YUGE TRUMP WINNING: DOW Up 22%, 4,000 Points Since Election...

Case you haven't noticed pervert lover Obama isn't in our WH Your pussy grabbing liar is

Yet you continue to give him credit despite not being there. Pucker up, NL.

We saw the same thing with the economy that Obama inherited in 2009, it continued to sink lower and lower, until Obama passed his stimulus and cars for clunkers legislation, which turned the economy.

Until a president does something to change the economy, he shouldn't take either credit or blame for what the economy he inherited does. Of course comes the new fiscal year, the economy becomes Trumps baby.
/----/ I'm not here to talk about Idiotic fictional movie from 20 years ago that I never watched. .

I got the sense you're not all there.

But that's another story.


Carry on.
Case you haven't noticed pervert lover Obama isn't in our WH Your pussy grabbing liar is

Yet you continue to give him credit despite not being there. Pucker up, NL.

We saw the same thing with the economy that Obama inherited in 2009, it continued to sink lower and lower, until Obama passed his stimulus and cars for clunkers legislation, which turned the economy.

Until a president does something to change the economy, he shouldn't take either credit or blame for what the economy he inherited does. Of course comes the new fiscal year, the economy becomes Trumps baby.

Obama said the stimulus would keep unemployment from going above 8%. It went above 10%

Obama claimed unemployment went down while food stamp use was setting record highs. I thought food stamp use indicated people didn't have jobs. Apparently that concept doesn't apply when the black guy that can't fail says it.

Cash for clunkers? That alone should have told you that it was a bullshit program. Nothing like the lefties handing people money for something they consider, based one the definition, badly working, notably unsuccessful, decrepit, a failure, and so on. It's how they operate. Look at all the money they've wasted on social welfare handing people that provide nothing to society someone else's money saying it's a good thing.
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Republicans were more concerned with their blowjob investigation than fighting terrorism

Or more concerned with investigating Benghazi

Even worse was the lack of attention the Bush administration gave to the terrorist threat. They were more concerned with resurrecting the Star Wars system and placating their big oil buddies than fighting terrorism

Bush gave it no thought until 9-11
Obama said the stimulus would keep unemployment from going above 8%. It went above 10%.

Don't you get tired of repeating old talking points?

When Obama took office, unemployment had already reached 8.2% So it would be impossible for anything he did, to prevent it from going above 8%

Secondly, Obama's numbers were based on months old numbers, that didn't see Bush's economy being as bad as it got, a full blown mini-depression that saw 700,000 people losing their jobs every month.
Obama claimed unemployment went down while food stamp use was setting record highs. I thought food stamp use indicated people didn't have jobs. Apparently that concept doesn't apply when the black guy that can't fail says it.

Many in the military, which I presume qualifies as having a job, are on food stamps.
Obama got the DJ at 6,000 and gave it back at 20,000... That is a real increase, that increase is continuing on... Trump has done nothing so far to affect the economy but try and taking credit for any increase...
Obama said the stimulus would keep unemployment from going above 8%. It went above 10%.

Don't you get tired of repeating old talking points?

When Obama took office, unemployment had already reached 8.2% So it would be impossible for anything he did, to prevent it from going above 8%

Secondly, Obama's numbers were based on months old numbers, that didn't see Bush's economy being as bad as it got, a full blown mini-depression that saw 700,000 people losing their jobs every month.

It's a FACT. Seems you get tired of hearing the truth.

Talk about talking points and excuses. It doesn't really matter what it was, it still went much higher despite all the claims of what Obama could do.

I know you had to get your social experiment President in office. It made you feel good about yourself. However, in the end, all we had was ANOTHER unqualified black in a government job and ANOTHER black family living in government housing.
Obama claimed unemployment went down while food stamp use was setting record highs. I thought food stamp use indicated people didn't have jobs. Apparently that concept doesn't apply when the black guy that can't fail says it.

Many in the military, which I presume qualifies as having a job, are on food stamps.

Many that Obama said GOT jobs due to him received food stamps after getting them. Why does those going to work that weren't working rely on food stamps if they now have a job?
Obama got the DJ at 6,000 and gave it back at 20,000... That is a real increase, that increase is continuing on... Trump has done nothing so far to affect the economy but try and taking credit for any increase...

You mean like Obama taking credit for good things early in his first term yet refusing to accept blame for bad things?

Your social experiment with Obama failed.
When Obama took office, unemployment had already reached 8.2% So it would be impossible for anything he did, to prevent it from going above 8%
Bush's economy being as bad as it got, a full blown mini-depression.

It's a FACT. Seems you get tired of hearing the truth.

Talk about talking points and excuses. It doesn't really matter what it was, it still went much higher despite all the claims of what Obama could do. .

Now the 8% number doesn't matter. That was your whole talking point.

Obama said the stimulus would keep unemployment from going above 8%. It went above 10%

When Obama took office, unemployment had already reached 8.2% So it would be impossible for anything he did, to prevent it from going above 8%
Bush's economy being as bad as it got, a full blown mini-depression.

It's a FACT. Seems you get tired of hearing the truth.

Talk about talking points and excuses. It doesn't really matter what it was, it still went much higher despite all the claims of what Obama could do. .

Now the 8% number doesn't matter. That was your whole talking point.

Obama said the stimulus would keep unemployment from going above 8%. It went above 10%

The 25% increase above that 8% matters. My point included the greater than 10% you ignore. Why couldn't your black superhero keep it from going up 25%?
You mean like Obama taking credit for good things early in his first term yet refusing to accept blame for bad things?

  • Could you list what your'e talking about?

A list isn't needed. Anything that happened good with the economy and he was given credit. Anything bad that happened, no blame was placed on him because "he hadn't been in office long enough". Funny how he could be in office long enough to get credit but not long enough to get blame despite it being the same amount of time.
The 25% increase above that 8% matters. My point included the greater than 10% you ignore. Why couldn't your black superhero keep it from going up 25%?

If Obama said it wouldn't go above 8% when it was 6% (just saying, I didn't look up the actual number) , that would translate to past 10% if he inherited unemployment already past 8%
The 25% increase above that 8% matters. My point included the greater than 10% you ignore. Why couldn't your black superhero keep it from going up 25%?

If Obama said it wouldn't go above 8% when it was 6% (just saying, I didn't look up the actual number) , that would translate to past 10% if he inherited unemployment already past 8%

It went from 8 to over 10 percent. That's a 25% increase. I'm sorry if your n*gger couldn't get the job done.

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