Obama: It's 'Insane' That People On A No-Fly List Can Legally Buy A Gun In The U.S.

If you pass an FBI background check, you can legally acquire a firearm. It's the law. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in our country. If a person is deemed a 'criminal', they shoud be arrested and prosecuted. If that doesn't occur, they aren't criminals.

If Hussein's gang feels some people on No-Fly Lists are criminals, they should immediately pursue legal action. If not, they are legally allowed to acquire firearms. It's actually all on Hussein and his gang. It is what it is. Time to move on.

Back when the constitution was written, weapons of mass destruction were not around. A horse & buggy could fly into a sky scrapers at 500mph killing thousands. A muzzle loader could not cut down hundreds before they could escape or defend themselves. There were no 500hp 4wd trucks to drive over large crowds of people. They did not have instant global communications & small biotech labs that could create viruses that could kill everyone. Today these things are reliable & readily available to everyone. A small number of people are to risky to be allowed to handle these things.

Take the Underwear Bomber for instance. His parents told authorities he was being radicalized. He was immediately put on a watch list of 600k that still were able to fly & have all their rights. Investigators were going to talk to him when he landed in the USA determine if he should be stripped of his rights to fly, etc. But he almost blew up an airliner full of people over a dense population in the mean time.

I'm sorry, but if your parents believe you are a danger, you should should lose your flight & weapons privileges until things can be sorted out. We have 10's of thousands of unvetted Syrian's flooding into this country. It takes time to gather evidence, locate the person, interrogate them, get probable cause, have a judge sign a warrant, then track down & arrest the potential terrorist. Then remember this person has not actually committed a crime yet, so they usually just get stripped of a few of their rights.

"Gun Free Zones" must end along with the rights of one crazy person with car, guns & planes does not trump the rights of the hundreds he can kill & injure before stopped. Government & business don't have the rights to refuse Gays, they should not have the rights to refuse CCW people either unless they are on a no guns list.

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If you pass an FBI background check, you can legally acquire a firearm. It's the law. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in our country. If a person is deemed a 'criminal', they shoud be arrested and prosecuted. If that doesn't occur, they aren't criminals.

If Hussein's gang feels some people on No-Fly Lists are criminals, they should immediately pursue legal action. If not, they are legally allowed to acquire firearms. It's actually all on Hussein and his gang. It is what it is. Time to move on.

Back when the constitution was written, weapons of mass destruction were not around. A horse & buggy could fly into a sky scrapers at 500mph killing thousands. A muzzle loader could not cut down hundreds before they could escape or defend themselves. There were no 500hp 4wd trucks to drive over large crowds of people. They did not have small biotech labs that could create viruses that could kill everyone. Today these things are reliable & readily available to everyone. A small number of people are to risky to be allowed to handle these things.

Take the Underwear Bomber for instance. His parents told authorities he was being radicalized. He was immediately put on a watch list of 600k that still were able to fly & have all their rights. Investigators were going to talk to him when he landed in the USA determine f he should be stripped of his rights to fly, etc. But he almost blew up an airliner full of people over a dense population in the mean time.

I'm sorry, but if your parents believe you are a danger, you should should lose your flight & weapons privileges until things can be sorted out. It takes time to gather evidence, locate the person, interrogate them, get probable cause, have a judge sign a warrant, then track down & arrest the potential terrorist. Then remember this person has not actually committed a crime yet, so they usually just get stripped of a few of their rights.

"Gun Free Zones" must end along with the rights of one crazy person with car & guns does not trump the rights of the hundreds he can kill & injure before stopped. Government & business don't have the rights to refuse Gays, they should not have the rights to refuse CCW people either unless they are on a no guns list.
And if your dad is a felon ahole who hates just for the sake of hating we just take away the Constitutional Rights of people?
It's called Due Process.
If you pass an FBI background check, you can legally acquire a firearm. It's the law. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in our country. If a person is deemed a 'criminal', they shoud be arrested and prosecuted. If that doesn't occur, they aren't criminals.

If Hussein's gang feels some people on No-Fly Lists are criminals, they should immediately pursue legal action. If not, they are legally allowed to acquire firearms. It's actually all on Hussein and his gang. It is what it is. Time to move on.

