Zimmerman Prosecution Imploding, Analysts Say


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Read it and weep, Zimmerman lynch mob. Justice will prevail despite your schemes!

The prosecution of George Zimmerman for second-degree murder in the killing of Trayvon Martin last year appears to be collapsing, thanks in large part to testimony offered by witnesses called by prosecutors, according to legal experts and analysts. Even though the judge refused to allow Martin’s history of drug use, fighting, and school suspensions into evidence, explosive witness testimony provided during the trial may still prove devastating to authorities and their bid to convict Zimmerman.

More than a few commentators have suggested that the murder charges were concocted to satisfy race profiteers, the out-of-control U.S. Justice Department, and the establishment media. Critics of the prosecution, including heavy-hitting law professors and attorneys, say prosecutors have engaged in ethical violations in what appears, to many analysts at least, to be an over-zealous bid to convict Zimmerman in the absence of solid evidence.

“The state of Florida’s politically driven decision to charge George Zimmerman with murder has resulted, as some of us predicted it would, in a pathetically weak case,” explained Andrew McCarthy, a former attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice who has been following the case closely. “It has taken only a few days of trial to collapse of its own weightlessness — undone, in fact, by the direct testimony of a prosecution witness.... This case does not belong in a criminal court. That it has gotten this far is a sad triumph of demagoguery over due process.”

As The New American reported last week, the prosecution’s so-called “star witness,” 19-year-old Rachel Jeantel, proved to be a huge embarrassment for state prosecutors. The young woman — apparently the last person to speak with Martin, then 17, prior to his death early last year — actually ended up benefiting the defense, according to countless legal analysts and pundits commenting on the case.

In addition to the public exposure of potentially incriminating posts on social-media services referencing drug use, drunk driving, underage drinking, and more, Jeantel’s testimony in court appeared to make a mockery of the prosecution. The witness was forced to admit, for example, that she could not read a letter she supposedly “wrote” outlining the events of February 26, 2012, the night Martin was killed. “I don’t read cursive,” she explained.

During testimony, Jeantel admitted to lying under oath, putting her credibility in serious doubt. She eventually conceded that she did not know who started the fight, too. Her demeanor in court, meanwhile — eye-rolling, referring to an attorney as “the bald-headed dude,” answering questions with remarks like “that’s retarded,” and more — was widely criticized as well.

The “star witness” also revealed that Martin had described Zimmerman, who is Hispanic, as a “creepy-a** cracker” over the phone on the night he was killed — a term widely understood as a racist pejorative used to describe whites. Jeantel testified that she did not think the term “cracker” was racist but that she thought Zimmerman’s actions may have been motivated by race.

Much of the establishment press and the race-profiteering industry, of course, have bent over backwards trying to paint Zimmerman as a racist — even using deception, as in the case of NBC’s editing of Zimmerman’s 911 call. Prosecutors tried it as well, albeit in a more subtle manner, alleging that Zimmerman had “profiled” Martin. Now, the “racism” allegations aimed at Zimmerman appear to have become less tenable at the very least, with critics of the prosecution suggesting Martin was in fact the racist​

Zimmerman Prosecution Imploding, Analysts Say
Don't need a court of law to show me that Zimmerman killed this child because he wanted to and not because he had to save his life. His life was never threatened. I don't need a court of law to punish him. No bad deed goes unpunished and I don't believe their will be wide spread rioting either. Protest maybe. I don't plan to do an rioting. 911 calls and the end results convince me that Zimmerman planned from the moment he saw the child to kill him. Zimmerman's own words and he actions and inconsistencies in his words. And Florida's self defense laws is not on his side.

Florida Law on Self Defense : Use of Force
Self Defense in Florida: Deadly and Non-Deadly Force
Self Defense in Florida: When is Non-Deadly Force Allowed?

Under Section 776.012, Florida Statutes (Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” Law), a person is justified in the use of non-deadly force in self-defense where the person reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or herself or another against such other’s imminent use of unlawful force. There is no duty to retreat. If the defendant is in his or her home or vehicle, then, under Section 776.013, Florida Statutes, the law will presume that the defendant had a reasonable fear of imminent death or bodily harm if the alleged victim unlawfully entered or remained or attempted to remove another person against their will. A person who unlawfully and by force enters or attempts to enter another’s home or vehicle is furthermore presumed to be doing so with the intent to commit an unlawful act involving force or violence.

Self Defense in Florida: When is Deadly Force Allowed?

