You're on your own..the Benghazi message we continue to hear.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"The absence of journalistic curiosity following the Benghazi attack stands out as an extraordinary case of media malpractice. We think of journalists as skeptics, but where could one find a more credulous lot?
They took, at face value, the contention that a low-budget movie trailer on YouTube had spontaneously caused a coordinated ground and mortar attack by at least five dozen well-armed militants on an obscure American diplomatic facility."

"You're on your own" is a phrase that Obama frequently invoked during the last campaign to describe the cartoonish version of laissez faire anarchism that would supposedly result in America if he were not re-elected.
"The same phrase appeared Wednesday in different context, from Eric Nordstrom, former regional security officer in Libya. "You're on your own," he said, was the message the administration had sent by failing to provide requested security before the attack, failing to provide support as it raged, and then afterward assigning all blame to low-level bureaucrats, sparing senior officials including Clinton.
"You're on your own" is the message sent when Hicks, a 22-year Foreign Service Officer, was demoted for questioning the cover story about the YouTube video.
But the phrase applies equally to the media and where they left the public on Benghazi -- on their own. You're on your own finding the truth when news organs decide to stop asking serious questions and impose a blackout on a major story."

David Freddoso: Without real journalism, 'you're on your own' |
Wow, the leftist ghouls and zombies aren't responding to this thread at all.

All I hear are CRICKETS.
Yup. 33 views and yours is the only comment.

Go figure. their press corps is doing exactly what they want them to.
Made up tripe submitted by a looney-tunes nutter. What's to respond to?

So very true. However, Benghazi is a place holder, until the next talking point is issued to the echo chamber they are stuck stuttering Benghazi over and over.
Wow, the leftist ghouls and zombies aren't responding to this thread at all.

All I hear are CRICKETS.

How can they respond, they are too busy trying to sell you homosexual marriage, and tell
you that they want your guns and assault rifles.This is what those leftist elitist nuts
are preoccupied with.
Well they're also very committed to killing children and women through careful application of planned parenthood.
Remember when the liberals were ready to impeach Bush for the Valerie Plame/ Joe Wilson debacle?
That turned out to be all lies, a totally contrived fiction by Wilson that liberals gobbled up as fact.

And yet here we have a President and a Sec. of State that ignorned the pleas of Americans under attack from terrorists, then lied about it to cover their own asses. Four Americans actually died as a result, and yet I bet if you ask any liberal, they still feel more hatred toward Bush about Valerie Plame than they do of Hillary and the Hussein concerning Benghazi.
It's because they don't understand, or value, the concepts of life, truth, honor, or hard work. They're values are...something different. Entitlement. That's all they're about.

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