Back when the constitution was written, weapons of mass destruction were not around. A horse & buggy could fly into a sky scrapers at 500mph killing thousands. A muzzle loader could not cut down hundreds before they could escape or defend themselves. There were no 500hp 4wd trucks to drive over large crowds of people. They did not have small biotech labs that could create viruses that could kill everyone. Today these things are reliable & readily available to everyone. A small number of people are to risky to be allowed to handle these things.

Take the Underwear Bomber for instance. His parents told authorities he was being radicalized. He was immediately put on a watch list of 600k that still were able to fly & have all their rights. Investigators were going to talk to him when he landed in the USA determine f he should be stripped of his rights to fly, etc. But he almost blew up an airliner full of people over a dense population in the mean time.

I'm sorry, but if your parents believe you are a danger, you should should lose your flight & weapons privileges until things can be sorted out. It takes time to gather evidence, locate the person, interrogate them, get probable cause, have a judge sign a warrant, then track down & arrest the potential terrorist. Then remember this person has not actually committed a crime yet, so they usually just get stripped of a few of their rights.

"Gun Free Zones" must end along with the rights of one crazy person with car & guns does not trump the rights of the hundreds he can kill & injure before stopped. Government & business don't have the rights to refuse Gays, they should not have the rights to refuse CCW people either unless they are on a no guns list.
And if your dad is a felon ahole who hates just for the sake of hating we just take away the Constitutional Rights of people?
It's called Due Process.

Ex-parte's limit people all the time based solely on one persons accusation. You can also be forced to register as a sex offender for life based on one persons accusation.

Temporarily being put on a no gun list is a much smaller infringing of rights than those.
If you pass an FBI background check, you can legally acquire a firearm. It's the law. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in our country. If a person is deemed a 'criminal', they shoud be arrested and prosecuted. If that doesn't occur, they aren't criminals.

If Hussein's gang feels some people on No-Fly Lists are criminals, they should immediately pursue legal action. If not, they are legally allowed to acquire firearms. It's actually all on Hussein and his gang. It is what it is. Time to move on.

Back when the constitution was written, weapons of mass destruction were not around. A horse & buggy could fly into a sky scrapers at 500mph killing thousands. A muzzle loader could not cut down hundreds before they could escape or defend themselves. There were no 500hp 4wd trucks to drive over large crowds of people. They did not have small biotech labs that could create viruses that could kill everyone. Today these things are reliable & readily available to everyone. A small number of people are to risky to be allowed to handle these things.

Take the Underwear Bomber for instance. His parents told authorities he was being radicalized. He was immediately put on a watch list of 600k that still were able to fly & have all their rights. Investigators were going to talk to him when he landed in the USA determine f he should be stripped of his rights to fly, etc. But he almost blew up an airliner full of people over a dense population in the mean time.

I'm sorry, but if your parents believe you are a danger, you should should lose your flight & weapons privileges until things can be sorted out. It takes time to gather evidence, locate the person, interrogate them, get probable cause, have a judge sign a warrant, then track down & arrest the potential terrorist. Then remember this person has not actually committed a crime yet, so they usually just get stripped of a few of their rights.

"Gun Free Zones" must end along with the rights of one crazy person with car & guns does not trump the rights of the hundreds he can kill & injure before stopped. Government & business don't have the rights to refuse Gays, they should not have the rights to refuse CCW people either unless they are on a no guns list.
And if your dad is a felon ahole who hates just for the sake of hating we just take away the Constitutional Rights of people?
It's called Due Process.

Ex-parte's limit people all the time based solely on one persons accusation. You can also be forced to register as a sex offender for life based on one persons accusation.

Temporarily being put on a no gun list is a much smaller infringing of rights than those.
No one in America has rights removed by simply an accusation being made.
You must have gone to graduate school to learn to be that hateful of American values.
If you pass an FBI background check, you can legally acquire a firearm. It's the law. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in our country. If a person is deemed a 'criminal', they shoud be arrested and prosecuted. If that doesn't occur, they aren't criminals.

If Hussein's gang feels some people on No-Fly Lists are criminals, they should immediately pursue legal action. If not, they are legally allowed to acquire firearms. It's actually all on Hussein and his gang. It is what it is. Time to move on.

