Zimmerman's a Democrat

Then I'm a self hating hispanic..

Interesting. :lol:

And it was conservative posters on this site that kicked me out of the "white club"..

No, it was the NY Times that did that nitwit.....I told who and where it come from ......thats where the term white Hispanic came from, go have another drink quick, you need to burn some more braincells.

You're pretty angry dude.

I recommend some yoga..maybe a spa.

Might help.

angry? no, frustrated? a bit...and I advise you to commit yourself, judging by the ignorance you've displayed recently, you're terminally stuck on stupid.

I don't want to you to walk into traffic or anything, some white Pakistani might run you down....
You really don't understand how the system works do you? The police investigate and present evidence to the DA who decides whether or not to prosecute. So far, what the cops on the scene saw and determined has not led to a need to arrest.

I understand fine.

The police didn't collect all the evidence..and let Zimmerman go home with his gun.

That's amazing. Not only was it incredibly bad police work..they put the public in danger.
You really haven't paid any attention to this case at all, have you?

Per the Sanford PD police report, last page:

"The Kel Tek hand gun that I collected from Zimmerman was placed in to evidence under TS-1."

If they found no evidence of a crime, of course they would have then returned it to him upon his release.

But, hey, a random internet retard knows more about it than the cops who were there.

You're not interested in justice. Stop pretending you are.

Justice..is Trial by jury.

Simple as that.
No, it was the NY Times that did that nitwit.....I told who and where it come from ......thats where the term white Hispanic came from, go have another drink quick, you need to burn some more braincells.

You're pretty angry dude.

I recommend some yoga..maybe a spa.

Might help.

angry? no, frustrated? a bit...and I advise you to commit yourself, judging by the ignorance you've displayed recently, you're terminally stuck on stupid.

I don't want to you to walk into traffic or anything, some white Pakistani might run you down....

Well Trajan..I'm not the one insulting anyone over their point of view.

That would be you.
That's fine.

I agree. Liberty and Justice for all. Martin and Zimmerman.

A trial by judge and jury should be able to sort out innocence or guilt.

I have no problem with Mr. Zimmerman being charged with a crime if the situation warrants it.

What really bugs me is the way the left (you included) have denounced law enforcement officials for almost a month.

The investigation was handled badly. If saying that is being "mean" to the police then fine, but it's the truth. They handled it badly.

Obama said the police reacted stupidly. It was stupid to arrest someone breaking into their own house. President did not eat crow after that unless by "crow" you mean "beer".

It happens to be a very sad day for America when so many people automatically decide (without a shred of evidence) that because it was a tragic shooting of a young man who happened to be black, that since the left didn't get its way, all the investigators are racist pigs.

No one said that, period.

Dang! I just realized it. Nothing has changed in fifty years. That was the left's attitude back in the early 60's as well.


Since no one said the investigators must be racist the last part doesnt apply

Handled badly?

How would you know? Al Sharpton tell you that?

Your beliefs are based on nothing but hearsay and apparently a propensity to blame the investigators because obviously, you all know better than the people who actually took part in the investigation.

Maybe we should just have the investigators call the DNC everytime there is a crime and ask them whether or not charges should be filed?

And yes, the idea that the investigators are "racist pigs" has been at the point of this entire fiasco. Just because your side won't use those terms, doesn't mean that is not what you are implying.

Actually, it means you guys can stop blaming the right for it.

But you won't

They wont let it go dear heart.

Unless we make them.

Check the thread. I am blaming the cops for not following correct procedure.

I'm with you on this. This is a dog's breakfast.

I'd like to find the truth but now truth is buried under so much bullshit, I don't think we can did it out any more.

This is so horrible.
So every dead body equates to an arrest..... what a world that would be :rolleyes:

No... I will stick to investigating suspicious death.. and arresting when the evidence is enough for the grand jury to demand charges, or elsewhere in the legal process... not with just arrests at whim

Well..I am not a fan of trial by cop.

Silly as that sounds.
Seems like you're a fan of trial by internet retard, though.

There's been a trial on the internet? And what was the docket #, name of the jury members, the actual charges including statute #'s....you know, all those things presented in real trials. Who was the Defense Lawyer? The Prosecuting Attorney? The Judge?
I understand fine.

The police didn't collect all the evidence..and let Zimmerman go home with his gun.

