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Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Adviser to Jimmy Carter, Dies at 89

al qaeida is the filth of sunni islam , Hezbollah is the filth of Shiite islam and Baathism is the filth
of fascist "arab uber alles" None of them are NEW
Had there been no "Islamic Shiite Republic of Iran" thanks to Carter and Brezinski there wouldn't be the rise of Sunni Islamists like Al Queda and ISIS to stop the Shiites.

Zbigniew Brzezinski engineered the most effective war in 20th century U.S history, the tricking of Soviets into invading Afghanistan, which lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Unlike the U.S war against the Nazis which killed many thousands of Americans, the war Zbigniew Brzezinski engineered cost the U.S.A next to nothing.
But that created Bin Laden,Taliban, Al Queda, insurgency in Iraq, and infiltrated aggitation in many footholds and regions.
Once again; please understand Bohm and Kohns theorems on Cause & Affect and interconnectivity. Events cause consequences sometimes un forseen and forever reaching.
Example: Vatican either directly (helped create Islamic religion) or at least indirectly (formed as protection against their crusaders)caused the creation of this third major religion.
The Church's hate Synods was the forefront of the Nazis policies emulating the church ideologies. That influence on Nazis hate propaganda was relayed to the head Cleric Arafat's Uncle who fled towards Nazis Germany where he was taught this tactical hate propaganda and influenced Arafat's PLO hate texts and tactics and the Middle Easts hate oropaganda and Jihaadi mind set. All Roads lead back to Rome as the cause of the affects of propaganda.
Look at the beginning, The Roman Empire thought it was doing the right thing hiding it's political whims and agressions behind the guise of religion. Now unsuspectedly collecting taxes under the guise of tithes & offerings to God. It too invaded many kingdoms without insurection under the guise of spread of religious authority masking the Kingdoms political expansion hidden under it's veil. They created a one world religion that caused over thousands of wars and over 50 million murders, as a result of the creation of this scarlet colored 2 horn (power) system. And now you see even this problem today with jihaadist is of the cause and affect of one act meant to prevent death and fighting through guise of a lie.
Yeah that lie never harmed anyone right?
SHEEEEEESH -----al husseini al kanzeer was arafart's uncle? by what relationship were
the two kharah klumps connected?
To start with the Russians were goaded into Afghanistan. The US began supporting Islamic extremists before the invasion. This prompted the Russians to respond.

GOADED???? how was dey GOADED?. When did the US BEGIN to support Islamic extremists?
Yeah goaded. The US began supporting Islamic extremists at least six months prior to Russia sending in the Army to prop up the PDPA.

You don't see the similarities with the current conflict in Syria?

of course there are similarities-------you just have the time-line off. Russia intervened in Afghanistan LONG
before the USA did. In fact Russia allied with BAATHIST Syria long before Syria became a household
word in the USA-------same is true of YEMEN -----it had a Baathist (aka Russia friendly) movement way
back in the 1950s When you think BAATHIST always think RUSSOPHIL
Note that all ellipses appeared in the original transcript, as published in Le Nouvel Observateur.

Question: The former director of the CIA, Robert Gates, stated in his memoirs that the American intelligence services began to aid the Mujahiddin in Afghanistan six months before the Soviet intervention. Is this period, you were the national securty advisor to President Carter. You therefore played a key role in this affair. Is this correct?

Brzezinski: Yes. According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahiddin began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan on December 24, 1979. But the reality, closely guarded until now, is completely otherwise: Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention [emphasis added throughout].

Q: Despite this risk, you were an advocate of this covert action. But perhaps you yourself desired this Soviet entry into the war and looked for a way to provoke it?

B: It wasn’t quite like that. We didn’t push the Russians to intervene, but we knowingly increased the probability that they would.

Q : When the Soviets justified their intervention by asserting that they intended to fight against secret US involvement in Afghanistan , nobody believed them . However, there was an element of truth in this. You don’t regret any of this today?

B: Regret what? That secret operation was an excellent idea. It had the effect of drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap and you want me to regret it? The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter, essentially: “We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam war." Indeed, for almost 10 years, Moscow had to carry on a war that was unsustainable for the regime , a conflict that bought about the demoralization and finally the breakup of the Soviet empire.

Q: And neither do you regret having supported Islamic fundamentalism, which has given arms and advice to future terrorists?

B : What is more important in world history? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some agitated Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?

Q : “Some agitated Moslems”? But it has been said and repeated: Islamic fundamentalism represents a world menace today...

B: Nonsense! It is said that the West has a global policy in regard to Islam. That is stupid: There isn’t a global Islam. Look at Islam in a rational manner, without demagoguery or emotionalism. It is the leading religion of the world with 1.5 billion followers. But what is t h ere in com m on among fundamentalist Saudi Arabia , moderate Morocco, militarist Pakistan, pro-Western Egypt, or secularist Central Asia? Nothing more than what unites the Christian countries...

Brzezinski Interview | David N. Gibbs

Brzezinski's role. He was a big believer in the Arc of Crisis. Believer as in he did not invent it but he absolutely orchestrated it.
I believe Brzezinski saw everything through an anti-Soviet bias. He saw reds under the bed and he was obsessed about defying the communists wherever he imagined them to be, notably in Vietnam, an outlook which caused the deaths of 58,220 American. His advocacy for the funding the Afghan mujahideen, the forerunner of today's Islamist terrorists, was to have them fight the Russians and today they are killing our children and innocent civilians. He caused a lot of harm in our sorry world.

