Youtube Being Censored, We Can't Question the Government on Youtube

Youtube's Terms of Service have been changed so that nobody can discuss anything that they have decided is a "Hoax". Youtube is getting more and more strict with people it doesn't agree with.

Is Youtube a government agency?

I wonder where the little baby troll came from. she should probably be in school.

I'm homeschooled, 16 is hardly a baby(And if you baby your kids at 16... well that's your conoe to paddle.), and I don't see how announcing changes in Youtube's terms of service is trolling.

Maybe I should hop into people's threads and derail them with ad hominems instead, just like mature adults, such as yourself, seem to deem appropriate.

telling you you're posting conspiracy garbage isn't derailing your thread, baby troll...

Their terms of service FACTUALLY changed, they made an announcement regarding it. Is your argument that Youtube is lying about changing their terms of service?

I'd ALSO like to point out that not one single part of your post addresses the topic. You called me a baby, then said I should probably be in school. Of course, giving you the benefit of the doubt, I highlighted your post to see if there's an invisible part that actually addresses the topic at hand... surprisingly, it doesn't. So, no, you did not tell me that I'm posting a conspiracy theory, and if you had, it would be demonstrably false.

The topic is idiocy; you remain at liberty to question the government.
It is an attack on free speech, leftard idiots think it's great but they won't when it comes for them too.
The Left hates ALL of the Bill of Rights

Only when those Rights make THEM uncomfortable. They're "opportunists" when it comes to Freedom and Liberty. Not to be trusted DETERMINING what is fake or offensive. Especially NOT the most powerful content company in the world..

Use Bing. It's improved. Don't use Chrome or buy Android tablets. Hit back...
And the rightwing ignorance and stupidity just keeps on coming...

What YouTube does or doesn't do has nothing to do with rights or liberty.
YouTube is a private organization. They can do as they like. Just like Infowars is allowed to spread their looney conspiracy theories. YouTube is allowed to block hoaxes that promote negativity.
My argument is not, and never has been, that they aren't allowed to do this. YouTube is privately owned, thus they are perfectly free to chase away their own users.

I hope you didn't work too hard building up that strawman.
Having nothing to do with your ability to question the government.

You consequently have no argument.
This change was sparked by the shooting in Florida, and the videos recently being removed are ones suggesting that the survivors are taking orders from the left and that the shooting the staged. Specifically the ones suggesting it was staged are questioning the government.

You stating I don't have an argument doesn't mean I don't have one. You only wish I didn't.

Hmmmm so you are complaining that Youtube made a business decision that it didn't want to be associated with a bunch of crazies attacking the victims and families of a shooting?

Like I said before- you can go start your own website for that. Or as pointed out before- Infowars and WND are always willing to play up any conspiracy theory against the government.
So who deicde

Youtube's Terms of Service have been changed so that nobody can discuss anything that they have decided is a "Hoax". Youtube is getting more and more strict with people it doesn't agree with.

No, it’s getting more difficult for conspiracy theory liars to post their lies and distortions on YouTube.

High time that those engaging in political discussion got called for their lies.

Who decides what is a lie or distortion? YouTube?

Since it is their business- yes.

If you don't like their business model- don't use it.

Youtube's Terms of Service have been changed so that nobody can discuss anything that they have decided is a "Hoax". Youtube is getting more and more strict with people it doesn't agree with.

It is an attack on free speech, leftard idiots think it's great but they won't when it comes for them too.

aaaaaand enter the fake news-pologists. No doubt dizzy from all the 180s they have to spin depending on whose fake news it is. Fake news bad. No, fake news good. No, fake news bad. Etc etc ad nauseum and having it both ways: Priceless.

Your lack of self-awareness makes this post actually funny.

I never said Fake News was good or bad. I think anyone should be able to publish any story they like. It's up to the people to actually verify the claims... or in your case instantly believe every story that fits their narrative. Of course, YouTube is privately owned, and if they want to lose users, it's entirely up to them. It'll only damage their reputation further.

