Your Favorite Things About Israel

Maybe there's hope?

Israel Restaurant Offers Discount to Jews, Arabs Who Eat Together
Kobi Tzafrir, the owner of Hummus Bar in the Israeli village of Kfar Vitkin, is offering a 50-percent discount to parties that are mixed Arab and Jewish.

"Afraid of Arabs? Afraid of Jews? We do not have Arabs! But we also have no Jews ... We have people!" he posted on the restaurant's Facebook page.

And one point about your " maybe there is hope? " quote.

Jews have hired and worked with non Jews forever.
Jews have hired and worked with Arabs, Druze and Bedouins since they started returning to their ancestral land with the aim of recreating their ancient Nation.

Jews, Arabs, Druze, Bedouins, Muslim, Christians, Bahai, and many others, constantly work together, study together, eat together in Israel.

Hope....for Peace....will only come when the Muslims give up their learnings against the Jews, the Charters they insist on holding on to, and the education they insist on giving to each and every generation of Arabs, and all other Muslims.

I have constantly posted about Jews and Muslims living in peace in Israel, and in Judea and Samaria in the other threads.

We know.....that there can be peace between Muslims and Jews.

But the Muslims need to give up all that the Quran teaches against Jews, and that is the main obstacle keeping a Peace treaty, like the one with Egypt and Jordan, from happening.

Read the poems, etc Muslims/ Palestinians write and read.

Read the teachings of Judaism I often post here.

Tell me that there is absolutely NO difference between the two.

That both people teach "exactly the same" to each and every generation.


Spotted in Jerusalem: Santa on a camel.
Only in Israel!

Merry Christmas.
No, it was not a troll post, but you are a troll and you give some people Hives, which is why I ask people to not answer trolls like you.

Thank you for your post, you can now stop foaming at the mouth.

I ain't no troll. Trolls don't answer specific questions. Trolls don't debate specific points in an opposing post. Trolls don't provide corroborative citations. I always answer specific questions and I always debate specific points. And I, more often than not, provide links to back up my claims.

Mindful, is a troll. Not once has she tried to debate me. All her posts towards me, are mean-spirited, personal attacks. And although you are not a troll, the two of you have a common purpose towards me, which is to silence my criticisms of Israel.

This is a debate website. And there is no way you can have a thread about your favorite things about Israel, without having an opposing view. Because without it, there is no debate. And the biggest thing I don't like about Israel, is people treating them like some sacred cow you can't say anything bad about. When you do, you're either personally attacked, or they try to silence your voice.
And one point about your " maybe there is hope? " quote.

Jews have hired and worked with non Jews forever.

Jews have hired and worked with Arabs, Druze and Bedouins since they started returning to their ancestral land with the aim of recreating their ancient Nation.
That's not true. Zionists migrating into the area in the 1920's, brought racist, apartheid policies with them.

A strict policy of what in today's terms would be described as racial discrimination was maintained by the Zionist Organization in this rapid advance towards the "national home". Only Jewish labour could service Jewish farms and settlements.

  • "The Constitution of the Jewish Agency: Land Holding and Employment Clauses ...

    "(d) Land is to be acquired as Jewish property and ... the same shall be held as the inalienable property of the Jewish people.

    "(e) The Agency shall promote agricultural colonization based on Jewish labour ... it shall be deemed to be a matter of principle that Jewish labour shall be employed ..."

    "Keren Kayemet draft lease: Employment of Jewish labour only

    "... The lessee undertakes to execute all works connected with the cultivation of the holding only with Jewish labour. Failure to comply with this duty by the employment of non-Jewish labour shall render the lessee liable to the payment of compensation ..."

    "The lease also provides that the holding shall never be held by any but a Jew ..."
Those policies contributed to the genesis of hate between migrating Zionists and indigenous Palestinian-Arabs.

Hope....for Peace....will only come when the Muslims give up their learnings against the Jews, the Charters they insist on holding on to, and the education they insist on giving to each and every generation of Arabs, and all other Muslims.
Hope and peace will come when you start dealing with Israels contribution to the problem. Hope and peace will come when you stop blaming others for the things Israel does.

I have constantly posted about Jews and Muslims living in peace in Israel, and in Judea and Samaria in the other threads.

We know.....that there can be peace between Muslims and Jews.

But the Muslims need to give up all that the Quran teaches against Jews, and that is the main obstacle keeping a Peace treaty, like the one with Egypt and Jordan, from happening.
Do you see the problem with those statements? No where do you address what Israel needs to do to obtain peace. It's always "them". It's never "you".
No, it was not a troll post, but you are a troll and you give some people Hives, which is why I ask people to not answer trolls like you.

Thank you for your post, you can now stop foaming at the mouth.

I ain't no troll. Trolls don't answer specific questions. Trolls don't debate specific points in an opposing post. Trolls don't provide corroborative citations. I always answer specific questions and I always debate specific points. And I, more often than not, provide links to back up my claims.

Mindful, is a troll. Not once has she tried to debate me. All her posts towards me, are mean-spirited, personal attacks. And although you are not a troll, the two of you have a common purpose towards me, which is to silence my criticisms of Israel.

