Your Opinion Please

I find it rather refreshing. How many of the leftists are actually sobbing the fallen soldiers and commemorating Memorial Day. In fact, throughout most of the year, they don't seem to find the American military very "admirable" in any way and are not at all shy about voicing that opinion. Most people can see and are very aware of the hypocritical nature of leftist shill. :D

You've made that up.

Sure I have. Leftists are MOST respectful of our military and admire American strength and might in the world. :D Lol.
Of course we do

We just oppose senseless wars and empire building around the world

Unless it is a policy instituted by a democrat politician of course. Then you stand behind it 100%! :D

I opposed Vietnam

Oh, were you one of the protesting leftists who never even fought in a war calling American soldiers "baby killers?"
Stop trying to convince people that the leftists are "respectful" of the military suddenly because you want to act as if you are "hurt" by the current POTUS for his comments which were NOT derogatory towards any members of the military.
Our President was offensive to America

It is not about YOU Fat Donnie

Sure it is. He plays a very important role in the economic health and welfare of our nation, as well as making sure that businesses can thrive in America so that Americans have jobs. THIS is what most of voting Americans are concerned with and not leftists whining about yet something else.
You haven't been advocating Planned Parenthood?

You believe you should pay for it rather than taxpayers?

You are a parody account, right? I've said that ALL health care services should be available to ALL people without regard for THEIR ability to pay.

How that is done is up for America. Most developed nation's have decided already. The cost is to be borne by all for the benefit of all in every developed democracy but ours.



So you ask me if I'm confusing you with someone, then you confirm I was right. You don't have the balls to pay for your own charity. Stop the games, wimp

I've not dicussed charity with you.

I am pretty sure that I pay more in taxes than you do. I don't want to pay for the cost of minting Trump's dopey peace coin or his dopey parade. But I will if that's what Congress says I will pay for.

Likewise, you will be asked to pay to have healthy people in your community.

Which is a better investment?


kaz: I don't want charity, I don't want government to pay for my charity, I should pay for it myself.

LoneLaughedAt: I don't want to pay for my charity, I want taxpayers to pay for my charity. In fact I don't pay a nickle more in taxes than I have to pay. Oh, and I'm richer than you, kaz.

That was seriously your argument that you're somehow more moral than me? According to YOUR story, you're a complete douche. I mean do you ever think through your arguments before you say them? Obviously not since you're a leftist, but I mean geez, dude, you're just embarrassing yourself.

Speaking of your shriveled dick:

Hey, anyone can volunteer to donate more of their check to taxes. I wonder how many leftists here actually do that? Hmm.

Yep. LoneLaugher does though. He's a big advocate of government as charity. So he was about to tell us how much extra of his paycheck he donates to the Feds, right Lone?

So what do you do? Do you pay a higher tax rate? Do you just not take deductions you're entitled to? Do you just write a bigger check? How is it you back up your declared support for government as charity with your voluntarily with your checkbook?

LoneLaugher is laughing because he is the joke
You are a parody account, right? I've said that ALL health care services should be available to ALL people without regard for THEIR ability to pay.

How that is done is up for America. Most developed nation's have decided already. The cost is to be borne by all for the benefit of all in every developed democracy but ours.



So you ask me if I'm confusing you with someone, then you confirm I was right. You don't have the balls to pay for your own charity. Stop the games, wimp

I've not dicussed charity with you.

I am pretty sure that I pay more in taxes than you do. I don't want to pay for the cost of minting Trump's dopey peace coin or his dopey parade. But I will if that's what Congress says I will pay for.

Likewise, you will be asked to pay to have healthy people in your community.

Which is a better investment?


kaz: I don't want charity, I don't want government to pay for my charity, I should pay for it myself.

LoneLaughedAt: I don't want to pay for my charity, I want taxpayers to pay for my charity. In fact I don't pay a nickle more in taxes than I have to pay. Oh, and I'm richer than you, kaz.

That was seriously your argument that you're somehow more moral than me? According to YOUR story, you're a complete douche. I mean do you ever think through your arguments before you say them? Obviously not since you're a leftist, but I mean geez, dude, you're just embarrassing yourself.

Speaking of your shriveled dick:

Hey, anyone can volunteer to donate more of their check to taxes. I wonder how many leftists here actually do that? Hmm.

