Youtube Being Censored, We Can't Question the Government on Youtube

YouTube is a private organization. They can do as they like. Just like Infowars is allowed to spread their looney conspiracy theories. YouTube is allowed to block hoaxes that promote negativity.
My argument is not, and never has been, that they aren't allowed to do this. YouTube is privately owned, thus they are perfectly free to chase away their own users.

I hope you didn't work too hard building up that strawman.
Having nothing to do with your ability to question the government.

You consequently have no argument.
This change was sparked by the shooting in Florida, and the videos recently being removed are ones suggesting that the survivors are taking orders from the left and that the shooting the staged. Specifically the ones suggesting it was staged are questioning the government.

You stating I don't have an argument doesn't mean I don't have one. You only wish I didn't.
It is an attack on free speech, leftard idiots think it's great but they won't when it comes for them too.
The Left hates ALL of the Bill of Rights

Only when those Rights make THEM uncomfortable. They're "opportunists" when it comes to Freedom and Liberty. Not to be trusted DETERMINING what is fake or offensive. Especially NOT the most powerful content company in the world..

Use Bing. It's improved. Don't use Chrome or buy Android tablets. Hit back...

Cute tangent, but this isn't about "the left". It's apparently about YouTube's TOS and the amazing revelation that, per thread title "we can't criticize the government" on it. Which immediately means a whole lot of stuff I and countless others have watched on YouTube musta been halluciminations.

Of COURSE --- it's about the left. Google was by FAR the LARGEST constant visitor presence at the WH during the Obama Admin. They are Silicon Valley speech suppressing leftists.

Google workers met had 427 meetings at White House over Obama presidency | Daily Mail Online

Google Makes Most of Close Ties to White House
Beats having the NRA being the LARGEST constant visitor.
YouTube IS Google.
I just use Epic Privacy Browser's built-in search engine at this point. Google's search is less reliable, anyway, and I don't want to support them... it's just a drop in the bucket, though.
Never heard of it, but "googled" it. I tried to find it for my Android phone. Firefox seems to have their own phone version. I will switch from Chrome to one of them.
Did you guys end your Firefox boycott?
One of the worst browsers next to MSN....
It is an attack on free speech, leftard idiots think it's great but they won't when it comes for them too.
The Left hates ALL of the Bill of Rights

Only when those Rights make THEM uncomfortable. They're "opportunists" when it comes to Freedom and Liberty. Not to be trusted DETERMINING what is fake or offensive. Especially NOT the most powerful content company in the world..

Use Bing. It's improved. Don't use Chrome or buy Android tablets. Hit back...

Cute tangent, but this isn't about "the left". It's apparently about YouTube's TOS and the amazing revelation that, per thread title "we can't criticize the government" on it. Which immediately means a whole lot of stuff I and countless others have watched on YouTube musta been halluciminations.

Of COURSE --- it's about the left. Google was by FAR the LARGEST constant visitor presence at the WH during the Obama Admin. They are Silicon Valley speech suppressing leftists.

Google workers met had 427 meetings at White House over Obama presidency | Daily Mail Online

Google Makes Most of Close Ties to White House

That doesn't make Google "the left". It makes a good Association Fallacy. And again, this thread is (apparently) simply about YouTube's terms of service --- which is not even related to politics.

Of COURSE --- it's about politics. Because the material being CUT is stuff that makes the LEFT uncomfortable.

Go find me GAY activists or Trump critics that are complaining about Google censorship.. If you DO --- I'll STFU..

Youtube's Terms of Service have been changed so that nobody can discuss anything that they have decided is a "Hoax". Youtube is getting more and more strict with people it doesn't agree with.

No, it’s getting more difficult for conspiracy theory liars to post their lies and distortions on YouTube.

High time that those engaging in political discussion got called for their lies.
YouTube is a private organization. They can do as they like. Just like Infowars is allowed to spread their looney conspiracy theories. YouTube is allowed to block hoaxes that promote negativity.
My argument is not, and never has been, that they aren't allowed to do this. YouTube is privately owned, thus they are perfectly free to chase away their own users.

