Youtube Being Censored, We Can't Question the Government on Youtube

Is Youtube a government agency?

I wonder where the little baby troll came from. she should probably be in school.
I'm homeschooled, 16 is hardly a baby(And if you baby your kids at 16... well that's your conoe to paddle.), and I don't see how announcing changes in Youtube's terms of service is trolling.

Maybe I should hop into people's threads and derail them with ad hominems instead, just like mature adults, such as yourself, seem to deem appropriate.

telling you you're posting conspiracy garbage isn't derailing your thread, baby troll...
Their terms of service FACTUALLY changed, they made an announcement regarding it. Is your argument that Youtube is lying about changing their terms of service?

I'd ALSO like to point out that not one single part of your post addresses the topic. You called me a baby, then said I should probably be in school. Of course, giving you the benefit of the doubt, I highlighted your post to see if there's an invisible part that actually addresses the topic at hand... surprisingly, it doesn't. So, no, you did not tell me that I'm posting a conspiracy theory, and if you had, it would be demonstrably false.

I addressed your post. I said it was conspiracy lunacy.

I don't address conspiracy theories beyond that. if it makes you sad, you can stop responding to me.

and I didn't call you a baby. I called you a baby troll. would you prefer I call you a troll in training?
So, if your original post addressed the topic at hand, why was it deleted? Surely if it wasn't off-topic trolling, it would still be in the thread.

However, I'll give you a chance:

Please, highlight the part of this post that addresses the OP.

So, what you're saying is that you don't actually debunk anything you disagree with, you just say it's fake, then run off. That sounds underwhelming as a debate tactic, must be why I, and everyone other poster who chooses to deliver actual content to the forum, choose not to employ said tactic.

Oh, please forgive me for misunderstanding your ad hominum, I'm sure there's a world of difference between the two, and one delivers FAR more content to your post.

Youtube's Terms of Service have been changed so that nobody can discuss anything that they have decided is a "Hoax". Youtube is getting more and more strict with people it doesn't agree with.

Youtube is a private business- they can censor anything that they want.

If you don't agree with their terms and conditions- start your own website.
It is an attack on free speech, leftard idiots think it's great but they won't when it comes for them too.

Why are you against the free speech of Youtube?

Why are you against capitalism?

Why are you against a business determining how it will run its business?

Youtube's Terms of Service have been changed so that nobody can discuss anything that they have decided is a "Hoax". Youtube is getting more and more strict with people it doesn't agree with.

It is an attack on free speech, leftard idiots think it's great but they won't when it comes for them too.

aaaaaand enter the fake news-pologists. No doubt dizzy from all the 180s they have to spin depending on whose fake news it is. Fake news bad. No, fake news good. No, fake news bad. Etc etc ad nauseum and having it both ways: Priceless.

Your lack of self-awareness makes this post actually funny.

I never said Fake News was good or bad. I think anyone should be able to publish any story they like. It's up to the people to actually verify the claims... or in your case instantly believe every story that fits their narrative. Of course, YouTube is privately owned, and if they want to lose users, it's entirely up to them. It'll only damage their reputation further.

Actually doing this might save what meager reputation Youtube has.

Right now Youtube is the darling of the hoaxters and conspiracy theorists- essentially anytime anyone posts a link on Youtube to support whatever looney claim that they are making, you know its a bogus claim.
You are mistaken. We are making fun of crazy right wingers. They are the ones who think their wishes should be the law, no matter what the law actually says.

Aren't ALL right wingers "crazy" in your opinion?
ALL except for maybe John McCain and those supposedly on the Right but clearly in support of Progressive policies (or at least anti-Trump policies)
It is an attack on free speech, leftard idiots think it's great but they won't when it comes for them too.
The Left hates ALL of the Bill of Rights

Only when those Rights make THEM uncomfortable. They're "opportunists" when it comes to Freedom and Liberty. Not to be trusted DETERMINING what is fake or offensive. Especially NOT the most powerful content company in the world..

Use Bing. It's improved. Don't use Chrome or buy Android tablets. Hit back...

Cute tangent, but this isn't about "the left". It's apparently about YouTube's TOS and the amazing revelation that, per thread title "we can't criticize the government" on it. Which immediately means a whole lot of stuff I and countless others have watched on YouTube musta been halluciminations.

Of COURSE --- it's about the left. Google was by FAR the LARGEST constant visitor presence at the WH during the Obama Admin. They are Silicon Valley speech suppressing leftists.

