Zombies roam the animal kingdom — and some of them may be after us


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2004
Gross. Enough to give a person the ebee jeebies


The zombies in "World War Z" are just actors — but in the animal world, zombies are a fact of life. Evolution can come up with some fiendish twists: For example, there are some species that bend other creatures to their will to keep their bizarre life cycles going. Or just to feast on their delicious braaaains.

To celebrate the premiere of "World War Z," here's a top-ten list of zombies from the animal kingdom, finishing up with a particularly pernicious parasite that can pose a risk to humans:

Zombies roam the animal kingdom ? and some of them may be after us - Cosmic Log

Figures you hone in on that...real cute... until they crack your skull and suck out your brains. Men (and bats) are so damn dumb. :razz:

well hell woman---it was stickin right out there. Coulda poked my eyes out.

I'm sure that's true.

You want babies and money for shoes. Guys in a relationship provide both.

They do? I must have been doing things wrong then. I supported two assholes while they both got their business's off the ground. :cool:
And you did not get babies or shoes? Bastards.

We guys are really are Simple, bluegin. Jeez, look at daveman.
The Toxoplasma parasite may be why so many humans have understood why they should serve their feline masters.

When I use the royal "we", I'm referring to me and my brain parasites. We have fused into a higher order of being, the better to serve.

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