I hope you didn't work too hard building up that strawman.
Having nothing to do with your ability to question the government.

You consequently have no argument.
This change was sparked by the shooting in Florida, and the videos recently being removed are ones suggesting that the survivors are taking orders from the left and that the shooting the staged. Specifically the ones suggesting it was staged are questioning the government.

You stating I don't have an argument doesn't mean I don't have one. You only wish I didn't.
It was also due to a YouTube star that made a video by a guy that committed suicide..

Youtube's Terms of Service have been changed so that nobody can discuss anything that they have decided is a "Hoax". Youtube is getting more and more strict with people it doesn't agree with.

Youtube is a private business- they can censor anything that they want.

If you don't agree with their terms and conditions- start your own website.

I never said they couldn't. In fact, I already said something similar 2-3 times in this very thread. The point of this thread is to announce the change and spark discussion regarding it, not for me to argue that they can't or shouldn't be allowed to censor people.

Again --- you already did make that argument. That ship sailed. That bell rang. That horse left the barn. Then it got on a ship and sailed with a rung bell.
So who deicde

Youtube's Terms of Service have been changed so that nobody can discuss anything that they have decided is a "Hoax". Youtube is getting more and more strict with people it doesn't agree with.

No, it’s getting more difficult for conspiracy theory liars to post their lies and distortions on YouTube.

High time that those engaging in political discussion got called for their lies.

Who decides what is a lie or distortion? YouTube?
It is an attack on free speech, leftard idiots think it's great but they won't when it comes for them too.
The Left hates ALL of the Bill of Rights

Only when those Rights make THEM uncomfortable. They're "opportunists" when it comes to Freedom and Liberty. Not to be trusted DETERMINING what is fake or offensive. Especially NOT the most powerful content company in the world..

Use Bing. It's improved. Don't use Chrome or buy Android tablets. Hit back...
Yahoo search for images and memes suck though...

Bing used to suck.. But in the past 2 years, it's GREATLY improved. INCLUDING image/meme searches. And WITHOUT the feeling that every returned search is being pushed on you because of your browsing history..
How much commission are you making?

Never thought I'd be hawking Microsoft. But it's like the duopoly sucky choices you get on a Dem/Rep controlled ballot.. It's like folks who have given up on political principles and integrity and just "hold their nose and vote for tthe lessor evil"...
It is an attack on free speech, leftard idiots think it's great but they won't when it comes for them too.
The Left hates ALL of the Bill of Rights

Only when those Rights make THEM uncomfortable. They're "opportunists" when it comes to Freedom and Liberty. Not to be trusted DETERMINING what is fake or offensive. Especially NOT the most powerful content company in the world..

Use Bing. It's improved. Don't use Chrome or buy Android tablets. Hit back...

Cute tangent, but this isn't about "the left". It's apparently about YouTube's TOS and the amazing revelation that, per thread title "we can't criticize the government" on it. Which immediately means a whole lot of stuff I and countless others have watched on YouTube musta been halluciminations.

Of COURSE --- it's about the left. Google was by FAR the LARGEST constant visitor presence at the WH during the Obama Admin. They are Silicon Valley speech suppressing leftists.

Google workers met had 427 meetings at White House over Obama presidency | Daily Mail Online

Google Makes Most of Close Ties to White House

Tie THAT to Obama rant this week trying to revive interest in media "fairness" and hitting on the VERY FEW "non-leftist dominated" sources of news and opinion.. What do lobbyists do??? They LOBBY to HURT their competition.. They USE the power of govt to gain ADVANTAGE over their competitors...

THAT'S the 430 visits to the WH. Didn't even have to go thru Congress or the minions of morons in the Agencies. RIGHT ---- to the top....

