Zogby: Cain has a 20 point Lead and would Beat Obama

Obama wrote a book, Perry wrote a book, Newt wrote a book... They all do, it is another avenue to put themselves out there.

The issue isn’t the writing, it’s the timing.

As in the 2000 election, the GOP party bosses will decide whom the candidate will be, not the voters. And it won’t be Cain.

And they all released books in a relatively similar time in their campaign... what is your point, god damn

I've never seen people repeat the same dumb thing without it actually meaning anything more in my life than in this thread
You called her a bitch? then you want to say she's the ugly one?

Man shut up and mind your business...

All you people pointing out this and that and I don't know anything, I'm the only one who has brought up points in the last couple pages... that so many candidates right books therefore it is a selective judgment to hold it against Cain

And as someone who likes Cain, I was the first to mention the validity of the poll

Right I don't know anything please I'm 5 steps ahead of yall knuckle draggin idiots

Don't it just chap your sorry ass that you don't get to make me shut up..

How sweet!!! Making more new friends, are you, Willow??? :lol:
Why do I desperately want Herman Cain to win?

Because you’re a partisan republican and extreme rightist.

Otherwise your support of non-white politicians doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not a racist or bigot. The politicians you do support, however, does prove you’re completely wrong on the issues.
Putting up Cain as a Candidate would be both a cynical and ridiculous attempt to muck up the race for President by the Republicans.

Muck it up? How exactly? The people pick the candidate. Your comment implies that people voting for Cain only have personal & selfish motives. Thats a bit presumptious if you ask me.

Well here goes. Cain would split the Republican vote. There are some people that just won't vote for a black person. And many (not all) are Republicans. It's the same with Romney and is Mormonism to a lessor extent but not quite.

It also allows Republicans and specifically the Tea Party to combat the "racism" charge without having to actually put a black guy into power. But if he wins, no problem. Aside from his skin color he basically shares their views.

But he's really got no shot. So it's a win-win. Even more so because they can squash the racism charge even further by pointing out that their guy was "more black" because both his parents are black.

It seems the left is preoccupied with race...
I don't think I have ever see a post from Rdean that wasn't crying about race.
The left won a Presidential election where a bunch of white people voted for Obama.
I am constantly being called a racist because i disagree with this President.
Chris Mathews screams about the tea Party night after night because it was made up of white people yet all I really see are white people at these wall street protests and you know what Chris....they all, look pretty white to me...

Let us pick our own candidate lefties...If we want Cain it's our choice,can we leave race out of this.I keep hearing the left wants equality in this world regarding race yet they go out of their way to use race any chance they get.

Oh for what it's worth I am liking this Cain guy more and more...
Why do I desperately want Herman Cain to win?

Because you’re a partisan republican and extreme rightist.
Any extremist that supports abortion (in the first trimester), gay marriage, gays in the military and applauds Obama's attempt to reform healthcare (just the outcome is NOT what I wanted), because status quo is unacceptable!
But wait......this is impossible! Republicans and Tea Partiers are raaaaaaacists!!! How could they favor a negro?

I don't knoiw about All Republicans, but GHook93 sure is a racist (see my signature).

I have Voted Mostly Republican for about 15 Years now, and I can tell you I would support Cain in a second. His Skin Color does not even Factor into it. Just Like Obama's Skin Color does not factor into the fact I can and will not support him.

It's About Ideas, not Race. Cain's Ideas are not perfect, and he is clearly Rough around the edges, but even his poorly formed Ideas sound better than the actual Policy we have seen out of Obama.

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