Zimmerman’s own account will convict him


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009

The more Zimmerman talks the more inconsistencies there are. He said himself “to be honest with you, I have a bad memory” (Attention Deficit disorder?) How can anything he say be credible? This is an excuse typical of a psychotic sociopath when the cannot keep up with his lies.
"jumped out from the bushes" and punched him in the face, knocking him down..
there are no bushes near the side walk where the struggle went down in the video.
Could the cuts on the back of his head come from his falling and not from having his head bashed into the side walk? His injuries the day after the incident is not consistent with the injuries seen in the video the day of the incident. Injuries not consistent with one’s head being bashed into concrete. Two small cuts, no abrasions or concussion consistent with almost passing out.
After the shooting, Zimmerman said the turned Trayvon over and got on his back?
His account do not jive with the 9-11 call or evidence seen and heard. A good prosecutor will tear his account apart. Just let him talk and he will convict himself. A typical behavior of a psychotic sociopath is lying inconsistent with the beliefs they are smarter than others. Trayvon could not possible have done all the things he said he did prior to the shooting and immediately after.
Where is the witness that Zimmerman said open a door and come out seconds prior to the shooting and must have seen the moment leading up to the shooting and after. There do not appear to be any doors opening in the back between the apartments.

Trayvon saw his gun and reached for it but Zimmerman got it first? If Zimmerman had the gun and Travon saw it he would have backed off and Zimmerman would not have had to shoot him. I do not believe Trayvon ever saw a gun before he was shot. Zimmerman had to had unstrap the holster before removing gun and if Trayvon had saw it he may have stopped him and no one would have got the gun.
.. the more George Zimmerman looks not guilty. There aren't any major inconsistencies in his statements. None of the witnesses will help the prosecution more than the defense. The physical evidence supports Zimmerman's story. Unless the prosecution has something we haven't seen yet, a fair minded jury won't find Zimmerman guilty of murder or manslaughter.
is powerful evidence for his defense. The prosecution will fight to keep it out of the jury's sight it this goes to a trial. This video fits with the physical evidence and the witness statements we've heard so far.

At this point the prosecution doesn't have a case. They can't contradict Zimmerman's story with anything that will impress a jury. Keep in mind the jury won't be made up with people who were brainwashed with the early media portrayal of a 12 year old Trayvon Martin and 220lb George "white" Zimmerman. It will consist of people who haven't made up their minds yet. Those people will need to see proof beyond a reasonable doubt.
Actually, I expect the state to introduce it themselves. It helps to further highlight how his story does not make sense.
By the time Dee Dee the dispatcher says, "We don't need you to do that," George is like a dog, off-leash. By the time Martin walks past Zimmernan's vehicle, and Zimmerman follows, likely with a round, chambered, Zimmerman is in trouble. But since the witnesses offer various accounts, which don't support the George version, and one shot killed Martin, instead of wounding him, George had better explain, really well, why he is described as sitting on Martin, who bled out.

Sociopaths for George, murder-2 will turn in. The Feds are watching, so no shenanigans will issue.

The more Zimmerman talks the more inconsistencies there are. He said himself “to be honest with you, I have a bad memory”... This is an excuse typical of a psychotic sociopath when the cannot keep up with his lies.

Zimmerman was being asked to remember fine detail of a traumatic event.... If he has trouble doing that, you're going to mock him. Fuck you, you're just making yourself look pathetic, shithead. He's doing a pretty good job. You're doing a horrible job.
Actually, I expect the state to introduce it themselves. It helps to further highlight how his story does not make sense.

Zimmerman's defense hopes the prosecution agrees with you. They want this tape in because it let's George tell his story without being cross examined. His lawyers can later explain the inconsistencies a lot better than he would be able to.

Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt is a very high standard to meet. Jurors will need to see a lot more than what we've seen so far to convict. I'd like to hear, specifically, what evidence people think is strong enough to convict.
Actually, I expect the state to introduce it themselves. It helps to further highlight how his story does not make sense.

Zimmerman's defense hopes the prosecution agrees with you. They want this tape in because it let's George tell his story without being cross examined. His lawyers can later explain the inconsistencies a lot better than he would be able to.

Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt is a very high standard to meet. Jurors will need to see a lot more than what we've seen so far to convict. I'd like to hear, specifically, what evidence people think is strong enough to convict.

That is a very good point....

The more Zimmerman talks the more inconsistencies there are. He said himself “to be honest with you, I have a bad memory” (Attention Deficit disorder?) How can anything he say be credible? This is an excuse typical of a psychotic sociopath when the cannot keep up with his lies.
"jumped out from the bushes" and punched him in the face, knocking him down..
there are no bushes near the side walk where the struggle went down in the video.
Could the cuts on the back of his head come from his falling and not from having his head bashed into the side walk? His injuries the day after the incident is not consistent with the injuries seen in the video the day of the incident. Injuries not consistent with one’s head being bashed into concrete. Two small cuts, no abrasions or concussion consistent with almost passing out.
After the shooting, Zimmerman said the turned Trayvon over and got on his back?
His account do not jive with the 9-11 call or evidence seen and heard. A good prosecutor will tear his account apart. Just let him talk and he will convict himself. A typical behavior of a psychotic sociopath is lying inconsistent with the beliefs they are smarter than others. Trayvon could not possible have done all the things he said he did prior to the shooting and immediately after.
Where is the witness that Zimmerman said open a door and come out seconds prior to the shooting and must have seen the moment leading up to the shooting and after. There do not appear to be any doors opening in the back between the apartments.

Trayvon saw his gun and reached for it but Zimmerman got it first? If Zimmerman had the gun and Travon saw it he would have backed off and Zimmerman would not have had to shoot him. I do not believe Trayvon ever saw a gun before he was shot. Zimmerman had to had unstrap the holster before removing gun and if Trayvon had saw it he may have stopped him and no one would have got the gun.


Maybe you should watch this

George Zimmerman Reenacts Struggle, Shooting | Video - ABC News

The internet lynch mob doesn't want to know the truth
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By the time Dee Dee the dispatcher says, "We don't need you to do that," George is like a dog, off-leash. By the time Martin walks past Zimmernan's vehicle, and Zimmerman follows, likely with a round, chambered, Zimmerman is in trouble. But since the witnesses offer various accounts, which don't support the George version, and one shot killed Martin, instead of wounding him, George had better explain, really well, why he is described as sitting on Martin, who bled out.

Sociopaths for George, murder-2 will turn in. The Feds are watching, so no shenanigans will issue.

We will see but the physical evidence RELEASED does not, at this time, resemble self defense. The judge & jury however, will review much more than the public has. I'd say manslaughter, not 2nd, if his alleged injuries are shown to be as described.

There has been much discussion about the Sanford police and the sloppy investigation, in terms of the victim; much might also be seen in the future that helps the killer. The police can put a 72 hold on someone refusing medical care for serious injuries, had they done so, there is a chance the killer might never have been charged. Thus far we know only he got some minor cuts cleaned up, spent hours talking to law enforcement, and waited until the next day to find out he had a 'broken' nose. No word he went near a hospital, ever.
Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt is a very high standard to meet. Jurors will need to see a lot more than what we've seen so far to convict. I'd like to hear, specifically, what evidence people think is strong enough to convict.

The problem with this is that Zimmerman's is an affirmative defense, and that places a burden of proof upon him. There's no doubt that Martin is dead, and the state already has Zimmerman's words admitting that he shot Martin. The burden will now shift to the defense to provide a good reason to justify him doing so. So, the "beyond a reasonable doubt" issue is essentially moot, in that no juror will have any doubt that Zimmerman killed Martin. Zimmerman will thus have to live up to his burden to prove that the killing happened as he claims it did.

The more Zimmerman talks the more inconsistencies there are. He said himself “to be honest with you, I have a bad memory”... This is an excuse typical of a psychotic sociopath when the cannot keep up with his lies.

