You’re Killing Us, Literally!


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Trump is a destructive force. In all likelihood the pace of the impending investigations is getting dangerously close to exposing the president and his family for the treasonous charlatans they are. The noose is tightening around the royal family and their collection of court jesters. Trump, the grand pretender to the throne with a debilitating narcissistic personality disorder is flirting with the ultimate embarrassment: namely being outed for the fraud that he is, and he is quite literally losing it.

Trump is not used to and has shown incredibly thin skin in the face of confrontation. The seriousness of the disaster in Puerto Rico has reached a boiling point and the fact that the mayor of San Juan is directly challenging his competency is severely compounded by the fact that she is a strong, compassionate, and serious leader. Of course, it is also compounded by the fact that she is, in fact, a woman. This triggers another major deficiency that was exposed during the campaign: namely, that Trump is a misogynist.

People will die because of Trump’s ineptitude and poor decision-making. These tragedies, like the one unfolding at this very moment on that Caribbean island will be a part of his legacy. The mayor has gone so far as to use the term genocide. Add that to his growing list of failures not only as president but as a human being.

If the evidence suggests that collusion with a foreign adversary is the glue which has held this motley crew together through an election rigged to defraud democracy they must be prosecuted for crimes against the nation. This should be keeping them up at night. Let justice be served. And the sooner the better.

More: You're Killing Us, Literally!

So true! Genocide in Puerto Rico. Trump lies while people die.
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Trump is a destructive force. In all likelihood the pace of the impending investigations is getting dangerously close to exposing the president and his family for the treasonous charlatans they are. The noose is tightening around the royal family and their collection of court jesters. Trump, the grand pretender to the throne with a debilitating narcissistic personality disorder is flirting with the ultimate embarrassment: namely being outed for the fraud that he is, and he is quite literally losing it.

Trump is not used to and has shown incredibly thin skin in the face of confrontation. The seriousness of the disaster in Puerto Rico has reached a boiling point and the fact that the mayor of San Juan is directly challenging his competency is severely compounded by the fact that she is a strong, compassionate, and serious leader. Of course, it is also compounded by the fact that she is, in fact, a woman. This triggers another major deficiency that was exposed during the campaign: namely, that Trump is a misogynist.

People will die because of Trump’s ineptitude and poor decision-making. These tragedies, like the one unfolding at this very moment on that Caribbean island will be a part of his legacy. The mayor has gone so far as to use the term genocide. Add that to his growing list of failures not only as president but as a human being.

If the evidence suggests that collusion with a foreign adversary is the glue which has held this motley crew together through an election rigged to defraud democracy they must be prosecuted for crimes against the nation. This should be keeping them up at night. Let justice be served. And the sooner the better.

More: You're Killing Us, Literally!

So true! Genocide in Puerto Rico. Trump lies while people die.
Trump is a destructive force. In all likelihood the pace of the impending investigations is getting dangerously close to exposing the president and his family for the treasonous charlatans they are. The noose is tightening around the royal family and their collection of court jesters. Trump, the grand pretender to the throne with a debilitating narcissistic personality disorder is flirting with the ultimate embarrassment: namely being outed for the fraud that he is, and he is quite literally losing it.

Trump is not used to and has shown incredibly thin skin in the face of confrontation. The seriousness of the disaster in Puerto Rico has reached a boiling point and the fact that the mayor of San Juan is directly challenging his competency is severely compounded by the fact that she is a strong, compassionate, and serious leader. Of course, it is also compounded by the fact that she is, in fact, a woman. This triggers another major deficiency that was exposed during the campaign: namely, that Trump is a misogynist.

People will die because of Trump’s ineptitude and poor decision-making. These tragedies, like the one unfolding at this very moment on that Caribbean island will be a part of his legacy. The mayor has gone so far as to use the term genocide. Add that to his growing list of failures not only as president but as a human being.

If the evidence suggests that collusion with a foreign adversary is the glue which has held this motley crew together through an election rigged to defraud democracy they must be prosecuted for crimes against the nation. This should be keeping them up at night. Let justice be served. And the sooner the better.

