YUGE TRUMP WINNING: DOW Up 22%, 4,000 Points Since Election...

So much for the 'Sky Falling' if crooked Hillary didn't win. I know the loony Trump-Haters were desperately hoping it would happen, but it hasn't. So now they'll just continue to act like petulant Un-American little bastards.

I thought you all said the stock market gains were non-existent because it was all QE. QE didn't end on 1/20/17.

Sorry kid, the sky didn't fall after your crooked Hillary didn't win. Deal with it. :)
And yesterday, another all time closing high! Trump be killin it, yo. :dance:

The rise in the DOW since Donald Trump was elected President in November 2016 is historic! Yesterday was another all time closing high for the 5th day in a row. Americans are seeing this in their retirement accounts!

* President Trump is already the only President in US history to oversee two stock market rallies of nine days or more where the markets set new highs each and every day.

* On February 28th President Trump matched President Reagan’s 1987 record for most continuous closing high trading days when the DOW reached a new high for its 12th day in a row!
* Then in early August President Trump reigned over a 9 day stock market rally with each day reaching record highs...

DOW is up 22% or 4,000 points since the November 2016 Election! Yesterday Another All Time Closing High!
You mean starting from while Obama was president?

Under Obama, the Dow tripled from its low of 6600 to 19800, a 13200 point gain (200%) while starting with a recession. Trump, inheriting a good economy, rides that wave from 19800 to 22300, a 2500 point gain (12.6%).

Why do I suspect you never once patted Obama on the back for his 200% increase like you are patting Trump for his 12.6% increase?

Hussein isn't the President anymore. He's a has-been. It's Trump's show now. Ya gotta move on kid.
You’re nuts, I’ve moved on. That doesn’t change the reality that the Dow triplied under Obama and I’m confident you never gave him kudos, yet here you are fluffing Trump over a 12.6% gain.
Unemployment stood at 9% + under bush When Obama left office it was 4+% You like trump must be a dotard

It never reached 9% under Bush and you know it.

Food stamp users were around 32 million when Bush left office and well over 40 million when Obama left. Unlike you, I can provide numbers to back up the claim.
/----/ The little Libtard is cherry picking numbers. That's all he's got. He completely ignored 9/11 and that we went to war. Clinton enjoyed relative peace compared to Bush.

Not only does eddie cherry pick numbers, he posts inaccurate ones.
Inaccurate?? Why, because I didn't get them from FOX or Trump?

Because they're inaccurate. Matters not where they came from. If you said 2 + 2 = 5, it would be inaccurate whether your source was FOX or MSNBC. A number is a number and you posted a false one.
What was false ?? 9+ % unemployment under GWB and 4%+ when Obama left ?
And yesterday, another all time closing high! Trump be killin it, yo. :dance:

The rise in the DOW since Donald Trump was elected President in November 2016 is historic! Yesterday was another all time closing high for the 5th day in a row. Americans are seeing this in their retirement accounts!

* President Trump is already the only President in US history to oversee two stock market rallies of nine days or more where the markets set new highs each and every day.

* On February 28th President Trump matched President Reagan’s 1987 record for most continuous closing high trading days when the DOW reached a new high for its 12th day in a row!
* Then in early August President Trump reigned over a 9 day stock market rally with each day reaching record highs...

DOW is up 22% or 4,000 points since the November 2016 Election! Yesterday Another All Time Closing High!
You mean starting from while Obama was president?

Under Obama, the Dow tripled from its low of 6600 to 19800, a 13200 point gain (200%) while starting with a recession. Trump, inheriting a good economy, rides that wave from 19800 to 22300, a 2500 point gain (12.6%).

Why do I suspect you never once patted Obama on the back for his 200% increase like you are patting Trump for his 12.6% increase?

Hussein isn't the President anymore. He's a has-been. It's Trump's show now. Ya gotta move on kid.
You’re nuts, I’ve moved on. That doesn’t change the reality that the Dow triplied under Obama and I’m confident you never gave him kudos, yet here you are fluffing Trump over a 12.6% gain.

Ha, in one breath you claim you've moved on, and in the next breath you go right back to obsessing over the Hussein Days. So you clearly haven't moved on, kid. You're still living in the past. Pretty sad.
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It never reached 9% under Bush and you know it.

