Zionist genocide in Israel

It is illegal to target civilian infrastructure.
it is legal to target any structure used for military purposes. If weapons are
stored in the city sewers----the sewers can be bombed. Return fire is always
legal. If a missile comes flying from a window in a hospital---the hospital can
be targeted
Aries Sharon made sure they ❄ escape from Sabra and shatilla.
no---I do not know the muslim names of every one the scores of skirmishes
that took place between jews and muslims or of the thousands of
muslim pogroms in the Palestine mandate and the tens of thousands in shariah shit holes. Most were not NAMED---just part of life in shariah
shit holes. For the record---Sabra/shatila was between christians and muslims.
Israel's attackers randomly attack as much civilian infrastructure (AND civilians) as they can reach with rockets and IED's. Is it not illegal for them to do that?
it has already been determined that it is legal for muslims to invade homes and blow torch infants and thust guns into vaginas and shoot. There is precedent for the home invasion tactic. It was the mode used in the Armenian genocide of 1915. Hitler commented on it when questioned as to his LEGACY. He said "who remembers the Armenians"?
It is illegal to target civilian infrastructure.
it is illegal to operate from a civilian area. That makes those facilities something called "dual use" under the law and makes them viable targets. Have you not studied international law?
Aries Sharon made sure they ❄ escape from Sabra and shatilla.
who is ARIES? who is THEY? aries had no military obligation
to intervene in the conflict between muslims and maronites in Lebanon,
which, incidentally, is still ongoing. However I understand your POV---
it is consistent with the fact that you and yours found it reasonable to
blame jews for the BUBONIC PLAGUE. Such concepts are enshrined in
it is legal to target any structure used for military purposes. If weapons are
stored in the city sewers----the sewers can be bombed. Return fire is always
legal. If a missile comes flying from a window in a hospital---the hospital can
be targeted

They don't have an army, air force or navy.
who is ARIES? who is THEY? aries had no military obligation
to intervene in the conflict between muslims and maronites in Lebanon,
which, incidentally, is still ongoing. However I understand your POV---
it is consistent with the fact that you and yours found it reasonable to
blame jews for the BUBONIC PLAGUE. Such concepts are enshrined in

Ariel Sharon prevented the women, children and old people from escaping. He betrayed Reagan.
The Palestinian refugees in Gaza.
oh----poor babies----they spent more than a billion on a net work
of tunnels, stocked with food stuffs and cold cash and endless armaments--
but they forgot to create a uniform-----so they are helpless civilians. Long
ago in the era of plane hijackings and terrorism here and there, a pakistani
med school graduate doing residency in the hospital in which I had a part time job told me why ISRAEL WOULD BE GONE in 15 years (that was about 50
years ago) It was MUSLIM GENIUS. The terrorists wore no uniforms---belonged to no Military and could do their thing and either run away or die.
NO ONE COULD DO ANYTHING AGAINST THEM or against any country or military----so they WILL WIN. See? I understand your GENIUS. It's nothing
new to me. I even know the techniques. Lots of rape, lots of mutilation
murder ----all the stuff that you and yours like so much. Of course the
enemies of islam have options----they can GIVE UP. I was still in contact with that person during the Pakistani civil war --(west vs east) The atrocities horrified me -----the response was cute "You don't understand my culture".
Obviously YOU DO.

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