It's so much easier to go to the top now. Just rent a suit at one of Trump's resorts, and get an off the record meeting with the president. Isn't that more convenient?
The Left hates ALL of the Bill of Rights

Only when those Rights make THEM uncomfortable. They're "opportunists" when it comes to Freedom and Liberty. Not to be trusted DETERMINING what is fake or offensive. Especially NOT the most powerful content company in the world..

Use Bing. It's improved. Don't use Chrome or buy Android tablets. Hit back...

Cute tangent, but this isn't about "the left". It's apparently about YouTube's TOS and the amazing revelation that, per thread title "we can't criticize the government" on it. Which immediately means a whole lot of stuff I and countless others have watched on YouTube musta been halluciminations.

Of COURSE --- it's about the left. Google was by FAR the LARGEST constant visitor presence at the WH during the Obama Admin. They are Silicon Valley speech suppressing leftists.

Google workers met had 427 meetings at White House over Obama presidency | Daily Mail Online

Google Makes Most of Close Ties to White House

That doesn't make Google "the left". It makes a good Association Fallacy. And again, this thread is (apparently) simply about YouTube's terms of service --- which is not even related to politics.

Of COURSE --- it's about politics. Because the material being CUT is stuff that makes the LEFT uncomfortable.

Go find me GAY activists or Trump critics that are complaining about Google censorship.. If you DO --- I'll STFU..
I'll miss your big mouth...

YouTube has sought to clarify its filtering policy after video bloggers in the LGBT community complained that their videos were being unfairly blocked.
YouTube addresses complaints of LGBTQ censoring
YouTube is a private organization. They can do as they like. Just like Infowars is allowed to spread their looney conspiracy theories. YouTube is allowed to block hoaxes that promote negativity.

That's the bs lie you've been indoctrinated too.

Perfect example if the site chooses who can or can't say something that is CONTROLLING YOUR SPEECH

USMB lets people say a great deal of things , but their mods still censor ppl's post based on their own PERSONAL FEELINGS about something being a gawd dam conspiracy or not when tech. it's not a conspiracy.......

In defense of USMB they let people say a hell of a lot more than many, many sites will allow. They do allow a great deal of freedom on here, someone has to get pretty nasty before they perm. ban someone.

People on youtube are getting censored for shit they shouldn't while others are allowed to post whatever .........

Either ban " EVERYBODY's BS" . or don't ban people stuff at all...

It is really sad when people are so low on the totem pole they can't take what infowars says and use gawd google to look up whatever i he said or is saying.

Because ppl use infowars as the biggest fkn denial cop out you can't even imagine how pathetically stupid that makes you people look WHEN YOU CAN TAKE ANYTHING HE POST" GOOGLE IT AND FIND IT ELSE WHERE........

The mentality levels of indoctrinated bs is incredible. WTF difference does it make when Infowars post exactly what TILLY POST and she post what she post from another source.

Half this information comes from infowars and off shoots post off infowars information, infowars often gets their information from the very gawd dam source you leftist dumb fks read to begin with..

Here's a site " LETS DENY IT ALL " because it doesn't fit your source approval...


Is this any less true because it doesn't fit your source approval........


Last edited:
The Left hates ALL of the Bill of Rights

Only when those Rights make THEM uncomfortable. They're "opportunists" when it comes to Freedom and Liberty. Not to be trusted DETERMINING what is fake or offensive. Especially NOT the most powerful content company in the world..

Use Bing. It's improved. Don't use Chrome or buy Android tablets. Hit back...
Yahoo search for images and memes suck though...

Bing used to suck.. But in the past 2 years, it's GREATLY improved. INCLUDING image/meme searches. And WITHOUT the feeling that every returned search is being pushed on you because of your browsing history..
How much commission are you making?

Never thought I'd be hawking Microsoft. But it's like the duopoly sucky choices you get on a Dem/Rep controlled ballot.. It's like folks who have given up on political principles and integrity and just "hold their nose and vote for tthe lessor evil"...
I'm getting to the point that I just want to drop out completely...

