You're Stuck With ROMNEY!!!!

Needless to say, I am not a Romney fan. But I just read something that really pissed me off.

Pastor backing Perry: Romney not a Christian

The Texas pastor who introduced Gov. Rick Perry at Friday's Values Voters Summit in Washington told reporters that he does not believe that former Massachusetts Mitt Romney is a Christian, and called Romney's Mormon faith a "cult."

"Well, Rick Perry's a Christian. He's an evangelical Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ," Dr. Robert Jeffress told NBC News. "Mitt Romney's a good moral person but he's not a Christian. Mormonism is not Christianity. It has always been considered a cult by the mainstream of Christianity. So it's the difference between a Christian and a non-Christian."

First Read - Pastor backing Perry: Romney not a Christian

Who cares??? Romney is running for president of the United States, not the Pope!!! Well, wait a minute. Those hypocritical evangelicals don't think Catholics are Christians either!!! Bad example.

When did this crap start??? As far as I'm concerned, these born again Christians and evangelicals are mostly hypocrites. How many times I've seen on the news some pastor in the south bump off his wife so he can be with his mistress?? I cannot stand their holier than thou, I'm better than you attitude. Bunch of phonies!!

(I'm gonna hate myself in the morning), I agree.

I'd rep you, but I am out of rep.

Geez, wonder why? negative begats negative, heh?
What the hell are you going on about now?
Scary shit. I foresee a Mormon invasion of Iran... More holy wars...

That could actually be amusing. We could send over thousands of white shirted pests on their bicycles, ready to convert them to Mormonism.

"Would you like to hear another testement of Jesus Christ?"


I'd pay good money to see that.
Needless to say, I am not a Romney fan. But I just read something that really pissed me off.

Pastor backing Perry: Romney not a Christian

The Texas pastor who introduced Gov. Rick Perry at Friday's Values Voters Summit in Washington told reporters that he does not believe that former Massachusetts Mitt Romney is a Christian, and called Romney's Mormon faith a "cult."

"Well, Rick Perry's a Christian. He's an evangelical Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ," Dr. Robert Jeffress told NBC News. "Mitt Romney's a good moral person but he's not a Christian. Mormonism is not Christianity. It has always been considered a cult by the mainstream of Christianity. So it's the difference between a Christian and a non-Christian."

First Read - Pastor backing Perry: Romney not a Christian

Who cares??? Romney is running for president of the United States, not the Pope!!! Well, wait a minute. Those hypocritical evangelicals don't think Catholics are Christians either!!! Bad example.

When did this crap start??? As far as I'm concerned, these born again Christians and evangelicals are mostly hypocrites. How many times I've seen on the news some pastor in the south bump off his wife so he can be with his mistress?? I cannot stand their holier than thou, I'm better than you attitude. Bunch of phonies!!

I think this crap started when Joseph Smith claimed Jesus was talking to him personally and telling them all the other churches were wrong.

Mormonism is absolutely a cult, by any definition.
I've heard strange things about Mormon underwear. Anyone know anything about it? Seriously.
My general understanding is that Josesph Smith, founder of the Mormon church, was a crook, con man, and all 'round scam artist. I also heard he died in jail while killing two men during a shootout.
Rino's don't talk like this:

Mitt Romney: 'American century' advocated by Mitt Romney in foreign policy speech -

“This century must be an American century,” Romney said. “In an American century, America has the strongest economy and the strongest military in the world. In an American century, America leads the free world and the free world leads the entire world.”

Sure they do. Even Democrats talk like that, guy. Come on, no one says, "America should scream like a little girl and yell, 'not in the face!' and run away."

Frankly, I get tired of guys who talk tough, but make sure their kids don't get anywhere near the military. Like Romney, who when asked why his kids didn't join the Army, said that working on his campaign was serving the country.
My general understanding is that Josesph Smith, founder of the Mormon church, was a crook, con man, and all 'round scam artist. I also heard he died in jail while killing two men during a shootout.

Not entirely accurate. Smith was arrested in Carthage, IL after as mayor of Navou, he ordered the destruction of a newspaper that had reported on his multiple marriages, some to girls as young as 14.

A warrant was issued for his arrest, and he fled to the woods. After a couple of days of sleeping on the ground, he turned himself in, hoping his armed Navou Legion would come to rescue him. (You see, the guy styled himself as a three star general and even went around wearing a military uniform.)

