Zimmerman gets 250k for his $500 gun

No, but it does mean people with a life accept the verdict and move on with said life.

That being said, I'll say this, I believe George should have been culpable at some level and wasn't for one reason. Juries are getting tired of what they see to be overzealous prosecutions and are using the only tool they have to reject such. Acquittals. Sometimes even in cases where there is SOME level of culpability, juries are saying "fuck this, these prosecutors need to start going after REAL criminals"

GZ reasonably could have been charged with second degree manslaughter or excessive use of force, but the jury was not givne those options, were they?

Personally, I dont see GZ as guilty of a god damned thing other than being an unlucky bastard.

Oh, of the options presented to the jury, you're damned right he wasn't guilty. If I were the prosecutor, I would have charged him with stalking. A first degree misdemeanor under Florida law.

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

Six months in jail would not have been out of line for George's part in causing an incident that need not to have happened.
which he absolutely did. aggravated stalking might not be out of line either.

I agree, but the evidence DOES suggest that the jury ruled correctly on the charges proffered.
agreed. the state did not make their case.

i think there is a problem with the law though when you can follow someone looking for confrontation and end up getting off scott-free because you killed the only other witness.

self defense or not that type of behavior should be punished.

That's evidence that he got his ass kicked. Doesn't show who started anything.
but but libs said that didnt happen....

Man, there are so many idiots who say so many stupid things that I literally can't keep up. Yes, there are a few morons who believe George just walked up and shot that kid in the back of the head. Most people know otherwise though.
No, but it does mean people with a life accept the verdict and move on with said life.

That being said, I'll say this, I believe George should have been culpable at some level and wasn't for one reason. Juries are getting tired of what they see to be overzealous prosecutions and are using the only tool they have to reject such. Acquittals. Sometimes even in cases where there is SOME level of culpability, juries are saying "fuck this, these prosecutors need to start going after REAL criminals"

GZ reasonably could have been charged with second degree manslaughter or excessive use of force, but the jury was not givne those options, were they?

Personally, I dont see GZ as guilty of a god damned thing other than being an unlucky bastard.

Oh, of the options presented to the jury, you're damned right he wasn't guilty. If I were the prosecutor, I would have charged him with stalking. A first degree misdemeanor under Florida law.

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

Six months in jail would not have been out of line for George's part in causing an incident that need not to have happened.
which he absolutely did. aggravated stalking might not be out of line either.

I agree, but the evidence DOES suggest that the jury ruled correctly on the charges proffered.
agreed. the state did not make their case.

i think there is a problem with the law though when you can follow someone looking for confrontation and end up getting off scott-free because you killed the only other witness.

self defense or not that type of behavior should be punished.

I totally agree with you. What a fucked up world we live in when a guy can stalk some kid without any sort of evidence of wrong doing and then kill him and not be found guilty of any crime, but a cop who is doing his job gets in a fight with a black guy and ends up killing him is hounded to the gates of hell and tried for capital murder.
Follow along and you would know dumbass
i'm following, and i'm asking. use your words. what do you think that those pictures prove?
once more s l o w l y i f y o u w e r e f o l l o w i n g y o u wo u l d k n o w
i know what i know it's evidence of. as i said, at one point martin had the upper hand. i think that's what it's evidence of.

what do you believe?
PredFan , for real bro. Do you really not think George bares any responsibility for that confrontation happening? Okay, you think Martin attacked him first. Fine, that's a different question.

Let's look at it from a different angle. Let's suppose that you are your daughter were walking down the street one night and noticed a guy following you. Let's say you confronted this guy, wanting to know why he was following you and your daughter. Now let's suppose things devolved into a fight and you ended up shooting this guy and killing him.

Now let's say the police arrest you , do you claim that the other guy actually started it because he was stalking you and your daughter? Of course you do.
PredFan , for real bro. Do you really not think George bares any responsibility for that confrontation happening? Okay, you think Martin attacked him first. Fine, that's a different question.

Let's look at it from a different angle. Let's suppose that you are your daughter were walking down the street one night and noticed a guy following you. Let's say you confronted this guy, wanting to know why he was following you and your daughter. Now let's suppose things devolved into a fight and you ended up shooting this guy and killing him.

Now let's say the police arrest you , do you claim that the other guy actually started it because he was stalking you and your daughter? Of course you do.
probably the best analogy i've seen.

and i'm sorry, but i believe that those incapable of seeing it from that perspective are stuck on race.
So, not only does he get away with murder, literally, but he's also able to cash in on it.
Who did he supposedly murder? That punk that jumped him and had him pinned with his back on the ground pounding him in his face?