Yep. LoneLaugher does though. He's a big advocate of government as charity. So he was about to tell us how much extra of his paycheck he donates to the Feds, right Lone?

So what do you do? Do you pay a higher tax rate? Do you just not take deductions you're entitled to? Do you just write a bigger check? How is it you back up your declared support for government as charity with your voluntarily with your checkbook?

LoneLaugher is laughing because he is the joke

You are trying very hard to make some kind of point. It's not clear, though. I have absolutely no problem paying taxes which provide for universal health care.

Charity doesn't work as a means of delivering universal health care. Sorry. All income needs taxed at a rate that provides for the care of all who walk this land. It is called personal responsibility.
So you ask me if I'm confusing you with someone, then you confirm I was right. You don't have the balls to pay for your own charity. Stop the games, wimp

I've not dicussed charity with you.

I am pretty sure that I pay more in taxes than you do. I don't want to pay for the cost of minting Trump's dopey peace coin or his dopey parade. But I will if that's what Congress says I will pay for.

Likewise, you will be asked to pay to have healthy people in your community.

Which is a better investment?


kaz: I don't want charity, I don't want government to pay for my charity, I should pay for it myself.

LoneLaughedAt: I don't want to pay for my charity, I want taxpayers to pay for my charity. In fact I don't pay a nickle more in taxes than I have to pay. Oh, and I'm richer than you, kaz.

That was seriously your argument that you're somehow more moral than me? According to YOUR story, you're a complete douche. I mean do you ever think through your arguments before you say them? Obviously not since you're a leftist, but I mean geez, dude, you're just embarrassing yourself.

Speaking of your shriveled dick:

Hey, anyone can volunteer to donate more of their check to taxes. I wonder how many leftists here actually do that? Hmm.

Yep. LoneLaugher does though. He's a big advocate of government as charity. So he was about to tell us how much extra of his paycheck he donates to the Feds, right Lone?

So what do you do? Do you pay a higher tax rate? Do you just not take deductions you're entitled to? Do you just write a bigger check? How is it you back up your declared support for government as charity with your voluntarily with your checkbook?

LoneLaugher is laughing because he is the joke

You are trying very hard to make some kind of point. It's not clear, though. I have absolutely no problem paying taxes which provide for universal health care.

Charity doesn't work as a means of delivering universal health care. Sorry. All income needs taxed at a rate that provides for the care of all who walk this land. It is called personal responsibility.

What? Personal responsibility means providing for yourself and not expecting others to care for you. Lol. Hello?
So you ask me if I'm confusing you with someone, then you confirm I was right. You don't have the balls to pay for your own charity. Stop the games, wimp

I've not dicussed charity with you.

I am pretty sure that I pay more in taxes than you do. I don't want to pay for the cost of minting Trump's dopey peace coin or his dopey parade. But I will if that's what Congress says I will pay for.

Likewise, you will be asked to pay to have healthy people in your community.

Which is a better investment?


kaz: I don't want charity, I don't want government to pay for my charity, I should pay for it myself.

LoneLaughedAt: I don't want to pay for my charity, I want taxpayers to pay for my charity. In fact I don't pay a nickle more in taxes than I have to pay. Oh, and I'm richer than you, kaz.

That was seriously your argument that you're somehow more moral than me? According to YOUR story, you're a complete douche. I mean do you ever think through your arguments before you say them? Obviously not since you're a leftist, but I mean geez, dude, you're just embarrassing yourself.

Speaking of your shriveled dick:

Hey, anyone can volunteer to donate more of their check to taxes. I wonder how many leftists here actually do that? Hmm.

Yep. LoneLaugher does though. He's a big advocate of government as charity. So he was about to tell us how much extra of his paycheck he donates to the Feds, right Lone?

So what do you do? Do you pay a higher tax rate? Do you just not take deductions you're entitled to? Do you just write a bigger check? How is it you back up your declared support for government as charity with your voluntarily with your checkbook?

LoneLaugher is laughing because he is the joke

You are trying very hard to make some kind of point. It's not clear, though. I have absolutely no problem paying taxes which provide for universal health care.

Charity doesn't work as a means of delivering universal health care. Sorry. All income needs taxed at a rate that provides for the care of all who walk this land. It is called personal responsibility.