The locals, who were pretty much sick of his shit at that point, decided they weren't going to wait for a trial and went to the jail with the intent of killing him. Smith armed himself and injured three guys, but they survived. Smith and his brother Hyrum were killed.

Death of Joseph Smith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I've heard strange things about Mormon underwear. Anyone know anything about it? Seriously.

Temple garment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to the LDS Church, the temple garments serve a number of purposes. First, the garment provides the member "a constant reminder" of the covenants they made in the temple. Second, the garment "when properly worn...provides protection against temptation and evil". Wearing the garment is also "an outward expression of an inward commitment" to follow Jesus Christ.[24] General authority Carlos E. Asay adds that the garment "strengthens the wearer to resist temptation, fend off evil influences, and stand firmly for the right."[26]

The nature of the protection believed to be afforded by temple garments is ambiguous and varies between adherents.[27] Researchers who interviewed a sample of Latter-day Saints who wear the temple garment reported that virtually all wearers expressed a belief that wearing the garment provided "spiritual protection" and encouraged them to keep their covenants.[27] Some of those interviewed "asserted that the garment also provided physical protection, while others seemed less certain of any physical aspect to protection."[27] In Mormon folklore, tales are told of Latter-day Saints who credit their temple garments with helping them survive car wrecks, fires, and natural disasters.[1]

Puts a whole new spin on the "boxers or breifs" question, doesn't it?
Romney is a conservative. I will be very happy if he is the nominee.


Conservatives say they "will be better on gay rights than Ted Kennedy"?

Conservatives support abortion?

Conservatives create mandetory health insurance purchases?

Conservatives raise taxes?
I've heard strange things about Mormon underwear. Anyone know anything about it? Seriously.

Temple garment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to the LDS Church, the temple garments serve a number of purposes. First, the garment provides the member "a constant reminder" of the covenants they made in the temple. Second, the garment "when properly worn...provides protection against temptation and evil". Wearing the garment is also "an outward expression of an inward commitment" to follow Jesus Christ.[24] General authority Carlos E. Asay adds that the garment "strengthens the wearer to resist temptation, fend off evil influences, and stand firmly for the right."[26]

The nature of the protection believed to be afforded by temple garments is ambiguous and varies between adherents.[27] Researchers who interviewed a sample of Latter-day Saints who wear the temple garment reported that virtually all wearers expressed a belief that wearing the garment provided "spiritual protection" and encouraged them to keep their covenants.[27] Some of those interviewed "asserted that the garment also provided physical protection, while others seemed less certain of any physical aspect to protection."[27] In Mormon folklore, tales are told of Latter-day Saints who credit their temple garments with helping them survive car wrecks, fires, and natural disasters.[1]

Puts a whole new spin on the "boxers or breifs" question, doesn't it?

Thanks! Wow! Far out. But if you have upteen wives... isn't all that "protective" underwear a little burdensome...?
Thanks JoeB131 for enlightening us on why any conservative w/ any principles won't vote for the front-runner in the republicorp primary :)
Needless to say, I am not a Romney fan. But I just read something that really pissed me off.

Pastor backing Perry: Romney not a Christian

The Texas pastor who introduced Gov. Rick Perry at Friday's Values Voters Summit in Washington told reporters that he does not believe that former Massachusetts Mitt Romney is a Christian, and called Romney's Mormon faith a "cult."

"Well, Rick Perry's a Christian. He's an evangelical Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ," Dr. Robert Jeffress told NBC News. "Mitt Romney's a good moral person but he's not a Christian. Mormonism is not Christianity. It has always been considered a cult by the mainstream of Christianity. So it's the difference between a Christian and a non-Christian."

First Read - Pastor backing Perry: Romney not a Christian

Who cares??? Romney is running for president of the United States, not the Pope!!! Well, wait a minute. Those hypocritical evangelicals don't think Catholics are Christians either!!! Bad example.

When did this crap start??? As far as I'm concerned, these born again Christians and evangelicals are mostly hypocrites. How many times I've seen on the news some pastor in the south bump off his wife so he can be with his mistress?? I cannot stand their holier than thou, I'm better than you attitude. Bunch of phonies!!

(I'm gonna hate myself in the morning), I agree.

I'd rep you, but I am out of rep.

Geez, wonder why? negative begats negative, heh?

I'm out of rep too and I really rarely neg rep. :(
you little people (90% 0f the conservative voting base) go out and buy your Romneycare bumper stickers yet :eusa_whistle:
Getting "stuck" with Romney is like getting "stuck" paying the taxes on a $100 million lottery ticket. What a bummer....


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