Your Favorite Things About Israel

He who withholds grain earns the curses of the people,
But blessings are on the head of the one who dispenses it

Proverbs 11:26 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

mo-NAY-a BAR yi-k’-VU-hu l’-OM uv-ra-KHAH l’-ROSH mash-BEER

Biblical Practices in Modern Israel
The Bible commands the Israelites to set aside a certain portion of their crops, grown in the Land of Israel, for the poor. The corners of their fields, the forgotten sheaves and the grains that fall during harvest are all to be left for the needy (Leviticus 19:9-10, Deuteronomy 24:19). In the Book of Ruth, Boaz sustains his community in this manner and Rut, the poor widow, gathers in his field. This biblical imperative is still practiced in Israel today. Each season, farmers throughout Israel leave over millions of pounds of produce from their fields, which are collected by volunteers and distributed to poor people all over the country.
I visited Israel when I was in the US Navy in 1978. Our ship docked at Ashdod for 5 days as part of NATO fleet “maneuvers”.

It was my fondest memories of that cruise. The people were wonderful as opposed to the rest of the ports in the Med who seemed to relish their jealous hatred of America. Families opened their homes for some of us, and tours were arranged for us to see the sites while we were there.

I live Israel and would love to go back some day.
I visited Israel when I was in the US Navy in 1978. Our ship docked at Ashdod for 5 days as part of NATO fleet “maneuvers”.

It was my fondest memories of that cruise. The people were wonderful as opposed to the rest of the ports in the Med who seemed to relish their jealous hatred of America. Families opened their homes for some of us, and tours were arranged for us to see the sites while we were there.

I live Israel and would love to go back some day.

Seems like just about everyone who visits Israel loves & supports it.

David reigned over all Yisrael, and David executed true justiceamong all his people
II Samuel 8:15 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

va-yim-LOKH da-VID al kol yis-ra-AYL vai-HEE da-VID o-SEH mish-PAT utz-da-KAH l’-khol a-MO

The Righteous Reign of King David
King David was an ideal king, not only because of his military prowess, and not even because of the beautiful Psalms he wrote, but because he ruled the nation with “true justice among all his people.” The medieval commentator Ralbag, also known as Gersonides, notes that the emphasis on “true justice” indicates that King David does not rule only with pure justice, which always follows the “letter of the law.” He goes beyond that, practicing righteousness to make sure that everyone gets not only that to which they are legally entitled, but whatever they need.

Here stand I and the children Hashem has given me as signs and portents in Yisrael from the LORD of Hosts, who dwells
on Mount Tzion

Isaiah 8:18 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

hi-NAY a-no-KHEE v’-hai-la-DEEM a-SHER na-tan LEE a-do-NAI l’-o-TOT ul-mof-TEEM b’-yis-ra-AYL may-IM a-do-NAI tz’-va-OT ha-sho-KHAYN b’-HAR tzi-YON

Hope for the Future
After describing the upcoming Assyrian invasion, Isaiah takes steps to ensure that a small remnant of believers in Hashem’s (God's) salvation will remain. He goes so far as to name his children with names of hope and promise, as signs that the redemption will come. Yeshayahu (Isaiah) points to the fact that God’s presence continues to reside on Mount Tzion. Regarding the Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple) and Yerushalayim (Jerusalem), the Rambam states, “even though it is destroyed, it still possesses its holiness.” This means that Hashem will never abandon His land or His people. Instead, He remains with His children even while they are in exile, and guarantees that He will redeem them at the right time.

All our enemies loudly Rail against us
Lamentations 3:46 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

pa-TZU a-LAY-nu pee-HEM kol o-y’-VAY-nu

Miraculous Victories
Many times, the enemies of the Jewish people eagerly awaited the day when the Jews would finally meet their demise. But these plans and expectations have always been divinely foiled. This verse reflects the hatred that Israel’s enemies, both historical and contemporary, have always felt towards her. Abba Eban, serving at that time as Israel’s Foreign Minister, described the mood in the days leading up to the Six Day War"... Many things in Jewish history are too terrible to be believed, but nothing in that history is too terrible to have happened...As has always been the case, God had different plans, and the young State of Israel mightily and miraculously defeated its enemies.”

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