Youtube's Terms of Service have been changed so that nobody can discuss anything that they have decided is a "Hoax". Youtube is getting more and more strict with people it doesn't agree with.

It is an attack on free speech, leftard idiots think it's great but they won't when it comes for them too.

aaaaaand enter the fake news-pologists. No doubt dizzy from all the 180s they have to spin depending on whose fake news it is. Fake news bad. No, fake news good. No, fake news bad. Etc etc ad nauseum and having it both ways: Priceless.

Your lack of self-awareness makes this post actually funny.

I never said Fake News was good or bad. I think anyone should be able to publish any story they like. It's up to the people to actually verify the claims... or in your case instantly believe every story that fits their narrative. Of course, YouTube is privately owned, and if they want to lose users, it's entirely up to them. It'll only damage their reputation further.

Obviously, since you've taken great leaps to connect said fake news with "if they want to lose users" and "damage their reputation" you DO think it's bad. You just articulated your own value judgment --- did you really think that wasn't obvious? And not to even mention your title that imagines a world where "we can't criticize the government". With no justification whatsoever.

It's not a giant leap. Naturally, if they are censoring people, those they censor and those that want to see the censored content will have a lower opinion of the platform and those censoring the platform, and would likely go elsewhere. In other words, their reputation would be damaged among those people, and they'd be losing those viewers.

It's completely justified. The videos being censored are discussing the Florida shooting, suggesting that the survivors are being led by the leftists on their crusade to disarm America, and some of those in the government may have staged the shooting. Most of the channels getting strikes and being banned are Anarcho-Capitalist channels, which question the government with nearly every video they make.
In reality, my exposure to Google is much larger than most. Because my electronic product design biz has suffered thru a NUMBER of Android developments for our customers. Experience with Google micromanaging their development tools and developers convinced me to tell everyone here we're not doing Android ANYTHING ever again. They'd change the rules and tools MONTHLY.. Not giving a damn about developers on their platforms.

THEN -- there's the matter of website advertising. Reason for a LOT of USMB "free speech" restraint is because of Google MONITORING the "quality" of this site and all others that Google serves ads to... They have 80% of the web by the "short and curlies"...

While THEY index porn, violence, and all KINDS of offensive material -- they DENY the rights of ad clients...

Youtube's Terms of Service have been changed so that nobody can discuss anything that they have decided is a "Hoax". Youtube is getting more and more strict with people it doesn't agree with.

It is an attack on free speech, leftard idiots think it's great but they won't when it comes for them too.

aaaaaand enter the fake news-pologists. No doubt dizzy from all the 180s they have to spin depending on whose fake news it is. Fake news bad. No, fake news good. No, fake news bad. Etc etc ad nauseum and having it both ways: Priceless.

Your lack of self-awareness makes this post actually funny.

I never said Fake News was good or bad. I think anyone should be able to publish any story they like. It's up to the people to actually verify the claims... or in your case instantly believe every story that fits their narrative. Of course, YouTube is privately owned, and if they want to lose users, it's entirely up to them. It'll only damage their reputation further.

Obviously, since you've taken great leaps to connect said fake news with "if they want to lose users" and "damage their reputation" you DO think it's bad. You just articulated your own value judgment --- did you really think that wasn't obvious? And not to even mention your title that imagines a world where "we can't criticize the government". With no justification whatsoever.

It's not a giant leap. Naturally, if they are censoring people, those they censor and those that want to see the censored content will have a lower opinion of the platform and those censoring the platform, and would likely go elsewhere. In other words, their reputation would be damaged among those people, and they'd be losing those viewers.

It's completely justified. The videos being censored are discussing the Florida shooting, suggesting that the survivors are being led by the leftists on their crusade to disarm America, and some of those in the government may have staged the shooting. Most of the channels getting strikes and being banned are Anarcho-Capitalist channels, which question the government with nearly every video they make.