Google workers met had 427 meetings at White House over Obama presidency | Daily Mail Online

Google Makes Most of Close Ties to White House

Youtube's Terms of Service have been changed so that nobody can discuss anything that they have decided is a "Hoax". Youtube is getting more and more strict with people it doesn't agree with.

It is an attack on free speech, leftard idiots think it's great but they won't when it comes for them too.

aaaaaand enter the fake news-pologists. No doubt dizzy from all the 180s they have to spin depending on whose fake news it is. Fake news bad. No, fake news good. No, fake news bad. Etc etc ad nauseum and having it both ways: Priceless.

Your lack of self-awareness makes this post actually funny.

I never said Fake News was good or bad. I think anyone should be able to publish any story they like. It's up to the people to actually verify the claims... or in your case instantly believe every story that fits their narrative. Of course, YouTube is privately owned, and if they want to lose users, it's entirely up to them. It'll only damage their reputation further.

Obviously, since you've taken great leaps to connect said fake news with "if they want to lose users" and "damage their reputation" you DO think it's bad. You just articulated your own value judgment --- did you really think that wasn't obvious? And not to even mention your title that imagines a world where "we can't criticize the government". With no justification whatsoever.
It is an attack on free speech, leftard idiots think it's great but they won't when it comes for them too.
The Left hates ALL of the Bill of Rights

Only when those Rights make THEM uncomfortable. They're "opportunists" when it comes to Freedom and Liberty. Not to be trusted DETERMINING what is fake or offensive. Especially NOT the most powerful content company in the world..

Use Bing. It's improved. Don't use Chrome or buy Android tablets. Hit back...

Cute tangent, but this isn't about "the left". It's apparently about YouTube's TOS and the amazing revelation that, per thread title "we can't criticize the government" on it. Which immediately means a whole lot of stuff I and countless others have watched on YouTube musta been halluciminations.

Of COURSE --- it's about the left. Google was by FAR the LARGEST constant visitor presence at the WH during the Obama Admin. They are Silicon Valley speech suppressing leftists.

Google workers met had 427 meetings at White House over Obama presidency | Daily Mail Online

Google Makes Most of Close Ties to White House

Tie THAT to Obama rant this week trying to revive interest in media "fairness" and hitting on the VERY FEW "non-leftist dominated" sources of news and opinion.. What do lobbyists do??? They LOBBY to HURT their competition.. They USE the power of govt to gain ADVANTAGE over their competitors...

THAT'S the 430 visits to the WH. Didn't even have to go thru Congress or the minions of morons in the Agencies. RIGHT ---- to the top....
You are mistaken. We are making fun of crazy right wingers. They are the ones who think their wishes should be the law, no matter what the law actually says.

Aren't ALL right wingers "crazy" in your opinion?
ALL except for maybe John McCain and those supposedly on the Right but clearly in support of Progressive policies (or at least anti-Trump policies)

Sadly, I'm beginning to think almost all of them are. I miss the old GOP back when they had integrity and honor.

Youtube's Terms of Service have been changed so that nobody can discuss anything that they have decided is a "Hoax". Youtube is getting more and more strict with people it doesn't agree with.

It is an attack on free speech, leftard idiots think it's great but they won't when it comes for them too.

aaaaaand enter the fake news-pologists. No doubt dizzy from all the 180s they have to spin depending on whose fake news it is. Fake news bad. No, fake news good. No, fake news bad. Etc etc ad nauseum and having it both ways: Priceless.

Your lack of self-awareness makes this post actually funny.

I never said Fake News was good or bad. I think anyone should be able to publish any story they like. It's up to the people to actually verify the claims... or in your case instantly believe every story that fits their narrative. Of course, YouTube is privately owned, and if they want to lose users, it's entirely up to them. It'll only damage their reputation further.

Actually doing this might save what meager reputation Youtube has.

Right now Youtube is the darling of the hoaxters and conspiracy theorists- essentially anytime anyone posts a link on Youtube to support whatever looney claim that they are making, you know its a bogus claim.

People choose who they want to watch, having videos people disagree with doesn't force them to watch said videos. All getting rid of those videos does is reduce the amount of content and viewers Youtube has.
The Right clearly has no idea what the Bill of Rights says.
(hint: the Bill of Rights doesn't say that a business can't have its own terms and conditions)

You miss the point.
Most on the right would probably support a business's right to conduct it's business as it sees fit within the boundaries of the law.

