Your Favorite Things About Israel


Speak to Aharon and say to him, When you mount the lamps, let the seven lamps give light at the front of the menorah
Numbers 8:2 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

da-BAYR el a-ha-RON v’-a-mar-TA ay-LAV b’-ha-a-lo-t’-KHA et ha-nay-ROT el MUL
p’-NAY ha-m’-no-RAH ya-EE-ru shiv-AT ha-nay-ROT

Today is the First Night of Chanukah
Chanukah is an eight-day holiday that marks the rededication of the Second Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple) in 164 CE, after its desecration by King Antiochus, as well as the victory of the Jewish people in their fight against religious oppression. The holiday is observed by lighting an eight-branched Chanukah menorah each night. On the first night one candle is lit. A candle is added each night, culminating in 8 candles being lit on the last night.
This thread is for those who either live in Israel, have been to Israel, or simply enjoy many of the things which come from Israel.

Post your favorite movies, songs, books, poetry, restaurants, dishes, Malls, beaches, Archeological finds, tourist locations, stories, holidays.....the sky is the limit.

(Trolls? Ignore them)

Yeah I've see quite a few in Israelstan,I agree with you

Liq: you're stuffed in the head!!

Category: | Herald Sun

A MELBOURNE-BORN girl was killed by a suicide bomb more than a decade ago. Her death occupies her father's mind every day, compounded by the release of the orchestrator of the terrorism.

ARNOLD Roth's grief follows no guidebook. His daughter Malki was killed a decade ago.

Yet it might have been last week, so clear is his recall of the 12 hours after the bomb blast, when Malki's fate lay in official limbo, and Roth scrambled to a hospital on the mistaken tip that his daughter lay unidentified on an operating table.

Malki's life and death is the "central theme" of Roth's thinking. Each day, he sits in what was his daughter's bedroom, now his study, and runs a Jerusalem technology company.

Roth sometimes gazes at the political campaign stickers, all bright splashes and irony, his daughter used to paste on her bedroom walls. The stickers remind him of her sunny ways, as do the cheques he signs in her name, and the charity founded in her honour that helps families with disabled children.

Yet the jar of her absence will never fade. He remembers later retracing her final steps that day, her hurried farewell to her mother dozing in bed that morning, then the trail of text messages that placed Malki, inexorably, in a pizza restaurant where 15 people were killed for no good reason.

The wait for news went on and on. About 2am on August 10, 2001, Roth went numb at the confirmation of Malki's death. His daughter was 15 when she queued for lunch on a hot afternoon the day before. She had no enemies. She did not subscribe to hateful beliefs that might inspire them.

A young Arab man had sat down at a nearby table, gulped down his final meal, and detonated a guitar case of explosives.

His was the first major suicide bombing in a campaign against civilian targets in Israel. It changed everything; for the Roths, obviously, but also for everyone else, everywhere. Humanity was confronting a new blight, in this and 9/11 a few weeks later, that remains rampant a decade on.

This bombing wasn't about territory or rights. There was no victory sought, only terror to be wrought. Malki, born in Melbourne and raised in Jerusalem, was murdered, as a Jew, in the name of God, or Allah. She died for the sake of religion - gone wrong.

Israel's enemies are mine!!

This thread is for those who either live in Israel, have been to Israel, or simply enjoy many of the things which come from Israel.

Post your favorite movies, songs, books, poetry, restaurants, dishes, Malls, beaches, Archeological finds, tourist locations, stories, holidays.....the sky is the limit.

(Trolls? Ignore them)

Yeah I've see quite a few in Israelstan,I agree with you

Liq: you're stuffed in the head!!

Category: | Herald Sun

A MELBOURNE-BORN girl was killed by a suicide bomb more than a decade ago. Her death occupies her father's mind every day, compounded by the release of the orchestrator of the terrorism.

ARNOLD Roth's grief follows no guidebook. His daughter Malki was killed a decade ago.