Obviously, since you've taken great leaps to connect said fake news with "if they want to lose users" and "damage their reputation" you DO think it's bad. You just articulated your own value judgment --- did you really think that wasn't obvious? And not to even mention your title that imagines a world where "we can't criticize the government". With no justification whatsoever.

It's not a giant leap. Naturally, if they are censoring people, those they censor and those that want to see the censored content will have a lower opinion of the platform and those censoring the platform, and would likely go elsewhere. In other words, their reputation would be damaged among those people, and they'd be losing those viewers.

It's completely justified. The videos being censored are discussing the Florida shooting, suggesting that the survivors are being led by the leftists on their crusade to disarm America, and some of those in the government may have staged the shooting. Most of the channels getting strikes and being banned are Anarcho-Capitalist channels, which question the government with nearly every video they make.

You realize that Youtube has always censored its content.


You just object to Youtube now censoring loony content that you want them to post.
That's a dangerously low bar since the NYTimes, the WashPo, CNN and the networks are doing MOST of the lying and the lying by omission....


Yeah --- guess not.

All those media giants I mentioned have been doing Putin's work for him. He only needs to enjoy the carnage. What ever happened to the Moscow hookers peeing on the bed? Or that "Intelligence Report" from 16 agencies about Trump's collusion with Russia? Or reporting Trump''s comments about having his campaign being spied on being a lie and "fact checking" it??

Did you SLEEP thru that fucking nightmare???
That's a dangerously low bar since the NYTimes, the WashPo, CNN and the networks are doing MOST of the lying and the lying by omission....


Yeah --- guess not.

All those media giants I mentioned have been doing Putin's work for him. He only needs to enjoy the carnage. What ever happened to the Moscow hookers peeing on the bed? Or that "Intelligence Report" from 16 agencies about Trump's collusion with Russia? Or reporting Trump''s comments about having his campaign being spied on being a lie and "fact checking" it??

Did you SLEEP thru that fucking nightmare???

Are we unclear on what the word "link" means?

You made a quantitative comparison, to wit: "the NYTimes, the WashPo, CNN and the networks are doing MOST of the lying and the lying by omission". Where are your data?
YouTube is a private organization. They can do as they like. Just like Infowars is allowed to spread their looney conspiracy theories. YouTube is allowed to block hoaxes that promote negativity.
My argument is not, and never has been, that they aren't allowed to do this. YouTube is privately owned, thus they are perfectly free to chase away their own users.

I hope you didn't work too hard building up that strawman.
Having nothing to do with your ability to question the government.

You consequently have no argument.
This change was sparked by the shooting in Florida, and the videos recently being removed are ones suggesting that the survivors are taking orders from the left and that the shooting the staged. Specifically the ones suggesting it was staged are questioning the government.

You stating I don't have an argument doesn't mean I don't have one. You only wish I didn't.

Hmmmm so you are complaining that Youtube made a business decision that it didn't want to be associated with a bunch of crazies attacking the victims and families of a shooting?

Like I said before- you can go start your own website for that. Or as pointed out before- Infowars and WND are always willing to play up any conspiracy theory against the government.
That's your opinion. There are people who agree with those opinions and disagree with you. Regardless of whether you think they are crazy or not, that's a demographic, and having videos that those people make, and others want to see, just adds more consumers.

I'm not complaining. Besides, there are other web sites already that are happy to take Youtube's customers.
It is an attack on free speech, leftard idiots think it's great but they won't when it comes for them too.
The Left hates ALL of the Bill of Rights

Only when those Rights make THEM uncomfortable. They're "opportunists" when it comes to Freedom and Liberty. Not to be trusted DETERMINING what is fake or offensive. Especially NOT the most powerful content company in the world..

Use Bing. It's improved. Don't use Chrome or buy Android tablets. Hit back...
And the rightwing ignorance and stupidity just keeps on coming...

What YouTube does or doesn't do has nothing to do with rights or liberty.