Why should a working person, who works hard for what she or he has, have to pay for her or his own healthcare and someone else's healthcare too? Maybe that person chooses to not work and expects everyone else to care for him or her? We would want to try to DISCOURAGE that type of behavior and not make it easy for them to just take from everyone else against THEIR will. People who fall below the poverty lines in their respective states already are eligible to get Medicaid.
So you ask me if I'm confusing you with someone, then you confirm I was right. You don't have the balls to pay for your own charity. Stop the games, wimp

I've not dicussed charity with you.

I am pretty sure that I pay more in taxes than you do. I don't want to pay for the cost of minting Trump's dopey peace coin or his dopey parade. But I will if that's what Congress says I will pay for.

Likewise, you will be asked to pay to have healthy people in your community.

Which is a better investment?


kaz: I don't want charity, I don't want government to pay for my charity, I should pay for it myself.

LoneLaughedAt: I don't want to pay for my charity, I want taxpayers to pay for my charity. In fact I don't pay a nickle more in taxes than I have to pay. Oh, and I'm richer than you, kaz.

That was seriously your argument that you're somehow more moral than me? According to YOUR story, you're a complete douche. I mean do you ever think through your arguments before you say them? Obviously not since you're a leftist, but I mean geez, dude, you're just embarrassing yourself.

Speaking of your shriveled dick:

Hey, anyone can volunteer to donate more of their check to taxes. I wonder how many leftists here actually do that? Hmm.

Yep. LoneLaugher does though. He's a big advocate of government as charity. So he was about to tell us how much extra of his paycheck he donates to the Feds, right Lone?

So what do you do? Do you pay a higher tax rate? Do you just not take deductions you're entitled to? Do you just write a bigger check? How is it you back up your declared support for government as charity with your voluntarily with your checkbook?

LoneLaugher is laughing because he is the joke

You are trying very hard to make some kind of point. It's not clear, though. I have absolutely no problem paying taxes which provide for universal health care.

Charity doesn't work as a means of delivering universal health care. Sorry. All income needs taxed at a rate that provides for the care of all who walk this land. It is called personal responsibility.

Right, you're advocating government to provide healthcare as welfare. You're saying government is effective at that, not the people. That's fine. So since you're advocating government as charity, how much do you donate? Paying your taxes isn't a donation, they'll break down your door and haul you to jail. So since it's your solution, what pain do you inflict on your own bank account to support it? That's all I'm asking
I've not dicussed charity with you.

I am pretty sure that I pay more in taxes than you do. I don't want to pay for the cost of minting Trump's dopey peace coin or his dopey parade. But I will if that's what Congress says I will pay for.

Likewise, you will be asked to pay to have healthy people in your community.

Which is a better investment?


kaz: I don't want charity, I don't want government to pay for my charity, I should pay for it myself.

LoneLaughedAt: I don't want to pay for my charity, I want taxpayers to pay for my charity. In fact I don't pay a nickle more in taxes than I have to pay. Oh, and I'm richer than you, kaz.

That was seriously your argument that you're somehow more moral than me? According to YOUR story, you're a complete douche. I mean do you ever think through your arguments before you say them? Obviously not since you're a leftist, but I mean geez, dude, you're just embarrassing yourself.

Speaking of your shriveled dick:

Hey, anyone can volunteer to donate more of their check to taxes. I wonder how many leftists here actually do that? Hmm.

Yep. LoneLaugher does though. He's a big advocate of government as charity. So he was about to tell us how much extra of his paycheck he donates to the Feds, right Lone?

So what do you do? Do you pay a higher tax rate? Do you just not take deductions you're entitled to? Do you just write a bigger check? How is it you back up your declared support for government as charity with your voluntarily with your checkbook?

LoneLaugher is laughing because he is the joke

You are trying very hard to make some kind of point. It's not clear, though. I have absolutely no problem paying taxes which provide for universal health care.

Charity doesn't work as a means of delivering universal health care. Sorry. All income needs taxed at a rate that provides for the care of all who walk this land. It is called personal responsibility.