More: You're Killing Us, Literally!

So true! Genocide in Puerto Rico. Trump lies while people die.
There is much to bitch about Trump, but you lose your credibility when you bitch about stupid shit.

Stop being a dupe for the elite left.
What the fuck are you talking about? The "disaster" in Puerto Rico has over 10,000 personnel in rescue and aid. For all the devastation the death toll is remarkably low.
Trump's pre planning with the agencies in all three hurricane scenarios has been nothing short of awesome.

Here's a great pic of the Democrat Mayor bitching away.


She looks so emaciated doesn't she?

Left Wing San Juan mayor whines about Trump while standing in front of port filled w food & water SHE hasn’t delivered ‼️#SanJuan

— Leah STANDS (@LeahR77) September 30, 2017

Mayor Cruz pictured in front of 1000 cases of liberal tears…

— Theodore (@RefDemo) September 30, 2017

Mayor of San Juan standing in front of relief supplies saying they're getting no help is reminiscent of Baghdad Bob. Just saying.

— Jay Dubb (@MidasRex1998) September 30, 2017

'The T-shirt Shack has reopened!' Where did San Juan's mayor get that custom-printed 'Help Us' shirt anyway?
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Unfortunately, the U. S. is a nation of finite resources. Puerto Rico, in its best days, was little more than a true Welfare State, with more than half the population either "working" for the government or being supported by someone who is "working" for the government. Its main industry is availing itself of a cornucopia of U.S. government agencies, programs, and hand-outs. Its young people apply for SS disability benefits because THEY CAN'T SPEAK ENGLISH!

Tell the mayor that we'll get to them, but as with Houston and Florida, the primary responsibility is THEIRS, not someone else's.

Ultimately, they will be even more reliant on the "generosity" of those living and paying taxes on the mainland. Not a good thing to watch closely.
By the way, before anyone gets on the script that is being laid out that Trump is committing genocide please be aware that the race card won't work in your genocide scenario.

Puerto Rico is 75% white. So you can shove THAT card where the sun don't shine.
Trump is a destructive force. In all likelihood the pace of the impending investigations is getting dangerously close to exposing the president and his family for the treasonous charlatans they are. The noose is tightening around the royal family and their collection of court jesters. Trump, the grand pretender to the throne with a debilitating narcissistic personality disorder is flirting with the ultimate embarrassment: namely being outed for the fraud that he is, and he is quite literally losing it.

Trump is not used to and has shown incredibly thin skin in the face of confrontation. The seriousness of the disaster in Puerto Rico has reached a boiling point and the fact that the mayor of San Juan is directly challenging his competency is severely compounded by the fact that she is a strong, compassionate, and serious leader. Of course, it is also compounded by the fact that she is, in fact, a woman. This triggers another major deficiency that was exposed during the campaign: namely, that Trump is a misogynist.

People will die because of Trump’s ineptitude and poor decision-making. These tragedies, like the one unfolding at this very moment on that Caribbean island will be a part of his legacy. The mayor has gone so far as to use the term genocide. Add that to his growing list of failures not only as president but as a human being.

If the evidence suggests that collusion with a foreign adversary is the glue which has held this motley crew together through an election rigged to defraud democracy they must be prosecuted for crimes against the nation. This should be keeping them up at night. Let justice be served. And the sooner the better.

More: You're Killing Us, Literally!

So true! Genocide in Puerto Rico. Trump lies while people die.

Trump is destructive to criminals indeed.

That's the plan.
Wonderful idea.

The lying Kunt Mayor thinks the US is not doing enough...

Load the resources back onto the planes and ships and wave at her while we take off.
Wonderful idea.

The lying Kunt Mayor thinks the US is not doing enough...

Load the resources back onto the planes and ships and wave at her while we take off.

I want to know where she got all the help us we're dying t shirts. Some one printed them for her. Interesting difference between Houston, Florida and PR. Incredible tales of fellow man helping fellow man. PR? Nada.
Wonderful idea.

The lying Kunt Mayor thinks the US is not doing enough...

