Your Latest Political Thoughts Of United Airlines.Did It Seem More Like "Adolf Airlines"?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
Sarasota, Florida
:2up: As we hear more and more of one of the top stories of the week, United Airlines in particular,, yah, we are shocked and at the same time making our own humorous reactions to it. But when you review what happened on that plane, it seemed like something that we would expect to occur in a nation run by Hitler,Stallen or Saddam,,right?, You can just vision Hitler going onto a commercial plane with four of his guards and just randomly choosing four individuals to pry off the plane. That is what we saw this week with United Airlines. And aren't we supposed to be a very Christian/Conservative nation? What will happen next week? Mickey Mouse will force three children off of Space Mountain because they were all over the weight limit? :eek-52:
United seriously screwed up... It also shows what happens when using undertrained staff as security...

I remember a few years back playing golf with an Irish Army sergeant. The Irish army is underpaid but highly trained so the have some of best soldiers in the world i.e. the want to be soldiers and they get the best training.
He talked about his various UN peacekeeping mission and you understand discipline, these guys have stared done force twice there size armed to the teeth with no bullets in there guns. Incredible brave bunch of guys...

I recommend to watch the 'Siege of Jackoville' to understand the level these guys operate at... Met a number of top US army guys and there respect for high level discipline these guys work is great.
:2up: As we hear more and more of one of the top stories of the week, United Airlines in particular,, yah, we are shocked and at the same time making our own humorous reactions to it. But when you review what happened on that plane, it seemed like something that we would expect to occur in a nation run by Hitler,Stallen or Saddam,,right?, You can just vision Hitler going onto a commercial plane with four of his guards and just randomly choosing four individuals to pry off the plane. That is what we saw this week with United Airlines. And aren't we supposed to be a very Christian/Conservative nation? What will happen next week? Mickey Mouse will force three children off of Space Mountain because they were all over the weight limit? :eek-52:

Welp... I have a different take. The airlines had an internal priority which took precedent. They offered a handsome compensation for any passengers who wished to voluntarily give up their seats. No one took up the offer voluntarily so they selected 4 passengers at random. One of the passengers became hostile and actually tried to sneak back on the plane after being escorted off. He then became combative and was treated accordingly.

In retrospect, you can argue there are things the airlines could've done to try and appease this passenger and smooth all of this over but they didn't. Once he became combative there wasn't many other options, they can't allow passengers to cause such disruptions for obvious reasons... namely, security and safety of the other passengers. That said, he is probably going to end up with a hefty settlement far more costly to the airlines than if they had simply upped the ante for his seat to begin with. EVERYONE has a price point.

What's really disturbing to me is this more recent reporting about the man's troubles in the past. We're told that he has a history of instability and unethical behavior in his medical practice. What the hell does that have to do with ANYTHING? Why is THAT supposed to make a difference? This really bugs me because it's like we're supposed to judge him based on his past and find that he richly deserved being beaten up.

All-in-all, it's a HUGE mess for United. Their stock has tanked in the last week or so and they are the subject of an ongoing national ridicule. This isn't good for a business, especially one struggling in a competitive industry.
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United seriously screwed up... It also shows what happens when using undertrained staff as security...

I remember a few years back playing golf with an Irish Army sergeant. The Irish army is underpaid but highly trained so the have some of best soldiers in the world i.e. the want to be soldiers and they get the best training.
He talked about his various UN peacekeeping mission and you understand discipline, these guys have stared done force twice there size armed to the teeth with no bullets in there guns. Incredible brave bunch of guys...

I recommend to watch the 'Siege of Jackoville' to understand the level these guys operate at... Met a number of top US army guys and there respect for high level discipline these guys work is great.
what we saw was somewhat similar to a common scene we see at wal mart all the time,,,two 45 year old ladies ready to battle to the death over a $9.99 CD player
Airports have become constitution free zones . God forbid you look cross eyed at a stewardess. You'll end up waking up in Gitmo the next day.
Airports have become constitution free zones . God forbid you look cross eyed at a stewardess. You'll end up waking up in Gitmo the next day.

Not a concern of mine. I'm a truck driver, and when you become a truck driver, you have no Constitutional rights anyway. I'm used to that.
:2up: As we hear more and more of one of the top stories of the week, United Airlines in particular,, yah, we are shocked and at the same time making our own humorous reactions to it. But when you review what happened on that plane, it seemed like something that we would expect to occur in a nation run by Hitler,Stallen or Saddam,,right?, You can just vision Hitler going onto a commercial plane with four of his guards and just randomly choosing four individuals to pry off the plane. That is what we saw this week with United Airlines. And aren't we supposed to be a very Christian/Conservative nation? What will happen next week? Mickey Mouse will force three children off of Space Mountain because they were all over the weight limit? :eek-52:

Welp... I have a different take. The airlines had an internal priority which took precedent. They offered a handsome compensation for any passengers who wished to voluntarily give up their seats. No one took up the offer voluntarily so they selected 4 passengers at random. One of the passengers became hostile and actually tried to sneak back on the plane after being escorted off. He then became combative and was treated accordingly.

In retrospect, you can argue there are things the airlines could've done to try and appease this passenger and smooth all of this over but they didn't. Once he became combative there wasn't many other options, they can't allow passengers to cause such disruptions for obvious reasons... namely, security and safety of the other passengers. That said, he is probably going to end up with a hefty settlement far more costly to the airlines than if they had simply upped the ante for his seat to begin with. EVERYONE has a price point.

What's really disturbing to me is this more recent reporting about the man's troubles in the past. We're told that he has a history of instability and unethical behavior in his medical practice. What the hell does that have to do with ANYTHING? Why is THAT supposed to make a difference? This really bugs me because it's like we're supposed to judge him based on his past and find that he richly deserved being beaten up.

All-in-all, it's a HUGE mess for United. Their stock has tanked in the last week or so and they are the subject of an ongoing national ridicule. This isn't good for a business, especially one struggling in a competitive industry.

I don't care about his past except for his involvement with any other lawsuits against companies. Unfortunately, there are people out there that smell money and create situations just like this one for financial gain.

I haven't flown in many many years, but from what I understand, the airlines have a contract with their ticket purchasers. One of the stipulations in that contract is they have the right to bump you. So if they bump you, and you refuse to abide by the agreement between you and the airline, what are they supposed to do?

In his defense though, the airlines are permitted to offer up to $1,300 for compensation, and United only went up to $800.00. On top of that, it wasn't cash, it was a voucher for when you fly on their airlines the next time, so it basically doesn't cost them that much and I have no idea if the voucher is good anytime or it has many restrictions.

How to avoid this in the future: For one, the airlines should always have two empty seats on every flight to accommodate their employees. Secondly, don't let anybody board that plane until all the seats are accounted for including their crew going to another state or city. Once you seat people and then tell them they have to leave, you're more likely to have a confrontation than if you never allowed them on the plane in the first place. Third, no vouchers. If they want to buy your seat back, they should make it a cash deal, and they should continue upping the ante until there are takers. There are some situations where you might have to be on that flight such as your daughters wedding, or if you are heading for a cruise ship you planned and paid for months earlier. That's exactly what happened to the owner of the beverage store I frequent. He was kicked off of a plane and missed his cruise that he paid thousands for. The airline flew him to the destination of where the ship was going, but they basically ruined his vacation.
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i still like the idea of just tieing the employees to a wing, just like when Mitt Romney tied his dog to the car, if the plane is already full
I would not want a voucher from an airline who screwed me
Terrorists have made flying hellish, unless it's more than 2,000 miles I drive

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