Back when the constitution was written, weapons of mass destruction were not around. A horse & buggy could fly into a sky scrapers at 500mph killing thousands. A muzzle loader could not cut down hundreds before they could escape or defend themselves. There were no 500hp 4wd trucks to drive over large crowds of people. They did not have small biotech labs that could create viruses that could kill everyone. Today these things are reliable & readily available to everyone. A small number of people are to risky to be allowed to handle these things.

Take the Underwear Bomber for instance. His parents told authorities he was being radicalized. He was immediately put on a watch list of 600k that still were able to fly & have all their rights. Investigators were going to talk to him when he landed in the USA determine f he should be stripped of his rights to fly, etc. But he almost blew up an airliner full of people over a dense population in the mean time.

I'm sorry, but if your parents believe you are a danger, you should should lose your flight & weapons privileges until things can be sorted out. It takes time to gather evidence, locate the person, interrogate them, get probable cause, have a judge sign a warrant, then track down & arrest the potential terrorist. Then remember this person has not actually committed a crime yet, so they usually just get stripped of a few of their rights.

"Gun Free Zones" must end along with the rights of one crazy person with car & guns does not trump the rights of the hundreds he can kill & injure before stopped. Government & business don't have the rights to refuse Gays, they should not have the rights to refuse CCW people either unless they are on a no guns list.
And if your dad is a felon ahole who hates just for the sake of hating we just take away the Constitutional Rights of people?
It's called Due Process.

Ex-parte's limit people all the time based solely on one persons accusation. You can also be forced to register as a sex offender for life based on one persons accusation.

Temporarily being put on a no gun list is a much smaller infringing of rights than those.
No one in America has rights removed by simply an accusation being made.
You must have gone to graduate school to learn to be that hateful of American values.

Really - An ex parte judicial proceeding, conducted without notice to, and outside the presence of, affected parties, would appear to violate the Constitution. However, adequate notice of judicial proceedings to concerned parties may at times prevent irreparable harm to one or more of those parties. In such a case, the threatened party or parties may receive an ex parte court hearing to request temporary judicial relief without notice to, and outside the presence of, other persons affected by the hearing.

Ex parte judicial proceedings are usually reserved for urgent matters where requiring notice would subject one party to irreparable harm. For example, a person suffering abuse at the hands of a spouse or significant other may seek ex parte a Temporary Restraining Order from a court, directing the alleged abuser to stay away from him or her. Ex parte judicial proceedings are also used to stop irreparable injury to property. For example, if two neighbors, Reggie and Veronica, disagree over whose property a tree stands on, and Reggie wants to cut down the tree whereas Veronica wants to save it, Veronica can seek an ex parte hearing before a judge. At the hearing, she will ask the judge for a temporary Restraining Order preventing Reggie from felling the tree.
If you pass an FBI background check, you can legally acquire a firearm. It's the law. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in our country. If a person is deemed a 'criminal', they shoud be arrested and prosecuted. If that doesn't occur, they aren't criminals.

If Hussein's gang feels some people on No-Fly Lists are criminals, they should immediately pursue legal action. If not, they are legally allowed to acquire firearms. It's actually all on Hussein and his gang. It is what it is. Time to move on.

Back when the constitution was written, weapons of mass destruction were not around. A horse & buggy could fly into a sky scrapers at 500mph killing thousands. A muzzle loader could not cut down hundreds before they could escape or defend themselves. There were no 500hp 4wd trucks to drive over large crowds of people. They did not have small biotech labs that could create viruses that could kill everyone. Today these things are reliable & readily available to everyone. A small number of people are to risky to be allowed to handle these things.

Take the Underwear Bomber for instance. His parents told authorities he was being radicalized. He was immediately put on a watch list of 600k that still were able to fly & have all their rights. Investigators were going to talk to him when he landed in the USA determine f he should be stripped of his rights to fly, etc. But he almost blew up an airliner full of people over a dense population in the mean time.

I'm sorry, but if your parents believe you are a danger, you should should lose your flight & weapons privileges until things can be sorted out. It takes time to gather evidence, locate the person, interrogate them, get probable cause, have a judge sign a warrant, then track down & arrest the potential terrorist. Then remember this person has not actually committed a crime yet, so they usually just get stripped of a few of their rights.

