YUGE TRUMP WINNING: DOW Up 22%, 4,000 Points Since Election...

Considering that it raised throughout the Obama admin, I would state that the stock market seems to not care who is in the oval office...

When it increased during the Obama administration, his supporters gave him credit for it doing so. Where are they now doing the same thing?
They are all over here doing the same thing. Right above this post continuing to give Obama credit for stock gains.


That is what partisan hacks do - everything good will be attributed to Obama until the next democrat president. That does not make the assertion correct. Look at rightwingers posts here as well - a great example of this very idea.
Just let trump beat Obamas market numbers and we'll talk Until then you should keep your republican mouth shut and read up on how the last republican president left us

Shut it, motherfucker. Until you can back up that demand, I suggest you get back to kissing Obama's black ass like a good little BOY.
/----/ Great question Spanky. Let's look at the last time nuclear bombs were dropped by a sitting Democrat in the white House.:.

You know about he stock market in 1945, and you don't remember a movie from 1997? You need to get out more.
/----/ I'm not here to talk about Idiotic fictional movie from 20 years ago that I never watched. This is about me taking responsibility for my success and failures in the stock market and not depending on some self serving politician. .

The stock went up because I invested in it

That is a good one
/----/ I never said that. You got nothing but strawman arguments, Loser.

You make money because of a rising or falling market

You can thank the Great Obama for a market that rose 250%
/----/ I make money regardless of the direction of the market. I trade options. PUTS and CALLS. I bought Calls on LOW and HD expiring in Jan 2018 and paid for them with Puts. So I'm making $$$ on those stocks without actually buying them. Yes I own certain stocks for years that pay dividends and have them rolled over to buy more shares, but mostly I trade options in 3x ETFs.
Case you haven't noticed pervert lover Obama isn't in our WH Your pussy grabbing liar is

Yet you continue to give him credit despite not being there. Pucker up, NL.

We saw the same thing with the economy that Obama inherited in 2009, it continued to sink lower and lower, until Obama passed his stimulus and cars for clunkers legislation, which turned the economy.

Until a president does something to change the economy, he shouldn't take either credit or blame for what the economy he inherited does. Of course comes the new fiscal year, the economy becomes Trumps baby.

Obama said the stimulus would keep unemployment from going above 8%. It went above 10%

Obama claimed unemployment went down while food stamp use was setting record highs. I thought food stamp use indicated people didn't have jobs. Apparently that concept doesn't apply when the black guy that can't fail says it.

Cash for clunkers? That alone should have told you that it was a bullshit program. Nothing like the lefties handing people money for something they consider, based one the definition, badly working, notably unsuccessful, decrepit, a failure, and so on. It's how they operate. Look at all the money they've wasted on social welfare handing people that provide nothing to society someone else's money saying it's a good thing.
Unemployment stood at 9% + under bush When Obama left office it was 4+% You like trump must be a dotard

It never reached 9% under Bush and you know it.

Food stamp users were around 32 million when Bush left office and well over 40 million when Obama left. Unlike you, I can provide numbers to back up the claim.
/----/ The little Libtard is cherry picking numbers. That's all he's got. He completely ignored 9/11 and that we went to war. Clinton enjoyed relative peace compared to Bush.
Yet you continue to give him credit despite not being there. Pucker up, NL.

We saw the same thing with the economy that Obama inherited in 2009, it continued to sink lower and lower, until Obama passed his stimulus and cars for clunkers legislation, which turned the economy.

Until a president does something to change the economy, he shouldn't take either credit or blame for what the economy he inherited does. Of course comes the new fiscal year, the economy becomes Trumps baby.

Obama said the stimulus would keep unemployment from going above 8%. It went above 10%

Obama claimed unemployment went down while food stamp use was setting record highs. I thought food stamp use indicated people didn't have jobs. Apparently that concept doesn't apply when the black guy that can't fail says it.

Cash for clunkers? That alone should have told you that it was a bullshit program. Nothing like the lefties handing people money for something they consider, based one the definition, badly working, notably unsuccessful, decrepit, a failure, and so on. It's how they operate. Look at all the money they've wasted on social welfare handing people that provide nothing to society someone else's money saying it's a good thing.
Unemployment stood at 9% + under bush When Obama left office it was 4+% You like trump must be a dotard

It never reached 9% under Bush and you know it.

Food stamp users were around 32 million when Bush left office and well over 40 million when Obama left. Unlike you, I can provide numbers to back up the claim.
/----/ The little Libtard is cherry picking numbers. That's all he's got. He completely ignored 9/11 and that we went to war. Clinton enjoyed relative peace compared to Bush.