Right, you're advocating government to provide healthcare as welfare. You're saying government is effective at that, not the people. That's fine. So since you're advocating government as charity, how much do you donate? Paying your taxes isn't a donation, they'll break down your door and haul you to jail. So since it's your solution, what pain do you inflict on your own bank account to support it? That's all I'm asking

And when government runs healthcare, holy hell! Yikes! Lol. I cannot understand why ANYONE would advocate for such a horrible scenario of red tape nightmares.
I've not dicussed charity with you.

I am pretty sure that I pay more in taxes than you do. I don't want to pay for the cost of minting Trump's dopey peace coin or his dopey parade. But I will if that's what Congress says I will pay for.

Likewise, you will be asked to pay to have healthy people in your community.

Which is a better investment?


kaz: I don't want charity, I don't want government to pay for my charity, I should pay for it myself.

LoneLaughedAt: I don't want to pay for my charity, I want taxpayers to pay for my charity. In fact I don't pay a nickle more in taxes than I have to pay. Oh, and I'm richer than you, kaz.

That was seriously your argument that you're somehow more moral than me? According to YOUR story, you're a complete douche. I mean do you ever think through your arguments before you say them? Obviously not since you're a leftist, but I mean geez, dude, you're just embarrassing yourself.

Speaking of your shriveled dick:

Hey, anyone can volunteer to donate more of their check to taxes. I wonder how many leftists here actually do that? Hmm.

Yep. LoneLaugher does though. He's a big advocate of government as charity. So he was about to tell us how much extra of his paycheck he donates to the Feds, right Lone?

So what do you do? Do you pay a higher tax rate? Do you just not take deductions you're entitled to? Do you just write a bigger check? How is it you back up your declared support for government as charity with your voluntarily with your checkbook?

LoneLaugher is laughing because he is the joke

You are trying very hard to make some kind of point. It's not clear, though. I have absolutely no problem paying taxes which provide for universal health care.

Charity doesn't work as a means of delivering universal health care. Sorry. All income needs taxed at a rate that provides for the care of all who walk this land. It is called personal responsibility.

What? Personal responsibility means providing for yourself and not expecting others to care for you. Lol. Hello?

Yep. By paying your taxes you take responsibility for yourself. You might spend a few thousand a year to ensure that you get care when you need it. Even if that care costs hundreds of times what you paid in taxes. You won't view that as taking what isn't yours, will you?

Doing your part. Taking responsibility for the health and we'll being of fellow Americans and visitors. Everyone pays in. Everyone gets care.

Why would you even want to live in a place where being poor means you can't get proper health care?
I've not dicussed charity with you.

I am pretty sure that I pay more in taxes than you do. I don't want to pay for the cost of minting Trump's dopey peace coin or his dopey parade. But I will if that's what Congress says I will pay for.

Likewise, you will be asked to pay to have healthy people in your community.

Which is a better investment?


kaz: I don't want charity, I don't want government to pay for my charity, I should pay for it myself.

LoneLaughedAt: I don't want to pay for my charity, I want taxpayers to pay for my charity. In fact I don't pay a nickle more in taxes than I have to pay. Oh, and I'm richer than you, kaz.

That was seriously your argument that you're somehow more moral than me? According to YOUR story, you're a complete douche. I mean do you ever think through your arguments before you say them? Obviously not since you're a leftist, but I mean geez, dude, you're just embarrassing yourself.

Speaking of your shriveled dick:

Hey, anyone can volunteer to donate more of their check to taxes. I wonder how many leftists here actually do that? Hmm.

Yep. LoneLaugher does though. He's a big advocate of government as charity. So he was about to tell us how much extra of his paycheck he donates to the Feds, right Lone?

So what do you do? Do you pay a higher tax rate? Do you just not take deductions you're entitled to? Do you just write a bigger check? How is it you back up your declared support for government as charity with your voluntarily with your checkbook?

LoneLaugher is laughing because he is the joke

You are trying very hard to make some kind of point. It's not clear, though. I have absolutely no problem paying taxes which provide for universal health care.

Charity doesn't work as a means of delivering universal health care. Sorry. All income needs taxed at a rate that provides for the care of all who walk this land. It is called personal responsibility.

What? Personal responsibility means providing for yourself and not expecting others to care for you. Lol. Hello?

Piece of work, isn't he? He pays his taxes so he doesn't go to jail, which means he supports charity. We donate to our own causes and pay our taxes, but we're greedy. The guy's just shooting blanks, and I'm not referring to his gun ...
kaz: I don't want charity, I don't want government to pay for my charity, I should pay for it myself.

