Zone1 Ypung man holds up a BLM banner in Harrison Arkansas

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BLM sure isnt very popular anymore. I knew their reputation was pretty much shattered, but i had no idea it was THIS bad. Thanks for showing that. :laugh:
BLM is a statement of fact. If that causes you upset then you should probably be in a zoo.
The reactions he got were rather extreme. There is a sign bove his head advertising "White Pride Radio" which perhaps indicates what sort of place this is.
This is my secons attempt to post this story. The first one was closed down for reasons that werent explained.

OMG, is that intense? Who would think a simple protest sign would produce such venom in people.
Most racist city in the country, and the most you got was some harsh language.

Now, show the clip of hte guy holding up a WHITE LIVES MATTER in NYC. or fucking LA.
Racism is common to all of America and it includes black on white as well as the opposite.

However, there's no denying that the American south is the home of US racism and leads the way.

Trump concentrated on the southern states when he made his platform mostly about stoking it for political gain.

You don't seem to be the odd man out with your attempts at denial. You're just not bold enough to declare your pride in it.
The reactions he got were rather extreme. There is a sign bove his head advertising "White Pride Radio" which perhaps indicates what sort of place this is.
This is my secons attempt to post this story. The first one was closed down for reasons that werent explained.

You're a lying sack of shit. It stated that it was closed for not having a clean start.
BLM is a statement of fact. If that causes you upset then you should probably be in a zoo.
BLM is a corrupt organization that destroys everything it touches. If you support that organization, you have no business judging anyone because, you are a morally bankrupt person.
BLM is an insult to this country and it's people. It is also a marxist and racist and violent organization.
BLM is a movement with a very good cause, stopping the shooting of unarmed people of color, which includes unarmed white folk. How could you possibly be against that?
BLM is an insult to this country and it's people. It is also a marxist and racist and violent organization.
Are you Klan?
Your talking points indicate you might be.
I personally consider that your denial is necessary now.
The reactions he got were rather extreme. There is a sign bove his head advertising "White Pride Radio" which perhaps indicates what sort of place this is.
This is my secons attempt to post this story. The first one was closed down for reasons that werent explained.

Maybe your first try got shot down because your spelling ability left doubt about what you were trying to grunt out.
BLM is a corrupt organization that destroys everything it touches. If you support that organization, you have no business judging anyone because, you are a morally bankrupt person.
How is objecting to unarmed people of color being shot, morrally bankrupt?
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