Your friend Sir Mortimer is in bad health condition... pray for me

Sounds like Sciatica. Compression of the Sciatic Nerve somewhere along the spine causes inflamation of that nerve, the longest in the human body. Depending on the site of the compression, you can feel pain in either or both legs and feet. It will go away on its own after several weeks.

To prevent it coming back, DROP WEIGHT and increase core strength with Yoga, Pilates, and cross-training.
Yep, my friend and my wife both had that. Wife could not walk at all. She had to go to physical therapy for a while but is now OK. I have seen a wrap for your calf advertised that is supposed to help. Good luck.
Germans are excellent in medicine and you need to go
He won’t ever get better . He needs to see an orthopedic and now

You don’t need to go to ER

ERs are for trauma mostly, and does not have the expertise, time, staff, or interest.
A specialist is what is needed, that will do the tests to determine what is the best course of treatment.
ERs do not run tests or even diagnose.
Even if your doctor is out of town, his office will know of appropriate substitutes.
ERs are for trauma mostly, and does not have the expertise, time, staff, or interest.
A specialist is what is needed, that will do the tests to determine what is the best course of treatment.
ERs do not run tests or even diagnose.
Even if your doctor is out of town, his office will know of appropriate substitutes.
Mort ain’t responding ??
Pray for me Thanks.

It started with back pain, pain the lower back, the cross how it is called in german, Kreuz. Now it went down to the legs, i feel it in the toes, a strong tingle in the toes, and my toes and feet feel numb. I cannot stand much on my legs and feet and walk much, only a few meters in my flat, to toilett and to balcony smoking etc. Even when Im sleeping I have pain, I cannot sleep and was mentally unwell again because of sleep deprivation. I had psychotic thoughts like thinking I have children but do not know them that is what I think regulary when Im psychotic and having more brain activity. Im really worried, about my lower back and feet and legs, I almost felt down today when I was sitting on the toilett and wanted to stand up. I hope I wont end up in wheelchair.

No matter what your religion is.... muslim, jewish, christian, hindu, buddhist, or any other... please pray for me. I believe strong prayers will be answered.
Lose weight, and quit smoking.
Sounds like Sciatica. Compression of the Sciatic Nerve somewhere along the spine causes inflamation of that nerve, the longest in the human body. Depending on the site of the compression, you can feel pain in either or both legs and feet. It will go away on its own after several weeks.

To prevent it coming back, DROP WEIGHT and increase core strength with Yoga, Pilates, and cross-training.
What he said!

And you know what many people pooh-pooh the idea of chiropractors.... And the truth is they are a good ones and bad ones. I have been seeing a very good one for about a year. I'll even say that I was still a little skeptic when I started seeing him. And I also have to say that you will not see results immediately after the first day or two. You will temporarily feel better and then in a day or two you'll start to feel very sore like you had to work out. That's because your muscles begin to adjust to your new skeletal adjustments. After a while you start to feel really good, but this takes about 2 weeks and maybe four or five visits depending on who you are and what your problem is. After about a month or so I've seen my chiropractor I started to feel absolutely wonderful compared to how I used to. I have soreness in my lower back and hips and I also occasionally can't stand up from a stooped position. Sometimes I feel like someone is stabbing me in the back with an ice pick. Now that my chiropractor has been working on me for a while the problem with my hips is much better... but not completely. Right now the focus is more on my shoulders and neck. He also cracks my fingers and wrists for me. This is absolutely exhilarating since at my job I use my hands constantly. To be frank, I've been a meat cutter for 32 years. This type of work really takes its toll on you after a while. It's not just the movement of the knife or the throwing around of large sections of meat, it's also the hard floor and the cold. Most meat rooms are maintained around 52° F 365 days a year. In addition to these career-oriented ailments I also have scoliosis, and possibly some injury due to pushing myself too hard in the past.

I would definitely try to find a good chiropractor with really good Google reviews. You need to find one who uses his hands a lot and just doesn't throw you on a mechanized table and leave you there.

Many chiropractors aren't honest. Mine is actually a really honest guy and after a while of seeing him he told me that I really didn't need to see him more than once every two weeks in order to maintain my current level. Personally I think there are times when I've been working hard I need it more than that. Over the years I have learned how to crack my own back using certain pieces of furniture or countertops or even some of the rolling tables we have at work. I also used the rounded corner of our industrial sink at work to vigorously massage my lower back and hip joint. When I do this I feel a rush of sensation and blood flow come back to my legs. It actually sounds like you and I have very similar problems you just have it worse. And yes, weight can play a huge role in that. If you have a weight problem I would make that one of the first things that you address before even seeing a chiropractor. If you did see one first he would very likely tell you the same thing.
I am worried he passed out and badly hurt his head or had a stroke
Hello I had a discus prolaps severe case so it had to get surgically removed the surgery went without any complications I feel no pain anymore but the numb and deaf legs are still there i can not walk without a roller but it will heal says the doctors im still in hospital for recovery
Hello I had a discus prolaps severe case so it had to get surgically removed the surgery went without any complications I feel no pain anymore but the numb and deaf legs are still there i can not walk without a roller but it will heal says the doctors im still in hospital for recovery
I pray you have a quick full recovery from surgery.
Pray for me Thanks.

It started with back pain, pain the lower back, the cross how it is called in german, Kreuz. Now it went down to the legs, i feel it in the toes, a strong tingle in the toes, and my toes and feet feel numb. I cannot stand much on my legs and feet and walk much, only a few meters in my flat, to toilett and to balcony smoking etc. Even when Im sleeping I have pain, I cannot sleep and was mentally unwell again because of sleep deprivation. I had psychotic thoughts like thinking I have children but do not know them that is what I think regulary when Im psychotic and having more brain activity. Im really worried, about my lower back and feet and legs, I almost felt down today when I was sitting on the toilett and wanted to stand up. I hope I wont end up in wheelchair.

No matter what your religion is.... muslim, jewish, christian, hindu, buddhist, or any other... please pray for me. I believe strong prayers will be answered.

Time to start exercising and eating properly and stop smoking.

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