Yet it might have been last week, so clear is his recall of the 12 hours after the bomb blast, when Malki's fate lay in official limbo, and Roth scrambled to a hospital on the mistaken tip that his daughter lay unidentified on an operating table.

Malki's life and death is the "central theme" of Roth's thinking. Each day, he sits in what was his daughter's bedroom, now his study, and runs a Jerusalem technology company.

Roth sometimes gazes at the political campaign stickers, all bright splashes and irony, his daughter used to paste on her bedroom walls. The stickers remind him of her sunny ways, as do the cheques he signs in her name, and the charity founded in her honour that helps families with disabled children.

Yet the jar of her absence will never fade. He remembers later retracing her final steps that day, her hurried farewell to her mother dozing in bed that morning, then the trail of text messages that placed Malki, inexorably, in a pizza restaurant where 15 people were killed for no good reason.

The wait for news went on and on. About 2am on August 10, 2001, Roth went numb at the confirmation of Malki's death. His daughter was 15 when she queued for lunch on a hot afternoon the day before. She had no enemies. She did not subscribe to hateful beliefs that might inspire them.

A young Arab man had sat down at a nearby table, gulped down his final meal, and detonated a guitar case of explosives.

His was the first major suicide bombing in a campaign against civilian targets in Israel. It changed everything; for the Roths, obviously, but also for everyone else, everywhere. Humanity was confronting a new blight, in this and 9/11 a few weeks later, that remains rampant a decade on.

This bombing wasn't about territory or rights. There was no victory sought, only terror to be wrought. Malki, born in Melbourne and raised in Jerusalem, was murdered, as a Jew, in the name of God, or Allah. She died for the sake of religion - gone wrong.

Israel's enemies are mine!!


Thank you!!! But do stay away from the trolls, and much less answering them on this thread.
If still possible, please delete your post.

Lechaim :)
This thread is for those who either live in Israel, have been to Israel, or simply enjoy many of the things which come from Israel.

Post your favorite movies, songs, books, poetry, restaurants, dishes, Malls, beaches, Archeological finds, tourist locations, stories, holidays.....the sky is the limit.

(Trolls? Ignore them)

Yeah I've see quite a few in Israelstan,I agree with you

Liq: you're stuffed in the head!!

Category: | Herald Sun

A MELBOURNE-BORN girl was killed by a suicide bomb more than a decade ago. Her death occupies her father's mind every day, compounded by the release of the orchestrator of the terrorism.

ARNOLD Roth's grief follows no guidebook. His daughter Malki was killed a decade ago.

Yet it might have been last week, so clear is his recall of the 12 hours after the bomb blast, when Malki's fate lay in official limbo, and Roth scrambled to a hospital on the mistaken tip that his daughter lay unidentified on an operating table.

Malki's life and death is the "central theme" of Roth's thinking. Each day, he sits in what was his daughter's bedroom, now his study, and runs a Jerusalem technology company.

Roth sometimes gazes at the political campaign stickers, all bright splashes and irony, his daughter used to paste on her bedroom walls. The stickers remind him of her sunny ways, as do the cheques he signs in her name, and the charity founded in her honour that helps families with disabled children.

Yet the jar of her absence will never fade. He remembers later retracing her final steps that day, her hurried farewell to her mother dozing in bed that morning, then the trail of text messages that placed Malki, inexorably, in a pizza restaurant where 15 people were killed for no good reason.

The wait for news went on and on. About 2am on August 10, 2001, Roth went numb at the confirmation of Malki's death. His daughter was 15 when she queued for lunch on a hot afternoon the day before. She had no enemies. She did not subscribe to hateful beliefs that might inspire them.

A young Arab man had sat down at a nearby table, gulped down his final meal, and detonated a guitar case of explosives.

His was the first major suicide bombing in a campaign against civilian targets in Israel. It changed everything; for the Roths, obviously, but also for everyone else, everywhere. Humanity was confronting a new blight, in this and 9/11 a few weeks later, that remains rampant a decade on.

