Your Favorite Things About Israel

Hot, young women in military uniform. Unlike in the U.S. where most of them look butch, or just unattractive.

And when Ehud approached him, he was sitting alone in his cool upper chamber. Ehud said, “I have a message for you from Hashem”; whereupon he rose from his seat
Judges 3:20 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

av’-ay-HUD BA ay-LAV v’-hu yo-SHAYV ba-a-li-YAT ha-m’-kay-RAH a-sher LO l’-va-DO va-YO-mer ay-HUD d’-var e-lo-HEEM LEE ay-LE-kha va-YA-kom may-AL ha-ki-SAY

God's Message
Ehud tells the Moabite king Eglon that he has a message for him from God. Eglon stands up, and Ehud stabs him, thereby killing the oppressor of the Israelites. Although he delivered no verbal message, Ehud told the truth: Hashem (God) had instructed him to kill Eglon. At its core, God’s message is that ultimately, even if it takes time, He will always save the People of Israel from their oppressors. This true message that Ehud delivered to Eglon remains equally true in our time. Often the enemies of the Jewish people appear strong, and even claim many innocent victims. But God continues to send the message that ultimately, those who oppress His people will always be destroyed. Over time, the Jews’ persecutors all fade away, while the Nation of Israel lives forever.

David and all the troops with him promptly crossed the Yarden, and by daybreak not one was left who had not crossed the Yarden
II Samuel 17:22 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

va-ya-KOM da-VID v’-khol ha-AM a-SHER i-TO va-ya-av-RU et ha-yar-DAYN ad OR ha-BO-ker ad a-KHAD LO ne-DAR a-SHER lo a-VAR et ha-yar-DAYN

The Jordan River
The Hebrew name for the Jordan river is Yarden (ירדן), a word formed from the Hebrew words yorayd Dan (יורד דן), which means ‘descends from Dan.’ The territory of Dan is the northernmost part of the Land of Israel. The Jordan river flows the length of the country from north to south, starting near Dan at the foot of Mount Chermon, and ending at the Dead Sea. In its 250 km course, the Yarden descends from a height of over 2800 km above sea level to more than 350 km below, making it the river with the lowest elevation in the world.

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