"Gun Free Zones" must end along with the rights of one crazy person with car & guns does not trump the rights of the hundreds he can kill & injure before stopped. Government & business don't have the rights to refuse Gays, they should not have the rights to refuse CCW people either unless they are on a no guns list.
And if your dad is a felon ahole who hates just for the sake of hating we just take away the Constitutional Rights of people?
It's called Due Process.

Ex-parte's limit people all the time based solely on one persons accusation. You can also be forced to register as a sex offender for life based on one persons accusation.

Temporarily being put on a no gun list is a much smaller infringing of rights than those.
No one in America has rights removed by simply an accusation being made.
You must have gone to graduate school to learn to be that hateful of American values.

Really - An ex parte judicial proceeding, conducted without notice to, and outside the presence of, affected parties, would appear to violate the Constitution. However, adequate notice of judicial proceedings to concerned parties may at times prevent irreparable harm to one or more of those parties. In such a case, the threatened party or parties may receive an ex parte court hearing to request temporary judicial relief without notice to, and outside the presence of, other persons affected by the hearing.

Ex parte judicial proceedings are usually reserved for urgent matters where requiring notice would subject one party to irreparable harm. For example, a person suffering abuse at the hands of a spouse or significant other may seek ex parte a Temporary Restraining Order from a court, directing the alleged abuser to stay away from him or her. Ex parte judicial proceedings are also used to stop irreparable injury to property. For example, if two neighbors, Reggie and Veronica, disagree over whose property a tree stands on, and Reggie wants to cut down the tree whereas Veronica wants to save it, Veronica can seek an ex parte hearing before a judge. At the hearing, she will ask the judge for a temporary Restraining Order preventing Reggie from felling the tree. She will have to show the judge that she had no reasonable opportunity to provide Reggie with formal notice of the hearing, and that she might win the case. The court will then balance the potential hardships to Reggie and Veronica, in considering whether to grant Veronica's request.
I'm talking about Constitutional Rights.
Let's be real, this is all a B.S. smokescreen. Hussein has completely dismantled our Immigration System. And Hillary will only continue his disastrous policies. It's time to try and repair Hussein's damage. Let's hope the American People vote to do that.
If you pass an FBI background check, you can legally acquire a firearm. It's the law. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in our country. If a person is deemed a 'criminal', they shoud be arrested and prosecuted. If that doesn't occur, they aren't criminals.

If Hussein's gang feels some people on No-Fly Lists are criminals, they should immediately pursue legal action. If not, they are legally allowed to acquire firearms. It's actually all on Hussein and his gang. It is what it is. Time to move on.

Back when the constitution was written, weapons of mass destruction were not around. A horse & buggy could fly into a sky scrapers at 500mph killing thousands. A muzzle loader could not cut down hundreds before they could escape or defend themselves. There were no 500hp 4wd trucks to drive over large crowds of people. They did not have small biotech labs that could create viruses that could kill everyone. Today these things are reliable & readily available to everyone. A small number of people are to risky to be allowed to handle these things.

Take the Underwear Bomber for instance. His parents told authorities he was being radicalized. He was immediately put on a watch list of 600k that still were able to fly & have all their rights. Investigators were going to talk to him when he landed in the USA determine f he should be stripped of his rights to fly, etc. But he almost blew up an airliner full of people over a dense population in the mean time.

I'm sorry, but if your parents believe you are a danger, you should should lose your flight & weapons privileges until things can be sorted out. It takes time to gather evidence, locate the person, interrogate them, get probable cause, have a judge sign a warrant, then track down & arrest the potential terrorist. Then remember this person has not actually committed a crime yet, so they usually just get stripped of a few of their rights.

"Gun Free Zones" must end along with the rights of one crazy person with car & guns does not trump the rights of the hundreds he can kill & injure before stopped. Government & business don't have the rights to refuse Gays, they should not have the rights to refuse CCW people either unless they are on a no guns list.
And if your dad is a felon ahole who hates just for the sake of hating we just take away the Constitutional Rights of people?
It's called Due Process.

Ex-parte's limit people all the time based solely on one persons accusation. You can also be forced to register as a sex offender for life based on one persons accusation.

Temporarily being put on a no gun list is a much smaller infringing of rights than those.

