Zionist genocide in Israel

Many Old Testament critics are sceptical that the events of the conquest of Canaan ever occurred. They take these stories to be part of the legends of the founding of Israel, akin to the myths of Romulus and Remus and the founding of Rome.
Many Old Testament critics are sceptical that the events of the conquest of Canaan ever occurred. They take these stories to be part of the legends of the founding of Israel, akin to the myths of Romulus and Remus and the founding of Rome.
Somebody doesn't want to admit that a bunch of boudins fresh off of hundreds of years of slavery could wipe out so many strong, established city/states.
Many Old Testament critics are sceptical that the events of the conquest of Canaan ever occurred. They take these stories to be part of the legends of the founding of Israel, akin to the myths of Romulus and Remus and the founding of Rome.
Romulus and Remus is a stretch----there are more logical comparisons in
the various scriptural writings. The Odyssey is a good example since we all
read it. It has lots of parallels with the first 5 books of the OT in style and
recounting of TRIUMPH ---with Deus ex machina spicing it up
it is illegal to operate from a civilian area. That makes those facilities something called "dual use" under the law and makes them viable targets. Have you not studied international law?
Take that condescending attitude of yours and shove it up your ass!

Targets must be of military necessity and must out-weigh the civilian consequences. With over 1 million homeless and between 10,000 - 30,000 dead, you fall far short of that definition.

Israel is guilty of war crimes.
No they are not. You have over 1 million people homeless. They are non-combatants.
Tell that to your Hamas friends, not the Israelies. The Palestinians have turned residential structures, hospitals, schools ... into military targets. Not even debatable.
Another reason for Palestinians to reject them, yes?

All Hamas has ever done is hurt the Palestinians. These people are just families. They aren't armed. I would wager they are afraid of Hamas.

The Christians and Muslims did their best to prevent the founding of Hamas in 1987. Israel funded and encouraged Hamas.
The fuck
Tell that to your Hamas friends, not the Israelies. The Palestinians have turned residential structures, hospitals, schools ... into military targets. Not even debatable.
You cannot turn a hospital or a school into a military target. They are off limits under any circumstances.

The fact that you think it is acceptable to bomb a hospital, shows just how fucked up of a human being you are.
The fuck

You cannot turn a hospital or a school into a military target. They are off limits under any circumstances.

Who is telling you that?

The fact that you think it is acceptable to bomb a hospital, shows just how fucked up of a human being you are.
I, like many others here, are sick of your insulting ignorant bullshit. Enough is enough.

Have a blessed life.
I would not be surprised if you took part in rape and mutilation of infants

I think that most rational readers would agree that slanderous personal remarks reveal more about their author than their target.

You're essentially admitting that you have no information to refute the strong possibility that at least some Israeli officials in the Netanyahu government knew that the attack was coming and wanted it to be "successful" so that Israel could put its US supplied arsenal to good use systematically exterminating Palestine's native residents and adding Gaza to their "Greater Israel".

The tragic yet suspicious attack on 7 October 2023 was many things but it was no surprise.

At least some Israeli officials knew of the attack over a year in advance. (1)

Hamas even posted a video on social media a month before the attack showing exactly what they would, where they would do and how it would be done.

Border guards in Israel who have been interviewed prior to the attack of last week stressed that they had all kinds of monitoring equipment of every type watching the Israeli border 24/7 day and night and a bug couldn't move out there without their knowing about it.

The day before, Israel had several high-level meetings on a possible attack by Hamas. Who made the calculated decision to do nothing and why was it agreed to allow Hamas to carry out its attack unhindered.

IDF's incompetent response killed even more Israeli civilians adding to the death toll but blamed on Hamas.

Predictably, Israeli officials refuse to investigate until "...after the war is over" knowing that the "war" (aka the Nakba") will never be over as long as Israel remains a brutal occupier in violation of International Law (UN Resolutions: # 242 and # 338 etc).

Regular readers at this forum are no strangers to Israeli claims of superiority in technology, intellect, military prowess and bellicose invincibility.
The events of October 7 prove either that Hamas is not the primitive, militarily stunted gang of Luddites we've been told or that IDF is a grossly incompetent, lackluster military with technology beyond their competence level.