He was a Cold War Warrior. I think Robert McNamara deserves the credit for the Vietnam war though. And Kissinger. Brzezinski pulled unforgivable shit. When you read through what these men have written you realize just how expendable people are.
al qaeida is the filth of sunni islam , Hezbollah is the filth of Shiite islam and Baathism is the filth
of fascist "arab uber alles" None of them are NEW
Had there been no "Islamic Shiite Republic of Iran" thanks to Carter and Brezinski there wouldn't be the rise of Sunni Islamists like Al Queda and ISIS to stop the Shiites.

One of your Jews named Henry Kissinger was a much worse strategist, his opening up free trade with China, was perhaps the biggest mistake in 20th century America, a mistake which lead to massive outsourcing of jobs, massive increases in pollution, and a China that grows despite not respecting us.
China and Poland: Economic Cooperation Under the 16+1 Formula
also true-----the USA acts in its interests to counter a hegemon
Russia is clearly not the hegemon.

YOU are, clearly, quite a JOKE
Which immoral country would do such a thing as giving school children books that were designed to radicalize them. The US or Russia?

From U.S., the ABC's of Jihad

pay attention>>>> AID officials said in interviews that they left the Islamic materials intact because they feared Afghan educators would reject books lacking a strong dose of Muslim thought. The agency removed its logo and any mention of the U.S. government from the religious texts, AID spokeswoman Kathryn Stratos said.

see???----the USA did not create the books-----the creators of the books simply USED USA MONEY
Stop being so damn disingenuous. The Aid grant went to the University of Nebraska-Omaha. Why do think they needed to remove any mention of the US government if it wasn't produced by the US government?

It's called intentionally obtuse.
Russia is clearly not the hegemon.

YOU are, clearly, quite a JOKE
Which immoral country would do such a thing as giving school children books that were designed to radicalize them. The US or Russia?

From U.S., the ABC's of Jihad

pay attention>>>> AID officials said in interviews that they left the Islamic materials intact because they feared Afghan educators would reject books lacking a strong dose of Muslim thought. The agency removed its logo and any mention of the U.S. government from the religious texts, AID spokeswoman Kathryn Stratos said.

see???----the USA did not create the books-----the creators of the books simply USED USA MONEY
Stop being so damn disingenuous. The Aid grant went to the University of Nebraska-Omaha. Why do think they needed to remove any mention of the US government if it wasn't produced by the US government?

It's called intentionally obtuse.

wrong again-----muslims created the books in accordance with that which muslims would find acceptable
in their schools for their children ---------the US paid------so that the Afghanis would believe ---THE UNITED
STATES HELPED US----and even did it in accordance with HOW WE LIKE IT. Its like Halal food on
demand. ------not a US spit on bacon
Russia is clearly not the hegemon.

YOU are, clearly, quite a JOKE
Which immoral country would do such a thing as giving school children books that were designed to radicalize them. The US or Russia?

From U.S., the ABC's of Jihad

pay attention>>>> AID officials said in interviews that they left the Islamic materials intact because they feared Afghan educators would reject books lacking a strong dose of Muslim thought. The agency removed its logo and any mention of the U.S. government from the religious texts, AID spokeswoman Kathryn Stratos said.

see???----the USA did not create the books-----the creators of the books simply USED USA MONEY
Stop being so damn disingenuous. The Aid grant went to the University of Nebraska-Omaha. Why do think they needed to remove any mention of the US government if it wasn't produced by the US government?

It's called intentionally obtuse.
It is why I will often times ignore her.
YOU are, clearly, quite a JOKE
Which immoral country would do such a thing as giving school children books that were designed to radicalize them. The US or Russia?

From U.S., the ABC's of Jihad

pay attention>>>> AID officials said in interviews that they left the Islamic materials intact because they feared Afghan educators would reject books lacking a strong dose of Muslim thought. The agency removed its logo and any mention of the U.S. government from the religious texts, AID spokeswoman Kathryn Stratos said.

see???----the USA did not create the books-----the creators of the books simply USED USA MONEY
Stop being so damn disingenuous. The Aid grant went to the University of Nebraska-Omaha. Why do think they needed to remove any mention of the US government if it wasn't produced by the US government?

It's called intentionally obtuse.

wrong again-----muslims created the books in accordance with that which muslims would find acceptable
in their schools for their children ---------the US paid------so that the Afghanis would believe ---THE UNITED
STATES HELPED US----and even did it in accordance with HOW WE LIKE IT. Its like Halal food on
demand. ------not a US spit on bacon
In the twilight of the Cold War, the United States spent millions of dollars to supply Afghan schoolchildren with textbooks filled with violent images and militant Islamic teachings, part of covert attempts to spur resistance to the Soviet occupation.

The primers, which were filled with talk of jihad and featured drawings of guns, bullets, soldiers and mines, have served since then as the Afghan school system's core curriculum. Even the Taliban used the American-produced books, though the radical movement scratched out human faces in keeping with its strict fundamentalist code.

As Afghan schools reopen today, the United States is back in the business of providing schoolbooks. But now it is wrestling with the unintended consequences of its successful strategy of stirring Islamic fervor to fight communism. What seemed like a good idea in the context of the Cold War is being criticized by humanitarian workers as a crude tool that steeped a generation in violence.

....President Bush and first lady Laura Bush have repeatedly spotlighted the Afghan textbooks in recent weeks. Last Saturday, Bush announced during his weekly radio address that the 10 million U.S.-supplied books being trucked to Afghan schools would teach "respect for human dignity, instead of indoctrinating students with fanaticism and bigotry."
Which immoral country would do such a thing as giving school children books that were designed to radicalize them. The US or Russia?