Not only does eddie cherry pick numbers, he posts inaccurate ones.
And yesterday, another all time closing high! Trump be killin it, yo. :dance:

The rise in the DOW since Donald Trump was elected President in November 2016 is historic! Yesterday was another all time closing high for the 5th day in a row. Americans are seeing this in their retirement accounts!

* President Trump is already the only President in US history to oversee two stock market rallies of nine days or more where the markets set new highs each and every day.

* On February 28th President Trump matched President Reagan’s 1987 record for most continuous closing high trading days when the DOW reached a new high for its 12th day in a row!
* Then in early August President Trump reigned over a 9 day stock market rally with each day reaching record highs...

DOW is up 22% or 4,000 points since the November 2016 Election! Yesterday Another All Time Closing High!
You mean starting from while Obama was president?

Under Obama, the Dow tripled from its low of 6600 to 19800, a 13200 point gain (200%) while starting with a recession. Trump, inheriting a good economy, rides that wave from 19800 to 22300, a 2500 point gain (12.6%).

Why do I suspect you never once patted Obama on the back for his 200% increase like you are patting Trump for his 12.6% increase?
Case you haven't noticed pervert lover Obama isn't in our WH Your pussy grabbing liar is

Yet you continue to give him credit despite not being there. Pucker up, NL.

We saw the same thing with the economy that Obama inherited in 2009, it continued to sink lower and lower, until Obama passed his stimulus and cars for clunkers legislation, which turned the economy.

Until a president does something to change the economy, he shouldn't take either credit or blame for what the economy he inherited does. Of course comes the new fiscal year, the economy becomes Trumps baby.

Obama said the stimulus would keep unemployment from going above 8%. It went above 10%

Obama claimed unemployment went down while food stamp use was setting record highs. I thought food stamp use indicated people didn't have jobs. Apparently that concept doesn't apply when the black guy that can't fail says it.

Cash for clunkers? That alone should have told you that it was a bullshit program. Nothing like the lefties handing people money for something they consider, based one the definition, badly working, notably unsuccessful, decrepit, a failure, and so on. It's how they operate. Look at all the money they've wasted on social welfare handing people that provide nothing to society someone else's money saying it's a good thing.
Unemployment stood at 9% + under bush When Obama left office it was 4+% You like trump must be a dotard

It never reached 9% under Bush and you know it.

Food stamp users were around 32 million when Bush left office and well over 40 million when Obama left. Unlike you, I can provide numbers to back up the claim.

Listen your guy Bush drove the economy over the cliff and you are trying to blame Obama because it went down...

Obama did a great job with the economy by nearly all standards, he easily beat numbers set by GOP Presidents for the previous 25 years...

Regan borrowed like a Drunken Sailor while Bush Jr is considered to be the worst economic president in decades if not centuries...

Trump has done next to nothing about the economy just yet, but is already backpedaling on campaign promises... Even the conwards in congress won't serve that shit sandwich...
We saw the same thing with the economy that Obama inherited in 2009, it continued to sink lower and lower, until Obama passed his stimulus and cars for clunkers legislation, which turned the economy.

Until a president does something to change the economy, he shouldn't take either credit or blame for what the economy he inherited does. Of course comes the new fiscal year, the economy becomes Trumps baby.

Obama said the stimulus would keep unemployment from going above 8%. It went above 10%

Obama claimed unemployment went down while food stamp use was setting record highs. I thought food stamp use indicated people didn't have jobs. Apparently that concept doesn't apply when the black guy that can't fail says it.

Cash for clunkers? That alone should have told you that it was a bullshit program. Nothing like the lefties handing people money for something they consider, based one the definition, badly working, notably unsuccessful, decrepit, a failure, and so on. It's how they operate. Look at all the money they've wasted on social welfare handing people that provide nothing to society someone else's money saying it's a good thing.
Unemployment stood at 9% + under bush When Obama left office it was 4+% You like trump must be a dotard

It never reached 9% under Bush and you know it.

Food stamp users were around 32 million when Bush left office and well over 40 million when Obama left. Unlike you, I can provide numbers to back up the claim.
/----/ The little Libtard is cherry picking numbers. That's all he's got. He completely ignored 9/11 and that we went to war. Clinton enjoyed relative peace compared to Bush.

Not only does eddie cherry pick numbers, he posts inaccurate ones.
Inaccurate?? Why, because I didn't get them from FOX or Trump?
And yesterday, another all time closing high! Trump be killin it, yo. :dance:

The rise in the DOW since Donald Trump was elected President in November 2016 is historic! Yesterday was another all time closing high for the 5th day in a row. Americans are seeing this in their retirement accounts!

