Your Favorite Things About Israel


The Jordan Valley - See the Desert Blossom
Photo Credit: Avi Zeidel

"He hath comforted all her waste places, and hath made her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the LORD;"
Isaiah 51:3
Some of the song is in Hebrew, but these are the lyrics that are in English:

A little bit of history I’ve been through.
Ask me where I’m from, and I will tell you.
I’m a Jew and every Jew’s a proud Jew.
Not just me, my sisters and my brothers.
Never be ashamed to be a proud Jew.
It’s not what you’ve done, it’s how He made you.
So sing this song and spread the pride around you.
Yehudi Ani (I am a Jew), eternally!

I’m a Jew and I’m proud,
And I’ll sing it out loud
‘Cuz forever and ever
That’s what I’ll be.
I’m a Jew and I’m proud,
And without a doubt,
Hashem is always watching over me.

Alan Dershowitz just said something about Jews that everyone needs to hear

Children of the Old City Celebrate Purim (American Friends of Ateret Cohanim).
The Yehudim enjoyed light and gladness, happiness and honor.
Esther 8:16 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

lay-ye-hoo-DEEM hay-TA oh-RA ve-seem-KHA ve-sa-SOHN vee-KAR

Make the "Old City" Young Again This Purim

Purim is celebrated in Jerusalem on Friday, March 22 - the day after the holiday is celebrated everywhere else. Why? Because Purim is all about Jerusalem! The Jews of Persia chose not to go back to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple and were confronted by the enemy Haman. God worked behind the scenes for the Jewish people to survive and we commemorate this great miracle by sending gifts to our friends (Mishloach Manot) and gifts to the poor (Matanot L’evyonim) every Purim. This year, Jerusualem Chai / American Friends of Ateret Cohanim is launching a Purim Crowdfunding campaign to raise $10,000 for the true pioneers of Jerusalem. We want to bring Purim cheer to the courageous Jewish families who have chosen to raise their children in the “Muslim Quarter” of the Old City, in order to not be like the ancient Jews of Persia who abandoned Jerusalem. Bring a smile to our families and children and help make the “Old City” young again with Jerusalem Chai / American Friends of Ateret Cohanim!

The Revivo Project - Nagilah Haleluyah Medley

"... Behold how good and how pleasant
it is for brothers also to dwell together!"

- (King David A"H, Tehilim 133)

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Pity that they are not singing part of it, or releasing it, in Hebrew. I hope they will eventually do so. All the Eurovision songs should be sung in their original language, as before, or half and half . Come on, Eurovision !!!!

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A mother watches over her child as they pick olives together at the residence of Israel's President Ruvi Rivlin (Eliana Rudee).
Assuredly, thus said Hashem: I will now restore the fortunes of Yaakov and take the whole House of Yisrael back in love; and I will be zealous for My holy name.
Ezekiel 39:25 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

la-KHAYN KOH a-MAR a-do-NAI e-lo-HEEM a-TAH a-SHEEV et sh’-VUT ya-a-KOV
v’-ri-kham-TEE kol BAYT yis-ra-AYL v’-ki-nay-TEE l’-SHAYM kod-SHEE

God's Innate Compassion for His Children

The root of the Hebrew word for ‘compassion,’ rachamim ( ), is from the same root as the word rekhem ( ), which means ‘womb.’ The connection between these two ideas is that a mother has innate compassion for her children, the fruit of her womb, as it says in Isaiah (49:15), “Can a woman forget her baby, or disown the child of her womb?” Yechezkel teaches that when Hashem returns the captivity of Yaakov, He will shower them with mercy and compassion, comparable to the natural compassion a mother has for her child.

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