Zone1 Zoroastrianism.


Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2012
Zoroastrianism is an ancient Persian religion that may have originated as early as 4,000 years ago. Arguably the world’s first monotheistic faith, it’s one of the oldest religions still in existence. Zoroastrianism was the state religion of three Persian dynasties, until the Muslim conquest of Persia in the seventh century A.D. Zoroastrian refugees, called Parsis, escaped Muslim persecution in Iran by emigrating to India. Zoroastrianism now has an estimated 100,000 to 200,000 worshipers worldwide, and is practiced today as a minority religion in parts of Iran and India.

Zoroastrianism is an ancient Persian religion that may have originated as early as 4,000 years ago. Arguably the world’s first monotheistic faith ...

Since when is Zoroastrianism monotheistic? Ahura Mazda is the creator god who made the spiritual and the material world. He is the most mighty Ahura. I guess Ahura is a kind of word as is used today in the word "intelligence" when we speak about ET's. He is the god of the "arya" - what has from my point of view absolutelly nothing to with hypothetic nation of people called "Aryans" - or any other nonsnense whihc we say today abiotu Aryans. Ahura Mazda is just simel the god of the "pure" of the "clean", "clear", "good". Of the people who follow the Holy Ghost. His counterpart is Angra Maynu - the destroyer. An evil character.
Since when is Zoroastrianism monotheistic?

Since when was it not? It is monotheistic and always has been. Dualism is present in almost every religion, mono or poly. It is absent in paganism, which is why you have a misunderstanding about it.
Since when was it not? ...

Since always. Ahura Mazda and Angra Maynu are 2 gods. And it existed much more. This idea is more comparable today with idiotic forms of Darwinism (including the first versions of Charles Darwin). Only because god meta-exists doesn't mean everything is right what people say in the name of whatever gods and/or spirituality. And only because today people speak a lot of bullshit doesn't also not mean a real scientific theory of biological evolution is not existing. But it is damn difficult to say whatelse than biology is evolution.

PS. The first monotheistic religion existed in Egypt under pharao Echnaton and pharaoness Nofretete. And it's in general also today a
problem that many people like to see in "the devil" something like an anti-god (a duality). But devils are only creation - also in the USA.

And by the way - the expression meta-exists is also stupid how I found out now. I created it once only on reason god - also the creator of all reality - is indeed able to exist and not to exists the same time - but this we are not able to believe because it leads to a contradiction in our normal form of dualistic logic. The expression "meta-exists" unfortunatelly also not helps to solve this unsolvable dilemma. We have to make a decision "pro god" or "contra god". This dualism is real.
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Since always. Ahura Mazda and Angra Maynu are 2 gods. And it existed much more. This idea is more comparable today with idiotic forms of Darwinism (including the first versions of Charles Darwin). Only because god meta-exists doesn't mean everything is right what people say in the name of whatever gods. But on the other side: Only because today people speak a lot of bullshit doesn't also not mean a real scientific theory of biological evolution is not existing.

I’m trying to make a point. That there was a strong functioning religion founded in Persia, long before Islam.
Zoroastrianism is an ancient Persian religion that may have originated as early as 4,000 years ago. Arguably the world’s first monotheistic faith, it’s one of the oldest religions still in existence. Zoroastrianism was the state religion of three Persian dynasties, until the Muslim conquest of Persia in the seventh century A.D. Zoroastrian refugees, called Parsis, escaped Muslim persecution in Iran by emigrating to India. Zoroastrianism now has an estimated 100,000 to 200,000 worshipers worldwide, and is practiced today as a minority religion in parts of Iran and India.

the things which christianity draw from zoroaster. seem to be

1. the the duality of good and evil, the manichaeism which inflicts us today

2. the mystery of multiple persons in one monotheistic entity

3. the golden rule.

zoroaster was certainly one of the "magi."

is ba ha'i similar? i don't know. hmmmmm one ness of god and unity of all faith sounds interesting ......

I’m trying to make a point. That there was a strong functioning religion founded in Persia, long before Islam.

Zoroastrianism is indeed a very interesting religion and a cultural heritage of all mankind. I hope the childrern in Persia learn something in school about this religion and their identity and what really had happened in history.

I changed by the way once within a part of a second everything what I knew about vultures when the Dalai Lama explained that vultures are very admired from Buddhists because they are very friendly creatures waiting to eat until their food is dead. Since this day I have not any problem to let my body eat from vultures - what had been a very popular method of funeral ceremony in Zoroastrianism.
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the things which christianity draw from zoroaster. seem to be

1. the the duality of good and evil, the manichaeism which inflicts us today

The problem is in this contextt not this not existing dualism. The problem is we need justice - and nowhere is justice (extremelly expressed) So we have to make it on our own. But the only "thing" we are really able to change in this context is the own person.

2. the mystery of multiple persons in one monotheistic entity

Mystery? More a normality. Example: You can go back and forward, left and right - and you can jump up and down. But you never leave the space all around you. To be able to go in three directions and not only in one direction helps a lot.

