Your thoughts on the TRUMP/RUSSIAN COLLUSION business now

What do you think?

  • It was an unethical fabrication to begin with. I lean right or moderate

    Votes: 24 72.7%
  • It was an unethical fabrication to begin with. I lean left

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • Changed my mind, this entire thing was an unethical fabrication. I lean right or moderate

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Changed my mind, this entire thing was an unethical fabrication. I lean left

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • Trump is guilty. Haven't changed my mind. I lean right or moderate

    Votes: 1 3.0%
  • Trump is guilty. Haven't changed my mind. I lean left

    Votes: 3 9.1%

  • Total voters
There may have been Russian attempts to be involved in the election, but unless they donated illegal campaign funds to buy media, that is not at all illegal.
The only evidence of any involvement is the hacking of the DNC email, and since that only revealed whistle-blowing fraud, it was perfectly legal.

There is no way to trace hacking.

Internet bots would have left obvious evidence however, and no one has produced any evidence.

There has been some speculation on that as well. Their computer didn't show any downloading for those emails to have been hacked by Russia. The only way somebody could have gotten them is with a jump drive or similar device indicating it was more of an inside job.

In any case, this all took place under the nose of Hussein, so blame Trump for it.
Trump has been exonerated.

AG Barr should put Comey, Mueller, and Obama behind bars.

He's working on it. But I think there is something very fishy about Mueller. It's almost like he was blackmailed into all this. How does somebody write a report and not even know what's in it when asked?

I'm not much of a conspiracy guy, but after yesterday, I really believe that Mueller had very little to do with this other than using his name. It was the deep state anti-Trump pro Hillary people who did all this, and Mueller was forced to hire them or perhaps didn't pick them at all. They were all picked for him.
What do you think?

On a side, for the whimpering ignorant. Foreign countries have "interfered" with our elections since long before you were born. The USA does the same thing.

Here's what Obama had to say about that just a couple weeks before the 2016 election :dunno:

Obama is the guy progs suggest gave the position so much class. I know a con when I see one. He also talks down to people cuz he thinks he's so smart. He's not 100% wrong, it's more people are pretty dumb, and he understood how to take advantage. Simple as that.
Pitiful how now the democrats and deep state will have to pay for today's crooked deep state for centuries

The Actions by the Democrat Party Will Ultimately Lead to President Trump Being Labeled a Hero for Truth and Perseverance for Generations to Come


Outrageous how the deep state is trying to say trump is not exonerated ...

Mueller even said he could not totally exonerate trump

Wow how outrageous was him saying that

That is the same as saying I cannot totally exonerate trump as not being a space alien or that he never has rode a flying pink elephant

Not a single person can ever be totally exonerated In anything

Just stupid crookedness making such a statement like that
What do you think?

On a side, for the whimpering ignorant. Foreign countries have "interfered" with our elections since long before you were born. The USA does the same thing.

How many countries have hacked e-mail servers and intruded on local election sites? Or have forged documents. There is evidence that Russia may have broken into the voting rolls. This is a out and out cyberattack on the US.
I am an Independent and I lean left or maybe down the middle as Left now is insanity and this was a witch hunt 100%

I was non-partisan until last year. I registered Republican because of what the left has become. I'll never vote Dem. for anyone short Jesus Christ himself. The Dem party has earned ZERO support. Shame Jim Webb didn't face Trump. Guy like him may have saved the party.

My uncle and I were talking about this today on way to the airport. He's a Princeton grad, portfolio manager, well studied/traveled and Orthodox jew. He's a conservative now, but was the classic 60s hippy, a true liberal back in the day. San Francisco too, what a life. Boy that group made some music huh? They had some great causes too. Some downside as well.

At any rate, he says if Trump loses in 2020 we're done, it's all downhill. He believes Trump is a God-send, and I can't say I disagree. We believe he's a one every century or so guy. Similar Churchill, Neapolitan, Hitler, Washington etc.....

Then he is a typical Trump supporter like you. A moron. Trump is pure evil and the worst President we have ever had.
Jr. - Flynn, and Manafort all met with Russians - its documented, they admit it.

but Trump didn't know a damn thing about it, no sir, not a damn thing - he can't remember.

Since it happened on obamas watch why didn't he act?

Obama wanted the election infrastructure protected. He was attacked by Republicans who apparently don't mind Russians interfering.
Trump has been exonerated.

AG Barr should put Comey, Mueller, and Obama behind bars.

He has not been exonerated. If AG Barr tries it, he might find himself behind bars and sharing a cell with Trump.

Outrageous to say trump is not exonerated from being a space alien that has rode a pink flying elephant even tho the evidence does show that

Not a single person ever has been exonerated of not being a space alien and a vampire to boot

Outrageous stupid crookedness saying anyone is totally exonerated from being anything

So it's totally stupid to say as mueller did that he could not totally exonerate trump as not being a space alien


Bring out millions of straight jackets !!
There may have been Russian attempts to be involved in the election, but unless they donated illegal campaign funds to buy media, that is not at all illegal.
The only evidence of any involvement is the hacking of the DNC email, and since that only revealed whistle-blowing fraud, it was perfectly legal.

There is no way to trace hacking.

Internet bots would have left obvious evidence however, and no one has produced any evidence.

The only people that believe that is weak minded Trump supporters. The Russians hacked the DNC servers and put them on WikiLeaks. The Russians bought pro-Trump social media ads following the strategy given them by Manafort.
Trump has been exonerated.