LoneLaughedAt: I don't want to pay for my charity, I want taxpayers to pay for my charity. In fact I don't pay a nickle more in taxes than I have to pay. Oh, and I'm richer than you, kaz.

That was seriously your argument that you're somehow more moral than me? According to YOUR story, you're a complete douche. I mean do you ever think through your arguments before you say them? Obviously not since you're a leftist, but I mean geez, dude, you're just embarrassing yourself.

Speaking of your shriveled dick:

Hey, anyone can volunteer to donate more of their check to taxes. I wonder how many leftists here actually do that? Hmm.

Yep. LoneLaugher does though. He's a big advocate of government as charity. So he was about to tell us how much extra of his paycheck he donates to the Feds, right Lone?

So what do you do? Do you pay a higher tax rate? Do you just not take deductions you're entitled to? Do you just write a bigger check? How is it you back up your declared support for government as charity with your voluntarily with your checkbook?

LoneLaugher is laughing because he is the joke

You are trying very hard to make some kind of point. It's not clear, though. I have absolutely no problem paying taxes which provide for universal health care.

Charity doesn't work as a means of delivering universal health care. Sorry. All income needs taxed at a rate that provides for the care of all who walk this land. It is called personal responsibility.

What? Personal responsibility means providing for yourself and not expecting others to care for you. Lol. Hello?

Yep. By paying your taxes you take responsibility for yourself. You might spend a few thousand a year to ensure that you get care when you need it. Even if that care costs hundreds of times what you paid in taxes. You won't view that as taking what isn't yours, will you?

Doing your part. Taking responsibility for the health and we'll being of fellow Americans and visitors. Everyone pays in. Everyone gets care.

Why would you even want to live in a place where being poor means you can't get proper health care?

Poor people already have government health care. Otherwise, your healthcare is provided by private insurance companies. Also, people who perhaps only work part time can also get Medicaid. ANY poor person can get Medicaid.
I've not dicussed charity with you.

I am pretty sure that I pay more in taxes than you do. I don't want to pay for the cost of minting Trump's dopey peace coin or his dopey parade. But I will if that's what Congress says I will pay for.

Likewise, you will be asked to pay to have healthy people in your community.

Which is a better investment?


kaz: I don't want charity, I don't want government to pay for my charity, I should pay for it myself.

LoneLaughedAt: I don't want to pay for my charity, I want taxpayers to pay for my charity. In fact I don't pay a nickle more in taxes than I have to pay. Oh, and I'm richer than you, kaz.

That was seriously your argument that you're somehow more moral than me? According to YOUR story, you're a complete douche. I mean do you ever think through your arguments before you say them? Obviously not since you're a leftist, but I mean geez, dude, you're just embarrassing yourself.

Speaking of your shriveled dick:

Hey, anyone can volunteer to donate more of their check to taxes. I wonder how many leftists here actually do that? Hmm.

Yep. LoneLaugher does though. He's a big advocate of government as charity. So he was about to tell us how much extra of his paycheck he donates to the Feds, right Lone?

So what do you do? Do you pay a higher tax rate? Do you just not take deductions you're entitled to? Do you just write a bigger check? How is it you back up your declared support for government as charity with your voluntarily with your checkbook?

LoneLaugher is laughing because he is the joke

You are trying very hard to make some kind of point. It's not clear, though. I have absolutely no problem paying taxes which provide for universal health care.

Charity doesn't work as a means of delivering universal health care. Sorry. All income needs taxed at a rate that provides for the care of all who walk this land. It is called personal responsibility.

Why should a working person, who works hard for what she or he has, have to pay for her or his own healthcare and someone else's healthcare too? Maybe that person chooses to not work and expects everyone else to care for him or her? We would want to try to DISCOURAGE that type of behavior and not make it easy for them to just take from everyone else against THEIR will. People who fall below the poverty lines in their respective states already are eligible to get Medicaid.

Very few sane, able bodied people choose not to work.

That's where you begin having problems. You have a low opinion of your fellow Americans.

Change that POV and you'll begin to see how single payer saves you money in the end.
kaz: I don't want charity, I don't want government to pay for my charity, I should pay for it myself.