From U.S., the ABC's of Jihad

pay attention>>>> AID officials said in interviews that they left the Islamic materials intact because they feared Afghan educators would reject books lacking a strong dose of Muslim thought. The agency removed its logo and any mention of the U.S. government from the religious texts, AID spokeswoman Kathryn Stratos said.

see???----the USA did not create the books-----the creators of the books simply USED USA MONEY
Stop being so damn disingenuous. The Aid grant went to the University of Nebraska-Omaha. Why do think they needed to remove any mention of the US government if it wasn't produced by the US government?

It's called intentionally obtuse.

wrong again-----muslims created the books in accordance with that which muslims would find acceptable
in their schools for their children ---------the US paid------so that the Afghanis would believe ---THE UNITED
STATES HELPED US----and even did it in accordance with HOW WE LIKE IT. Its like Halal food on
demand. ------not a US spit on bacon
In the twilight of the Cold War, the United States spent millions of dollars to supply Afghan schoolchildren with textbooks filled with violent images and militant Islamic teachings, part of covert attempts to spur resistance to the Soviet occupation.

The primers, which were filled with talk of jihad and featured drawings of guns, bullets, soldiers and mines, have served since then as the Afghan school system's core curriculum. Even the Taliban used the American-produced books, though the radical movement scratched out human faces in keeping with its strict fundamentalist code.

As Afghan schools reopen today, the United States is back in the business of providing schoolbooks. But now it is wrestling with the unintended consequences of its successful strategy of stirring Islamic fervor to fight communism. What seemed like a good idea in the context of the Cold War is being criticized by humanitarian workers as a crude tool that steeped a generation in violence.

....President Bush and first lady Laura Bush have repeatedly spotlighted the Afghan textbooks in recent weeks. Last Saturday, Bush announced during his weekly radio address that the 10 million U.S.-supplied books being trucked to Afghan schools would teach "respect for human dignity, instead of indoctrinating students with fanaticism and bigotry."

Did Bush read them?
Understanding what the US did in Afghanistan is very instructive watching current events play out. Manchester bombing included. I don't think there is a strong enough word for what I feel about it.

try Tehon I agree with your statement that the US actions in Afghanistan in support of the
Mujihadeen WAS VERY important relative to the dilemmas of today--------and would appreciate
your thoughts on the matter
To start with the Russians were goaded into Afghanistan. The US began supporting Islamic extremists before the invasion. This prompted the Russians to respond.

GOADED???? how was dey GOADED?. When did the US BEGIN to support Islamic extremists?
Yeah goaded. The US began supporting Islamic extremists at least six months prior to Russia sending in the Army to prop up the PDPA.

You don't see the similarities with the current conflict in Syria?

I'm glad my Poles helped blow apart the Soviet Union, with such names as Ryszard Kuklinski, Lech Walesa, Pope Jan Pawel II, and Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Pay no attention to the free market lover Yeltsin.
Well we know the two adulterers won't be on the Morning Joke set one day this week.
al qaeida is the filth of sunni islam , Hezbollah is the filth of Shiite islam and Baathism is the filth
of fascist "arab uber alles" None of them are NEW
Had there been no "Islamic Shiite Republic of Iran" thanks to Carter and Brezinski there wouldn't be the rise of Sunni Islamists like Al Queda and ISIS to stop the Shiites.

Zbigniew Brzezinski engineered the most effective war in 20th century U.S history, the tricking of Soviets into invading Afghanistan, which lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Unlike the U.S war against the Nazis which killed many thousands of Americans, the war Zbigniew Brzezinski engineered cost the U.S.A next to nothing.
"Tricking the Soviets into invading Afghansitan?! Do you trick people into kicking your ass?!

Uh, that's more like tricking a bully into fighting another bully into fatigue.
Zbigniew Brzezinski engineered the most effective war in 20th century U.S history, the tricking of Soviets into invading Afghanistan, which lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Unlike the U.S war against the Nazis which killed many thousands of Americans, the war Zbigniew Brzezinski engineered cost the U.S.A next to nothing.

The Soviets didn't do anything in Afghanistan but guard Kabul and the main highway from it to the SU. The war didn't bankrupt them or collapse them, they were already toast and bankrupt in 1973, as a result of LBJ's escalation of the VN war and taking over France's role in supporting Israel in the ME wars. They were almost totally dependent on western food and refined petroleum imports from 1974 onward, the failure of their puppet states to defeat the Israelis angered their client states in the ME, with the same effects on their African butcher regimes, and they were allowed a soft landing by the West. Reagan had nothing to so with it, neither did Brezhinski, neither did Afghans. They lost both means and credibility long before the 'collapse'.

I disagree, North Korea continues on as such a state.... The Soviets admitted they couldn't deal with Polish Solidarity, because they were busy dealing with Afghanistan, this allowed Poland with Solidarity to break away from the Soviet bloc, another big blow to the Soviet Union.

North Korea is propped up by the Chinese, not the Russians; Stalin ran away from Korea when Truman and the UN decided to invade.

Yes, I already pointed out the SU was dead in the water by 1973. You can thank LBJ, the West, and the Israelis for your success at 'reforms'.
You gotta understand...This guy is an antisemetic Polack shithead obsessed about anything and everything having to do with Poland. Say something negative about Poles or Poland and watch him eat his soiled underwear.

You're an anti-Polish Jew shithead obsessed everything having to do with Israel, say something negative about Jews, or Israel, and watch him eat his soil underwear.
Zbig is another one of those people who would have been better for the world if he had never been born.

Zbigniew Brzezinski was intelligent, which is more than can be said about you.
Brezinski was so intelligent that he engineered the second worst foreign policy for a president. The worst being Hussein Obama.

He engineered the beginning of the end of the Soviet Union, hardly the worst foreign policy.