There are two primary statutes in Florida outlining when the use of deadly force is justified so as to avoid criminal liability. Under Section 776.012, Florida Statutes (Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” Law), a person is justified in using deadly force (and does not have a duty to retreat) if he or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony or to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another. Under Section 782.02, Florida Statutes, the use of deadly force is further justified when a person is resisting any attempt to murder such person or to commit any felony upon him or her or upon or in any dwelling house in which the person is located.
Florida Law on Self-Defense : Use of Deadly and Non Deadly Force
Depend on what the jury believe what "beyond a reasonable doubts is" My bet is on the jury.
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The case is politically motivated, Obama made it so by saying Treyvon could be his son. The prosecution has no case. The Defense should ask the judge to direct a not guilty verdict
The case is politically motivated, Obama made it so by saying Treyvon could be his son. The prosecution has no case. The Defense should ask the judge to direct a not guilty verdict
OMG it did? It became human. The case will be made by the prosecution doing closing augments. I he walks incompetent representation should allow an appeal. I was never sure WHO the prosecution was.
need a court of law to show me that Zimmerman killed this child because he wanted to and not because he had to save his life. His life was never threatened. I don't need a court of law to punish him. No bad deed goes unpunished and I don't believe their will be wide spread rioting either. Protest maybe. I don't plan to do an rioting. 911 calls and the end results convince me that Zimmerman planned from the moment he saw the child to kill him. Zimmerman's own words and he actions and inconsistencies in his words. And Florida's self defense laws is not on his side.

Florida Law on Self Defense : Use of Force

Self Defense in Florida: Deadly and Non-Deadly Force
Self Defense in Florida: When is Non-Deadly Force Allowed?

Under Section 776.012, Florida Statutes (Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” Law), a person is justified in the use of non-deadly force in self-defense where the person reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or herself or another against such other’s imminent use of unlawful force. There is no duty to retreat. If the defendant is in his or her home or vehicle, then, under Section 776.013, Florida Statutes, the law will presume that the defendant had a reasonable fear of imminent death or bodily harm if the alleged victim unlawfully entered or remained or attempted to remove another person against their will. A person who unlawfully and by force enters or attempts to enter another’s home or vehicle is furthermore presumed to be doing so with the intent to commit an unlawful act involving force or violence.

Self Defense in Florida: When is Deadly Force Allowed?

There are two primary statutes in Florida outlining when the use of deadly force is justified so as to avoid criminal liability. Under Section 776.012, Florida Statutes (Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” Law), a person is justified in using deadly force (and does not have a duty to retreat) if he or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony or to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another. Under Section 782.02, Florida Statutes, the use of deadly force is further justified when a person is resisting any attempt to murder such person or to commit any felony upon him or her or upon or in any dwelling house in which the person is located.
Florida Law on Self-Defense : Use of Deadly and Non Deadly Force

Depend on what the jury believe what "beyond a reasonable doubts is" My bet is on the jury.

The next time you feel your life is on danger as your head is getting pummeled and you are starting to cough on your own blood, think twice about how you react because if you survive, experts will tell you your life was never in danger.
The next time you feel your life is on danger as your head is getting pummeled and you are starting to cough on your own blood, think twice about how you react because if you survive, experts will tell you your life was never in danger.

Tried by 12 or pallbore by 6
need a court of law to show me that Zimmerman killed this child because he wanted to and not because he had to save his life. His life was never threatened. I don't need a court of law to punish him. No bad deed goes unpunished and I don't believe their will be wide spread rioting either. Protest maybe. I don't plan to do an rioting. 911 calls and the end results convince me that Zimmerman planned from the moment he saw the child to kill him. Zimmerman's own words and he actions and inconsistencies in his words. And Florida's self defense laws is not on his side.

Florida Law on Self Defense : Use of Force

Self Defense in Florida: Deadly and Non-Deadly Force
Self Defense in Florida: When is Non-Deadly Force Allowed?

Under Section 776.012, Florida Statutes (Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” Law), a person is justified in the use of non-deadly force in self-defense where the person reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or herself or another against such other’s imminent use of unlawful force. There is no duty to retreat. If the defendant is in his or her home or vehicle, then, under Section 776.013, Florida Statutes, the law will presume that the defendant had a reasonable fear of imminent death or bodily harm if the alleged victim unlawfully entered or remained or attempted to remove another person against their will. A person who unlawfully and by force enters or attempts to enter another’s home or vehicle is furthermore presumed to be doing so with the intent to commit an unlawful act involving force or violence.