Ah, so this is about all the Denialist wacknuts who want to dehumanize school shooting victims -- and their grieving parents --- by calling them "actors" ---- is it?

As I said at the beginning..... fake news good when it goes your way, fake news bad when it doesn't. Having it both ways: Priceless.

Know what I call said dehumanizing wacknuts? Exactly what they are --- TRAITORS.
It is an attack on free speech, leftard idiots think it's great but they won't when it comes for them too.
The Left hates ALL of the Bill of Rights
Is Youtube a government agency?

Should they be censoring free speech in favor of the left? They are, what's your doublewide opinion of that?

Absolutely they are free to do so as a private entity.

However, should they be allowed to put cookies into everybody's browser?

Yahoo doesn't have that power.
As if on cue: an example of rightwing stupidity.

Youtube's Terms of Service have been changed so that nobody can discuss anything that they have decided is a "Hoax". Youtube is getting more and more strict with people it doesn't agree with.

No, it’s getting more difficult for conspiracy theory liars to post their lies and distortions on YouTube.

High time that those engaging in political discussion got called for their lies.

That's a dangerously low bar since the NYTimes, the WashPo, CNN and the networks are doing MOST of the fake news, lying and the lying by omission....

Why don't you ask the govt for help???? How about letting the Trump Admin decide to crack down down on the volume of "political lying"?? Would you sleep better? :laughing0301: :poke: :laughing0301:

Sometimes I think leftists have lost all sense of self-preservation and would just prefer that the powerful and political make ALL their decisions for them..

Youtube's Terms of Service have been changed so that nobody can discuss anything that they have decided is a "Hoax". Youtube is getting more and more strict with people it doesn't agree with.

It is an attack on free speech, leftard idiots think it's great but they won't when it comes for them too.

aaaaaand enter the fake news-pologists. No doubt dizzy from all the 180s they have to spin depending on whose fake news it is. Fake news bad. No, fake news good. No, fake news bad. Etc etc ad nauseum and having it both ways: Priceless.

Your lack of self-awareness makes this post actually funny.

I never said Fake News was good or bad. I think anyone should be able to publish any story they like. It's up to the people to actually verify the claims... or in your case instantly believe every story that fits their narrative. Of course, YouTube is privately owned, and if they want to lose users, it's entirely up to them. It'll only damage their reputation further.

Obviously, since you've taken great leaps to connect said fake news with "if they want to lose users" and "damage their reputation" you DO think it's bad. You just articulated your own value judgment --- did you really think that wasn't obvious? And not to even mention your title that imagines a world where "we can't criticize the government". With no justification whatsoever.

It's not a giant leap. Naturally, if they are censoring people, those they censor and those that want to see the censored content will have a lower opinion of the platform and those censoring the platform, and would likely go elsewhere. In other words, their reputation would be damaged among those people, and they'd be losing those viewers.

It's completely justified. The videos being censored are discussing the Florida shooting, suggesting that the survivors are being led by the leftists on their crusade to disarm America, and some of those in the government may have staged the shooting. Most of the channels getting strikes and being banned are Anarcho-Capitalist channels, which question the government with nearly every video they make.

Ah, so this is about all the wacknuts who want to dehumanize school shooting victims -- and their grieving parents --- by calling them "actors" ---- is it?

As I said at the beginning..... fake news good when it goes your way, fake news bad when it doesn't. Having it both ways: Priceless.

Know what I call said dehumanizing wacknuts? Exactly what they are --- TRAITORS.

Those are some of the channels being hit, yes. Others are discussing their motivation for wanting to disarm law-abiding citizens.

I don't want anyone censored, so not really. You're just making that argument because those being silenced are those you disagree with. However, as I said, if Youtube doesn't think it needs the people making that content and the people who want to view that content, this is their decision to make, and they are fully within their rights to do so.

I don't really care what you call them, it's unrelated to my argument.

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