AG Barr should put Comey, Mueller, and Obama behind bars.

He has not been exonerated. If AG Barr tries it, he might find himself behind bars and sharing a cell with Trump.

Wrong trump has the men on his side

This will become men against women and as history shows women tries this and then is totally stopped with strict controls on their freedoms

Women need to learn history to see what happens to THEM when this type life rises
Add "I dont and have never gave a crap, somebody please explain how Russians can influence somebody to vote and if they could why wouldnt they want a weak ass Democrat over Trump?"
women better Reread history to learn what happens to them when this type lifestyle rises it's ugly head
Trump has been exonerated.

AG Barr should put Comey, Mueller, and Obama behind bars.

He has not been exonerated. If AG Barr tries it, he might find himself behind bars and sharing a cell with Trump.

Outrageous to say trump is not exonerated from being a space alien that has rode a pink flying elephant even tho the evidence does show that

Not a single person ever has been exonerated of not being a space alien and a vampire to boot

Outrageous stupid crookedness saying anyone is totally exonerated from being anything

So it's totally stupid to say as mueller did that he could not totally exonerate trump as not being a space alien


Bring out millions of straight jackets !!

I think you need a nice straitjacket and a rubber room to boot. Mueller did not exonerate Trump from obstruction.
Trump has been exonerated.

AG Barr should put Comey, Mueller, and Obama behind bars.

He has not been exonerated. If AG Barr tries it, he might find himself behind bars and sharing a cell with Trump.

Outrageous to say trump is not exonerated from being a space alien that has rode a pink flying elephant even tho the evidence does show that

Not a single person ever has been exonerated of not being a space alien and a vampire to boot

Outrageous stupid crookedness saying anyone is totally exonerated from being anything

So it's totally stupid to say as mueller did that he could not totally exonerate trump as not being a space alien


Bring out millions of straight jackets !!

I think you need a nice straitjacket and a rubber room to boot. Mueller did not exonerate Trump from obstruction.

Right he did not totally exonerate trump from ANYTHING

That was outrageously stupid

Because it's evidence that says what truth is.

He did not pursue because the evidence could not support trump as being a half man and half lizard

But then says he cannot totally exonerate him not being a half man and half lizard

Outrageous stupid crookedness by the democrats
I am an Independent and I lean left or maybe down the middle as Left now is insanity and this was a witch hunt 100%

I was non-partisan until last year. I registered Republican because of what the left has become. I'll never vote Dem. for anyone short Jesus Christ himself. The Dem party has earned ZERO support. Shame Jim Webb didn't face Trump. Guy like him may have saved the party.

My uncle and I were talking about this today on way to the airport. He's a Princeton grad, portfolio manager, well studied/traveled and Orthodox jew. He's a conservative now, but was the classic 60s hippy, a true liberal back in the day. San Francisco too, what a life. Boy that group made some music huh? They had some great causes too. Some downside as well.

At any rate, he says if Trump loses in 2020 we're done, it's all downhill. He believes Trump is a God-send, and I can't say I disagree. We believe he's a one every century or so guy. Similar Churchill, Neapolitan, Hitler, Washington etc.....

Then he is a typical Trump supporter like you. A moron. Trump is pure evil and the worst President we have ever had.

Says you? A nobody. Thanks for opining. Pure evil. You have not seen pure evil. You’re a sensitive dumbass.
Putin sipped the best vodka, had a fine cigar and laughed his ass off yesterday during the Mueller Hearing 'watch party' that he held yesterday; thanks to Nadler and Schiff and the rest of those zany Democrats.
There may have been Russian attempts to be involved in the election, but unless they donated illegal campaign funds to buy media, that is not at all illegal.
The only evidence of any involvement is the hacking of the DNC email, and since that only revealed whistle-blowing fraud, it was perfectly legal.

There is no way to trace hacking.

Internet bots would have left obvious evidence however, and no one has produced any evidence.

There has been some speculation on that as well. Their computer didn't show any downloading for those emails to have been hacked by Russia. The only way somebody could have gotten them is with a jump drive or similar device indicating it was more of an inside job.

In any case, this all took place under the nose of Hussein, so blame Trump for it.

There was no inside job. It was a outside job. From Russia with Love. Manafort gave internal polling data and campaign strategy to someone with links to Russian Intelligence. He gave the Russians a roadmap to help Trump. Commie.
I am an Independent and I lean left or maybe down the middle as Left now is insanity and this was a witch hunt 100%

I was non-partisan until last year. I registered Republican because of what the left has become. I'll never vote Dem. for anyone short Jesus Christ himself. The Dem party has earned ZERO support. Shame Jim Webb didn't face Trump. Guy like him may have saved the party.

My uncle and I were talking about this today on way to the airport. He's a Princeton grad, portfolio manager, well studied/traveled and Orthodox jew. He's a conservative now, but was the classic 60s hippy, a true liberal back in the day. San Francisco too, what a life. Boy that group made some music huh? They had some great causes too. Some downside as well.

At any rate, he says if Trump loses in 2020 we're done, it's all downhill. He believes Trump is a God-send, and I can't say I disagree. We believe he's a one every century or so guy. Similar Churchill, Neapolitan, Hitler, Washington etc.....

Then he is a typical Trump supporter like you. A moron. Trump is pure evil and the worst President we have ever had.

Says you? A nobody. Thanks for opining. Pure evil. You have not seen pure evil. You’re a sensitive dumbass.

You are the only dumbass I see Mr Nobody. You are about as sensitive as a fascist Nazi.

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