You just don't like Brzezinski - Carter because he tried to bring peace between Israel, and Palestine, and didn't start a war over Iran.

Which really says more about yourself, much more Americans would have been killed if the U.S.A had invaded Iran, or Afghanistan during Brzezinski - Carter like you're touting.
al qaeida is the filth of sunni islam , Hezbollah is the filth of Shiite islam and Baathism is the filth
of fascist "arab uber alles" None of them are NEW
Had there been no "Islamic Shiite Republic of Iran" thanks to Carter and Brezinski there wouldn't be the rise of Sunni Islamists like Al Queda and ISIS to stop the Shiites.

Zbigniew Brzezinski engineered the most effective war in 20th century U.S history, the tricking of Soviets into invading Afghanistan, which lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Unlike the U.S war against the Nazis which killed many thousands of Americans, the war Zbigniew Brzezinski engineered cost the U.S.A next to nothing.
But that created Bin Laden,Taliban, Al Queda, insurgency in Iraq, and infiltrated aggitation in many footholds and regions.
Once again; please understand Bohm and Kohns theorems on Cause & Affect and interconnectivity. Events cause consequences sometimes un forseen and forever reaching.
Example: Vatican either directly (helped create Islamic religion) or at least indirectly (formed as protection against their crusaders)caused the creation of this third major religion.
The Church's hate Synods was the forefront of the Nazis policies emulating the church ideologies. That influence on Nazis hate propaganda was relayed to the head Cleric Arafat's Uncle who fled towards Nazis Germany where he was taught this tactical hate propaganda and influenced Arafat's PLO hate texts and tactics and the Middle Easts hate oropaganda and Jihaadi mind set. All Roads lead back to Rome as the cause of the affects of propaganda.
Look at the beginning, The Roman Empire thought it was doing the right thing hiding it's political whims and agressions behind the guise of religion. Now unsuspectedly collecting taxes under the guise of tithes & offerings to God. It too invaded many kingdoms without insurection under the guise of spread of religious authority masking the Kingdoms political expansion hidden under it's veil. They created a one world religion that caused over thousands of wars and over 50 million murders, as a result of the creation of this scarlet colored 2 horn (power) system. And now you see even this problem today with jihaadist is of the cause and affect of one act meant to prevent death and fighting through guise of a lie.
Yeah that lie never harmed anyone right?

Brzezinski achieved his goal in helping to collapse the Soviet Union, he didn't have a goal to create Islamic terrorism.

In fact, there was much less Islamic terrorism in the West back then, while kids were sitting under their desks in Cold War bomb drills.

The Crusaders were Catholics,

The high ranking Nazis weren't very Catholic, both Himmler, and Hitler for example had said Islam was better for Germany than Christianity.
Neither were low ranking Nazis even dominantly Catholic, Nazi Germany was a Protestant dominant country.
al qaeida is the filth of sunni islam , Hezbollah is the filth of Shiite islam and Baathism is the filth
of fascist "arab uber alles" None of them are NEW
Had there been no "Islamic Shiite Republic of Iran" thanks to Carter and Brezinski there wouldn't be the rise of Sunni Islamists like Al Queda and ISIS to stop the Shiites.

Zbigniew Brzezinski engineered the most effective war in 20th century U.S history, the tricking of Soviets into invading Afghanistan, which lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Unlike the U.S war against the Nazis which killed many thousands of Americans, the war Zbigniew Brzezinski engineered cost the U.S.A next to nothing.
But that created Bin Laden,Taliban, Al Queda, insurgency in Iraq, and infiltrated aggitation in many footholds and regions.
Once again; please understand Bohm and Kohns theorems on Cause & Affect and interconnectivity. Events cause consequences sometimes un forseen and forever reaching.
Example: Vatican either directly (helped create Islamic religion) or at least indirectly (formed as protection against their crusaders)caused the creation of this third major religion.
The Church's hate Synods was the forefront of the Nazis policies emulating the church ideologies. That influence on Nazis hate propaganda was relayed to the head Cleric Arafat's Uncle who fled towards Nazis Germany where he was taught this tactical hate propaganda and influenced Arafat's PLO hate texts and tactics and the Middle Easts hate oropaganda and Jihaadi mind set. All Roads lead back to Rome as the cause of the affects of propaganda.
Look at the beginning, The Roman Empire thought it was doing the right thing hiding it's political whims and agressions behind the guise of religion. Now unsuspectedly collecting taxes under the guise of tithes & offerings to God. It too invaded many kingdoms without insurection under the guise of spread of religious authority masking the Kingdoms political expansion hidden under it's veil. They created a one world religion that caused over thousands of wars and over 50 million murders, as a result of the creation of this scarlet colored 2 horn (power) system. And now you see even this problem today with jihaadist is of the cause and affect of one act meant to prevent death and fighting through guise of a lie.
Yeah that lie never harmed anyone right?

Brzezinski achieved his goal in helping to collapse the Soviet Union, he didn't have a goal to create Islamic terrorism.

In fact, there was much less Islamic terrorism in the West back then, while kids were sitting under their desks in Cold War bomb drills.

The Crusaders were Catholics,

The high ranking Nazis weren't very Catholic, both Himmler, and Hitler for example had said Islam was better for Germany than Christianity.
Neither were low ranking Nazis even dominantly Catholic, Nazi Germany was a Protestant dominant country.

Before the literal crusades the Religious zealots similarly used force on other cultures and tried to get them under their authority.
To combat or protect themselves from this crusade like harassment and violence Arabs, some nomadic Jews, and other non
Christians formed this new extended religion and banded together under that umbrella.

WHAT faith the Nazis high ranking had is irrelevant to the influences of the Church especially their synods being imitated.

