Your Intellectual and Moral Superiors: Ban All Things!

Working its way though the legislature right now is S2776. As written, the legislation would ban food service businesses and other retailers who have stores larger than 1,000 square feet from providing their customers with plastic bags. The bill would also naturally ban plastic straws.

Smith stands a good chance of getting his paper bag ban through. He claims to already have the support of Senate leadership. The state’s grocery store association is also on board with the policy.

Still, one wonders what the practical effects of Smith’s amendment, as well as the wider plastic bag ban, will be.

A recent study of plastic bag bans in California found that the policy—while still reducing plastic bag consumption overall—did lead to a 120 percent spike in the purchase of smaller garbage bags.

As it turns out, the single-use plastic bags people used at the grocery store were hardly single-use at all, but rather were reused to line waste baskets or clean up after pets.
When the free option disappeared, people simply started purchasing unprohibited garbage bags.

New Jersey’s bag ban would seem to have a similar potential for this kind of substitution. While it bars stores from handing out thinner plastic bags, it still allows them to provide customers with plastic tote bags provided they’re thicker than 10 mils.

As written, stores could well end up ditching their current carry-out bags for another type of thicker plastic bag, which would seemingly increase overall plastic consumption.

New Jersey Politician Wants To Ban All Bags—Paper or Plastic

OBVIOUSLY they aren't single-use. Those bad boys are damned handy to have around for all manner of things. In addition to using them in my smaller trash cans at home, and for scooping the poop after my pets, I also use them for trash in my car, and for wrapping individual components of my lunches for work to keep them from accidental leaks, and to separately wrap my son's personal care products when he packs to go camping (as well as sending a few extra along, in case his clothes get yucky), and in place of bubble wrap when packing something for storage . . . all kinds of stuff.

Leftist politicians are so stupid.
If I recall correctly, originally plastic was brought about to save the forests due to use of paper bags....
Which is stupid on its face, because trees are a "renewable" cash crop.

Meanwhile, recycling paper uses (and thus dirties) far more fresh water than making new paper does, and fresh water is NOT a renewable resource.
Liberalfilth do these things to distract from their self-loathing-American poison - to give the public the impression that they care oh-so-much about the planet. These blasts of sudden environmentalism are pure subterfuge on the Democrats' part. To cover up their liquid diet of muslim semen.

Remember in the Obamaggot years, every time there was a big, blood-soaked muslim terrorist attack that diarrheal administration would immediately say "global warming" is a far greater immediate threat than terrorism and they would say the REAL terrorists are the Tea Party; even though the Tea Party hasn't committed a single violent act I personally know of. After the Paris 2015 massacre the ultimate rabbit-faced cocksucker, Bernie Sanders, actually said that muslim terrorism was caused by "global warming." Filthy fucking liberal cancerous anal polyps and their obsessive love/enabling of the only religion in which fathers regularly stone their own daughters to death.
New Jersey.

States have the right to pass their own laws. The people have the right to change their lawmakers.

Regardless, I reuse those bags every day. Hell, I even have a dispenser for them.

Does that mean I have to turn in my liberal card?
I'm always amazed by how the dumbest, soulless, Godless pieces of genetic garbage can believe they're fit to guide human behavior.

…and by how large a portion of our population is willing to vote for them and support their policies.
Paper bags are perfectly recyclable.

Fill them with dog shit (cat poop will do in a pinch), place them on a liberals doorstep. Ignite, ring the door bell and saunter away. They may see you walking away but (1) will be a little busy soiling their sneakers and (2) more busy soiling themselves.

But please, no accelerants. They dilute the crap and it doesn't cling nearly as well.

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