Zionist genocide in Israel

When one refuses to answer direct questions, conclusions can be made.
what is the "DIRECT QUESTION"---it is the ever present "why are they bombing buildings if the bad guys are hiding underground"?
When one refuses to answer direct questions, conclusions can be made.
Which question was that again? Sometimes the question is really, really dumb, sometimes it get lost in the mass of stupidity spewing forth, sometimes it's just not worth it.

Despite the Oslo Accords stipulating that "neither side shall initiate or take any step that will change the status of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip pending the outcome of the permanent status negotiations", Israeli settlement expansion continued during the Oslo period. The Jewish population in the West Bank and Gaza Strip (excluding East Jerusalem) grew from 115,700 to 203,000 between 1993 and 2000.[48]

This expansion of settlements is widely seen to be a key obstacle to peace.[47][48][49][5] Avi Shlaim describes this situation:

Throughout the peace talks of the 1990s, Israel’s settlements had expanded against a backdrop of growing Palestinian frustration, aggravated by Israeli closure and zoning policies that severely undermined the Palestinian economy, weakened its labor markets, and physically separated the Gaza Strip from the West Bank.[47]
Which question was that again? Sometimes the question is really, really dumb, sometimes it get lost in the mass of stupidity spewing forth, sometimes it's just not worth it.
Pick any one you like and answer it. It’s not hard.
Thanks----The "BLUE DANUBE WALTZ" is written in 3/4 time---I think---
I am trying to remember
Your concern for the tens of thousands of women and children killed and wounded by your beloved Israel is so touching.
Your concern for the tens of thousands of women and children killed and wounded by your beloved Israel is so touching.
I did not express my concern or lack thereof----you are guessing or imagine
that you can read minds---yet another indicator of psychosis
Sure -- that buildings were destroyed. Do you believe that destroyed buildings makes for a genocide? You have yet to provide a definition which includes a range of numbers but not you are also adding in the loss of buildings. Interesting conception of genocide you have.
What do you think was in those buildings? Cows?
What do you think was in those buildings? Cows?
the issue is what was in them and under them. That which
was in them and under them made them a legal military
target.. I blame the women of Gaza. There is no possible way
that they did not know what was going on under their schools,
hospitals, mosques and houses. They chose to pretend to be
both clueless and helpless

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