Your Opinion Please

Yep. LoneLaugher does though. He's a big advocate of government as charity. So he was about to tell us how much extra of his paycheck he donates to the Feds, right Lone?

So what do you do? Do you pay a higher tax rate? Do you just not take deductions you're entitled to? Do you just write a bigger check? How is it you back up your declared support for government as charity with your voluntarily with your checkbook?

LoneLaugher is laughing because he is the joke

You are trying very hard to make some kind of point. It's not clear, though. I have absolutely no problem paying taxes which provide for universal health care.

Charity doesn't work as a means of delivering universal health care. Sorry. All income needs taxed at a rate that provides for the care of all who walk this land. It is called personal responsibility.

Why should a working person, who works hard for what she or he has, have to pay for her or his own healthcare and someone else's healthcare too? Maybe that person chooses to not work and expects everyone else to care for him or her? We would want to try to DISCOURAGE that type of behavior and not make it easy for them to just take from everyone else against THEIR will. People who fall below the poverty lines in their respective states already are eligible to get Medicaid.

Very few sane, able bodied people choose not to work.

That's where you begin having problems. You have a low opinion of your fellow Americans.

Change that POV and you'll begin to see how single payer saves you money in the end.

Bull shit. You just made that up. We have an entire culture of people who don't have jobs and don't want one. More and more kids have parents they never saw work.

And who are you to talk? You're importing millions of illegal aliens a year to take the jobs of the poor who do want jobs. You're not exactly a decent human being

How many? How many able bodied, sane Americans refuse to work and live off of welfare? Give me a number. Thanks.

I don't import anyone. Well, my wife is an import. But she is a hot nurse. I think Trump would let her stay.

If we didn't have immigrant workers, our economy would tank. You don't know that because you are a moron.

1) Stopped reading at "immigrant." We're talking about illegal aliens, not immigrants ass hat. Try to follow the subject.

2) You said there is no one who doesn't want a job. And you're asking me for the link. And you call me the moron. Your claim, ass hat. You back it up

3) This is why you've had your right to ask me questions and ask me for links removed as you know. You demand them, you don't provide them. Homey don't play that game. You want em, you give em. Re-read point number 2
What? Personal responsibility means providing for yourself and not expecting others to care for you. Lol. Hello?

Yep. By paying your taxes you take responsibility for yourself. You might spend a few thousand a year to ensure that you get care when you need it. Even if that care costs hundreds of times what you paid in taxes. You won't view that as taking what isn't yours, will you?

Doing your part. Taking responsibility for the health and we'll being of fellow Americans and visitors. Everyone pays in. Everyone gets care.

Why would you even want to live in a place where being poor means you can't get proper health care?

Poor people already have government health care. Otherwise, your healthcare is provided by private insurance companies. Also, people who perhaps only work part time can also get Medicaid. ANY poor person can get Medicaid.

Incorrect. Please check your sources.

To leftists like LoneLoser, equality means equality of results. He wants us to all get shitty healthcare so it's the same. That's all that matters.

Yet he doesn't pay more taxes that he advocates and he doesn't move to Cuba and live his dream. He wants to destroy us all here

Nope. More dopey statements from you. I am a small business owner. I love capitalism.

Are you the self employed guy who does some sort of unknown work and sued his parents because they wanted to kick him out of their basement? That is you, isn't it? Might as well be.

Sure, you're a business owner. You know nothing about business
You are trying very hard to make some kind of point. It's not clear, though. I have absolutely no problem paying taxes which provide for universal health care.

Charity doesn't work as a means of delivering universal health care. Sorry. All income needs taxed at a rate that provides for the care of all who walk this land. It is called personal responsibility.

Why should a working person, who works hard for what she or he has, have to pay for her or his own healthcare and someone else's healthcare too? Maybe that person chooses to not work and expects everyone else to care for him or her? We would want to try to DISCOURAGE that type of behavior and not make it easy for them to just take from everyone else against THEIR will. People who fall below the poverty lines in their respective states already are eligible to get Medicaid.

Very few sane, able bodied people choose not to work.

That's where you begin having problems. You have a low opinion of your fellow Americans.

Change that POV and you'll begin to see how single payer saves you money in the end.