This bombing wasn't about territory or rights. There was no victory sought, only terror to be wrought. Malki, born in Melbourne and raised in Jerusalem, was murdered, as a Jew, in the name of God, or Allah. She died for the sake of religion - gone wrong.

Israel's enemies are mine!!


This thread is for those who either live in Israel, have been to Israel, or simply enjoy many of the things which come from Israel.

Post your favorite movies, songs, books, poetry, restaurants, dishes, Malls, beaches, Archeological finds, tourist locations, stories, holidays.....the sky is the limit.

(Trolls? Ignore them)

Yeah I've see quite a few in Israelstan,I agree with you

Liq: you're stuffed in the head!!

Category: | Herald Sun

A MELBOURNE-BORN girl was killed by a suicide bomb more than a decade ago. Her death occupies her father's mind every day, compounded by the release of the orchestrator of the terrorism.

ARNOLD Roth's grief follows no guidebook. His daughter Malki was killed a decade ago.

Yet it might have been last week, so clear is his recall of the 12 hours after the bomb blast, when Malki's fate lay in official limbo, and Roth scrambled to a hospital on the mistaken tip that his daughter lay unidentified on an operating table.

Malki's life and death is the "central theme" of Roth's thinking. Each day, he sits in what was his daughter's bedroom, now his study, and runs a Jerusalem technology company.

Roth sometimes gazes at the political campaign stickers, all bright splashes and irony, his daughter used to paste on her bedroom walls. The stickers remind him of her sunny ways, as do the cheques he signs in her name, and the charity founded in her honour that helps families with disabled children.

Yet the jar of her absence will never fade. He remembers later retracing her final steps that day, her hurried farewell to her mother dozing in bed that morning, then the trail of text messages that placed Malki, inexorably, in a pizza restaurant where 15 people were killed for no good reason.

The wait for news went on and on. About 2am on August 10, 2001, Roth went numb at the confirmation of Malki's death. His daughter was 15 when she queued for lunch on a hot afternoon the day before. She had no enemies. She did not subscribe to hateful beliefs that might inspire them.

A young Arab man had sat down at a nearby table, gulped down his final meal, and detonated a guitar case of explosives.

His was the first major suicide bombing in a campaign against civilian targets in Israel. It changed everything; for the Roths, obviously, but also for everyone else, everywhere. Humanity was confronting a new blight, in this and 9/11 a few weeks later, that remains rampant a decade on.

This bombing wasn't about territory or rights. There was no victory sought, only terror to be wrought. Malki, born in Melbourne and raised in Jerusalem, was murdered, as a Jew, in the name of God, or Allah. She died for the sake of religion - gone wrong.

Israel's enemies are mine!!


All horrible I know Greg but unfortunately this Schism is a two way street,and no one is prepared to change...I will ignore your crass comment as I am the only poster that wants a free and peaceful Israel and your comment I throw in the Dustbin of History...You need to Grow Up.I am not Israels Enemy You need to GROW A BACKBONE
This thread is for those who either live in Israel, have been to Israel, or simply enjoy many of the things which come from Israel.

Post your favorite movies, songs, books, poetry, restaurants, dishes, Malls, beaches, Archeological finds, tourist locations, stories, holidays.....the sky is the limit.

(Trolls? Ignore them)

Yeah I've see quite a few in Israelstan,I agree with you

Liq: you're stuffed in the head!!

Category: | Herald Sun

A MELBOURNE-BORN girl was killed by a suicide bomb more than a decade ago. Her death occupies her father's mind every day, compounded by the release of the orchestrator of the terrorism.

ARNOLD Roth's grief follows no guidebook. His daughter Malki was killed a decade ago.

Yet it might have been last week, so clear is his recall of the 12 hours after the bomb blast, when Malki's fate lay in official limbo, and Roth scrambled to a hospital on the mistaken tip that his daughter lay unidentified on an operating table.

Malki's life and death is the "central theme" of Roth's thinking. Each day, he sits in what was his daughter's bedroom, now his study, and runs a Jerusalem technology company.

