YouTube suspends Sen. Rand Paul Over a Video Falsely Claiming Masks Are Ineffective

I'm glad to see that YouTube has honesty standards and won't compromise that honesty.

People who post such lies should be suspended from websites.

Children are contracting the virus and some are dying.

Another Democrat who likes the fascism of silencing anyone who disagrees with you. And there is no science that masks do work. This is silencing science
YouTube suspends Sen. Rand Paul Over a Video Falsely Claiming Masks Are Ineffective

Show the science that you know the claim is false. Oh yeah, you can't. There isn't any.

Democrat = liar. You lie all the time about everything
I'm glad to see that YouTube has honesty standards and won't compromise that honesty.

People who post such lies should be suspended from websites.

Children are contracting the virus and some are dying.

They aren’t effective. They are rated to filter particles ten times larger than the virus.

Children aren’t dying of WuFlu. Stop the lying. Less than 500 children died “with” WuFlu so far, but they died of other reasons. That isn’t much more than children dying of regular influenza.
Here's Don John: Maybe he meant PineSol or Lysol huh?

"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me."
Don't see the word Bleach there dishonest pussy.... I do see a vocabulary dysfunction for sure....but then again we all knew that from the apprentice show.
He was obviously referring to the commonly injected or orally used Hdroxy which has been described as a disinfectant in fact and has now been pretty well vindicated by it's very successful use in India. They guy was never a smooth talker that I can remember. But to take it and make it into.... " Trump says do Clorox with a hypo!" was just stupid and typical. The other part of your ongoing dishonesty is the idea that " Tumpsters " = " Anti-vaxxers" ..... another stupid claim..... Nobody has been more pro vax than Trump.... soooo where is the fit with that one? Or is it just like all the other shit you guys hop on and misrepresent?

They aren’t effective. They are rated to filter particles ten times larger than the virus.

Children aren’t dying of WuFlu. Stop the lying. Less than 500 children died “with” WuFlu so far, but they died of other reasons. That isn’t much more than children dying of regular influenza.
Children die from the seasonal flu every year and have been forever....more henny penny bulllshit from the left. They are trying to ride this thing into complete control of everything....not gonna happen. The polls are already showing them losing both the House and Senate in 22 and probably the white house in 24.

Stops people from peeing on each other?

Maybe you missed this the first time I posted it. Can We Finally Admit That Mask-Wearing Was Pointless? | MacIver Institute

I'm not interested in a back and forth with you. You either accept what Dr. Faucci himself said or you do

Proven to stop the spread of your breath like your panties stop you from peeing all over everybody.

There is no back and forth here. Just you and the wing nuts talking points verse reality.
Just for you, kaz.

SO? Where's the word bleach?
Hydroxychloroquine is just that...a disinfectant and it does get injected. Ultraviolet lamps are commonly used in Hospital infection areas where the contagion factor is high.....using it on the body? Not so much and it was stupid for him to say that....but he was probably referring to the prior use that I just mentioned. He always did talk too much......but then again so did Obama and his 57 states......
Because you don't know shit. None of that is the same as keeping airborne viruses from spreading.
Explain why protection from Anything that is airborne and the use of ages old covering of your face and mouth as useful, what is different with this virus? Also does this mean in your life you have never covered your mouth while coughing near someone else? And last please state where you got your information that "I don't know shit" just seems a rude comment directed at some one you don't know at all.
SO? Where's the word bleach?
Hydroxychloroquine is just that...a disinfectant and it does get injected. Ultraviolet lamps are commonly used in Hospital infection areas where the contagion factor is high.....using it on the body? Not so much and it was stupid for him to say that....but he was probably referring to the prior use that I just mentioned. He always did talk too much......but then again so did Obama and his 57 states......

Disenfectant. Trump would say anything to be on television every day.

Just for you, kaz.

I didn't say he didn't bring up UV lights, fail. I said he didn't tell people to do that. He was talking to scientists about research.

So when you watch a Prevagen add, you think they are telling you to eat a jellyfish? Stop being such a moron. Talking about research is not telling people to do it themselves, stupid schmuck.

Then you are the one who claims to have been a Republican for 35 years and can't think of a single thing you agreed with Replubicans on, you aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer
Okay so the CDC's own scientific study determined MASKS ARE INEFFECTIVE as a scientist and expert in the field testified last week. Sounds like youtube doesn't know the science.
Don't see the word Bleach there dishonest pussy.... I do see a vocabulary dysfunction for sure....but then again we all knew that from the apprentice show.
He was obviously referring to the commonly injected or orally used Hdroxy which has been described as a disinfectant in fact and has now been pretty well vindicated by it's very successful use in India. They guy was never a smooth talker that I can remember. But to take it and make it into.... " Trump says do Clorox with a hypo!" was just stupid and typical. The other part of your ongoing dishonesty is the idea that " Tumpsters " = " Anti-vaxxers" ..... another stupid claim..... Nobody has been more pro vax than Trump.... soooo where is the fit with that one? Or is it just like all the other shit you guys hop on and misrepresent?

Those were his exact words. Aside from the fact that I never claimed he said the word 'bleach' ya Neanderthal, are you saying bleach is not a disinfectant? It was obvious from the doctors reaction when he said it that he was simply talking out of his ass! Bigly!

But the Neo-GOP is trained too well to ever acknowledge that he simply fucked up when he said it.
Okay so the CDC's own scientific study determined MASKS ARE INEFFECTIVE as a scientist and expert in the field testified last week. Sounds like youtube doesn't know the science.
Fake News

Fake News

LOL the left's typical response when the science does not agree with their narrative. :itsok: Read your own link stupid, it says the study did in fact determine that face masks are NOT effective based on the data. But since that conflicts with the narrative being spun, they claim more data is needed and more studies are needed. There I destroyed you.

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