Food stamp users were around 32 million when Bush left office and well over 40 million when Obama left. Unlike you, I can provide numbers to back up the claim.
/----/ The little Libtard is cherry picking numbers. That's all he's got. He completely ignored 9/11 and that we went to war. Clinton enjoyed relative peace compared to Bush.

Not only does eddie cherry pick numbers, he posts inaccurate ones.
Inaccurate?? Why, because I didn't get them from FOX or Trump?

Because they're inaccurate. Matters not where they came from. If you said 2 + 2 = 5, it would be inaccurate whether your source was FOX or MSNBC. A number is a number and you posted a false one.
What was false ?? 9+ % unemployment under GWB and 4%+ when Obama left ?

Crooked Donnie is just riding the economy given to him by the Great Obama

Obama wasn't great. He only ranks 13th out of 44 past presidents.

Thats about a B+

Keep in mind that the Great Obama's presidency was sandwiched between the failed presidencies of Bush43 and Trump

His stock will rise just like the Dow Jones did

Keep in mind that Obama's record for having people on food stamps is higher than that under Bush 43 and Trump.
The Great Bush Recession of 2008 forced people onto food stamps.

The Great Obama got 13 million people jobs
Crooked Donnie is just riding the economy given to him by the Great Obama

Obama wasn't great. He only ranks 13th out of 44 past presidents.

Thats about a B+

Keep in mind that the Great Obama's presidency was sandwiched between the failed presidencies of Bush43 and Trump

His stock will rise just like the Dow Jones did

Keep in mind that Obama's record for having people on food stamps is higher than that under Bush 43 and Trump.
The Great Bush Recession of 2008 forced people onto food stamps.

The Great Obama got 13 million people jobs

Hussein ain't the Prez no mo, kid. Time for you to accept that and move on.
Crooked Donnie is just riding the economy given to him by the Great Obama

Obama wasn't great. He only ranks 13th out of 44 past presidents.

Thats about a B+

Keep in mind that the Great Obama's presidency was sandwiched between the failed presidencies of Bush43 and Trump

His stock will rise just like the Dow Jones did

Keep in mind that Obama's record for having people on food stamps is higher than that under Bush 43 and Trump.
The Great Bush Recession of 2008 forced people onto food stamps.

The Great Obama got 13 million people jobs

Obama had a record number of 45 million on food stamps despite claiming he improved the economy.
Yet you continue to give him credit despite not being there. Pucker up, NL.

We saw the same thing with the economy that Obama inherited in 2009, it continued to sink lower and lower, until Obama passed his stimulus and cars for clunkers legislation, which turned the economy.

Until a president does something to change the economy, he shouldn't take either credit or blame for what the economy he inherited does. Of course comes the new fiscal year, the economy becomes Trumps baby.

Obama said the stimulus would keep unemployment from going above 8%. It went above 10%

Obama claimed unemployment went down while food stamp use was setting record highs. I thought food stamp use indicated people didn't have jobs. Apparently that concept doesn't apply when the black guy that can't fail says it.

Cash for clunkers? That alone should have told you that it was a bullshit program. Nothing like the lefties handing people money for something they consider, based one the definition, badly working, notably unsuccessful, decrepit, a failure, and so on. It's how they operate. Look at all the money they've wasted on social welfare handing people that provide nothing to society someone else's money saying it's a good thing.
Unemployment stood at 9% + under bush When Obama left office it was 4+% You like trump must be a dotard

It never reached 9% under Bush and you know it.

Food stamp users were around 32 million when Bush left office and well over 40 million when Obama left. Unlike you, I can provide numbers to back up the claim.
/----/ The little Libtard is cherry picking numbers. That's all he's got. He completely ignored 9/11 and that we went to war. Clinton enjoyed relative peace compared to Bush.
Bush gave up the 9-11 attacks and two unnecessary wars

Nothing to brag about
Crooked Donnie is just riding the economy given to him by the Great Obama

Obama wasn't great. He only ranks 13th out of 44 past presidents.

Thats about a B+

Keep in mind that the Great Obama's presidency was sandwiched between the failed presidencies of Bush43 and Trump

His stock will rise just like the Dow Jones did

Keep in mind that Obama's record for having people on food stamps is higher than that under Bush 43 and Trump.
The Great Bush Recession of 2008 forced people onto food stamps.