Roth sometimes gazes at the political campaign stickers, all bright splashes and irony, his daughter used to paste on her bedroom walls. The stickers remind him of her sunny ways, as do the cheques he signs in her name, and the charity founded in her honour that helps families with disabled children.

Yet the jar of her absence will never fade. He remembers later retracing her final steps that day, her hurried farewell to her mother dozing in bed that morning, then the trail of text messages that placed Malki, inexorably, in a pizza restaurant where 15 people were killed for no good reason.

The wait for news went on and on. About 2am on August 10, 2001, Roth went numb at the confirmation of Malki's death. His daughter was 15 when she queued for lunch on a hot afternoon the day before. She had no enemies. She did not subscribe to hateful beliefs that might inspire them.

A young Arab man had sat down at a nearby table, gulped down his final meal, and detonated a guitar case of explosives.

His was the first major suicide bombing in a campaign against civilian targets in Israel. It changed everything; for the Roths, obviously, but also for everyone else, everywhere. Humanity was confronting a new blight, in this and 9/11 a few weeks later, that remains rampant a decade on.

This bombing wasn't about territory or rights. There was no victory sought, only terror to be wrought. Malki, born in Melbourne and raised in Jerusalem, was murdered, as a Jew, in the name of God, or Allah. She died for the sake of religion - gone wrong.

Israel's enemies are mine!!


This thread is for those who either live in Israel, have been to Israel, or simply enjoy many of the things which come from Israel.

Post your favorite movies, songs, books, poetry, restaurants, dishes, Malls, beaches, Archeological finds, tourist locations, stories, holidays.....the sky is the limit.

(Trolls? Ignore them)

Yeah I've see quite a few in Israelstan,I agree with you

Liq: you're stuffed in the head!!

Category: | Herald Sun

A MELBOURNE-BORN girl was killed by a suicide bomb more than a decade ago. Her death occupies her father's mind every day, compounded by the release of the orchestrator of the terrorism.

ARNOLD Roth's grief follows no guidebook. His daughter Malki was killed a decade ago.

Yet it might have been last week, so clear is his recall of the 12 hours after the bomb blast, when Malki's fate lay in official limbo, and Roth scrambled to a hospital on the mistaken tip that his daughter lay unidentified on an operating table.

Malki's life and death is the "central theme" of Roth's thinking. Each day, he sits in what was his daughter's bedroom, now his study, and runs a Jerusalem technology company.

Roth sometimes gazes at the political campaign stickers, all bright splashes and irony, his daughter used to paste on her bedroom walls. The stickers remind him of her sunny ways, as do the cheques he signs in her name, and the charity founded in her honour that helps families with disabled children.

Yet the jar of her absence will never fade. He remembers later retracing her final steps that day, her hurried farewell to her mother dozing in bed that morning, then the trail of text messages that placed Malki, inexorably, in a pizza restaurant where 15 people were killed for no good reason.

The wait for news went on and on. About 2am on August 10, 2001, Roth went numb at the confirmation of Malki's death. His daughter was 15 when she queued for lunch on a hot afternoon the day before. She had no enemies. She did not subscribe to hateful beliefs that might inspire them.

A young Arab man had sat down at a nearby table, gulped down his final meal, and detonated a guitar case of explosives.

His was the first major suicide bombing in a campaign against civilian targets in Israel. It changed everything; for the Roths, obviously, but also for everyone else, everywhere. Humanity was confronting a new blight, in this and 9/11 a few weeks later, that remains rampant a decade on.

This bombing wasn't about territory or rights. There was no victory sought, only terror to be wrought. Malki, born in Melbourne and raised in Jerusalem, was murdered, as a Jew, in the name of God, or Allah. She died for the sake of religion - gone wrong.

Israel's enemies are mine!!


All horrible I know Greg but unfortunately this Schism is a two way street,and no one is prepared to change...I will ignore your crass comment as I am the only poster that wants a free and peaceful Israel and your comment I throw in the Dustbin of History...You need to Grow Up.I am not Israels Enemy You need to GROW A BACKBONE

Nothing wrong with my spine, mate!! You seem unbalanced wrt the orchestrators of terrorism and defending against it.