Of course not. Except for their MOTIVATION. Which IS political bias.. Go find me examples of abuse of speech from the left. Make you the same deal I made to Pogo.

Then there's the issue of COLLUSION with favorable leftist politicians and leftist brokers to GET THEIR DOMINANCE in the 1st place.. Hence the 430 visits DIRECTLY to the WH during the Obama Admin. And Obama is STILL whining about throttling the "fake news".. He did so this week..

THAT -- WOULD be a direct threat to rights and liberty wouldn't it? Using corporate/govt COLLUSION to make adjustments to the major broker of content in the world..
That's a dangerously low bar since the NYTimes, the WashPo, CNN and the networks are doing MOST of the lying and the lying by omission....


Yeah --- guess not.

All those media giants I mentioned have been doing Putin's work for him. He only needs to enjoy the carnage. What ever happened to the Moscow hookers peeing on the bed? Or that "Intelligence Report" from 16 agencies about Trump's collusion with Russia? Or reporting Trump''s comments about having his campaign being spied on being a lie and "fact checking" it??

Did you SLEEP thru that fucking nightmare???

Are we unclear on what the word "link" means?

You made a quantitative comparison, to wit: "the NYTimes, the WashPo, CNN and the networks are doing MOST of the lying and the lying by omission". Where are your data?

Just beat you into the ground with it.. You need LINKS to anything I mentioned -- then you're too slow and stupid..
The Left hates ALL of the Bill of Rights

Only when those Rights make THEM uncomfortable. They're "opportunists" when it comes to Freedom and Liberty. Not to be trusted DETERMINING what is fake or offensive. Especially NOT the most powerful content company in the world..

Use Bing. It's improved. Don't use Chrome or buy Android tablets. Hit back...

Cute tangent, but this isn't about "the left". It's apparently about YouTube's TOS and the amazing revelation that, per thread title "we can't criticize the government" on it. Which immediately means a whole lot of stuff I and countless others have watched on YouTube musta been halluciminations.

Of COURSE --- it's about the left. Google was by FAR the LARGEST constant visitor presence at the WH during the Obama Admin. They are Silicon Valley speech suppressing leftists.

Google workers met had 427 meetings at White House over Obama presidency | Daily Mail Online

Google Makes Most of Close Ties to White House

That doesn't make Google "the left". It makes a good Association Fallacy. And again, this thread is (apparently) simply about YouTube's terms of service --- which is not even related to politics.

Of COURSE --- it's about politics. Because the material being CUT is stuff that makes the LEFT uncomfortable.

Go find me GAY activists or Trump critics that are complaining about Google censorship.. If you DO --- I'll STFU..
No, it's about a private website electing not to host rightwing misinformation, fake news, and lies.

Youtube's Terms of Service have been changed so that nobody can discuss anything that they have decided is a "Hoax". Youtube is getting more and more strict with people it doesn't agree with.

It is an attack on free speech, leftard idiots think it's great but they won't when it comes for them too.

aaaaaand enter the fake news-pologists. No doubt dizzy from all the 180s they have to spin depending on whose fake news it is. Fake news bad. No, fake news good. No, fake news bad. Etc etc ad nauseum and having it both ways: Priceless.

Your lack of self-awareness makes this post actually funny.

I never said Fake News was good or bad. I think anyone should be able to publish any story they like. It's up to the people to actually verify the claims... or in your case instantly believe every story that fits their narrative. Of course, YouTube is privately owned, and if they want to lose users, it's entirely up to them. It'll only damage their reputation further.

Obviously, since you've taken great leaps to connect said fake news with "if they want to lose users" and "damage their reputation" you DO think it's bad. You just articulated your own value judgment --- did you really think that wasn't obvious? And not to even mention your title that imagines a world where "we can't criticize the government". With no justification whatsoever.

It's not a giant leap. Naturally, if they are censoring people, those they censor and those that want to see the censored content will have a lower opinion of the platform and those censoring the platform, and would likely go elsewhere. In other words, their reputation would be damaged among those people, and they'd be losing those viewers.