This is a debate website. And there is no way you can have a thread about your favorite things about Israel, without having an opposing view. Because without it, there is no debate. And the biggest thing I don't like about Israel, is people treating them like some sacred cow you can't say anything bad about. When you do, you're either personally attacked, or they try to silence your voice.
Aren't You trolling this very thread with this post?
And one point about your " maybe there is hope? " quote.

Jews have hired and worked with non Jews forever.

Jews have hired and worked with Arabs, Druze and Bedouins since they started returning to their ancestral land with the aim of recreating their ancient Nation.
That's not true. Zionists migrating into the area in the 1920's, brought racist, apartheid policies with them.

A strict policy of what in today's terms would be described as racial discrimination was maintained by the Zionist Organization in this rapid advance towards the "national home". Only Jewish labour could service Jewish farms and settlements.

  • "The Constitution of the Jewish Agency: Land Holding and Employment Clauses ...

    "(d) Land is to be acquired as Jewish property and ... the same shall be held as the inalienable property of the Jewish people.

    "(e) The Agency shall promote agricultural colonization based on Jewish labour ... it shall be deemed to be a matter of principle that Jewish labour shall be employed ..."

    "Keren Kayemet draft lease: Employment of Jewish labour only

    "... The lessee undertakes to execute all works connected with the cultivation of the holding only with Jewish labour. Failure to comply with this duty by the employment of non-Jewish labour shall render the lessee liable to the payment of compensation ..."

    "The lease also provides that the holding shall never be held by any but a Jew ..."
Those policies contributed to the genesis of hate between migrating Zionists and indigenous Palestinian-Arabs.

Hope....for Peace....will only come when the Muslims give up their learnings against the Jews, the Charters they insist on holding on to, and the education they insist on giving to each and every generation of Arabs, and all other Muslims.
Hope and peace will come when you start dealing with Israels contribution to the problem. Hope and peace will come when you stop blaming others for the things Israel does.

I have constantly posted about Jews and Muslims living in peace in Israel, and in Judea and Samaria in the other threads.

We know.....that there can be peace between Muslims and Jews.

But the Muslims need to give up all that the Quran teaches against Jews, and that is the main obstacle keeping a Peace treaty, like the one with Egypt and Jordan, from happening.
Do you see the problem with those statements? No where do you address what Israel needs to do to obtain peace. It's always "them". It's never "you".

Is this the thread where You disprove the fact that all of this came as a response to Arab pogroms and racism against Palestinian Jews?

This is the wrong thread, and You can't.
Is this the thread where You disprove the fact that all of this came as a response to Arab pogroms and racism against Palestinian Jews?

This is the wrong thread, and You can't.
I see this is the strawman thread. So tell us, what are you're favorite things about straw?

Another one of my least favorite things about Israel, is their kiss-ass minions always changing the subject when they have no valid argument with which to rebut.
And one point about your " maybe there is hope? " quote.

Jews have hired and worked with non Jews forever.

Jews have hired and worked with Arabs, Druze and Bedouins since they started returning to their ancestral land with the aim of recreating their ancient Nation.
That's not true. Zionists migrating into the area in the 1920's, brought racist, apartheid policies with them.

A strict policy of what in today's terms would be described as racial discrimination was maintained by the Zionist Organization in this rapid advance towards the "national home". Only Jewish labour could service Jewish farms and settlements.

  • "The Constitution of the Jewish Agency: Land Holding and Employment Clauses ...

    "(d) Land is to be acquired as Jewish property and ... the same shall be held as the inalienable property of the Jewish people.

    "(e) The Agency shall promote agricultural colonization based on Jewish labour ... it shall be deemed to be a matter of principle that Jewish labour shall be employed ..."

    "Keren Kayemet draft lease: Employment of Jewish labour only

    "... The lessee undertakes to execute all works connected with the cultivation of the holding only with Jewish labour. Failure to comply with this duty by the employment of non-Jewish labour shall render the lessee liable to the payment of compensation ..."

    "The lease also provides that the holding shall never be held by any but a Jew ..."
Those policies contributed to the genesis of hate between migrating Zionists and indigenous Palestinian-Arabs.

Hope....for Peace....will only come when the Muslims give up their learnings against the Jews, the Charters they insist on holding on to, and the education they insist on giving to each and every generation of Arabs, and all other Muslims.
Hope and peace will come when you start dealing with Israels contribution to the problem. Hope and peace will come when you stop blaming others for the things Israel does.

I have constantly posted about Jews and Muslims living in peace in Israel, and in Judea and Samaria in the other threads.

We know.....that there can be peace between Muslims and Jews.

But the Muslims need to give up all that the Quran teaches against Jews, and that is the main obstacle keeping a Peace treaty, like the one with Egypt and Jordan, from happening.
Do you see the problem with those statements? No where do you address what Israel needs to do to obtain peace. It's always "them". It's never "you".
Go discuss any of this in its appropriate threads.


No one answer him again on this thread. Thank you.

(Hope you had a wonderful Christmas Eve )
Go discuss any of this in its appropriate threads.
Translation: You want nothing to do with what Israel does wrong. Why is it, whenever I address the specific points in your post, you cannot reciprocate?

Baseless accusation.

No one answer him again on this thread. Thank you.
Control freak.

(Hope you had a wonderful Christmas Eve )
I did. I hope you did the same.

Dead Sea Shore
Photo Credit: Shalhevet Eyal

"He only is my rock and my salvation, my high tower, I shall not be moved."
Psalms 62:7

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