3. the golden rule.

zoroaster was certainly one of the "magi."

I guess the three magi - the three holy kings of wisdom - represent today more three natural scientists or technicians - the "magi" of our time. You press a button - light goes on - you press the button again - light switches off. That's magic, isn't it?

And it exist many golden rules. I would be very happy if everyone would understand why Immanuel Kant preferred to say: "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law."

Concrete example:

If I stick someone on a road to protest for or against the climate, it could happen that this person is hit by a car and killed. In that case, I would be convicted of murder in Germany (my home country) because I would have condoned the death of that person. But I am allowed to tape myself up because it points to grievances and serves freedom of opinion.

But now - and this is a very big and fat "but" - I am violating the universal law of treating all people equally. Do such people have no respect for themselves?
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The problem is in this contextt not this not existing dualism. The epronasm is we need justice - and nowhere is justice (extrenally expressed) So we have to make it on our own. But the only "thing" we are really able to change is the own person.

Mystery? More a normality. Example: You can go back and forward, left and right - and you can jump up and down. But you never leave the space all around you. To be able to go in three directions and not only in one direction helps a lot.

I guess the three magi - the three holy kings of wisdom - represent today more three natural scientists or technicians - the "magi" of our time. You press a button - light goes on - you press the button again - light switches off. That's magic, isn't it?

And it exist many golden rules. I would be very happy if everyone would understand why Immanuel Kant preferred to say: "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law."
The problem is in this contextt not this not existing dualism. The epronasm is we need justice - and nowhere is justice (extrenally expressed) So we have to make it on our own. But the only "thing" we are really able to change is the own person.

"if you're not with is you're against us" g w bush

"the democrats are all pedophi;es/groomers/commoes/satamists
the usmb signature lines

i'm either in favor of the extermionation of gaza or i am an anti sem,ite.

that kind of "dualism" that denies the actual spectrums of humanity does not exist, even dominate, here?
The problem is in this contextt not this not existing dualism. The epronasm is we need justice - and nowhere is justice (extrenally expressed) So we have to make it on our own. But the only "thing" we are really able to change is the own person.

"if you're not with is you're against us" g w bush

A wrong interpretation of Jesus. Jesus also said "Who is not against us is for us". It's always important to see the context.

"the democrats are all pedophi;es/groomers/commoes/satamists
the usmb signature lines

i'm either in favor of the extermionation of gaza or i am an anti sem,ite.

that kind of "dualism" that denies the actual spectrums of humanity does not exist, even dominate, here?

This are all stupid political sentences - independent who said so. I guess the people who say so think that all others are stupid. And by the way:
"if you're not with is you're against us" g w bush

Indeed he said "I am a bad Christian" because this form to quote Jesus is definetelly wrong. The text in Matthew 12,30 is "Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters." The reason why G.W. Bush quoted wrong is very easy to see: G.W. Bush not gathered - he scattered.

John said to him, “Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he was not following us.” But Jesus said, “Do not stop him, for no one who does a mighty work in my name will be able soon afterward to speak evil of me. For the one who is not against us is for us. For truly, I say to you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ will by no means lose his reward.

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The "duality" faced by human existence is illusion. We have to live with is as if it were "fact", yet it is essentially merely a product of how our perceptions and consciousness operate. This is what makes it so hard for those such as Jesus and Buddha to communicate a transcendent message to us. Our attachment to words, and especially nouns, combined with our self-limited intellect keep us in suffering when we could be free.
Persians are and were not Arabs.

Arab Christianity came before Islam.

Yes, which is why I posted what Arabs were worshipping ....

And actually Jews were the largest demographic in Arab towns like Medina, followed by Christians and then pagans. Most of Mo's early bandit followers were Jews.
Yes, which is why I posted what Arabs were worshipping ....

And actually Jews were the largest demographic in Arab towns like Medina, followed by Christians and then pagans. Most of Mo's early bandit followers were Jews.
The Jews asked Prophet Muhammad 3 questions. What were they?
Zoroastrianism is an ancient Persian religion that may have originated as early as 4,000 years ago. Arguably the world’s first monotheistic faith, it’s one of the oldest religions still in existence. Zoroastrianism was the state religion of three Persian dynasties, until the Muslim conquest of Persia in the seventh century A.D. Zoroastrian refugees, called Parsis, escaped Muslim persecution in Iran by emigrating to India. Zoroastrianism now has an estimated 100,000 to 200,000 worshipers worldwide, and is practiced today as a minority religion in parts of Iran and India.

Not monotheistic....extremely dualistic.

It's a religion that makes mankind some sort of prized pawn in the battle between good and evil or light and dark.

And considering Cyrus's life....little wonder he put faith in it. However, this one religion is significant due to syncreticism with Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam. (Everyone wants to be the good guy no matter how badly they have to behave to attain the status).

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