You're a Cop and You See This, What’s Your Response?

View attachment 482562
Obviously you let the aggressor chasing the fleeing woman stab her to death, cause you can’t shoot darkies!

Does anyone think that this shooting was racially motivated? C'mon Man!!!
See why so many people don't want to be cops?
You mean Cops in shit holes right??

There are so many welcoming burbs and semi rural cities who want your Cops, who will think they are in Mayberry after a month making more money and eating more Dunkins Dooshalot.
The little town I live in has cops but that's just for revenue generation from the speed trap they run.

We don't need them for anything.
See why so many people don't want to be cops?
You mean Cops in shit holes right??

There are so many welcoming burbs and semi rural cities who want your Cops, who will think they are in Mayberry after a month making more money and eating more Dunkins Dooshalot.
The little town I live in has cops but that's just for revenue generation from the speed trap they run.

We don't need them for anything.
Small town? So you mean way far away from the violence we opine on? Like me, entertainment on the news right? No need to worry about your grandkid getting popped.

Small town. 4 tickets a day we'll say at 150 per pop. About 200k a yr divided by 70,000 equals 3 cops

How many Cops do you have?

Think of Cops and Fireman as an insurance policy. You'll rarely need them, but when they help you, you'll be sucking their toes for being there in gratitude.
View attachment 482562
Obviously you let the aggressor chasing the fleeing woman stab her to death, cause you can’t shoot darkies!

make some popcorn
See why so many people don't want to be cops?
You mean Cops in shit holes right??

There are so many welcoming burbs and semi rural cities who want your Cops, who will think they are in Mayberry after a month making more money and eating more Dunkins Dooshalot.
The little town I live in has cops but that's just for revenue generation from the speed trap they run.

We don't need them for anything.
Small town? So you mean way far away from the violence we opine on? Like me, entertainment on the news right? No need to worry about your grandkid getting popped.

Small town. 4 tickets a day we'll say at 150 per pop. About 200k a yr divided by 70,000 equals 3 cops

How many Cops do you have?

Think of Cops and Fireman as an insurance policy. You'll rarely need them, but when they help you, you'll be sucking their toes for being there in gratitude.
I don't like the idea of cops being used for revenue generation but since it keeps them right in front of my house most all the time, I get the benefit of constant police presence in front of my property.
Makes me feel better when I'm not there.

So, I can live with it.
Obviously you let the aggressor chasing the fleeing woman stab her to death, cause you can’t shoot darkies!
16? What? Lie on her driver's license application? Kept back from kindergarten for who knows how many years? She's so high on drugs it isn't even funny.
It’s a Revolution going on and a soft civil war
My current response would be to go get a doughnut and coffee and let the little darlings work it out themselves.

Good idea. Go have a coffee and wait till they kill each other. Then called ME and the meat wagon.
See why so many people don't want to be cops?

I wouldn't be a cop if they paid $1000 an hour.
Lot of cops in my family but I'm an Outlaw.
It was never really an option for me.

I work with cops every day so I see what they have to do.

Hell they have to know the law a good as a lawyer. Be baby sitters and marriage counselors.

They have to constantly hit the books to learn what new laws the State will be enforcing. They have to certify on the range every year. Not easy being a cop and as I said I wouldn't be one for $1000 an hour.
See why so many people don't want to be cops?

I wouldn't be a cop if they paid $1000 an hour.
Lot of cops in my family but I'm an Outlaw.
It was never really an option for me.

I work with cops every day so I see what they have to do.

Hell they have to know the law a good as a lawyer. Be baby sitters and marriage counselors.

They have to constantly hit the books to learn what new laws the State will be enforcing. They have to certify on the range every year. Not easy being a cop and as I said I wouldn't be one for $1000 an hour.
I do too.
I'm contract security in a downtown ER.
This event is actually going to save lives in the long run.......sends the clear message, if you are going to act like an animal, your are definitely going to get your ass shot off by a cop doing his job. :fingerscrossed: :fingerscrossed:

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