Zimmerman will not be charged with anything over that domestic dust up

He should sue them for slander.


He should get a life.
I really wasn't sure if I should put this in this forum instead of "media".

This headline pissed me clean off. Beats the rap again. Stand your ground darling. I suppose I could just chalk it up to sensationalism.

Maybe I'm just old fashioned but I still expect some "truth" from the media.

George Zimmerman beats the rap - again: Florida police will not file charges against 'stand-your-ground' darling over domestic spat with his ex-wife

Authorities said Wednesday that the dispute with Zimmerman's ex-wife, Shellie, did not rise to a criminal level
Police also will not charge Zimmerman with theft after Shellie's mother claimed he stole thousands of dollars in property from their rental home

Florida police will NOT file charges against George Zimmerman over domestic spat with ex-wife | Mail Online

"Stand your ground darling" !!!! What slander. He didn't use stand your ground defense. He used typical self-defense, that is available in all 50 states plus D.C and Puerto Rico!
Speaking of which, when will MSNBC be cutting him a check? Wasn't he supposed to be crazy wealthy by now?
Zimmerman will not be charged with anything over that domestic dust up



George Zimmerman: No domestic violence charges - Orlando Sentinel

Lake Mary police on Thursday announced that they could not salvage video from an iPad George Zimmerman tore up during a dispute with his estranged wife and thus he will face no domestic violence charges.

Since when does there have to be video proof of a crime in order for it to be investigated?

i wonder if deep down he thinks he was guilty of killing trayvon. i applauded the verdict but zimmermann seems to be intentionally wanting to get prosecuted for something. reminds me of OJ. he seemed to want to do something to be prosecuted for.

Actually, most of his "dustups" with the law have been for domestic violence. Next is speeding but he has only killed one person, so far and that we know of.

We'll be hearing lots more about this little twitch.
If I were him, I'd live in the middle of nowhere and sue the fuck out of everyone that slandered me and just live the high life.

time to get the fuck over it. there was a trial, he's not guilty of anything
If I were him, I'd live in the middle of nowhere and sue the fuck out of everyone that slandered me and just live the high life.

time to get the fuck over it. there was a trial, he's not guilty of anything

You can't sue people without going to court a lot, unless you have a great lawyer and a good relationship with him or her. Zimdim has neither, and I don't know of any courthouses in the middle of nowhere.
When will you hate-filled Libtards ever give the guy a break!

HE called the cops! Not the broad.

There was nothing to charge him with so they let him go.

In some ways, it's good he's in the news as it gives people like you a chance to vent about something else beside that looser you put into the White House.
Zimmerman was involved in an incident. Trayvon died. Zimmerman got tried. Zimmerman got acquitted and, NO, he did not use a "Stand your ground" defense.

Later Zimmerman got pulled over for speeding a couple of times. Maybe he's tot a lead foot?

Also he got accused of having some kind of domestic violence incident with his (soon to be Ex-) spouse. Charges dropped.

Now he gets arrested for another incident where he allegedly displayed a gun (directed at) his present girlfriend.

Liberals love to choose their targets.

Zimmerman MUST be destroyed because Trayvon was black.

Acquittals don't mean diddly dick to lolberals as long as their target is the person accused.

Fairness doesn't mean diddly dick to these lolberals provided the unfairrness is directed at one of their targets.

Assholes like rderp can't even be bother trying to look objective. That might be the only thing he's honest about. He is an entirely biased dishonest hack.

Meanwhile, Zimmerman is STILL presumed innocent of anything with which he has been charged -- ever. His criminal record (convictions, that is, since mere arrests don't mean shit) is -- empty.
Found not guilty does not mean not guilty. This animal will fall into his own trap if we wait long enough.
When will you hate-filled Libtards ever give the guy a break!

HE called the cops! Not the broad.

There was nothing to charge him with so they let him go.

In some ways, it's good he's in the news as it gives people like you a chance to vent about something else beside that looser you put into the White House.

She called first.

He then called and SAID the cops were outside with her. He wanted to play the system, get his dummy fan club behind him.

No, they didn't just let him go. He made bail and he's wearing a GPS ankle bracelet to keep him away from her.

"Men" who beat up on women and kill kids are the "loosers".
Zimmerman is out on bail buy now or he should be buy now unless there was trouble with the bonds men or him getting the bond. To get bail he has to wear an ankle bracelet, stay clear of his girlfriend , relinquish a pass port if he had one and give up all his guns. The judge believes their is probable cause for the domestic abuse charges. He set up a court date for George to return to court. And he was appointed attorneys who conveniently know Robert Zimmerman. Apparently Zimmerman stopped paying his famous lawyer. I wonder how many times Robert has come to the rescue , to bail his brother out of trouble? Sounds like a typical in abler to me. It is just beginning of a process the lawyers say. And I noticed a few reports on this new ex-girlfriend of his , her mother had been talking to news 6 newsman on possibly doing an interview with the girlfriend that never materialized and she is said to have talked to him herself through phone texts, which the ex is denying. The mother claims she started talking to the news man to save her daughter from George's depression and anger. At any rate it sounds like the mother was scared for her daughter. This ex-girlfriend said she stayed with George to try and help him. So typical of an abused woman.
Oh please. Mother and daughter have been trying to get paid for her "story" for months. Each time they tried to peddle it with no one ponying up cash, it got worse. Including some cockamamie claim that she was pregnant and he beat her.
Found not guilty does not mean not guilty. This animal will fall into his own trap if we wait long enough.

Being found "not guilty" is far from a convincing argument that he had ever been guilty.

LilOl'TroutFace wil someday say something intelligent. Alas, today is not yet that day.
I wonder what it will take to get ZImmerman kicked out of "hero of the white race" club. Threatening a woman apparently wasn't enough.

I'm guessing Zimmerman will have to attack a white man first. Only at that point will he will suddenly be redefined as totally hispanic.
I wonder what it will take to get ZImmerman kicked out of "hero of the white race" club. Threatening a woman apparently wasn't enough.

I'm guessing Zimmerman will have to attack a white man first. Only at that point will he will suddenly be redefined as totally hispanic.

^ manboob still cannot fathom the difference between being "accused" of certain behavior and actually having been guilty of that behavior.

Zimmerman is not a hero of anything to anybody, frankly.

He is just another person who, for partisan political reasons, has been accused of some bad things by various propagandist liberals and those libs are all aghast that others don't share their willingness to presume guilt.

manboob is suffering from the vapors at this very moment.
Domestic disputes of this type are a police nightmare. Both sides trade charges, both sides claim to have been abused or hit or threatened, and three days later the couple will be together again - followed shortly by another similar call to the police.

The DA will not pursue charges unless there is some serious demonstrable harm that is not subject to a "he said/she said" battle.

This woman got herself involved with George Zimmerman. What more evidence do you need to conclude that her judgment is suspect?

And yet half the people posting here read quotes from this woman and accept them as absolute, incontrovertible fact.

Because they can't get over the fact that Z was acquitted of killing TM.

You gotta be a fucking idiot.

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