Your Favorite Things About Israel

Today is Shabbat, Tevet 14, 5779 · December 22, 2018
Today in Jewish History

• Purim Hebron
On this day, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob came to the rescue of the Jewish community of Hebron, after an evil Pasha imprisoned its leaders and threatened to sell the entire Jewish population into slavery.

The Sephardic community of Hebron would celebrate this day to mark the great miracle which occurred.

When the word spread, the Israelites brought large quantities of grain, wine, oil, honey, and all kinds of agricultural produce, and tithes of all, in large amounts
II Chronicles 31:5 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

v’-khif-ROTZ ha-da-VAR hir-BU v’-NAY yis-ra-AYL ray-SHEET da-GAN tee-ROSH v’-yitz-HAR ud-VASH v’-KHOL t’-vu-AT sa-DEH u-ma-SAR ha-KOL la-ROV hay-VEE-u

Life in the Land
The gifts and tithes brought to the Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple) and presented to the Kohanim (Priests) and Leviim (Levites) are examples of biblical commandments that apply only in the Land of Israel. A portion of the crops grown in the land is dedicated to the Creator before we eat from them ourselves, to remind us that no matter how hard we work the land, and despite the tremendous human effort required to produce it, our crops are really a gift from Hashem (God). Additionally, gifts are given to the religious leaders of Israel, to provide physical sustenance in exchange for the spiritual nourishment they offer the people. Since they have no portion of land of their own, the Kohanim and Leviim are dependent on the rest of the nation for their physical nourishment. In return, their contribution elevates everyone else’s existence in the land. Such is life in the Land of Israel – the physical and spiritual are continuously intertwined.
ok, most members want to see more of Bar Rafaeli --love that name-------- also

For I Hashem am He who brought you up from the land of Egypt to be your God: you shall be holy, for I am holy
Leviticus 11:45 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

KEE a-NEE a-do-NAI ha-ma-a-LEH et-KHEM may-E-retz mitz-RA-yim lih-YOT la-KHEM lay-lo-HEEM vih-yee-TEM k’-do-SHEEM KEE ka-DOSH A-nee

To Be Holy
This verse appears towards the end of the description of the kosher dietary laws. God draws a clear connection between obeying the kosher laws and sustaining a status of holiness. The Bible instructs the Children of Israel to distinguish between things which may be eaten and things which are not to be eaten. In handing these requirements to the Jewish people, Hashem (God) is requiring that they distinguish themselves from the other nations. They are charged with a great responsibility to live a holy life, to follow God’s commandments and to come as close as possible to the holiness of Hashem. Through observance of the kosher dietary laws, the People of Israel are meant to have a positive influence on the rest of the world.
From Aish.

Tevet 15
In 1963, Israel's first desalinating water facility opened in Eilat. Israel is inherently poor in water bodies -- about 90% of the land area is dryland, and 60% of the country is covered by the Negev desert. Desalination is a process of producing water from salty and/or contaminated water. Today, Israel's national water company, Mekorot, operates 29 desalination plants, mainly in the south of the country.
Today is Sunday, Av 24, 5778 · August 5, 2018
Today in Jewish History

• Hasmonean Holiday (circa 100 BCE)

The Hasmoneans reinstated the rule of Jewish civil law, replacing Hellenist secular law, and declared this day a holiday.

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