The problem is that the Left controls nearly ALL the media and social media and is weaponizing it against fundamental right wing ideals.

The Right has the right to be concerned....and should be.
It is an attack on free speech, leftard idiots think it's great but they won't when it comes for them too.
The Left hates ALL of the Bill of Rights

Only when those Rights make THEM uncomfortable. They're "opportunists" when it comes to Freedom and Liberty. Not to be trusted DETERMINING what is fake or offensive. Especially NOT the most powerful content company in the world..

Use Bing. It's improved. Don't use Chrome or buy Android tablets. Hit back...

Cute tangent, but this isn't about "the left". It's apparently about YouTube's TOS and the amazing revelation that, per thread title "we can't criticize the government" on it. Which immediately means a whole lot of stuff I and countless others have watched on YouTube musta been halluciminations.

Of COURSE --- it's about the left. Google was by FAR the LARGEST constant visitor presence at the WH during the Obama Admin. They are Silicon Valley speech suppressing leftists.

Google workers met had 427 meetings at White House over Obama presidency | Daily Mail Online

Google Makes Most of Close Ties to White House

That doesn't make Google "the left". It makes a good Association Fallacy. And again, this thread is (apparently) simply about YouTube's terms of service --- which is not even related to politics.

Besides which, if you think Barack O'bama is "the left" you're in need of a road map.
YouTube is a private organization. They can do as they like. Just like Infowars is allowed to spread their looney conspiracy theories. YouTube is allowed to block hoaxes that promote negativity.
My argument is not, and never has been, that they aren't allowed to do this. YouTube is privately owned, thus they are perfectly free to chase away their own users.

I hope you didn't work too hard building up that strawman.
Having nothing to do with your ability to question the government.

You consequently have no argument.

Youtube's Terms of Service have been changed so that nobody can discuss anything that they have decided is a "Hoax". Youtube is getting more and more strict with people it doesn't agree with.

Youtube is a private business- they can censor anything that they want.

If you don't agree with their terms and conditions- start your own website.

I never said they couldn't. In fact, I already said something similar 2-3 times in this very thread. The point of this thread is to announce the change and spark discussion regarding it, not for me to argue that they can't or shouldn't be allowed to censor people.
It is an attack on free speech, leftard idiots think it's great but they won't when it comes for them too.
The Left hates ALL of the Bill of Rights

Only when those Rights make THEM uncomfortable. They're "opportunists" when it comes to Freedom and Liberty. Not to be trusted DETERMINING what is fake or offensive. Especially NOT the most powerful content company in the world..

Use Bing. It's improved. Don't use Chrome or buy Android tablets. Hit back...
Yahoo search for images and memes suck though...

Bing used to suck.. But in the past 2 years, it's GREATLY improved. INCLUDING image/meme searches. And WITHOUT the feeling that every returned search is being pushed on you because of your browsing history..
YouTube IS Google.
I just use Epic Privacy Browser's built-in search engine at this point. Google's search is less reliable, anyway, and I don't want to support them... it's just a drop in the bucket, though.
Never heard of it, but "googled" it. I tried to find it for my Android phone. Firefox seems to have their own phone version. I will switch from Chrome to one of them.
Did you guys end your Firefox boycott?
YouTube is a private organization. They can do as they like. Just like Infowars is allowed to spread their looney conspiracy theories. YouTube is allowed to block hoaxes that promote negativity.
My argument is not, and never has been, that they aren't allowed to do this. YouTube is privately owned, thus they are perfectly free to chase away their own users.

I hope you didn't work too hard building up that strawman.
Having nothing to do with your ability to question the government.

You consequently have no argument.

Of course it does. If YouTube is taking down content it prevents any discourse on it, doesn't it?

Or do I need to explain how that would work?
It is an attack on free speech, leftard idiots think it's great but they won't when it comes for them too.
The Left hates ALL of the Bill of Rights

Only when those Rights make THEM uncomfortable. They're "opportunists" when it comes to Freedom and Liberty. Not to be trusted DETERMINING what is fake or offensive. Especially NOT the most powerful content company in the world..

Use Bing. It's improved. Don't use Chrome or buy Android tablets. Hit back...
Yahoo search for images and memes suck though...

Bing used to suck.. But in the past 2 years, it's GREATLY improved. INCLUDING image/meme searches. And WITHOUT the feeling that every returned search is being pushed on you because of your browsing history..
How much commission are you making?

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