The third possibility of yet another grotesque Israeli deception turns more into a probability the longer that the true objective of Netanyahu's genocide becomes clear.

That deception is that Netanyahu's genocide is no more of a "war" than the Hamas attack was a "surprise".

In other words it is becoming more probable that some Israeli officials knew of the attack well in advance and chose to let it happen as an excuse todo what many Israelis have already advocated:
- Destroy Gaza, exterminate / expel its people, add to "Greater Israel" and give more Palestinian land to foreign, Israeli "Settlers" as "beachfront" property. (2)

This is far from the first time that Zionists have used deception in sacrificing other Jews for a "Greater Israel".

“If I knew that it was possible to save all the children of Germany by transporting them to England, and only half by transferring them to the Land of Israel, I would choose the latter, for before us lies not only the numbers of these children but the historical reckoning of the people of Israel.”
Ben-Gurion (Quoted on pp 855-56 in Shabtai Teveth’s Ben-Gurion in a slightly different translation).

Please remember:

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser". [ Socrates]

(1). "New York Times report says Israel knew about Hamas attack over a year in advance"

EXCERPT "The attack was planned in plain sight. A month before the assault, Hamas posted a video to social media showing fighters using explosives to blast through a replica of the border gate, sweep in on pickup trucks and then move building by building through a full-scale reconstruction of an Israeli town, firing automatic weapons at human-silhouetted paper targets.

In the video, the militants destroyed mock-ups of the wall’s concrete towers and a communications antenna, just as they would do for real on Oct. 7.

Adding to public outrage over the military’s apparent negligence, the Israeli media has reported that military officials dismissed warnings from female border spotters who warned that they were witnessing Hamas’ preparations for the attack. According to the media reports, the young women reported seeing Hamas drones and attempts to knock out Israeli border cameras in the months leading up to the attack." CONTINUED

(2). "Jewish settlers set their sights on Gaza beachfront"

EXCEPTS "Opinion polls suggest that most Israelis oppose resettling Gaza, and it is not government policy, but since the Hamas attacks on 7 October it is being talked about out loud - by some of the loudest and most extreme voices in Israel's government.

I put it to her that her comments sound like a plan for ethnic cleansing. She does not deny it.

"You can call it ethnic cleansing. I repeat again, the Arabs do not want, normal Arabs do not want to live in Gaza. If you want to call it cleansing, if you want to call it apartheid, you choose your definition. I choose the way to protect the state of Israel. " CONTINUED
Take that condescending attitude of yours and shove it up your ass!
Why don't you work on reducing your anger. That level of anger can't be good for you.
Targets must be of military necessity and must out-weigh the civilian consequences. With over 1 million homeless and between 10,000 - 30,000 dead, you fall far short of that definition.
No, actually, with that many people NOT killed and the proportion of combatants to civilians lower than in most any other conflict, Israel is provably and objectively protecting Arab lives.
Israel is guilty of war crimes.
No, it isn't.
All Hamas has ever done is hurt the Palestinians. These people are just families. They aren't armed. I would wager they are afraid of Hamas.

The Christians and Muslims did their best to prevent the founding of Hamas in 1987. Israel funded and encouraged Hamas.
Israel did not fund them----Zakat funded them--"encouraged"??? oh---
that was when they painted themselves up as a social service organization---. They did not say "WE ATTACK, MURDER, RAPE and MUTILATE FOR ALLAH"
The fuck

You cannot turn a hospital or a school into a military target. They are off limits under any circumstances.

The fact that you think it is acceptable to bomb a hospital, shows just how fucked up of a human being you are.
International law says otherwise...

"But it makes an exception if the targets are “military objectives”. Philip-Gay said that “if a civilian hospital is used for acts harmful to the enemy, that is the legal term used”, the hospital can lose its protected status under international law and be considered a legitimate target."

The Canaanite cities were prosperous. They had mining, metallurgy and pottery making. They were protected by Egyptian garrisons and paid tribute to Pharaoh.

Egypt was in Canaan for four hundred years.

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