In 1939 the Nazis barred Jews from train dining cars.
The Church’s Synod of Elvira (306) forbade Jews and Christians eating together.

The Synod of Clement (535) parallels the law for the Re-establishment of the Professional Civil Service (Nazi Germany -1933) by disallowing Jews from holding public office.

The Third Synod of Orleans (538) inhibited Jews from showing themselves in the streets during passion Week. In 1938 the Nazis past a decree allowing authorities to ban Jews from the streets on certain days such as Nazi Holidays.

During the Synod of Toledo the Talmud and other books were burned. Similar book burnings were a regular event in Nazi Germany.

The law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor (1935)
parallels the Synod of Elvira (306), which prohibited intermarriage and sexual intercourse between Christians and Jews.

The fourth Lateran Council (1215) mandated the marking of
Jewish clothes with a badge. In 1941 the Nazis forced Jews
to wear a Star of David. So Christendom foreshadowed the

In 1222 the Council of Oxford banned the construction of new
synagogues. In 1938 the Nazis destroyed synagogues in the
entire Third Reich. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

In 1279 the Synod of Breslau legislated for compulsory ghettoes.
In 1939 Heydrich also ordered compulsory ghettoes for Jews.
Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

The Synod of Ofen (1279) forbade Christians from selling or
renting real estate to Jews. In 1939 a Nazi decree mandated
the sale of Jewish real estate. Again Christendom foreshadowed
the Nazis.

The Council of Basel (1434) prevented Jews from obtaining
academic degrees. In 1933 the Nazis passed a law against,
"Overcrowding of German Schools and Universities" with
the same effect. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.
The Synod of Gerona (1078) forced Jews to make contributions
to the Church equal to that of Christians. The 1940
Sozialausgleichsabgabe enforced a special Jewish income tax
equal to the party contribution levied on Nazis. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

"The Nazis 'did not discard the past; they built upon it. They didn’t begin a development; they completed it.' This fact makes
ludicrous any unqualified claim that the Nazis were the enemies
of Christendom. In actuality, they were in very large measure the
agents for the 'practical' application of an established social logic."
(Hilberg, R., "The Destruction of the European Jews" Chicago:
Quadrangle, 1961), and (Eckardt, "Elder and Younger Brothers:
The Encounter of Jews and Christians" New York: Schocken
1973, 12-14).

The roots of the antisemitic "established social logic" referred to above lie in the antisemitic potential of the NT. The roots of modern antisemitism lie in the pages of the NT. Without it the Shoah (Holocaust) would never have happened.
A Disturbing Fact:
On April 19 1939 in celebration of Hitler's birthday All Catholic churches in greater Germany hoisted the Swastica in Celebration.

The Holocaust; is in it's foundation in Christian AntiSemitism.

So where did Jihaadist learn this same hate propaganda from?
Arafat's uncle the Palestinian head cleric
Haj Amin Al-Husseini,
who fleed to Berlin and learned the propaganda and technique of power & control through fear, scapegoating, displacement, & using people through hate.
Arafat used those methods learned from Berlin to create hate texts, similarly used by Jihaadist groups today.

The point being one act claimed for nonviolence conquering can actually be the cause and affect forever doing just opposite in bringing destruction, violence, & murders.
BRZEZ'S act started a chain of events that lead us to a heep of a mess we are in today and his daughter's propaganda is trying to do the same thing, like a dung beetle rolling BS larger and larger, what's left will be a big mess they'll leave us with
all for the sake of affiliation pride over country and over humanity.
al qaeida is the filth of sunni islam , Hezbollah is the filth of Shiite islam and Baathism is the filth
of fascist "arab uber alles" None of them are NEW
Had there been no "Islamic Shiite Republic of Iran" thanks to Carter and Brezinski there wouldn't be the rise of Sunni Islamists like Al Queda and ISIS to stop the Shiites.

Zbigniew Brzezinski engineered the most effective war in 20th century U.S history, the tricking of Soviets into invading Afghanistan, which lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Unlike the U.S war against the Nazis which killed many thousands of Americans, the war Zbigniew Brzezinski engineered cost the U.S.A next to nothing.
But that created Bin Laden,Taliban, Al Queda, insurgency in Iraq, and infiltrated aggitation in many footholds and regions.
Once again; please understand Bohm and Kohns theorems on Cause & Affect and interconnectivity. Events cause consequences sometimes un forseen and forever reaching.
Example: Vatican either directly (helped create Islamic religion) or at least indirectly (formed as protection against their crusaders)caused the creation of this third major religion.
The Church's hate Synods was the forefront of the Nazis policies emulating the church ideologies. That influence on Nazis hate propaganda was relayed to the head Cleric Arafat's Uncle who fled towards Nazis Germany where he was taught this tactical hate propaganda and influenced Arafat's PLO hate texts and tactics and the Middle Easts hate oropaganda and Jihaadi mind set. All Roads lead back to Rome as the cause of the affects of propaganda.
Look at the beginning, The Roman Empire thought it was doing the right thing hiding it's political whims and agressions behind the guise of religion. Now unsuspectedly collecting taxes under the guise of tithes & offerings to God. It too invaded many kingdoms without insurection under the guise of spread of religious authority masking the Kingdoms political expansion hidden under it's veil. They created a one world religion that caused over thousands of wars and over 50 million murders, as a result of the creation of this scarlet colored 2 horn (power) system. And now you see even this problem today with jihaadist is of the cause and affect of one act meant to prevent death and fighting through guise of a lie.
Yeah that lie never harmed anyone right?

Brzezinski achieved his goal in helping to collapse the Soviet Union, he didn't have a goal to create Islamic terrorism.