The Great Obama got 13 million people jobs

Obama had a record number of 45 million on food stamps despite claiming he improved the economy.
Fake news
We saw the same thing with the economy that Obama inherited in 2009, it continued to sink lower and lower, until Obama passed his stimulus and cars for clunkers legislation, which turned the economy.

Until a president does something to change the economy, he shouldn't take either credit or blame for what the economy he inherited does. Of course comes the new fiscal year, the economy becomes Trumps baby.

Obama said the stimulus would keep unemployment from going above 8%. It went above 10%

Obama claimed unemployment went down while food stamp use was setting record highs. I thought food stamp use indicated people didn't have jobs. Apparently that concept doesn't apply when the black guy that can't fail says it.

Cash for clunkers? That alone should have told you that it was a bullshit program. Nothing like the lefties handing people money for something they consider, based one the definition, badly working, notably unsuccessful, decrepit, a failure, and so on. It's how they operate. Look at all the money they've wasted on social welfare handing people that provide nothing to society someone else's money saying it's a good thing.
Unemployment stood at 9% + under bush When Obama left office it was 4+% You like trump must be a dotard

It never reached 9% under Bush and you know it.

Food stamp users were around 32 million when Bush left office and well over 40 million when Obama left. Unlike you, I can provide numbers to back up the claim.
/----/ The little Libtard is cherry picking numbers. That's all he's got. He completely ignored 9/11 and that we went to war. Clinton enjoyed relative peace compared to Bush.
Bush gave up the 9-11 attacks and two unnecessary wars

Nothing to brag about

You mean the wars many Democrats voted for? You mean the attacks Clinton could have prevented if not for using cigars on an intern?
Obama wasn't great. He only ranks 13th out of 44 past presidents.

Thats about a B+

Keep in mind that the Great Obama's presidency was sandwiched between the failed presidencies of Bush43 and Trump

His stock will rise just like the Dow Jones did

Keep in mind that Obama's record for having people on food stamps is higher than that under Bush 43 and Trump.
The Great Bush Recession of 2008 forced people onto food stamps.

The Great Obama got 13 million people jobs

Obama had a record number of 45 million on food stamps despite claiming he improved the economy.
Fake news

Obama said the stimulus would keep unemployment from going above 8%. It went above 10%

Obama claimed unemployment went down while food stamp use was setting record highs. I thought food stamp use indicated people didn't have jobs. Apparently that concept doesn't apply when the black guy that can't fail says it.

Cash for clunkers? That alone should have told you that it was a bullshit program. Nothing like the lefties handing people money for something they consider, based one the definition, badly working, notably unsuccessful, decrepit, a failure, and so on. It's how they operate. Look at all the money they've wasted on social welfare handing people that provide nothing to society someone else's money saying it's a good thing.
Unemployment stood at 9% + under bush When Obama left office it was 4+% You like trump must be a dotard

It never reached 9% under Bush and you know it.

Food stamp users were around 32 million when Bush left office and well over 40 million when Obama left. Unlike you, I can provide numbers to back up the claim.
/----/ The little Libtard is cherry picking numbers. That's all he's got. He completely ignored 9/11 and that we went to war. Clinton enjoyed relative peace compared to Bush.
Bush gave up the 9-11 attacks and two unnecessary wars

Nothing to brag about

You mean the wars many Democrats voted for? You mean the attacks Clinton could have prevented if not for using cigars on an intern?
You mean the wars that EVERY Republican voted for
It never reached 9% under Bush and you know it.

Food stamp users were around 32 million when Bush left office and well over 40 million when Obama left. Unlike you, I can provide numbers to back up the claim.
/----/ The little Libtard is cherry picking numbers. That's all he's got. He completely ignored 9/11 and that we went to war. Clinton enjoyed relative peace compared to Bush.

Not only does eddie cherry pick numbers, he posts inaccurate ones.
Inaccurate?? Why, because I didn't get them from FOX or Trump?

Because they're inaccurate. Matters not where they came from. If you said 2 + 2 = 5, it would be inaccurate whether your source was FOX or MSNBC. A number is a number and you posted a false one.
What was false ?? 9+ % unemployment under GWB and 4%+ when Obama left ?

The RW have a problem... Obama did a great job with unemployment, Trump's only hope is to keep it close to the same levels but economies are cyclical and Trump doesn't seem to understand that...