We already have 'Gun Control.' If you pass an FBI background check, you're entitled to acquire a firearm. It is what it is. Movin on...
"If you’re too dangerous to board a plane, you’re too dangerous, by definition, to buy a gun."

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama honored the victims of the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, that left 14 dead and 21 injured and renewed his call for tougher gun restrictions in his weekly address on Saturday.

Obama has called for similar action many times before during his presidency, but Congress has failed to act. On Thursday, Congress failed yet again, when an amendment that would have required background checks for all gun sales did not pass the Senate.

"This tragedy reminds us of our obligation to do everything in our power, together, to keep our communities safe," Obama said in his address. "We know that the killers in San Bernardino used military-style assault weapons -- weapons of war -- to kill as many people as they could. It’s another tragic reminder that here in America it’s way too easy for dangerous people to get their hands on a gun."

Obama, who has said that failing to pass comprehensive gun reform is the "greatest frustration" of his time in office, said it was ridiculous that people on a no-fly list in the United States could legally purchase a gun.

"That is insane. If you’re too dangerous to board a plane, you’re too dangerous, by definition, to buy a gun. And so I’m calling on Congress to close this loophole, now," he said. "We may not be able to prevent every tragedy, but -- at a bare minimum -- we shouldn’t be making it so easy for potential terrorists or criminals to get their hands on a gun that they could use against Americans."

Two of the assault-style rifles used in the San Bernardino attack were bought legally in California because of a loophole in state law.

More: Obama: It's 'Insane' That People On A No-Fly List Can Legally Buy A Gun In The U.S.

I agree! House Speaker Paul Ryan opposes because he says many people are wrongly placed on the no-fly list. That may be true - but his excuse is bullshit. Their gun rights would be restored once their names are removed from the no-fly list.
You should be more concerned that our government can put you on a no fly list for no reason at all.
The Communists have perpetuated the lie that Gun Owners aren't willing to compromise. The fact is, Gun Owners have been compromising for years. The fact we currently have strict background checks is an example of one very big compromise.

Everytime Gun Owners compromise, the Communists slap em in the face and demand more. It's clear they won't stop until they get guns banned. So i don't see much room left for compromise at this point. Time to make a stand.
If you pass an FBI background check, you can legally acquire a firearm. It's the law. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in our country. If a person is deemed a 'criminal', they shoud be arrested and prosecuted. If that doesn't occur, they aren't criminals.

If Hussein's gang feels some people on No-Fly Lists are criminals, they should immediately pursue legal action. If not, they are legally allowed to acquire firearms. It's actually all on Hussein and his gang. It is what it is. Time to move on.

Back when the constitution was written, weapons of mass destruction were not around. A horse & buggy could fly into a sky scrapers at 500mph killing thousands. A muzzle loader could not cut down hundreds before they could escape or defend themselves. There were no 500hp 4wd trucks to drive over large crowds of people. They did not have small biotech labs that could create viruses that could kill everyone. Today these things are reliable & readily available to everyone. A small number of people are to risky to be allowed to handle these things.

Take the Underwear Bomber for instance. His parents told authorities he was being radicalized. He was immediately put on a watch list of 600k that still were able to fly & have all their rights. Investigators were going to talk to him when he landed in the USA determine f he should be stripped of his rights to fly, etc. But he almost blew up an airliner full of people over a dense population in the mean time.

I'm sorry, but if your parents believe you are a danger, you should should lose your flight & weapons privileges until things can be sorted out. It takes time to gather evidence, locate the person, interrogate them, get probable cause, have a judge sign a warrant, then track down & arrest the potential terrorist. Then remember this person has not actually committed a crime yet, so they usually just get stripped of a few of their rights.

"Gun Free Zones" must end along with the rights of one crazy person with car & guns does not trump the rights of the hundreds he can kill & injure before stopped. Government & business don't have the rights to refuse Gays, they should not have the rights to refuse CCW people either unless they are on a no guns list.
And if your dad is a felon ahole who hates just for the sake of hating we just take away the Constitutional Rights of people?
It's called Due Process.

Ex-parte's limit people all the time based solely on one persons accusation. You can also be forced to register as a sex offender for life based on one persons accusation.