How many times do you libtrards think an armed man has to let idiots beat on them before we can shoot the stupid dogs?

Tupac certainly would have agreed with you!

The Reason Why Tupac Shot 2 Police Officers and Wasn’t Charged
Excellent! An innocent man who defended himself from a murderous thug had his life destroyed because of it, now he gets some justice. He deserves it.
weird that you somehow think martin was the 'murderous thug' and yet he was the one that ended up dead.

let me ask you, why is martin a thug when he was just defending himself from the creepy stalker?

put another way, how would you feel if martin had killed zimmerman instead?
Where is your proof that he had to defend himself again Zimmerman? There is plenty of physical evidence that points to the opposite, hence the "not guilty" verdict.
there is proof that at one point martin had the upper hand, that is all.
There is more evidence than that. Either you don't know the facts or you're ignoring them.
there is no evidence that shows martin attacked zimmerman. no witnesses, no evidence. none.

what is hard about that?
Zimmerman knuckles didn't have a mark on them. Trayvons knuckles showed many signs of hitting zimmerman. Trayvon didn't have a single mark on his face or anywhere, while Zimmerman had many signs of being attacked.
PredFan , for real bro. Do you really not think George bares any responsibility for that confrontation happening? Okay, you think Martin attacked him first. Fine, that's a different question.

Let's look at it from a different angle. Let's suppose that you are your daughter were walking down the street one night and noticed a guy following you. Let's say you confronted this guy, wanting to know why he was following you and your daughter. Now let's suppose things devolved into a fight and you ended up shooting this guy and killing him.

Now let's say the police arrest you , do you claim that the other guy actually started it because he was stalking you and your daughter? Of course you do.
Youre using the word "stalking", but following isn't stalking. Quit trying to distort the facts.
PredFan , for real bro. Do you really not think George bares any responsibility for that confrontation happening? Okay, you think Martin attacked him first. Fine, that's a different question.

Let's look at it from a different angle. Let's suppose that you are your daughter were walking down the street one night and noticed a guy following you. Let's say you confronted this guy, wanting to know why he was following you and your daughter. Now let's suppose things devolved into a fight and you ended up shooting this guy and killing him.

Now let's say the police arrest you , do you claim that the other guy actually started it because he was stalking you and your daughter? Of course you do.
probably the best analogy i've seen.

and i'm sorry, but i believe that those incapable of seeing it from that perspective are stuck on race.

On the other hand, there are also many liberals who aren't seeing it from the angle of they are two different things happening here.

1. You have a right to confront someone who you feel is stalking you. So , if Trayvon felt Zimmerman was stalking him, he had a right to stop and ask him.

2. What you don't have a right to do is to hit someone if you confront them and don't like the way they respond to being confronted. IOW you can't hit someone who is stalking you and claim self defense. It doesn't work that way because no reasonable person would fear for their safety simply on the basis being stalked.

Now , well never know, but it's doubtful this is what transpired, but just for fun. IF Trayvon was attempting to make a citizen's arrest of Zimmerman for stalking, in THAT case , he would have the right to attempt to subdue him , but you better be damned sure the guy is guilty of the crime you are accusing him of if you make a citizen's arrest. So I doubt that was the case here.

Put simply, this is just another case where many people on BOTH sides have thrown facts right out the fucking window and formed an opinion.
PredFan , for real bro. Do you really not think George bares any responsibility for that confrontation happening? Okay, you think Martin attacked him first. Fine, that's a different question.

Let's look at it from a different angle. Let's suppose that you are your daughter were walking down the street one night and noticed a guy following you. Let's say you confronted this guy, wanting to know why he was following you and your daughter. Now let's suppose things devolved into a fight and you ended up shooting this guy and killing him.

Now let's say the police arrest you , do you claim that the other guy actually started it because he was stalking you and your daughter? Of course you do.

No responsibility at all. You can't claim stalking or else every neighborhood watch program would be ended. Even if you could claim it, it's no reason for Martin to attack Zimmerman.

In your made up scenario, it would not end in a fight because if I noticed someone following me, I'd confront him and get to the bottom of it. That person would ask me what I was doing, I would tell him and then be on my way. Martin did no such thing, in fact Martin actually made it home, then went out and hunted GZ down. That is what the witnesses said in court. So your scenarios would not have happened. The only way I would have shot him is if he attacked me or my daughter. GZ wasn't going to attack Martin, only question him.