But I am very impressed with the cycle paths in Tel Aviv. Brisbane has a similar system.

This thread is for those who either live in Israel, have been to Israel, or simply enjoy many of the things which come from Israel.

Post your favorite movies, songs, books, poetry, restaurants, dishes, Malls, beaches, Archeological finds, tourist locations, stories, holidays.....the sky is the limit.

(Trolls? Ignore them)

Yeah I've see quite a few in Israelstan,I agree with you

Liq: you're stuffed in the head!!

Category: | Herald Sun

A MELBOURNE-BORN girl was killed by a suicide bomb more than a decade ago. Her death occupies her father's mind every day, compounded by the release of the orchestrator of the terrorism.

ARNOLD Roth's grief follows no guidebook. His daughter Malki was killed a decade ago.

Yet it might have been last week, so clear is his recall of the 12 hours after the bomb blast, when Malki's fate lay in official limbo, and Roth scrambled to a hospital on the mistaken tip that his daughter lay unidentified on an operating table.

Malki's life and death is the "central theme" of Roth's thinking. Each day, he sits in what was his daughter's bedroom, now his study, and runs a Jerusalem technology company.

Roth sometimes gazes at the political campaign stickers, all bright splashes and irony, his daughter used to paste on her bedroom walls. The stickers remind him of her sunny ways, as do the cheques he signs in her name, and the charity founded in her honour that helps families with disabled children.

Yet the jar of her absence will never fade. He remembers later retracing her final steps that day, her hurried farewell to her mother dozing in bed that morning, then the trail of text messages that placed Malki, inexorably, in a pizza restaurant where 15 people were killed for no good reason.

The wait for news went on and on. About 2am on August 10, 2001, Roth went numb at the confirmation of Malki's death. His daughter was 15 when she queued for lunch on a hot afternoon the day before. She had no enemies. She did not subscribe to hateful beliefs that might inspire them.

A young Arab man had sat down at a nearby table, gulped down his final meal, and detonated a guitar case of explosives.

His was the first major suicide bombing in a campaign against civilian targets in Israel. It changed everything; for the Roths, obviously, but also for everyone else, everywhere. Humanity was confronting a new blight, in this and 9/11 a few weeks later, that remains rampant a decade on.

This bombing wasn't about territory or rights. There was no victory sought, only terror to be wrought. Malki, born in Melbourne and raised in Jerusalem, was murdered, as a Jew, in the name of God, or Allah. She died for the sake of religion - gone wrong.

Israel's enemies are mine!!


This thread is for those who either live in Israel, have been to Israel, or simply enjoy many of the things which come from Israel.

Post your favorite movies, songs, books, poetry, restaurants, dishes, Malls, beaches, Archeological finds, tourist locations, stories, holidays.....the sky is the limit.

(Trolls? Ignore them)

Yeah I've see quite a few in Israelstan,I agree with you

Liq: you're stuffed in the head!!

Category: | Herald Sun

A MELBOURNE-BORN girl was killed by a suicide bomb more than a decade ago. Her death occupies her father's mind every day, compounded by the release of the orchestrator of the terrorism.

ARNOLD Roth's grief follows no guidebook. His daughter Malki was killed a decade ago.

Yet it might have been last week, so clear is his recall of the 12 hours after the bomb blast, when Malki's fate lay in official limbo, and Roth scrambled to a hospital on the mistaken tip that his daughter lay unidentified on an operating table.

Malki's life and death is the "central theme" of Roth's thinking. Each day, he sits in what was his daughter's bedroom, now his study, and runs a Jerusalem technology company.

Roth sometimes gazes at the political campaign stickers, all bright splashes and irony, his daughter used to paste on her bedroom walls. The stickers remind him of her sunny ways, as do the cheques he signs in her name, and the charity founded in her honour that helps families with disabled children.

Yet the jar of her absence will never fade. He remembers later retracing her final steps that day, her hurried farewell to her mother dozing in bed that morning, then the trail of text messages that placed Malki, inexorably, in a pizza restaurant where 15 people were killed for no good reason.