Temporarily being put on a no gun list is a much smaller infringing of rights than those.

We already have 'Gun Control.' If you pass an FBI background check, you're entitled to acquire a firearm. It is what it is. Movin on...

The US Government Accountability Office records show in last 10 years 2,233 people on the terror watch list applied for a federal background check to buy guns or explosives, and of those 2,043 were allowed to proceed.
If you pass an FBI background check, you can legally acquire a firearm. It's the law. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in our country. If a person is deemed a 'criminal', they shoud be arrested and prosecuted. If that doesn't occur, they aren't criminals.

If Hussein's gang feels some people on No-Fly Lists are criminals, they should immediately pursue legal action. If not, they are legally allowed to acquire firearms. It's actually all on Hussein and his gang. It is what it is. Time to move on.

Back when the constitution was written, weapons of mass destruction were not around. A horse & buggy could fly into a sky scrapers at 500mph killing thousands. A muzzle loader could not cut down hundreds before they could escape or defend themselves. There were no 500hp 4wd trucks to drive over large crowds of people. They did not have small biotech labs that could create viruses that could kill everyone. Today these things are reliable & readily available to everyone. A small number of people are to risky to be allowed to handle these things.

Take the Underwear Bomber for instance. His parents told authorities he was being radicalized. He was immediately put on a watch list of 600k that still were able to fly & have all their rights. Investigators were going to talk to him when he landed in the USA determine f he should be stripped of his rights to fly, etc. But he almost blew up an airliner full of people over a dense population in the mean time.

I'm sorry, but if your parents believe you are a danger, you should should lose your flight & weapons privileges until things can be sorted out. It takes time to gather evidence, locate the person, interrogate them, get probable cause, have a judge sign a warrant, then track down & arrest the potential terrorist. Then remember this person has not actually committed a crime yet, so they usually just get stripped of a few of their rights.

"Gun Free Zones" must end along with the rights of one crazy person with car & guns does not trump the rights of the hundreds he can kill & injure before stopped. Government & business don't have the rights to refuse Gays, they should not have the rights to refuse CCW people either unless they are on a no guns list.
And if your dad is a felon ahole who hates just for the sake of hating we just take away the Constitutional Rights of people?
It's called Due Process.

Ex-parte's limit people all the time based solely on one persons accusation. You can also be forced to register as a sex offender for life based on one persons accusation.

Temporarily being put on a no gun list is a much smaller infringing of rights than those.

Sex offenders are convicted felons. A no gun list for no reason is unconstitutional.
If you pass an FBI background check, you can legally acquire a firearm. It's the law. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in our country. If a person is deemed a 'criminal', they shoud be arrested and prosecuted. If that doesn't occur, they aren't criminals.

If Hussein's gang feels some people on No-Fly Lists are criminals, they should immediately pursue legal action. If not, they are legally allowed to acquire firearms. It's actually all on Hussein and his gang. It is what it is. Time to move on.

Back when the constitution was written, weapons of mass destruction were not around. A horse & buggy could fly into a sky scrapers at 500mph killing thousands. A muzzle loader could not cut down hundreds before they could escape or defend themselves. There were no 500hp 4wd trucks to drive over large crowds of people. They did not have small biotech labs that could create viruses that could kill everyone. Today these things are reliable & readily available to everyone. A small number of people are to risky to be allowed to handle these things.

Take the Underwear Bomber for instance. His parents told authorities he was being radicalized. He was immediately put on a watch list of 600k that still were able to fly & have all their rights. Investigators were going to talk to him when he landed in the USA determine f he should be stripped of his rights to fly, etc. But he almost blew up an airliner full of people over a dense population in the mean time.

I'm sorry, but if your parents believe you are a danger, you should should lose your flight & weapons privileges until things can be sorted out. It takes time to gather evidence, locate the person, interrogate them, get probable cause, have a judge sign a warrant, then track down & arrest the potential terrorist. Then remember this person has not actually committed a crime yet, so they usually just get stripped of a few of their rights.

"Gun Free Zones" must end along with the rights of one crazy person with car & guns does not trump the rights of the hundreds he can kill & injure before stopped. Government & business don't have the rights to refuse Gays, they should not have the rights to refuse CCW people either unless they are on a no guns list.
And if your dad is a felon ahole who hates just for the sake of hating we just take away the Constitutional Rights of people?
It's called Due Process.