And your final point is moot.
weird that you somehow think martin was the 'murderous thug' and yet he was the one that ended up dead.

let me ask you, why is martin a thug when he was just defending himself from the creepy stalker?

put another way, how would you feel if martin had killed zimmerman instead?
Where is your proof that he had to defend himself again Zimmerman? There is plenty of physical evidence that points to the opposite, hence the "not guilty" verdict.
there is proof that at one point martin had the upper hand, that is all.
There is more evidence than that. Either you don't know the facts or you're ignoring them.
there is no evidence that shows martin attacked zimmerman. no witnesses, no evidence. none.

what is hard about that?
Zimmerman knuckles didn't have a mark on them. Trayvons knuckles showed many signs of hitting zimmerman. Trayvon didn't have a single mark on his face or anywhere, while Zimmerman had many signs of being attacked.
PredFan , for real bro. Do you really not think George bares any responsibility for that confrontation happening? Okay, you think Martin attacked him first. Fine, that's a different question.

Let's look at it from a different angle. Let's suppose that you are your daughter were walking down the street one night and noticed a guy following you. Let's say you confronted this guy, wanting to know why he was following you and your daughter. Now let's suppose things devolved into a fight and you ended up shooting this guy and killing him.

Now let's say the police arrest you , do you claim that the other guy actually started it because he was stalking you and your daughter? Of course you do.
Youre using the word "stalking", but following isn't stalking. Quit trying to distort the facts.

I posted a link to the Florida Stalking Statute. What you think, feel, or believe is irrelevant. Zimmerman CLEARLY could have been charged with stalking.

For God's sakes man, a kid is dead because George followed him until the situation escalated into a gun being drawn.
PredFan , for real bro. Do you really not think George bares any responsibility for that confrontation happening? Okay, you think Martin attacked him first. Fine, that's a different question.

Let's look at it from a different angle. Let's suppose that you are your daughter were walking down the street one night and noticed a guy following you. Let's say you confronted this guy, wanting to know why he was following you and your daughter. Now let's suppose things devolved into a fight and you ended up shooting this guy and killing him.

Now let's say the police arrest you , do you claim that the other guy actually started it because he was stalking you and your daughter? Of course you do.

No responsibility at all. You can't claim stalking or else every neighborhood watch program would be ended. Even if you could claim it, it's no reason for Martin to attack Zimmerman.

In your made up scenario, it would not end in a fight because if I noticed someone following me, I'd confront him and get to the bottom of it. That person would ask me what I was doing, I would tell him and then be on my way. Martin did no such thing, in fact Martin actually made it home, then went out and hunted GZ down. That is what the witnesses said in court. So your scenarios would not have happened. The only way I would have shot him is if he attacked me or my daughter. GZ wasn't going to attack Martin, only question him.

And your final point is moot.

So, to be clear you know that if you confronted someone it wouldn't end in a fight? Do you have next week's lotto numbers as well?
weird that you somehow think martin was the 'murderous thug' and yet he was the one that ended up dead.

let me ask you, why is martin a thug when he was just defending himself from the creepy stalker?

put another way, how would you feel if martin had killed zimmerman instead?
Where is your proof that he had to defend himself again Zimmerman? There is plenty of physical evidence that points to the opposite, hence the "not guilty" verdict.
there is proof that at one point martin had the upper hand, that is all.
There is more evidence than that. Either you don't know the facts or you're ignoring them.
there is no evidence that shows martin attacked zimmerman. no witnesses, no evidence. none.

what is hard about that?
Zimmerman knuckles didn't have a mark on them. Trayvons knuckles showed many signs of hitting zimmerman. Trayvon didn't have a single mark on his face or anywhere, while Zimmerman had many signs of being attacked.
zimmerman had signs that martin had the upper hand at one point. that is all. there is no evidence showing who started the confrontation.
PredFan , for real bro. Do you really not think George bares any responsibility for that confrontation happening? Okay, you think Martin attacked him first. Fine, that's a different question.

Let's look at it from a different angle. Let's suppose that you are your daughter were walking down the street one night and noticed a guy following you. Let's say you confronted this guy, wanting to know why he was following you and your daughter. Now let's suppose things devolved into a fight and you ended up shooting this guy and killing him.

Now let's say the police arrest you , do you claim that the other guy actually started it because he was stalking you and your daughter? Of course you do.
Youre using the word "stalking", but following isn't stalking. Quit trying to distort the facts.
seems to fit the definition of stalking to me...

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