* President Trump is already the only President in US history to oversee two stock market rallies of nine days or more where the markets set new highs each and every day.

* On February 28th President Trump matched President Reagan’s 1987 record for most continuous closing high trading days when the DOW reached a new high for its 12th day in a row!
* Then in early August President Trump reigned over a 9 day stock market rally with each day reaching record highs...

DOW is up 22% or 4,000 points since the November 2016 Election! Yesterday Another All Time Closing High!


Everything good that happens in the US is down to Trump, everything bad down to Obama

Dow Jones - 10 Year Daily Chart

DOW has been increasing since March 2009. That means that for 7 years 10 months of Obama's presidency, DOW was essentially rising.

Obama came in at 8,200 on the DOW, he left at 20,000. Do you really think Trump is going to see DOW at 48,000?

DOW is up 2,000 since Trump got in. That's 9 months. Dow was at 17,000 9 months before Trump got in. So, according to these extremely selective FACTS, Trump has DOW SLOWING DOWN.... go figure.

Yeah, but you're one of those folks who screeched daily about the 'Sky Falling' if crooked Hillary didn't win. So, why should anyone listen to you now?
Yet you continue to give him credit despite not being there. Pucker up, NL.

We saw the same thing with the economy that Obama inherited in 2009, it continued to sink lower and lower, until Obama passed his stimulus and cars for clunkers legislation, which turned the economy.

Until a president does something to change the economy, he shouldn't take either credit or blame for what the economy he inherited does. Of course comes the new fiscal year, the economy becomes Trumps baby.

Obama said the stimulus would keep unemployment from going above 8%. It went above 10%

Obama claimed unemployment went down while food stamp use was setting record highs. I thought food stamp use indicated people didn't have jobs. Apparently that concept doesn't apply when the black guy that can't fail says it.

Cash for clunkers? That alone should have told you that it was a bullshit program. Nothing like the lefties handing people money for something they consider, based one the definition, badly working, notably unsuccessful, decrepit, a failure, and so on. It's how they operate. Look at all the money they've wasted on social welfare handing people that provide nothing to society someone else's money saying it's a good thing.
Unemployment stood at 9% + under bush When Obama left office it was 4+% You like trump must be a dotard

It never reached 9% under Bush and you know it.

Food stamp users were around 32 million when Bush left office and well over 40 million when Obama left. Unlike you, I can provide numbers to back up the claim.

Listen your guy Bush drove the economy over the cliff and you are trying to blame Obama because it went down...

Obama did a great job with the economy by nearly all standards, he easily beat numbers set by GOP Presidents for the previous 25 years...

Regan borrowed like a Drunken Sailor while Bush Jr is considered to be the worst economic president in decades if not centuries...

Trump has done next to nothing about the economy just yet, but is already backpedaling on campaign promises... Even the conwards in congress won't serve that shit sandwich...

Obama claimed what he was doing would keep it from going down. It didn't work.

Pucker up, NL.
Considering that it raised throughout the Obama admin, I would state that the stock market seems to not care who is in the oval office...

Aw come on, don't you think you're being a bit disingenuous?
No, I don't.

So you never gave Hussein any credit when the Stock Market went up on his watch? Be honest.
/----/ How many times do I have to say NO for it to sink in? The stock market is controlled by three things and three things only: FEAR, GREED and UNCERTAINTY regardless of who sits in the White House. I follow the VIX and Relative Strength of stocks and ETFs to make my investment choices. The commodities that have given me trouble is Gold and Oil. They flip on a dime. ETFs are more reliable.
And yesterday, another all time closing high! Trump be killin it, yo. :dance:

The rise in the DOW since Donald Trump was elected President in November 2016 is historic! Yesterday was another all time closing high for the 5th day in a row. Americans are seeing this in their retirement accounts!

* President Trump is already the only President in US history to oversee two stock market rallies of nine days or more where the markets set new highs each and every day.

* On February 28th President Trump matched President Reagan’s 1987 record for most continuous closing high trading days when the DOW reached a new high for its 12th day in a row!
* Then in early August President Trump reigned over a 9 day stock market rally with each day reaching record highs...

DOW is up 22% or 4,000 points since the November 2016 Election! Yesterday Another All Time Closing High!
You mean starting from while Obama was president?

Under Obama, the Dow tripled from its low of 6600 to 19800, a 13200 point gain (200%) while starting with a recession. Trump, inheriting a good economy, rides that wave from 19800 to 22300, a 2500 point gain (12.6%).