LoneLaughedAt: I don't want to pay for my charity, I want taxpayers to pay for my charity. In fact I don't pay a nickle more in taxes than I have to pay. Oh, and I'm richer than you, kaz.

That was seriously your argument that you're somehow more moral than me? According to YOUR story, you're a complete douche. I mean do you ever think through your arguments before you say them? Obviously not since you're a leftist, but I mean geez, dude, you're just embarrassing yourself.

Speaking of your shriveled dick:

Hey, anyone can volunteer to donate more of their check to taxes. I wonder how many leftists here actually do that? Hmm.

Yep. LoneLaugher does though. He's a big advocate of government as charity. So he was about to tell us how much extra of his paycheck he donates to the Feds, right Lone?

So what do you do? Do you pay a higher tax rate? Do you just not take deductions you're entitled to? Do you just write a bigger check? How is it you back up your declared support for government as charity with your voluntarily with your checkbook?

LoneLaugher is laughing because he is the joke

You are trying very hard to make some kind of point. It's not clear, though. I have absolutely no problem paying taxes which provide for universal health care.

Charity doesn't work as a means of delivering universal health care. Sorry. All income needs taxed at a rate that provides for the care of all who walk this land. It is called personal responsibility.

Right, you're advocating government to provide healthcare as welfare. You're saying government is effective at that, not the people. That's fine. So since you're advocating government as charity, how much do you donate? Paying your taxes isn't a donation, they'll break down your door and haul you to jail. So since it's your solution, what pain do you inflict on your own bank account to support it? That's all I'm asking

And when government runs healthcare, holy hell! Yikes! Lol. I cannot understand why ANYONE would advocate for such a horrible scenario of red tape nightmares.

Not only that, but he advocates government guns being used to deny healthcare. He said if you have more money, you should not be able to buy healthcare with it, everyone should receive the exact same healthcare. Democrats are just delving deeper and deeper into pure Marxism
kaz: I don't want charity, I don't want government to pay for my charity, I should pay for it myself.

LoneLaughedAt: I don't want to pay for my charity, I want taxpayers to pay for my charity. In fact I don't pay a nickle more in taxes than I have to pay. Oh, and I'm richer than you, kaz.

That was seriously your argument that you're somehow more moral than me? According to YOUR story, you're a complete douche. I mean do you ever think through your arguments before you say them? Obviously not since you're a leftist, but I mean geez, dude, you're just embarrassing yourself.

Speaking of your shriveled dick:

Hey, anyone can volunteer to donate more of their check to taxes. I wonder how many leftists here actually do that? Hmm.

Yep. LoneLaugher does though. He's a big advocate of government as charity. So he was about to tell us how much extra of his paycheck he donates to the Feds, right Lone?

So what do you do? Do you pay a higher tax rate? Do you just not take deductions you're entitled to? Do you just write a bigger check? How is it you back up your declared support for government as charity with your voluntarily with your checkbook?

LoneLaugher is laughing because he is the joke

You are trying very hard to make some kind of point. It's not clear, though. I have absolutely no problem paying taxes which provide for universal health care.

Charity doesn't work as a means of delivering universal health care. Sorry. All income needs taxed at a rate that provides for the care of all who walk this land. It is called personal responsibility.

Why should a working person, who works hard for what she or he has, have to pay for her or his own healthcare and someone else's healthcare too? Maybe that person chooses to not work and expects everyone else to care for him or her? We would want to try to DISCOURAGE that type of behavior and not make it easy for them to just take from everyone else against THEIR will. People who fall below the poverty lines in their respective states already are eligible to get Medicaid.

Very few sane, able bodied people choose not to work.

That's where you begin having problems. You have a low opinion of your fellow Americans.

Change that POV and you'll begin to see how single payer saves you money in the end.

Like the wonderful European model that you so admire? :D Lol! I have a very high opinion of my fellow Americans. I feel that the vast majority of them are perfectly capable of making decisions about and purchasing their own healthcare plans.
Hey, anyone can volunteer to donate more of their check to taxes. I wonder how many leftists here actually do that? Hmm.

Yep. LoneLaugher does though. He's a big advocate of government as charity. So he was about to tell us how much extra of his paycheck he donates to the Feds, right Lone?