Ex-parte's limit people all the time based solely on one persons accusation. You can also be forced to register as a sex offender for life based on one persons accusation.

Temporarily being put on a no gun list is a much smaller infringing of rights than those.

We already have 'Gun Control.' If you pass an FBI background check, you're entitled to acquire a firearm. It is what it is. Movin on...

The US Government Accountability Office records show in last 10 years 2,233 people on the terror watch list applied for a federal background check to buy guns or explosives, and of those 2,043 were allowed to proceed.

'Terror Watch List' or 'No-Fly List.' Which is it? Hussein can't seem to get his story straight. But regardless, none of the terrorists who carried out the attack in California were on his 'Terror Watch List' or No-Fly List.' So his rant was weak and disingenuous. Just another sideshow distraction.
If you pass an FBI background check, you can legally acquire a firearm. It's the law. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in our country. If a person is deemed a 'criminal', they shoud be arrested and prosecuted. If that doesn't occur, they aren't criminals.

If Hussein's gang feels some people on No-Fly Lists are criminals, they should immediately pursue legal action. If not, they are legally allowed to acquire firearms. It's actually all on Hussein and his gang. It is what it is. Time to move on.

Back when the constitution was written, weapons of mass destruction were not around. A horse & buggy could fly into a sky scrapers at 500mph killing thousands. A muzzle loader could not cut down hundreds before they could escape or defend themselves. There were no 500hp 4wd trucks to drive over large crowds of people. They did not have small biotech labs that could create viruses that could kill everyone. Today these things are reliable & readily available to everyone. A small number of people are to risky to be allowed to handle these things.

Take the Underwear Bomber for instance. His parents told authorities he was being radicalized. He was immediately put on a watch list of 600k that still were able to fly & have all their rights. Investigators were going to talk to him when he landed in the USA determine f he should be stripped of his rights to fly, etc. But he almost blew up an airliner full of people over a dense population in the mean time.

I'm sorry, but if your parents believe you are a danger, you should should lose your flight & weapons privileges until things can be sorted out. It takes time to gather evidence, locate the person, interrogate them, get probable cause, have a judge sign a warrant, then track down & arrest the potential terrorist. Then remember this person has not actually committed a crime yet, so they usually just get stripped of a few of their rights.

"Gun Free Zones" must end along with the rights of one crazy person with car & guns does not trump the rights of the hundreds he can kill & injure before stopped. Government & business don't have the rights to refuse Gays, they should not have the rights to refuse CCW people either unless they are on a no guns list.
And if your dad is a felon ahole who hates just for the sake of hating we just take away the Constitutional Rights of people?
It's called Due Process.

Ex-parte's limit people all the time based solely on one persons accusation. You can also be forced to register as a sex offender for life based on one persons accusation.

Temporarily being put on a no gun list is a much smaller infringing of rights than those.

Sex offenders are convicted felons. A no gun list for no reason is unconstitutional.

Right, Felons can't legally purchase firearms in our country. We already have 'Gun Control.' But the Communists aren't about 'Gun Control.' They're about banning guns completely. Gun Owners will have to fight. It is what it is.
In 10 days most residents from many states will be stripped of rights to fly, pass through TSA checkpoints or enter any federal buildings because their drivers license will no longer be accepted as Real ID. This is a much larger infringing of constitutional rights than restricting guns from Terrorist. Our constitution was gutted by Repubtards!
In 10 days most residents from many states will be stripped of rights to fly, pass through TSA checkpoints or enter any federal buildings because their drivers license will no longer be accepted as Real ID. This is a much larger infringing of constitutional rights than restricting guns from Terrorist. Our constitution was gutted by Repubtards!

You got a link?

Found it, it was a law passed in 2005 for the states to update the drivers license. All but 9 states have done so and now those 9 are running out of time.

So 10 years these 9 states have failed at what 41 states have done. Homeland Security is not allowing the extensions, not the Republicans. Obama can give extensions by executive order but won't.

Looks like the states screwed up.

Nice spin trying to make it a partisan issue.

BTW: The ability to fly on an airline is a privilege, not a right.
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