Zimmerman was being asked to remember fine detail of a traumatic event.... If he has trouble doing that, you're going to mock him. Fuck you, you're just making yourself look pathetic, shithead. He's doing a pretty good job. You're doing a horrible job.
Zimmerman stalked what he thought was someone he thought he could beat. When he got his ass kicked he shot an unarmed kid and killed him. That is exactly what happened. He is a liar...him and his girlfriend and I hope he foes away forever.
Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt is a very high standard to meet. Jurors will need to see a lot more than what we've seen so far to convict. I'd like to hear, specifically, what evidence people think is strong enough to convict.

The problem with this is that Zimmerman's is an affirmative defense, and that places a burden of proof upon him. There's no doubt that Martin is dead, and the state already has Zimmerman's words admitting that he shot Martin. The burden will now shift to the defense to provide a good reason to justify him doing so. So, the "beyond a reasonable doubt" issue is essentially moot, in that no juror will have any doubt that Zimmerman killed Martin. Zimmerman will thus have to live up to his burden to prove that the killing happened as he claims it did.

Not if it goes to trial. If there's a self defense immunity hearing before the trial the burden will be tougher for Zimmerman... but in an actual jury trial the burden will be on the prosecution to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Even if this was a civil case where the burden is lower, it would be hard for the state to win.

I'd still like to hear what evidence people think is strong in this case against George? Be specific.
Zimmerman stalked what he thought was someone he thought he could beat. When he got his ass kicked he shot an unarmed kid and killed him. That is exactly what happened. He is a liar...him and his girlfriend and I hope he foes away forever.

Zoom, shithead, you must have you ass beat a lot! I mean, if you think you can beat a strange Afro several inches taller than you, who may have a knife... then how the fuck are you not already dead? I guess you're coward and you think Zimmerman is brave.

Yeah, Zimmerman got his ass kicked, but he still got the last word! YAHOO! Stupid Afro, bringing Skittles to a gun fight.
Not if it goes to trial. If there's a self defense immunity hearing before the trial the burden will be tougher for Zimmerman... but in an actual jury trial the burden will be on the prosecution to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

Which means they have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman killed Martin. Considering that Zimmerman admits this, that part is in the bag. The burden will then switch to Zimmerman to present his affirmative defense, which will require clear and convincing evidence of Zimmerman's account.

Therefore, Zimmerman will have the burden to show that his account is substantially more probable to be true than not. The jury will have to be convinced with a firm belief and conviction.
Which means they have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman killed Martin. Considering that Zimmerman admits this, that part is in the bag. The burden will then switch to Zimmerman to present his affirmative defense, which will require clear and convincing evidence of Zimmerman's account.

Affirmative defenses don't relieve the Prosecution of presenting proof beyond a reasonable doubt, except in the minds of you racist shitheads who assume whites in court are guilty until proven innocent. The pre-trial job of the Defense is to keep stupid, racist shitheads like you off of the jury.

The Prosecution has to make an affirmative case that this isn't self-defense, shithead. The Prosecution has to prove that Zimmerman has a depraved mind, shithead. The Prosecution has to prove that Zimmerman has no regard for human life, shithead. The Prosecution has to prove that Zimmerman "threw the first punch" or that he was in no danger of severely losing the fight, shithead. The Prosecution has to prove all of this, shithead, because the charge demands it and Zimmerman admitted to none of it.
Affirmative defenses don't relieve the Prosecution of presenting proof beyond a reasonable doubt

I never said they did. But what you don't understand is the jurors are triers of FACTS. The prosecution's burden is to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman killed Martin. That, as I said, is in the bag because Zimmerman admits to killing Martin. The prosecution's burden will be met.

In an affirmative defense, the defendant also has a burden to prove additional facts to the standard of clear and convincing evidence that the action was justified. The prosecution will have no burden to show Zimmerman's actions were not justified. The defense will have the burden to show that they were justified.

The Prosecution has to make an affirmative case that this isn't self-defense, shithead. The Prosecution has to prove that Zimmerman has a depraved mind, shithead. The Prosecution has to prove that Zimmerman has no regard for human life, shithead. The Prosecution has to prove that Zimmerman "threw the first punch" or that he was in no danger of severely losing the fight, shithead. The Prosecution has to prove all of this, shithead, because the charge demands it and Zimmerman admitted to none of it.

That is where you are wrong. You are uninformed. Shithead.

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