your irrational fear of covid is killing the planet


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
“With a lifespan of 450 years, these masks are an ecological timebomb given their lasting environmental consequences for our planet,” he wrote last month in a letter to Emmanuel Macron, calling on the French president to do more to address the environmental consequences of disposable masks.

Earlier this year the Hong Kong-based OceansAsia began voicing similar concerns, after a survey of marine debris in the city’s uninhabited Soko Islands turned up dozens of disposable masks.
'More masks than jellyfish': coronavirus waste ends up in ocean | Environment | The Guardian

Doesnt stop the rona, destroys the planet,,,,,,a double whammy of stupidity
“With a lifespan of 450 years, these masks are an ecological timebomb given their lasting environmental consequences for our planet,” he wrote last month in a letter to Emmanuel Macron, calling on the French president to do more to address the environmental consequences of disposable masks.

Earlier this year the Hong Kong-based OceansAsia began voicing similar concerns, after a survey of marine debris in the city’s uninhabited Soko Islands turned up dozens of disposable masks.
'More masks than jellyfish': coronavirus waste ends up in ocean | Environment | The Guardian

Doesnt stop the rona, destroys the planet,,,,,,a double whammy of stupidity
The left have convinced themselves that no one has to work again until all traces of the wuflu have disappeared
I doubt that wuflu will kill me, but I guess there is a chance.

Seems about average as far as a way to exit.

My grandfather died of pneumonia back in the day. I don't think it was that terrible.

Although I think they should disinter his corpus and test him. I have suspicions that it might have been covid backin 1982 when he croaked & not pneumonia at all.
I doubt that wuflu will kill me, but I guess there is a chance.

Seems about average as far as a way to exit.

My grandfather died of pneumonia back in the day. I don't think it was that terrible.

Although I think they should disinter his corpus and test him. I have suspicions that it might have been covid backin 1982 when he croaked & not pneumonia at all.

Maybe we should ban hearts. Because guess what? They are all going to stop working one day and we will all die from it. :auiqs.jpg:

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