You're NOT small government unless


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
You're NOT small government unless you're willing to accept that not everyone will follow your narrow view of the world. What do I mean by accept? Accept is simply that you won't elect people to government to make live hard for such people. Being small government why do you want to make it harder for people to charge their gender? Why do you want to make it harder to charge your name??? Some of the red states have done this recently and it is a sign of fascist like big government butting into peoples lives.

The granddaddy of big government is the BATHROOM BILLS. Are you fucking kidding me? lol...Think about it for a second, what is the logical conclusion of such a law? Oh'yesss, police officers at every fucking door leading into every fucking bathroom. Sounds like 1984 to me.

This is only for transgender people! I could go on and on about your big government policies butting into peoples lives. Oh'yesss, you want to force women to have babies, force them to have a utra-sound and even lock them up in prison(some of you do!). Who are you to make this choice for people if you don't believe in government?

Sure, the democrats are big government but we're honest about being big government to help the poor and we also support peoples rights to do the things above. We're for more freedom.

If you were for smaller government you'd be in favor of trimming the shit out of the non-violent laws that lock up over 2 million Americans currently in prison. But you aren't as you wish to use government to repress people....The toughest states in the union for pot are also the ones with the most people that HATE government. Hell, for all this shit above but wouldn't you need to be repressive pro government to truly support such shit???

It seems to me that when ever it hurts the poor and middle class you're for it.
If you were small government you'd legalize pot and end the war on drugs, now!
If you were small government you'd fight for more freedom and less laws that lock people up!
If you were small government you'd not use government against LGBT people.
If you were small government you'd make it so for all.
There's only one thing that you can say you're small government about. Any help for the poor that work hard every day....Well, they can go to hell in your mind.

Heck, you make these dumb laws to lock those poor suckers up!
You know what else you're BIG GOVERNMENT about? Telling me what I can watch on my t.v and computer. You want to force your morality on me. You want to get rid of my PORN!

So you want to watch me take a shit, you want to tell me how to have sex and with who...Yet, you're small government? I am laughing at you.
You're NOT small government unless you're willing to accept that not everyone will follow your narrow view of the world. What do I mean by accept? Accept is simply that you won't elect people to government to make live hard for such people. Being small government why do you want to make it harder for people to charge their gender? Why do you want to make it harder to charge your name??? Some of the red states have done this recently and it is a sign of fascist like big government butting into peoples lives.

The granddaddy of big government is the BATHROOM BILLS. Are you fucking kidding me? lol...Think about it for a second, what is the logical conclusion of such a law? Oh'yesss, police officers at every fucking door leading into every fucking bathroom. Sounds like 1984 to me.

This is only for transgender people! I could go on and on about your big government policies butting into peoples lives. Oh'yesss, you want to force women to have babies, force them to have a utra-sound and even lock them up in prison(some of you do!). Who are you to make this choice for people if you don't believe in government?

Sure, the democrats are big government but we're honest about being big government to help the poor and we also support peoples rights to do the things above. We're for more freedom.

If you were for smaller government you'd be in favor of trimming the shit out of the non-violent laws that lock up over 2 million Americans currently in prison. But you aren't as you wish to use government to repress people....The toughest states in the union for pot are also the ones with the most people that HATE government. Hell, for all this shit above but wouldn't you need to be repressive pro government to truly support such shit???

It seems to me that when ever it hurts the poor and middle class you're for it.

When it comes to government ... the smaller the better ...

If you were small government you'd legalize pot and end the war on drugs, now!

Legalizing pot and ending the war on drugs are two different things. Are you suggesting just pot or all drugs?

If you were small government you'd fight for more freedom and less laws that lock people up!

Less government doesn't mean allowing criminals to have their way. What kind of country do you suppose we would have if we legalized rape, murder, theft, recreational drug sales? Would you want to step outside of your door?

If you were small government you'd not use government against LGBT people.

Telling weirdos in dresses they have to use the bathroom or showers of their gender is a good law. Only uncivilized societies have no regulations whatsoever. But perhaps there is a compromise here: we get government out of telling people which bathroom to use, but it's legal a father or husband to beat the shit out of some guy that goes into a restroom with their daughter or wife. After all, locking people up that knock the crap out of weirdos is big government, don't you think?
I think there is a proper role for government. Being a middle of the road moderate I favor medium government. I'd guess most do view it that way as shown by results in Presidential elections that alternate between the overbearing Democrats and the regulation eliminator Republicans every 8 years.
F*ck small government.

I want effective government. Something we can all agree on that will never happen as long as Republicans are in power. We've seen the mess under Reagan, Bush and worst of all, Trump.
You're NOT small government unless you're willing to accept that not everyone will follow your narrow view of the world. What do I mean by accept? Accept is simply that you won't elect people to government to make live hard for such people. Being small government why do you want to make it harder for people to charge their gender? Why do you want to make it harder to charge your name??? Some of the red states have done this recently and it is a sign of fascist like big government butting into peoples lives.

The granddaddy of big government is the BATHROOM BILLS. Are you fucking kidding me? lol...Think about it for a second, what is the logical conclusion of such a law? Oh'yesss, police officers at every fucking door leading into every fucking bathroom. Sounds like 1984 to me.

This is only for transgender people! I could go on and on about your big government policies butting into peoples lives. Oh'yesss, you want to force women to have babies, force them to have a utra-sound and even lock them up in prison(some of you do!). Who are you to make this choice for people if you don't believe in government?

Sure, the democrats are big government but we're honest about being big government to help the poor and we also support peoples rights to do the things above. We're for more freedom.

If you were for smaller government you'd be in favor of trimming the shit out of the non-violent laws that lock up over 2 million Americans currently in prison. But you aren't as you wish to use government to repress people....The toughest states in the union for pot are also the ones with the most people that HATE government. Hell, for all this shit above but wouldn't you need to be repressive pro government to truly support such shit???

It seems to me that when ever it hurts the poor and middle class you're for it.

If you were small government you'd legalize pot and end the war on drugs, now!
If you were small government you'd fight for more freedom and less laws that lock people up!
If you were small government you'd not use government against LGBT people.
If you were small government you'd make it so for all.

There's only one thing that you can say you're small government about. Any help for the poor that work hard every day....Well, they can go to hell in your mind.

Heck, you make these dumb laws to lock those poor suckers up!

You know what else you're BIG GOVERNMENT about? Telling me what I can watch on my t.v and computer. You want to force your morality on me. You want to get rid of my PORN!

So you want to watch me take a shit, you want to tell me how to have sex and with who...Yet, you're small government? I am laughing at you.

F*ck small government.

I want effective government. Something we can all agree on that will never happen as long as Republicans are in power. We've seen the mess under Reagan, Bush and worst of all, Trump.

Limited government is effective government.

I know you guys hate the constitution but there was a reason the Founders tried to prevent out or control government. Because government is inefficient unless its self government.
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I must admit I find Matthew's "tranny threads" entertaining in sort of a guilty-pleasure way. I can't be the only one.

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