In fact, there was much less Islamic terrorism in the West back then, while kids were sitting under their desks in Cold War bomb drills.

The Crusaders were Catholics,

The high ranking Nazis weren't very Catholic, both Himmler, and Hitler for example had said Islam was better for Germany than Christianity.
Neither were low ranking Nazis even dominantly Catholic, Nazi Germany was a Protestant dominant country.

Before the literal crusades the Religious zealots similarly used force on other cultures and tried to get them under their authority.
To combat or protect themselves from this crusade like harassment and violence Arabs, some nomadic Jews, and other non
Christians formed this new extended religion and banded together under that umbrella.

WHAT faith the Nazis high ranking had is irrelevant to the influences of the Church especially their synods being imitated.

In 1939 the Nazis barred Jews from train dining cars.
The Church’s Synod of Elvira (306) forbade Jews and Christians eating together.

The Synod of Clement (535) parallels the law for the Re-establishment of the Professional Civil Service (Nazi Germany -1933) by disallowing Jews from holding public office.

The Third Synod of Orleans (538) inhibited Jews from showing themselves in the streets during passion Week. In 1938 the Nazis past a decree allowing authorities to ban Jews from the streets on certain days such as Nazi Holidays.

During the Synod of Toledo the Talmud and other books were burned. Similar book burnings were a regular event in Nazi Germany.

The law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor (1935)
parallels the Synod of Elvira (306), which prohibited intermarriage and sexual intercourse between Christians and Jews.

The fourth Lateran Council (1215) mandated the marking of
Jewish clothes with a badge. In 1941 the Nazis forced Jews
to wear a Star of David. So Christendom foreshadowed the

In 1222 the Council of Oxford banned the construction of new
synagogues. In 1938 the Nazis destroyed synagogues in the
entire Third Reich. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

In 1279 the Synod of Breslau legislated for compulsory ghettoes.
In 1939 Heydrich also ordered compulsory ghettoes for Jews.
Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

The Synod of Ofen (1279) forbade Christians from selling or
renting real estate to Jews. In 1939 a Nazi decree mandated
the sale of Jewish real estate. Again Christendom foreshadowed
the Nazis.

The Council of Basel (1434) prevented Jews from obtaining
academic degrees. In 1933 the Nazis passed a law against,
"Overcrowding of German Schools and Universities" with
the same effect. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.
The Synod of Gerona (1078) forced Jews to make contributions
to the Church equal to that of Christians. The 1940
Sozialausgleichsabgabe enforced a special Jewish income tax
equal to the party contribution levied on Nazis. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

"The Nazis 'did not discard the past; they built upon it. They didn’t begin a development; they completed it.' This fact makes
ludicrous any unqualified claim that the Nazis were the enemies
of Christendom. In actuality, they were in very large measure the
agents for the 'practical' application of an established social logic."
(Hilberg, R., "The Destruction of the European Jews" Chicago:
Quadrangle, 1961), and (Eckardt, "Elder and Younger Brothers:
The Encounter of Jews and Christians" New York: Schocken
1973, 12-14).

The roots of the antisemitic "established social logic" referred to above lie in the antisemitic potential of the NT. The roots of modern antisemitism lie in the pages of the NT. Without it the Shoah (Holocaust) would never have happened.
A Disturbing Fact:
On April 19 1939 in celebration of Hitler's birthday All Catholic churches in greater Germany hoisted the Swastica in Celebration.

The Holocaust; is in it's foundation in Christian AntiSemitism.

So where did Jihaadist learn this same hate propaganda from?
Arafat's uncle the Palestinian head cleric
Haj Amin Al-Husseini,
who fleed to Berlin and learned the propaganda and technique of power & control through fear, scapegoating, displacement, & using people through hate.
Arafat used those methods learned from Berlin to create hate texts, similarly used by Jihaadist groups today.

The point being one act claimed for nonviolence conquering can actually be the cause and affect forever doing just opposite in bringing destruction, violence, & murders.
BRZEZ'S act started a chain of events that lead us to a heep of a mess we are in today and his daughter's propaganda is trying to do the same thing, like a dung beetle rolling BS larger and larger, what's left will be a big mess they'll leave us with
all for the sake of affiliation pride over country and over humanity.

The Nazis actually killed more Christians, than Jews.

I'm quite certain that Jihadists get their hate from the Quran.
Had there been no "Islamic Shiite Republic of Iran" thanks to Carter and Brezinski there wouldn't be the rise of Sunni Islamists like Al Queda and ISIS to stop the Shiites.

Zbigniew Brzezinski engineered the most effective war in 20th century U.S history, the tricking of Soviets into invading Afghanistan, which lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Unlike the U.S war against the Nazis which killed many thousands of Americans, the war Zbigniew Brzezinski engineered cost the U.S.A next to nothing.
But that created Bin Laden,Taliban, Al Queda, insurgency in Iraq, and infiltrated aggitation in many footholds and regions.
Once again; please understand Bohm and Kohns theorems on Cause & Affect and interconnectivity. Events cause consequences sometimes un forseen and forever reaching.
Example: Vatican either directly (helped create Islamic religion) or at least indirectly (formed as protection against their crusaders)caused the creation of this third major religion.
The Church's hate Synods was the forefront of the Nazis policies emulating the church ideologies. That influence on Nazis hate propaganda was relayed to the head Cleric Arafat's Uncle who fled towards Nazis Germany where he was taught this tactical hate propaganda and influenced Arafat's PLO hate texts and tactics and the Middle Easts hate oropaganda and Jihaadi mind set. All Roads lead back to Rome as the cause of the affects of propaganda.
Look at the beginning, The Roman Empire thought it was doing the right thing hiding it's political whims and agressions behind the guise of religion. Now unsuspectedly collecting taxes under the guise of tithes & offerings to God. It too invaded many kingdoms without insurection under the guise of spread of religious authority masking the Kingdoms political expansion hidden under it's veil. They created a one world religion that caused over thousands of wars and over 50 million murders, as a result of the creation of this scarlet colored 2 horn (power) system. And now you see even this problem today with jihaadist is of the cause and affect of one act meant to prevent death and fighting through guise of a lie.
Yeah that lie never harmed anyone right?