So what do you do? Do you pay a higher tax rate? Do you just not take deductions you're entitled to? Do you just write a bigger check? How is it you back up your declared support for government as charity with your voluntarily with your checkbook?

LoneLaugher is laughing because he is the joke

You are trying very hard to make some kind of point. It's not clear, though. I have absolutely no problem paying taxes which provide for universal health care.

Charity doesn't work as a means of delivering universal health care. Sorry. All income needs taxed at a rate that provides for the care of all who walk this land. It is called personal responsibility.

What? Personal responsibility means providing for yourself and not expecting others to care for you. Lol. Hello?

Yep. By paying your taxes you take responsibility for yourself. You might spend a few thousand a year to ensure that you get care when you need it. Even if that care costs hundreds of times what you paid in taxes. You won't view that as taking what isn't yours, will you?

Doing your part. Taking responsibility for the health and we'll being of fellow Americans and visitors. Everyone pays in. Everyone gets care.

Why would you even want to live in a place where being poor means you can't get proper health care?

Poor people already have government health care. Otherwise, your healthcare is provided by private insurance companies. Also, people who perhaps only work part time can also get Medicaid. ANY poor person can get Medicaid.

Incorrect. Please check your sources.
kaz: I don't want charity, I don't want government to pay for my charity, I should pay for it myself.

LoneLaughedAt: I don't want to pay for my charity, I want taxpayers to pay for my charity. In fact I don't pay a nickle more in taxes than I have to pay. Oh, and I'm richer than you, kaz.

That was seriously your argument that you're somehow more moral than me? According to YOUR story, you're a complete douche. I mean do you ever think through your arguments before you say them? Obviously not since you're a leftist, but I mean geez, dude, you're just embarrassing yourself.

Speaking of your shriveled dick:

Hey, anyone can volunteer to donate more of their check to taxes. I wonder how many leftists here actually do that? Hmm.

Yep. LoneLaugher does though. He's a big advocate of government as charity. So he was about to tell us how much extra of his paycheck he donates to the Feds, right Lone?

So what do you do? Do you pay a higher tax rate? Do you just not take deductions you're entitled to? Do you just write a bigger check? How is it you back up your declared support for government as charity with your voluntarily with your checkbook?

LoneLaugher is laughing because he is the joke

You are trying very hard to make some kind of point. It's not clear, though. I have absolutely no problem paying taxes which provide for universal health care.

Charity doesn't work as a means of delivering universal health care. Sorry. All income needs taxed at a rate that provides for the care of all who walk this land. It is called personal responsibility.

What? Personal responsibility means providing for yourself and not expecting others to care for you. Lol. Hello?

Yep. By paying your taxes you take responsibility for yourself. You might spend a few thousand a year to ensure that you get care when you need it. Even if that care costs hundreds of times what you paid in taxes. You won't view that as taking what isn't yours, will you?

Doing your part. Taking responsibility for the health and we'll being of fellow Americans and visitors. Everyone pays in. Everyone gets care.

Why would you even want to live in a place where being poor means you can't get proper health care?

You're here arguing for taxes as being your charity. We're arguing it should not be, we should perform our own charity.

Yet you're also saying we should be forced to pay for your views AND you should pay nothing extra for your own views. Zero.

You're a small man, a very small one
I would agree with certain terms set for any health insurance company though. No more "junk" health insurance which nobody accepts or where it is very hard to find a doctor who accepts it. Also, no more denying doctor approved treatments by bureaucrats at the insurance companies. No more pre-existing conditions limitations (duh, those are the people who NEED healthcare the MOST!) I don't see any need to have government involved in healthcare any more than setting up expectations for how health insurance companies operate and providing for the TRULY poor who, according to current poverty guidelines in their respective states, legitimately cannot afford to pay for their own insurance. It is ONLY around $35 per week for a decent healthcare plan. It is not SUPER expensive or out of reach of most Americans.

Oh, I also wouldn't mind seeing the elimination of deductibles. That is some bogus BS right there!
Yep. LoneLaugher does though. He's a big advocate of government as charity. So he was about to tell us how much extra of his paycheck he donates to the Feds, right Lone?

So what do you do? Do you pay a higher tax rate? Do you just not take deductions you're entitled to? Do you just write a bigger check? How is it you back up your declared support for government as charity with your voluntarily with your checkbook?