Bull shit. You just made that up. We have an entire culture of people who don't have jobs and don't want one. More and more kids have parents they never saw work.

And who are you to talk? You're importing millions of illegal aliens a year to take the jobs of the poor who do want jobs. You're not exactly a decent human being

How many? How many able bodied, sane Americans refuse to work and live off of welfare? Give me a number. Thanks.

I don't import anyone. Well, my wife is an import. But she is a hot nurse. I think Trump would let her stay.

If we didn't have immigrant workers, our economy would tank. You don't know that because you are a moron.

Waiting kaz

How many?

What are you, eight? I was responding to posts in order. And here you're stamping your foot as if I'm supposed to have read all the posts ahead and realize you prioritized this for me as number one. Fuck the shit out of you.

And again, YOU made the claim no one doesn't want a job. You've provided zero to back that up. The ball never got out of your court. If you had a nickle for every time you heard that on a Friday night ...
Why should a working person, who works hard for what she or he has, have to pay for her or his own healthcare and someone else's healthcare too? Maybe that person chooses to not work and expects everyone else to care for him or her? We would want to try to DISCOURAGE that type of behavior and not make it easy for them to just take from everyone else against THEIR will. People who fall below the poverty lines in their respective states already are eligible to get Medicaid.

Very few sane, able bodied people choose not to work.

That's where you begin having problems. You have a low opinion of your fellow Americans.

Change that POV and you'll begin to see how single payer saves you money in the end.

Bull shit. You just made that up. We have an entire culture of people who don't have jobs and don't want one. More and more kids have parents they never saw work.

And who are you to talk? You're importing millions of illegal aliens a year to take the jobs of the poor who do want jobs. You're not exactly a decent human being

How many? How many able bodied, sane Americans refuse to work and live off of welfare? Give me a number. Thanks.

I don't import anyone. Well, my wife is an import. But she is a hot nurse. I think Trump would let her stay.

If we didn't have immigrant workers, our economy would tank. You don't know that because you are a moron.

Waiting kaz

How many?

What are you, eight? I was responding to posts in order. And here you're stamping your foot as if I'm supposed to have read all the posts ahead and realize you prioritized this for me as number one. Fuck the shit out of you.

And again, YOU made the claim no one doesn't want a job. You've provided zero to back that up. The ball never got out of your court. If you had a nickle for every time you heard that on a Friday night ...

You are having a tough day. I have never said that "no one" doesn't want a job. Your dishonesty is reaching new levels.

I believe I will give you some time to reflect. You are useless in this state. It isn't even fun to laugh at you.
Very few sane, able bodied people choose not to work.

That's where you begin having problems. You have a low opinion of your fellow Americans.

Change that POV and you'll begin to see how single payer saves you money in the end.

Bull shit. You just made that up. We have an entire culture of people who don't have jobs and don't want one. More and more kids have parents they never saw work.

And who are you to talk? You're importing millions of illegal aliens a year to take the jobs of the poor who do want jobs. You're not exactly a decent human being

How many? How many able bodied, sane Americans refuse to work and live off of welfare? Give me a number. Thanks.

I don't import anyone. Well, my wife is an import. But she is a hot nurse. I think Trump would let her stay.

If we didn't have immigrant workers, our economy would tank. You don't know that because you are a moron.

Waiting kaz

How many?

What are you, eight? I was responding to posts in order. And here you're stamping your foot as if I'm supposed to have read all the posts ahead and realize you prioritized this for me as number one. Fuck the shit out of you.

And again, YOU made the claim no one doesn't want a job. You've provided zero to back that up. The ball never got out of your court. If you had a nickle for every time you heard that on a Friday night ...

You are having a tough day. I have never said that "no one" doesn't want a job. Your dishonesty is reaching new levels.

I believe I will give you some time to reflect. You are useless in this state. It isn't even fun to laugh at you.

That makes no sense. And LoneLoser throws a bunch of crap in the air in a vain attempt to escape.

You said no one other than people mentally ill or something like that doesn't want to work. That's bull, that's why you can't back it up.

And you're completely fucking the poor in this country who do want jobs by importing illegal aliens literally by the millions to take their jobs for lower pay.

You're a piece of work

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