Brzezinski achieved his goal in helping to collapse the Soviet Union, he didn't have a goal to create Islamic terrorism.

In fact, there was much less Islamic terrorism in the West back then, while kids were sitting under their desks in Cold War bomb drills.

The Crusaders were Catholics,

The high ranking Nazis weren't very Catholic, both Himmler, and Hitler for example had said Islam was better for Germany than Christianity.
Neither were low ranking Nazis even dominantly Catholic, Nazi Germany was a Protestant dominant country.

Before the literal crusades the Religious zealots similarly used force on other cultures and tried to get them under their authority.
To combat or protect themselves from this crusade like harassment and violence Arabs, some nomadic Jews, and other non
Christians formed this new extended religion and banded together under that umbrella.

WHAT faith the Nazis high ranking had is irrelevant to the influences of the Church especially their synods being imitated.

In 1939 the Nazis barred Jews from train dining cars.
The Church’s Synod of Elvira (306) forbade Jews and Christians eating together.

The Synod of Clement (535) parallels the law for the Re-establishment of the Professional Civil Service (Nazi Germany -1933) by disallowing Jews from holding public office.

The Third Synod of Orleans (538) inhibited Jews from showing themselves in the streets during passion Week. In 1938 the Nazis past a decree allowing authorities to ban Jews from the streets on certain days such as Nazi Holidays.

During the Synod of Toledo the Talmud and other books were burned. Similar book burnings were a regular event in Nazi Germany.

The law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor (1935)
parallels the Synod of Elvira (306), which prohibited intermarriage and sexual intercourse between Christians and Jews.

The fourth Lateran Council (1215) mandated the marking of
Jewish clothes with a badge. In 1941 the Nazis forced Jews
to wear a Star of David. So Christendom foreshadowed the

In 1222 the Council of Oxford banned the construction of new
synagogues. In 1938 the Nazis destroyed synagogues in the
entire Third Reich. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

In 1279 the Synod of Breslau legislated for compulsory ghettoes.
In 1939 Heydrich also ordered compulsory ghettoes for Jews.
Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

The Synod of Ofen (1279) forbade Christians from selling or
renting real estate to Jews. In 1939 a Nazi decree mandated
the sale of Jewish real estate. Again Christendom foreshadowed
the Nazis.

The Council of Basel (1434) prevented Jews from obtaining
academic degrees. In 1933 the Nazis passed a law against,
"Overcrowding of German Schools and Universities" with
the same effect. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.
The Synod of Gerona (1078) forced Jews to make contributions
to the Church equal to that of Christians. The 1940
Sozialausgleichsabgabe enforced a special Jewish income tax
equal to the party contribution levied on Nazis. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

"The Nazis 'did not discard the past; they built upon it. They didn’t begin a development; they completed it.' This fact makes
ludicrous any unqualified claim that the Nazis were the enemies
of Christendom. In actuality, they were in very large measure the
agents for the 'practical' application of an established social logic."
(Hilberg, R., "The Destruction of the European Jews" Chicago:
Quadrangle, 1961), and (Eckardt, "Elder and Younger Brothers:
The Encounter of Jews and Christians" New York: Schocken
1973, 12-14).

The roots of the antisemitic "established social logic" referred to above lie in the antisemitic potential of the NT. The roots of modern antisemitism lie in the pages of the NT. Without it the Shoah (Holocaust) would never have happened.
A Disturbing Fact:
On April 19 1939 in celebration of Hitler's birthday All Catholic churches in greater Germany hoisted the Swastica in Celebration.

The Holocaust; is in it's foundation in Christian AntiSemitism.

So where did Jihaadist learn this same hate propaganda from?
Arafat's uncle the Palestinian head cleric
Haj Amin Al-Husseini,
who fleed to Berlin and learned the propaganda and technique of power & control through fear, scapegoating, displacement, & using people through hate.
Arafat used those methods learned from Berlin to create hate texts, similarly used by Jihaadist groups today.

The point being one act claimed for nonviolence conquering can actually be the cause and affect forever doing just opposite in bringing destruction, violence, & murders.
BRZEZ'S act started a chain of events that lead us to a heep of a mess we are in today and his daughter's propaganda is trying to do the same thing, like a dung beetle rolling BS larger and larger, what's left will be a big mess they'll leave us with
all for the sake of affiliation pride over country and over humanity.

The Nazis actually killed more Christians, than Jews.

