHEE ba-AYT ha-ZOT RE-vakh v’-ha-tza-LAH
ya-a-MOD la-y’-hu-DEEM mi-ma-KOM a-KHAYR v’-AT u-VAYT a-VEEKH to-VAY-du
u-MEE yo-DAY-a im l’-AYT ka-ZOT hi-GA-at la-mal-KHUT

Standing Up For Israel
Mordechai’s inspiring words move Esther to courageously step up and defend her people. Mordechai does not say, “If you are silent now, then we are all doomed,” because he knows that the God of Israel will never forsake His people. Instead, Mordechai empowers Esther to take a leading role in the redemption, and not to sit quietly on the sidelines as it unfolds. In every generation there are those who threaten the existence of the Nation of Israel. Ultimately, Hashem (God) will defend His people and His land, but is up to each individual to decide if he or she will stand up, as Queen Esther did, on behalf of Israel.
This thread is for those who either live in Israel, have been to Israel, or simply enjoy many of the things which come from Israel.

Post your favorite movies, songs, books, poetry, restaurants, dishes, Malls, beaches, Archeological finds, tourist locations, stories, holidays.....the sky is the limit.

(Trolls? Ignore them)

This LIB/PROG replies;

what I like about Israel

1. they are on our side.
2. we can depend on them
3. they are a VERY TOUGH military force

The glory of this latter House shall be greater than that of the former one, said the lord of Hosts; and in this place I will grant prosperity—declares the lord of Hosts
Haggai 2:9 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

ga-DOL yih-YEH k’-VOD ha-BA-yit ha-ZEH ha-a-kha-RON min HA-ri-SHON a-MAR
a-do-NAI tz’-va-OT u-va-ma-KOM ha-ZEH e-TAYN sha-LOM n’-UM a-do-NAI tz’-va-OT

The City of Glory
Haggai prophesies of a time when all the nations of the world will recognize Hashem(God), Whose glory rests on the Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple) in Yerushalayim(Jerusalem). Haggai promises that “in this place I will grant shalom (),” translated here as ‘prosperity’ but generally meaning ‘peace’. The word makom (), ‘place,’ often refers to a sacred place that God chooses, and specifically refers to Yerushalayim. This promise of peace in Yerushalayim corresponds with the tradition that Yerushalayim is the city of peace, and is reflected in the Hebrew name of the city. Yerushalayim is derived from two words, yerushshalom (ירוש-שלום), ‘an inheritance of peace.’

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