Your thoughts on tonight's debate (9/28)


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
I'm just now watching it. So far it's pretty lame. Lot's of bickering. No one saying anything I haven't already heard 1,000 times.
I watched for 7 minutes about the halfway point.

It was continual talking over and interrupting.
I don't care if it was a (D) or (R) debate, both would violate the same 'so-called' rules.

These politicians act like teenagers.
Again, a (D) debate would be exactly the same.


1). 3 people a most.
2). Moderators that can handle the event.
I watched for 7 minutes about the halfway point.

It was continual talking over and interrupting.
I don't care if it was a (D) or (R) debate, both would violate the same 'so-called' rules.

These politicians act like teenagers.
Again, a (D) debate would be exactly the same.


1). 3 people a most.
2). Moderators that can handle the event.

The moderators need a switch to cut off mics.
I joined the event when VR was speaking about whatever, and the Gov from ND was raising his hand, politely.

When VR was done, DB said..." I need to respond". He talked for 1 second when the mod said they needed to move on and talked over his thoughts for 10+ seconds, then Haley interrupted and she was given the floor. WTF.

It was a complete Shit Show.
A (D) event would be the same Shit Show.
I didn't watch the GOP debate, but I did watch the Democrat Party's debate on MSNBC.

Joe Biden spoke so eloquently, as he debated that dog on how Bidenomics was bringing Americans to a new level of prosperity.

Why would anyone watch a bunch of warmongering imperialist racketeers?
I actually liked DeSantis saying he would use drones to take out cartels.

Call me a warmonger if you like, but about 300 Americans are dying every day from them.

This probably means he will lose, however, or get assassinated, or he is lying his arse off. I don't know which yet.
I guess DeSantis "won" last evening's VP sweepstakes, Viv a close second.

Nikki Haley turned out to be the shrill Harpy I always suspected her to be.
You had your

1. Token black guy
2. Token woman.
3. Next generation Mini me, play by Viv.
4. Token King Rhino Chrisy cream
5. Token, nobody knows who the hell you are and just glad for the label below showing you are governor of ND, otherwise, you would swear he was the janitor at the Ronald Reagan library.
6. Token supposed to be threat to Trump that never can seem to gain traction in DeSantis.

Oh, and the spurned VP that must be there, just because.

What more did you want?

Incidentally, why have the loons in California not burned down the Reagan library yet?

Are they afraid of the carbon emissions?

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