Trump has done nothing on the economy yet... Much like the first few months of Obama's economy belongs to Bush, but Obama jumped in quicker to right the ship. He had too...
I sorta remember the Iraq war the one started on gwb's lies and bs , the one repub VP Cheany's company HAL made billions Bet not one LOL Patriot here said a word
Considering that it raised throughout the Obama admin, I would state that the stock market seems to not care who is in the oval office...

When it increased during the Obama administration, his supporters gave him credit for it doing so. Where are they now doing the same thing?
They are all over here doing the same thing. Right above this post continuing to give Obama credit for stock gains.


That is what partisan hacks do - everything good will be attributed to Obama until the next democrat president. That does not make the assertion correct. Look at rightwingers posts here as well - a great example of this very idea.
Just let trump beat Obamas market numbers and we'll talk Until then you should keep your republican mouth shut and read up on how the last republican president left us
He cant and he won't. I hope he does not.

The market is already due for a correction and one needs to happen before a bubble like the one under Bush bursts. Of course, you will them point and claim that it is all Trump's fault that the market does what it needs to do.

It's Trumps fault when it rains too.
Considering that it raised throughout the Obama admin, I would state that the stock market seems to not care who is in the oval office...

Aw come on, don't you think you're being a bit disingenuous?
No, I don't.

So you never gave Hussein any credit when the Stock Market went up on his watch? Be honest.
Not really. The reality is far more complex than credit or not. What Obama did is, IMHO, disastrous in the long run. What is your point?
Considering that it raised throughout the Obama admin, I would state that the stock market seems to not care who is in the oval office...

When it increased during the Obama administration, his supporters gave him credit for it doing so. Where are they now doing the same thing?
They are all over here doing the same thing. Right above this post continuing to give Obama credit for stock gains.


That is what partisan hacks do - everything good will be attributed to Obama until the next democrat president. That does not make the assertion correct. Look at rightwingers posts here as well - a great example of this very idea.
Just let trump beat Obamas market numbers and we'll talk Until then you should keep your republican mouth shut and read up on how the last republican president left us
He cant and he won't. I hope he does not.

The market is already due for a correction and one needs to happen before a bubble like the one under Bush bursts. Of course, you will them point and claim that it is all Trump's fault that the market does what it needs to do.

It's Trumps fault when it rains too.
Crooked Donnie is responsible for his economy

If he can't provide a better economy than a community organizer he deserves what he gets
Considering that it raised throughout the Obama admin, I would state that the stock market seems to not care who is in the oval office...

When it increased during the Obama administration, his supporters gave him credit for it doing so. Where are they now doing the same thing?
They are all over here doing the same thing. Right above this post continuing to give Obama credit for stock gains.


That is what partisan hacks do - everything good will be attributed to Obama until the next democrat president. That does not make the assertion correct. Look at rightwingers posts here as well - a great example of this very idea.
Just let trump beat Obamas market numbers and we'll talk Until then you should keep your republican mouth shut and read up on how the last republican president left us
He cant and he won't. I hope he does not.

The market is already due for a correction and one needs to happen before a bubble like the one under Bush bursts. Of course, you will them point and claim that it is all Trump's fault that the market does what it needs to do.

It's Trumps fault when it rains too.
What correction??? No inflation, interest rates low ,stocks earnings going well Might be a little late but still has a ways to go IMHO and btw tax cuts and repatriating a couple trillion from overseas won't hurt either Only problem we have is Trumps big mouth
/----/ The little Libtard is cherry picking numbers. That's all he's got. He completely ignored 9/11 and that we went to war. Clinton enjoyed relative peace compared to Bush.

Not only does eddie cherry pick numbers, he posts inaccurate ones.
Inaccurate?? Why, because I didn't get them from FOX or Trump?

Because they're inaccurate. Matters not where they came from. If you said 2 + 2 = 5, it would be inaccurate whether your source was FOX or MSNBC. A number is a number and you posted a false one.
What was false ?? 9+ % unemployment under GWB and 4%+ when Obama left ?

The RW have a problem... Obama did a great job with unemployment, Trump's only hope is to keep it close to the same levels but economies are cyclical and Trump doesn't seem to understand that...

Trump has done nothing on the economy yet... Much like the first few months of Obama's economy belongs to Bush, but Obama jumped in quicker to right the ship. He had too...

Obama jumped right in and increased food stamp use to record numbers despite claiming the economy was improving.

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