It's completely justified. The videos being censored are discussing the Florida shooting, suggesting that the survivors are being led by the leftists on their crusade to disarm America, and some of those in the government may have staged the shooting. Most of the channels getting strikes and being banned are Anarcho-Capitalist channels, which question the government with nearly every video they make.

You realize that Youtube has always censored its content.


You just object to Youtube now censoring loony content that you want them to post.

I don't object to it. I pointed out that they're losing more viewers and content creators this way.

The fact that they censored content already doesn't mean censoring it more won't lose them viewers and content creators. It also doesn't mean that this isn't news. In fact, your point here is completely meaningless.

Youtube's Terms of Service have been changed so that nobody can discuss anything that they have decided is a "Hoax". Youtube is getting more and more strict with people it doesn't agree with.

It is an attack on free speech, leftard idiots think it's great but they won't when it comes for them too.

aaaaaand enter the fake news-pologists. No doubt dizzy from all the 180s they have to spin depending on whose fake news it is. Fake news bad. No, fake news good. No, fake news bad. Etc etc ad nauseum and having it both ways: Priceless.

Your lack of self-awareness makes this post actually funny.

I never said Fake News was good or bad. I think anyone should be able to publish any story they like. It's up to the people to actually verify the claims... or in your case instantly believe every story that fits their narrative. Of course, YouTube is privately owned, and if they want to lose users, it's entirely up to them. It'll only damage their reputation further.

Obviously, since you've taken great leaps to connect said fake news with "if they want to lose users" and "damage their reputation" you DO think it's bad. You just articulated your own value judgment --- did you really think that wasn't obvious? And not to even mention your title that imagines a world where "we can't criticize the government". With no justification whatsoever.

It's not a giant leap. Naturally, if they are censoring people, those they censor and those that want to see the censored content will have a lower opinion of the platform and those censoring the platform, and would likely go elsewhere. In other words, their reputation would be damaged among those people, and they'd be losing those viewers.

It's completely justified. The videos being censored are discussing the Florida shooting, suggesting that the survivors are being led by the leftists on their crusade to disarm America, and some of those in the government may have staged the shooting. Most of the channels getting strikes and being banned are Anarcho-Capitalist channels, which question the government with nearly every video they make.

You realize that Youtube has always censored its content.


You just object to Youtube now censoring loony content that you want them to post.

There is a different between content rules and CENSORSHIP.. Content rules are NOT politically biased. CENSORSHIP usually is.

Ask the IRS about discriminating against applicants because of "political speech"...
Only when those Rights make THEM uncomfortable. They're "opportunists" when it comes to Freedom and Liberty. Not to be trusted DETERMINING what is fake or offensive. Especially NOT the most powerful content company in the world..

Use Bing. It's improved. Don't use Chrome or buy Android tablets. Hit back...

Cute tangent, but this isn't about "the left". It's apparently about YouTube's TOS and the amazing revelation that, per thread title "we can't criticize the government" on it. Which immediately means a whole lot of stuff I and countless others have watched on YouTube musta been halluciminations.

Of COURSE --- it's about the left. Google was by FAR the LARGEST constant visitor presence at the WH during the Obama Admin. They are Silicon Valley speech suppressing leftists.

Google workers met had 427 meetings at White House over Obama presidency | Daily Mail Online

Google Makes Most of Close Ties to White House

That doesn't make Google "the left". It makes a good Association Fallacy. And again, this thread is (apparently) simply about YouTube's terms of service --- which is not even related to politics.

Of COURSE --- it's about politics. Because the material being CUT is stuff that makes the LEFT uncomfortable.

Go find me GAY activists or Trump critics that are complaining about Google censorship.. If you DO --- I'll STFU..
No, it's about a private website electing not to host rightwing misinformation, fake news, and lies.

Then we agree. Because you just copped to the political MOTIVE for all this..

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