Load the resources back onto the planes and ships and wave at her while we take off.

I want to know where she got all the help us we're dying t shirts. Some one printed them for her. Interesting difference between Houston, Florida and PR. Incredible tales of fellow man helping fellow man. PR? Nada.
The thought crossed my mind.

The shirt made it's debut very quickly.

But.. but... WE'RE STARVING!!!
Trump is a destructive force. In all likelihood the pace of the impending investigations is getting dangerously close to exposing the president and his family for the treasonous charlatans they are. The noose is tightening around the royal family and their collection of court jesters. Trump, the grand pretender to the throne with a debilitating narcissistic personality disorder is flirting with the ultimate embarrassment: namely being outed for the fraud that he is, and he is quite literally losing it.

Trump is not used to and has shown incredibly thin skin in the face of confrontation. The seriousness of the disaster in Puerto Rico has reached a boiling point and the fact that the mayor of San Juan is directly challenging his competency is severely compounded by the fact that she is a strong, compassionate, and serious leader. Of course, it is also compounded by the fact that she is, in fact, a woman. This triggers another major deficiency that was exposed during the campaign: namely, that Trump is a misogynist.

People will die because of Trump’s ineptitude and poor decision-making. These tragedies, like the one unfolding at this very moment on that Caribbean island will be a part of his legacy. The mayor has gone so far as to use the term genocide. Add that to his growing list of failures not only as president but as a human being.

If the evidence suggests that collusion with a foreign adversary is the glue which has held this motley crew together through an election rigged to defraud democracy they must be prosecuted for crimes against the nation. This should be keeping them up at night. Let justice be served. And the sooner the better.

More: You're Killing Us, Literally!

So true! Genocide in Puerto Rico. Trump lies while people die.
/----/ What a load of horse shit. We're pouring men and matierals into PR and you know it. Stop lying.
Trump is a destructive force. In all likelihood the pace of the impending investigations is getting dangerously close to exposing the president and his family for the treasonous charlatans they are. The noose is tightening around the royal family and their collection of court jesters. Trump, the grand pretender to the throne with a debilitating narcissistic personality disorder is flirting with the ultimate embarrassment: namely being outed for the fraud that he is, and he is quite literally losing it.

Trump is not used to and has shown incredibly thin skin in the face of confrontation. The seriousness of the disaster in Puerto Rico has reached a boiling point and the fact that the mayor of San Juan is directly challenging his competency is severely compounded by the fact that she is a strong, compassionate, and serious leader. Of course, it is also compounded by the fact that she is, in fact, a woman. This triggers another major deficiency that was exposed during the campaign: namely, that Trump is a misogynist.

People will die because of Trump’s ineptitude and poor decision-making. These tragedies, like the one unfolding at this very moment on that Caribbean island will be a part of his legacy. The mayor has gone so far as to use the term genocide. Add that to his growing list of failures not only as president but as a human being.

If the evidence suggests that collusion with a foreign adversary is the glue which has held this motley crew together through an election rigged to defraud democracy they must be prosecuted for crimes against the nation. This should be keeping them up at night. Let justice be served. And the sooner the better.

More: You're Killing Us, Literally!

So true! Genocide in Puerto Rico. Trump lies while people die.
/----/ What a load of horse shit. We're pouring men and matierals into PR and you know it. Stop lying.
Fake a hontas is too busy riding a one trick pony.
Wonderful idea.

The lying Kunt Mayor thinks the US is not doing enough...

Load the resources back onto the planes and ships and wave at her while we take off.

I want to know where she got all the help us we're dying t shirts. Some one printed them for her. Interesting difference between Houston, Florida and PR. Incredible tales of fellow man helping fellow man. PR? Nada.
That's how the democrats are helping -- T shirts against Trump.
sure, it's the mayors fault that donald trump is a terrible leader. :laugh2:

Trump is causing genocide in Puerto Rico? I can't stand the fat pig but this is too far over the top for me.

Keep an eye on which sources support this nonsense, and remember that the next time they try to run some line of bs past you.

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