That's amazing. Not only was it incredibly bad police work..they put the public in danger.
You really haven't paid any attention to this case at all, have you?

Per the Sanford PD police report, last page:

"The Kel Tek hand gun that I collected from Zimmerman was placed in to evidence under TS-1."

If they found no evidence of a crime, of course they would have then returned it to him upon his release.

But, hey, a random internet retard knows more about it than the cops who were there.

You're not interested in justice. Stop pretending you are.

Justice..is Trial by jury.

Simple as that.
But you've already got Zimmerman on Death Row, Judge Dredd.
I'd like anyone to track back how this became a national issue on the front page.

How did this Axelrod moment happen? Not kidding here......
Well..I am not a fan of trial by cop.

Silly as that sounds.
Seems like you're a fan of trial by internet retard, though.

There's been a trial on the internet? And what was the docket #, name of the jury members, the actual charges including statute #'s....you know, all those things presented in real trials. Who was the Defense Lawyer? The Prosecuting Attorney? The Judge?

You play stupid so well, I suspect you're not playing.
I hope Sallow doesn't teach me more about our justice system. The more I learn, the more I don't like it here. :badgrin:
Remember, if you're white and conservative, you're automatically guilty.

Well, that's an interesting take on our criminal justice system, Davey. But that is just YOUR take....not reality.
It's really not my fault you're not paying attention to your fellow lefties.

Do you have a "Free Mumia" t-shirt?
Well..I am not a fan of trial by cop.

Silly as that sounds.
Seems like you're a fan of trial by internet retard, though.

There's been a trial on the internet? And what was the docket #, name of the jury members, the actual charges including statute #'s....you know, all those things presented in real trials. Who was the Defense Lawyer? The Prosecuting Attorney? The Judge?

Bod I had to pop back in here.

Go to the start. It was a "white man with a gun in neighbor hood watch". Douche bags in the press were running with this story all over the place ........

It happened now everyone looks like the same idiots who tried to call the French lunatic a right winger....,.

Your side is fucking nuts. There is no way to describe this.....
Well what can one say?

The individual at the center of the controversial Trayvon Martin shooting is a registered Democrat.

George Michael Zimmerman, born Oct. 5, 1983, registered as a Democrat in Seminole County, Fla., in August 2002, according to state voter registration documents.

It is unclear whether he voted for President Barack Obama in 2008.

Some in the media have sought to blame Republican politicians and conservative activists for Martin’s death.

“[Republican politicians] reinforce and validate old stereotypes that associate the poor and welfare as criminal behavior with African-Americans and people of color, calling us lazy, undeserving recipients of public assistance. In the case of Trayvon, those festering stereotypes had lethal consequences,” said MSNBC political analyst and Democratic fundraiser Karen Finney.

According to the document, Zimmerman’s race is officially listed as Hispanic. The son of a white father and Peruvian mother, he has been described as a “white Hispanic” in most media reports.

Not really sure how Zimmerman's party affiliation figures in his guilt or innocence at all.

Are you trying to imply that self-appointed vigilante murderers are Democrats in general?

That would probably be a very difficult point to prove.

Are you trying to claim that someone pretended Zimmerman was a Republican? Because as far as I can see, no-one did.
Then I'm a self hating hispanic..

Interesting. :lol:

And it was conservative posters on this site that kicked me out of the "white club"..

No, it was the NY Times that did that nitwit.....I told who and where it come from ......thats where the term white Hispanic came from, go have another drink quick, you need to burn some more braincells.

You're pretty angry dude.

I recommend some yoga..maybe a spa.

Might help.

That's just more emotional conservatism. Just ask daveman. :laugh:
You really don't understand how the system works do you? The police investigate and present evidence to the DA who decides whether or not to prosecute. So far, what the cops on the scene saw and determined has not led to a need to arrest.

I understand fine.

The police didn't collect all the evidence..and let Zimmerman go home with his gun.

That's amazing. Not only was it incredibly bad police work..they put the public in danger.
You really haven't paid any attention to this case at all, have you?

Per the Sanford PD police report, last page:

"The Kel Tek hand gun that I collected from Zimmerman was placed in to evidence under TS-1."

If they found no evidence of a crime, of course they would have then returned it to him upon his release.

But, hey, a random internet retard knows more about it than the cops who were there.

You're not interested in justice. Stop pretending you are.
You can't find evidence of a crime when you aren't looking for it.

Dumbass. :lol:

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