YouTube suspends Sen. Rand Paul Over a Video Falsely Claiming Masks Are Ineffective

So, it looks like the issue is still not settled, yet it is deemed "misinformation" by the Ministry of Truth and censored accordingly under the direction of the Federal Government as the WH Press Sec. has confirmed?

Why am I not surprised that you are such a fucking Nazi?

Rightie Tightie snowphlakes are such fun. "Ministry of Truth." and the AMA are all Nazis.

Hahaha what a card
You loons keep this crap up and Jan 6 will look like a cake walk. Rand Paul was 100% correct. I won't comply to government mandates. I didn't before and I won't now.
You say 'keep this crap up and Jan 6 will look like a cake walk.' Sounds like a threat.
Doctors all over the country also say they do work.

“If two individuals are standing across from each other and neither are wearing pants, if the person across from you urinates, you will get wet,” said Dr. Davuluri. “If you are wearing pants and the person across from you urinates, you will be partially protected. If both individuals are wearing pants, you will be completely protected and remain dry.”

“It’s the same for mask wearing. If neither individual is wearing a mask, you will both be exposed,” she said. “If one person is wearing a mask, you will be partially protected. If both individuals are wearing a mask, both will be protected from being exposed to the virus.”

The bottom line, added Dr. Riddle, is that “masks really do prevent the spread of disease, specifically this virus that we're all fighting. ... They really do save lives—yours and others.”

The AMA is partnering with other leading health organizations to encourage people to mask up to stop the spread of COVID-19.
:rolleyes: If urine was exactly like microscopic covid viruses you would have a point.
But it isn't. An informed doctor should know better. And you?
You just seem a hopeless case who doesn't know much of anything.

Getting vaccinated is the most effective means we have to stop the covid virus on a microscopic
level, the only one that counts.

Masks are just a placebo and virtue signaling way to make some people feel better about themselves.
I'm not surprised you think for some reason you know more about this issue than Dr. Rand Paul.
One of the more destructive qualities of this cult has been the way it has so fully adopted this weird, cafeteria, selective, ersatz libertarianism pushed by Paul and others.

They want to think that they live in the Old West and not an advanced civilization. To hell with everyone else, it's all about me.

These are bitter, hateful, selfish people, and their cult leader knew exactly how to tap into that, being one himself.

Actually, I think they are tired of the fight and would just as soon have the final battle and be done with it.

We all know where this is going. Eventually, this country destroys itself or breaks up into smaller segments where people of like minds are together.

It's sad most dont 'realize that is the way the country is set up and that we have allowed it to become to homogoenous in it's approach to issues.

It's not the Wild West. It's the local west. There is a big difference. They do care about their nieighbor, but don't give a rat's ass about cities thousands of miles away (for what are really and truly obvious reasons that the left just can't seem to pull it's collective head out of it's ass long enough to see).

None of those descriptions fit the ones I know when it comes to the day to day. But when it comes to dealing with the left, they've come to see that Antifa has been successful in the hate game......
And the other day Twitter took care of Madge for a week. Great to see these Trump Cult liars getting smacked down. Bigly!!!

Why don't you do us all a favor and STFU.

Twitter is an example what's running your life and answers why you are such a pathetic excuse for a human.

Them smacking down anyone is simply the same as the Thunderdome in the Mad Max trilogy. It gives mindless twits like you some type of satisfaction and keeps your mind from questioning why you live in squalor.
This also weakens the YouTube Brand. Who made them the authorities on misinformation? Wearing Masks and it’s effectiveness is a legitimate debate ongoing among credible doctors and scientists. I choose to wear a mask and comply with jurisdictions and establishments that mandate masks but taking down content deemed “misinformation” when it has not been scientifically proven is purely political.

Is it misinformation that Obama and 100s of guests chose not to wear masks at his indoor 60th Birthday Bash?
:rolleyes: If urine was exactly like microscopic covid viruses you would have a point.
But it isn't. An informed doctor should know better. And you?
You just seem a hopeless case who doesn't know much of anything.

Getting vaccinated is the most effective means we have to stop the covid virus on a microscopic
level, the only one that counts.

Masks are just a placebo and virtue signaling way to make some people feel better about themselves.
I'm not surprised you think for some reason you know more about this issue than Dr. Rand Paul.
I trust the AMA doctors analogy over wacky internet posts, thanks.
This also weakens the YouTube Brand. Who made them the authorities on misinformation? Wearing Masks and it’s effectiveness is a legitimate debate ongoing among credible doctors and scientists. I choose to wear a mask and comply with jurisdictions and establishments that mandate masks but taking down content deemed “misinformation” when it has not been scientifically proven is purely political.

Is it misinformation that Obama and 100s of guests chose not to wear masks at his indoor 60th Birthday Bash?
Obama and his elite guests live in a daily matter that belies what they support publically and politically.
Not only with regard to covid but a whole host of other matters.

The gap between what they advocate and how they actually live couldn't be more enormous and
glaringly obvious.
If Obama is not afraid of catching the Wuhan virus from George Clooney or Oprah Winfrey then why
should other citizens care?
This is how you know a side isn't about the science.

Science is a process. We've seen even our leftist media-darling scientists be wrong over and over again. Yet, as we're figuring this out.. when the wrong politician cites the wrong accurate data... POOF... Censored. Meanwhile, other claims from a specific political narrative are allowed to stand, and are featured.

Totalitarianism. The CCP would be proud. It's entirely political, and has nothing to do with science.
I trust the AMA doctors analogy over wacky internet posts, thanks.
The wackiest post comes from you and your quoted doctor who tries to pretend urine is analogous to the microscopic covid virus.

I'm not surprised that you trust it despite it being absurd and illogical on a very basic and
glaring level.

Trust is a very appropriate reaction for an analogy that absolutely treats science like a "wacky" rumor.
You aren't the brightest bulb in the socket.
The truth or even informed opinion about masks must not be allowed to reach the public.
Commie 101

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