Why do I suspect you never once patted Obama on the back for his 200% increase like you are patting Trump for his 12.6% increase?
I can answer that ,,,,,,,,Because they are DOTARDS
Obama said the stimulus would keep unemployment from going above 8%. It went above 10%

Obama claimed unemployment went down while food stamp use was setting record highs. I thought food stamp use indicated people didn't have jobs. Apparently that concept doesn't apply when the black guy that can't fail says it.

Cash for clunkers? That alone should have told you that it was a bullshit program. Nothing like the lefties handing people money for something they consider, based one the definition, badly working, notably unsuccessful, decrepit, a failure, and so on. It's how they operate. Look at all the money they've wasted on social welfare handing people that provide nothing to society someone else's money saying it's a good thing.
Unemployment stood at 9% + under bush When Obama left office it was 4+% You like trump must be a dotard

It never reached 9% under Bush and you know it.

Food stamp users were around 32 million when Bush left office and well over 40 million when Obama left. Unlike you, I can provide numbers to back up the claim.
/----/ The little Libtard is cherry picking numbers. That's all he's got. He completely ignored 9/11 and that we went to war. Clinton enjoyed relative peace compared to Bush.

Not only does eddie cherry pick numbers, he posts inaccurate ones.
Inaccurate?? Why, because I didn't get them from FOX or Trump?

Because they're inaccurate. Matters not where they came from. If you said 2 + 2 = 5, it would be inaccurate whether your source was FOX or MSNBC. A number is a number and you posted a false one.
The words you're looking for are "thanks Obama". Trump had nothing to do with this. Obama's budget runs on the fiscal year, Sept-Sept. Trump's done nothing.
And yesterday, another all time closing high! Trump be killin it, yo. :dance:

The rise in the DOW since Donald Trump was elected President in November 2016 is historic! Yesterday was another all time closing high for the 5th day in a row. Americans are seeing this in their retirement accounts!

* President Trump is already the only President in US history to oversee two stock market rallies of nine days or more where the markets set new highs each and every day.

* On February 28th President Trump matched President Reagan’s 1987 record for most continuous closing high trading days when the DOW reached a new high for its 12th day in a row!
* Then in early August President Trump reigned over a 9 day stock market rally with each day reaching record highs...

DOW is up 22% or 4,000 points since the November 2016 Election! Yesterday Another All Time Closing High!
You mean starting from while Obama was president?

Under Obama, the Dow tripled from its low of 6600 to 19800, a 13200 point gain (200%) while starting with a recession. Trump, inheriting a good economy, rides that wave from 19800 to 22300, a 2500 point gain (12.6%).

Why do I suspect you never once patted Obama on the back for his 200% increase like you are patting Trump for his 12.6% increase?

Hussein isn't the President anymore. He's a has-been. It's Trump's show now. Ya gotta move on kid.
So much for the 'Sky Falling' if crooked Hillary didn't win. I know the loony Trump-Haters were desperately hoping it would happen, but it hasn't. So now they'll just continue to act like petulant Un-American little bastards.
Considering that it raised throughout the Obama admin, I would state that the stock market seems to not care who is in the oval office...

Aw come on, don't you think you're being a bit disingenuous?
No, I don't.

So you never gave Hussein any credit when the Stock Market went up on his watch? Be honest.
/----/ How many times do I have to say NO for it to sink in? The stock market is controlled by three things and three things only: FEAR, GREED and UNCERTAINTY regardless of who sits in the White House. I follow the VIX and Relative Strength of stocks and ETFs to make my investment choices. The commodities that have given me trouble is Gold and Oil. They flip on a dime. ETFs are more reliable.

Ok, i'm a fair-minded person. I'll take your word that you never gave Hussein any credit when the Stock Market went up on his watch. Good on ya. :thup:
So much for the 'Sky Falling' if crooked Hillary didn't win. I know the loony Trump-Haters were desperately hoping it would happen, but it hasn't. So now they'll just continue to act like petulant Un-American little bastards.

I thought you all said the stock market gains were non-existent because it was all QE. QE didn't end on 1/20/17.
The words you're looking for are "thanks Obama". Trump had nothing to do with this. Obama's budget runs on the fiscal year, Sept-Sept. Trump's done nothing.
/----/ Thanking Obama for the stock market rise is like thanking the Flight Attendant because your plane landed at the correct airport.
/----/ Thanking Obama for the stock market rise is like thanking the Flight Attendant because your plane landed at the correct airport.

And thanking Trump for the stock market is the same. So why are you crediting Trump with stock market gains that are a result of Obama's policies?

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