The wait for news went on and on. About 2am on August 10, 2001, Roth went numb at the confirmation of Malki's death. His daughter was 15 when she queued for lunch on a hot afternoon the day before. She had no enemies. She did not subscribe to hateful beliefs that might inspire them.

A young Arab man had sat down at a nearby table, gulped down his final meal, and detonated a guitar case of explosives.

His was the first major suicide bombing in a campaign against civilian targets in Israel. It changed everything; for the Roths, obviously, but also for everyone else, everywhere. Humanity was confronting a new blight, in this and 9/11 a few weeks later, that remains rampant a decade on.

This bombing wasn't about territory or rights. There was no victory sought, only terror to be wrought. Malki, born in Melbourne and raised in Jerusalem, was murdered, as a Jew, in the name of God, or Allah. She died for the sake of religion - gone wrong.

Israel's enemies are mine!!


All horrible I know Greg but unfortunately this Schism is a two way street,and no one is prepared to change...I will ignore your crass comment as I am the only poster that wants a free and peaceful Israel and your comment I throw in the Dustbin of History...You need to Grow Up.I am not Israels Enemy You need to GROW A BACKBONE

Nothing wrong with my spine, mate!! You seem unbalanced wrt the orchestrators of terrorism and defending against it.

But I am very impressed with the cycle paths in Tel Aviv. Brisbane has a similar system.


Copied From those,Originally developed in Perth in the early 70's no doubt but glad to hear you do have a
This thread is for those who either live in Israel, have been to Israel, or simply enjoy many of the things which come from Israel.

Post your favorite movies, songs, books, poetry, restaurants, dishes, Malls, beaches, Archeological finds, tourist locations, stories, holidays.....the sky is the limit.

(Trolls? Ignore them)

Yeah I've see quite a few in Israelstan,I agree with you

Liq: you're stuffed in the head!!

Category: | Herald Sun

A MELBOURNE-BORN girl was killed by a suicide bomb more than a decade ago. Her death occupies her father's mind every day, compounded by the release of the orchestrator of the terrorism.

ARNOLD Roth's grief follows no guidebook. His daughter Malki was killed a decade ago.

Yet it might have been last week, so clear is his recall of the 12 hours after the bomb blast, when Malki's fate lay in official limbo, and Roth scrambled to a hospital on the mistaken tip that his daughter lay unidentified on an operating table.

Malki's life and death is the "central theme" of Roth's thinking. Each day, he sits in what was his daughter's bedroom, now his study, and runs a Jerusalem technology company.

Roth sometimes gazes at the political campaign stickers, all bright splashes and irony, his daughter used to paste on her bedroom walls. The stickers remind him of her sunny ways, as do the cheques he signs in her name, and the charity founded in her honour that helps families with disabled children.

Yet the jar of her absence will never fade. He remembers later retracing her final steps that day, her hurried farewell to her mother dozing in bed that morning, then the trail of text messages that placed Malki, inexorably, in a pizza restaurant where 15 people were killed for no good reason.

The wait for news went on and on. About 2am on August 10, 2001, Roth went numb at the confirmation of Malki's death. His daughter was 15 when she queued for lunch on a hot afternoon the day before. She had no enemies. She did not subscribe to hateful beliefs that might inspire them.

A young Arab man had sat down at a nearby table, gulped down his final meal, and detonated a guitar case of explosives.

His was the first major suicide bombing in a campaign against civilian targets in Israel. It changed everything; for the Roths, obviously, but also for everyone else, everywhere. Humanity was confronting a new blight, in this and 9/11 a few weeks later, that remains rampant a decade on.

This bombing wasn't about territory or rights. There was no victory sought, only terror to be wrought. Malki, born in Melbourne and raised in Jerusalem, was murdered, as a Jew, in the name of God, or Allah. She died for the sake of religion - gone wrong.

Israel's enemies are mine!!


Stuffed in the head. lmao.

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