Self Defense in Florida: When is Deadly Force Allowed?

There are two primary statutes in Florida outlining when the use of deadly force is justified so as to avoid criminal liability. Under Section 776.012, Florida Statutes (Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” Law), a person is justified in using deadly force (and does not have a duty to retreat) if he or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony or to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another. Under Section 782.02, Florida Statutes, the use of deadly force is further justified when a person is resisting any attempt to murder such person or to commit any felony upon him or her or upon or in any dwelling house in which the person is located.
Florida Law on Self-Defense : Use of Deadly and Non Deadly Force

Depend on what the jury believe what "beyond a reasonable doubts is" My bet is on the jury.

The next time you feel your life is on danger as your head is getting pummeled and you are starting to cough on your own blood, think twice about how you react because if you survive, experts will tell you your life was never in danger.

I generally don't play cop. Actually? I never play cop.

If I call 911 on a person? That's the beginning and end of it.
The case is politically motivated, Obama made it so by saying Treyvon could be his son. The prosecution has no case. The Defense should ask the judge to direct a not guilty verdict
OMG it did? It became human. The case will be made by the prosecution doing closing augments. I he walks incompetent representation should allow an appeal. I was never sure WHO the prosecution was.

So the state should just keep retrying him until he's guilty?

911 calls and the end results convince me that Zimmerman planned from the moment he saw the child to kill him.

So he called 911 and then got in fight and ended up under TM first ?

Why didn't he just shoot him ?

Obviously the pale white Zimmerman was beating TM's fists with his face. Cleaver trick to convince people he was being beat up. Letting TM jump on top was all part of the act.

Depend on what the jury believe what "beyond a reasonable doubts is" My bet is on the jury.

The next time you feel your life is on danger as your head is getting pummeled and you are starting to cough on your own blood, think twice about how you react because if you survive, experts will tell you your life was never in danger.

I generally don't play cop. Actually? I never play cop.

If I call 911 on a person? That's the beginning and end of it.

You play prosecutor
No matter how someone personally feels about it, by the use of choosing evidence they want, rejecting evidence they don't or even making up their own evidence, the prosecution's case is non existent. IF even if an individual personally wants to massage, sanitize and stretch the facts to fit, the prosecution has not proved up their case.

The only thing left is a kind of extortion where the outcome of the trial is by threat of violence. Suppose threat of violence was used on behalf of the man whose beating of a mother was caught on the nanny cam? Find him not guilty or there will be a riot. The entire trial system will be controlled by who can get together the biggest mob and commit the most violence.
No matter how someone personally feels about it, by the use of choosing evidence they want, rejecting evidence they don't or even making up their own evidence, the prosecution's case is non existent. IF even if an individual personally wants to massage, sanitize and stretch the facts to fit, the prosecution has not proved up their case.

The only thing left is a kind of extortion where the outcome of the trial is by threat of violence. Suppose threat of violence was used on behalf of the man whose beating of a mother was caught on the nanny cam? Find him not guilty or there will be a riot. The entire trial system will be controlled by who can get together the biggest mob and commit the most violence.

Florida was bullied into trying this case in the first place so we know where the fault for any resulting violence lies.
Six women's opinion, five of them mothers, is all that counts here at the end of the day.

Depend on what the jury believe what "beyond a reasonable doubts is" My bet is on the jury.

The next time you feel your life is on danger as your head is getting pummeled and you are starting to cough on your own blood, think twice about how you react because if you survive, experts will tell you your life was never in danger.

I generally don't play cop. Actually? I never play cop.

If I call 911 on a person? That's the beginning and end of it.

Before or after your girlfriend hears the wet grass??
No matter how someone personally feels about it, by the use of choosing evidence they want, rejecting evidence they don't or even making up their own evidence, the prosecution's case is non existent. IF even if an individual personally wants to massage, sanitize and stretch the facts to fit, the prosecution has not proved up their case.

The only thing left is a kind of extortion where the outcome of the trial is by threat of violence. Suppose threat of violence was used on behalf of the man whose beating of a mother was caught on the nanny cam? Find him not guilty or there will be a riot. The entire trial system will be controlled by who can get together the biggest mob and commit the most violence.

Florida was bullied into trying this case in the first place so we know where the fault for any resulting violence lies.

There was no case and the state of Florida knew it. That is why no charges were filed when it went down. All that has been accomplished is for Mz Fulton's 'angel' li'l Trayvon to be exposed as a wannabe gang member, thief, and drug user.

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