Your Opinion Please


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2011
Inside Mac's Head
Is this an appropriate message for Memorial Day?

sure , OK with me , not too flowery and not a big deal in any particular way , imo LLaugher .
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I'm sure the America hating OP was looking for anything he can to bash Trump. I don't see anything wrong but then I don't hate America.
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I vote Meh.

It did trigger the snowflakes, here, though, so that's a plus. The low unemployment rate for Blacks must really get to them.
OP and others wanna see tears and sniveling but Life goes on . The President gave an accurate and respectful message to Americans . But yeah , as said by Mike TX , some just want to find fault with The TRUMP .
I vote Meh.

It did trigger the snowflakes, here, though, so that's a plus. The low unemployment rate for Blacks must really get to them.

Trump lies a lot .. And you believe him :rolleyes:

The number of employed black Americans rose by 354,000 in the first 11 months under Trump. But that rise is dwarfed by the gains in the previous three years: 541,000 in 2016, 767,000 in 2015 and 710,000 in 2014.

Considered another way, the labor force participation rate for black Americans in December was 62.1 percent, slightly lower than the 62.3 percent rate in January 2017, just before Trump took office. The labor participation rate is the percentage of those age 16 and older who are working or looking for work.

In addition to his boasts about black unemployment, Trump has been exaggerating gains by women during his presidency, saying for example that there are “more women in the workforce today than ever before.” As we recently wrote, while more women are working now than when he took office, the employment gains by women were 34 percent larger over the same period, from January to December, in each of the last two years. In fact, the 863,000 women who joined the workforce in 2017 is the smallest increase since 2012 and below the historical norm for the past 54 years, dating to 1964.​

Trump Takes Undue Credit on Black Unemployment -

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