I'm quite certain that Jihadists get their hate from the Quran.[/QUOTE

you think like an inebriated pole
Zbigniew Brzezinski engineered the most effective war in 20th century U.S history, the tricking of Soviets into invading Afghanistan, which lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Unlike the U.S war against the Nazis which killed many thousands of Americans, the war Zbigniew Brzezinski engineered cost the U.S.A next to nothing.
But that created Bin Laden,Taliban, Al Queda, insurgency in Iraq, and infiltrated aggitation in many footholds and regions.
Once again; please understand Bohm and Kohns theorems on Cause & Affect and interconnectivity. Events cause consequences sometimes un forseen and forever reaching.
Example: Vatican either directly (helped create Islamic religion) or at least indirectly (formed as protection against their crusaders)caused the creation of this third major religion.
The Church's hate Synods was the forefront of the Nazis policies emulating the church ideologies. That influence on Nazis hate propaganda was relayed to the head Cleric Arafat's Uncle who fled towards Nazis Germany where he was taught this tactical hate propaganda and influenced Arafat's PLO hate texts and tactics and the Middle Easts hate oropaganda and Jihaadi mind set. All Roads lead back to Rome as the cause of the affects of propaganda.
Look at the beginning, The Roman Empire thought it was doing the right thing hiding it's political whims and agressions behind the guise of religion. Now unsuspectedly collecting taxes under the guise of tithes & offerings to God. It too invaded many kingdoms without insurection under the guise of spread of religious authority masking the Kingdoms political expansion hidden under it's veil. They created a one world religion that caused over thousands of wars and over 50 million murders, as a result of the creation of this scarlet colored 2 horn (power) system. And now you see even this problem today with jihaadist is of the cause and affect of one act meant to prevent death and fighting through guise of a lie.
Yeah that lie never harmed anyone right?

Brzezinski achieved his goal in helping to collapse the Soviet Union, he didn't have a goal to create Islamic terrorism.

In fact, there was much less Islamic terrorism in the West back then, while kids were sitting under their desks in Cold War bomb drills.

The Crusaders were Catholics,

The high ranking Nazis weren't very Catholic, both Himmler, and Hitler for example had said Islam was better for Germany than Christianity.
Neither were low ranking Nazis even dominantly Catholic, Nazi Germany was a Protestant dominant country.

Before the literal crusades the Religious zealots similarly used force on other cultures and tried to get them under their authority.
To combat or protect themselves from this crusade like harassment and violence Arabs, some nomadic Jews, and other non
Christians formed this new extended religion and banded together under that umbrella.

WHAT faith the Nazis high ranking had is irrelevant to the influences of the Church especially their synods being imitated.

In 1939 the Nazis barred Jews from train dining cars.
The Church’s Synod of Elvira (306) forbade Jews and Christians eating together.

The Synod of Clement (535) parallels the law for the Re-establishment of the Professional Civil Service (Nazi Germany -1933) by disallowing Jews from holding public office.

The Third Synod of Orleans (538) inhibited Jews from showing themselves in the streets during passion Week. In 1938 the Nazis past a decree allowing authorities to ban Jews from the streets on certain days such as Nazi Holidays.

During the Synod of Toledo the Talmud and other books were burned. Similar book burnings were a regular event in Nazi Germany.

The law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor (1935)
parallels the Synod of Elvira (306), which prohibited intermarriage and sexual intercourse between Christians and Jews.

The fourth Lateran Council (1215) mandated the marking of
Jewish clothes with a badge. In 1941 the Nazis forced Jews
to wear a Star of David. So Christendom foreshadowed the

In 1222 the Council of Oxford banned the construction of new
synagogues. In 1938 the Nazis destroyed synagogues in the
entire Third Reich. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

In 1279 the Synod of Breslau legislated for compulsory ghettoes.
In 1939 Heydrich also ordered compulsory ghettoes for Jews.
Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

The Synod of Ofen (1279) forbade Christians from selling or
renting real estate to Jews. In 1939 a Nazi decree mandated
the sale of Jewish real estate. Again Christendom foreshadowed
the Nazis.

The Council of Basel (1434) prevented Jews from obtaining
academic degrees. In 1933 the Nazis passed a law against,
"Overcrowding of German Schools and Universities" with
the same effect. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.
The Synod of Gerona (1078) forced Jews to make contributions
to the Church equal to that of Christians. The 1940
Sozialausgleichsabgabe enforced a special Jewish income tax
equal to the party contribution levied on Nazis. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

"The Nazis 'did not discard the past; they built upon it. They didn’t begin a development; they completed it.' This fact makes
ludicrous any unqualified claim that the Nazis were the enemies
of Christendom. In actuality, they were in very large measure the
agents for the 'practical' application of an established social logic."
(Hilberg, R., "The Destruction of the European Jews" Chicago:
Quadrangle, 1961), and (Eckardt, "Elder and Younger Brothers:
The Encounter of Jews and Christians" New York: Schocken
1973, 12-14).

The roots of the antisemitic "established social logic" referred to above lie in the antisemitic potential of the NT. The roots of modern antisemitism lie in the pages of the NT. Without it the Shoah (Holocaust) would never have happened.
A Disturbing Fact:
On April 19 1939 in celebration of Hitler's birthday All Catholic churches in greater Germany hoisted the Swastica in Celebration.

The Holocaust; is in it's foundation in Christian AntiSemitism.

So where did Jihaadist learn this same hate propaganda from?
Arafat's uncle the Palestinian head cleric
Haj Amin Al-Husseini,
who fleed to Berlin and learned the propaganda and technique of power & control through fear, scapegoating, displacement, & using people through hate.
Arafat used those methods learned from Berlin to create hate texts, similarly used by Jihaadist groups today.

The point being one act claimed for nonviolence conquering can actually be the cause and affect forever doing just opposite in bringing destruction, violence, & murders.
BRZEZ'S act started a chain of events that lead us to a heep of a mess we are in today and his daughter's propaganda is trying to do the same thing, like a dung beetle rolling BS larger and larger, what's left will be a big mess they'll leave us with
all for the sake of affiliation pride over country and over humanity.

The Nazis actually killed more Christians, than Jews.

I'm quite certain that Jihadists get their hate from the Quran.[/QUOTE

you think like an inebriated pole

The Nazis killed about 20 - 22 million Russians, 4 million Ukrainians, and 3 million Poles, as opposed to 6 million Jews.

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