LoneLaugher is laughing because he is the joke

You are trying very hard to make some kind of point. It's not clear, though. I have absolutely no problem paying taxes which provide for universal health care.

Charity doesn't work as a means of delivering universal health care. Sorry. All income needs taxed at a rate that provides for the care of all who walk this land. It is called personal responsibility.

What? Personal responsibility means providing for yourself and not expecting others to care for you. Lol. Hello?

Yep. By paying your taxes you take responsibility for yourself. You might spend a few thousand a year to ensure that you get care when you need it. Even if that care costs hundreds of times what you paid in taxes. You won't view that as taking what isn't yours, will you?

Doing your part. Taking responsibility for the health and we'll being of fellow Americans and visitors. Everyone pays in. Everyone gets care.

Why would you even want to live in a place where being poor means you can't get proper health care?

Poor people already have government health care. Otherwise, your healthcare is provided by private insurance companies. Also, people who perhaps only work part time can also get Medicaid. ANY poor person can get Medicaid.

Incorrect. Please check your sources.

You are incorrect. Check yourself. If you fall below the poverty guidelines in your respective state, then you are eligible for Medicaid which is government run healthcare for the poor.
Hey, anyone can volunteer to donate more of their check to taxes. I wonder how many leftists here actually do that? Hmm.

Yep. LoneLaugher does though. He's a big advocate of government as charity. So he was about to tell us how much extra of his paycheck he donates to the Feds, right Lone?

So what do you do? Do you pay a higher tax rate? Do you just not take deductions you're entitled to? Do you just write a bigger check? How is it you back up your declared support for government as charity with your voluntarily with your checkbook?

LoneLaugher is laughing because he is the joke

You are trying very hard to make some kind of point. It's not clear, though. I have absolutely no problem paying taxes which provide for universal health care.

Charity doesn't work as a means of delivering universal health care. Sorry. All income needs taxed at a rate that provides for the care of all who walk this land. It is called personal responsibility.

Why should a working person, who works hard for what she or he has, have to pay for her or his own healthcare and someone else's healthcare too? Maybe that person chooses to not work and expects everyone else to care for him or her? We would want to try to DISCOURAGE that type of behavior and not make it easy for them to just take from everyone else against THEIR will. People who fall below the poverty lines in their respective states already are eligible to get Medicaid.

Very few sane, able bodied people choose not to work.

That's where you begin having problems. You have a low opinion of your fellow Americans.

Change that POV and you'll begin to see how single payer saves you money in the end.

Like the wonderful European model that you so admire? :D Lol! I have a very high opinion of my fellow Americans. I feel that the vast majority of them are perfectly capable of making decisions about and purchasing their own healthcare plans.

Nope. You think your fellow Americans are waiting to scam you out of your money. Be honest, at least.
Hey, anyone can volunteer to donate more of their check to taxes. I wonder how many leftists here actually do that? Hmm.

Yep. LoneLaugher does though. He's a big advocate of government as charity. So he was about to tell us how much extra of his paycheck he donates to the Feds, right Lone?

So what do you do? Do you pay a higher tax rate? Do you just not take deductions you're entitled to? Do you just write a bigger check? How is it you back up your declared support for government as charity with your voluntarily with your checkbook?

LoneLaugher is laughing because he is the joke

You are trying very hard to make some kind of point. It's not clear, though. I have absolutely no problem paying taxes which provide for universal health care.

Charity doesn't work as a means of delivering universal health care. Sorry. All income needs taxed at a rate that provides for the care of all who walk this land. It is called personal responsibility.

What? Personal responsibility means providing for yourself and not expecting others to care for you. Lol. Hello?

Yep. By paying your taxes you take responsibility for yourself. You might spend a few thousand a year to ensure that you get care when you need it. Even if that care costs hundreds of times what you paid in taxes. You won't view that as taking what isn't yours, will you?

Doing your part. Taking responsibility for the health and we'll being of fellow Americans and visitors. Everyone pays in. Everyone gets care.

Why would you even want to live in a place where being poor means you can't get proper health care?

You're here arguing for taxes as being your charity. We're arguing it should not be, we should perform our own charity.

Yet you're also saying we should be forced to pay for your views AND you should pay nothing extra for your own views. Zero.

You're a small man, a very small one

Again with the charity. Where is that coming from?

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