Your List!,Things "No Fly Listers" Can Still Purchase That Will Likely Do Harm To Others.

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:poop::poke: So those on the "No Fly List" can no longer by weapons. So? Can they still find ways to buy them illegally? Why not?, we have open borders for illegal aliens and their "Illegal Weapons". But big deal that they can no longer buy guns, there are plenty of other deadly weapons they will still be able to purchase or have access to.
Here are some, and please feel free to make your own list.

1) Pop Tarts
2) Canned Food
3) Pressure Cookers
4) Very Very Angry Dogs !!
5) Baseball Bats/Golf Clubs
6) Cars
7) 24 Inch Posters of Nancy Pelosi with/without make-up
8) Kitchen Knives/Forks
9) Box Cutters
10) Darts/ Bow&Arrows.
Why do Republicans insist on giving terrorists guns?
what about belts? you can kill anyone with a belt, right?
The Hutu Muslims slaughtered approximately 800,000 Tutsi Christians in Rwanda mostly wielding a machete I understand. I believe they have access to machetes, knives and axes which is more their weapons of choice (without a background check). In one soccer stadium there was a story of them mass murdering 50,000 Tutsi Christians (and a few Hutu's who because of conscience refused to join their Muslim brethren) in one afternoon. Rwanda - ws a nation that had been disarmed - they had no guns - only some of the military and Muslim militants had guns - all the rest of them had machetes. Bill Clinton told our people to stand down and leave - the UN abandoned the Rwandans so that they could massacre almost 1 million Tutsi Christians. To this day the cover up continues and many deny it was Rwandan Muslims that committed genocide against over 800,000 Christians with the blessing of the UN.

That is one of the reasons I believe Obama is trying so hard to disarm Americans. The UN wants us disarmed. It will make it easier for them to mass murder us.

Do yourselves a favor and buy the movie - Hotel Rwanda - then realize that Hollywood edited out all evidence that the Tutsi people were Christians except for one scene where you see the one of the Tutsi's taking refuge in the hotel and they have a cross (not a catholic crucifix but a cross) around their neck. You'll also notice that the Hutu Muslims were getting drunk while butchering Christian men, women and children with their machetes.
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:poke: So those on the "No Fly List" can no longer by weapons. So? Can they still find ways to buy them illegally? Why not?, we have open borders for illegal aliens and their "Illegal Weapons". But big deal that they can no longer buy guns, there are plenty of other deadly weapons they will still be able to purchase or have access to.
Here are some, and please feel free to make your own list.

1) Pop Tarts
2) Canned Food
3) Pressure Cookers
4) Very Very Angry Dogs !!
5) Baseball Bats/Golf Clubs
6) Cars
7) 24 Inch Posters of Nancy Pelosi with/without make-up
8) Kitchen Knives/Forks
9) Box Cutters
10) Darts/ Bow&Arrows.

They can't get on an airplane. Why are we denying them the use of air transportation if they haven't done anything wrong?
Giving guns to terrorists...

Now can you understand why we no longer elect Republicans Presidents?
Why do Republicans insist on giving terrorists guns?

why are leftwingers hell bent on eliminating due process

What's the due process involved in summarily denying one the right to fly?

No-fly list nightmares: The program's most embarrassing mistakes -

Sen. Ted Kennedy told the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2004 that he had been stopped and interrogated on at least five occasions as he attempted to board flights at several different airports. A Bush administration official explained to the Washington Post that Kennedy had been held up because the name "T. Kennedy" had become a popular pseudonym among terror suspects.

On the same day Kennedy revealed his flight troubles, civil rights icon and longtime Rep. John Lewis revealed he, too, had been snarled by the watchlist dragnet. According to his office, the Georgia Democrat had over the course of a year been held up 35 to 40 times. Despite reaching out to a number of federal agencies over that period, Lewis' name had remained on a list.


No-fly toddler? Girl removed from flight 01:50
No-fly headaches aren't just for international pop stars and federal lawmakers. In 2012, Jet Blueremoved an 18-month-old child from a flight before takeoff.

The girl's mother, speaking to a CNN affiliate, said she was informed by an airline employee, "Your daughter was flagged as no fly."

The TSA, which usually remains mum on these matters, categorically denied that young Riyanna had been flagged. JetBlue later apologized, blaming the incident on a computer "glitch." There are multiple reports of children, at least two under the age of 10, being delayed because of similar errors.
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Why do Republicans insist on giving terrorists guns?

why are leftwingers hell bent on eliminating due process

What's the due process involved in summarily denying one the right to fly?
I do not know that there is one. Just having the same name as someone else could keep you on a no fly list. It's happened before.

No-fly list nightmares: The program's most embarrassing mistakes -

Okay, so under the bus the no fly list goes.
Why do Republicans insist on giving terrorists guns?

why are leftwingers hell bent on eliminating due process

What's the due process involved in summarily denying one the right to fly?
I do not know that there is one. Just having the same name as someone else could keep you on a no fly list. It's happened before.

No-fly list nightmares: The program's most embarrassing mistakes -

Okay, so under the bus the no fly list goes.

yes i have never been into secret government lists

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