$1.0 Tril. Federal Deficit Level--McConnell & Rand Paul's Kentucky Poverty Rate is 17.2%


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The concept of a Keynesian Deficit is to spend on Public Works when an economy is in Recession--An annual event worldwide with Basis in the "Moses Atrocity", (Deut 23:19-20). That is Usury Economics allegedly deity-directed. The public works put people back to work, spending in the market economies: Widespread Wealth allegedly an outcome. The Deficits get paid off.

Ronald Reagan changed all that. Federal Deficits suddenly went to the already prosperous, Defense Contractors instead. Bush Presidency I would not be able to prosper therefrom. The Clinton Democrats finally got the deficit to $300.0 bil., and more like Keynesian expectations. Bush Presidency II, however, failed miserably to notice that half the eligible taxpayers had no federal income tax liability. Tax Cuts couldn't work.

The Obama deficits went to the $1.0 tril. level, keeping the unemployment rate low enough to avoid a Greater Depression. The deficit levels were starting to reverse after 2012.

Now there is low unemployment, but also $1.0 tril. federal deficit spending: Fiscal 2019.

Rising national debt: 2019 US budget deficit nearly $1 trillion

What do Senators McConnell and Rand Paul: provide for Kentucky? A 17.2% poverty rate is on record. Famous Red States WV, LA, and MS are at 19.1%, 19.7% and 19.%. Red AR and Red Al are at 16.4% and 16.9%.

Mostly USA Poverty is at 45 mil. people, 12.3%. Red OK is at 15.8%, Red SC is at 15.4%, Red TN is at 15.0%, Red GA and Red AZ are at 14.9%, Red North Carolina and Red Texas at 14.7%. Red FL and Red GA are at 14.0.%

And so anyone sees a lot of "Trump-Made-Red-States," with the deficit spending going to higher paying jobs in all the other states, already prosperous. What those states see about Trump and "The Base" is easily said not how they want to live!

A job creating poverty in so many of the "Base" Red states: At least one Evangelical Publications appears to call immoral with a basis in the leader(s) at the top.

"Crow, James Crow; Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Homeless Poverty not much discussed at DNC Los Angeles Debate, (Basis in Matt 25:14-30)!)
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The concept of a Keynesian Deficit is to spend on Public Works when an economy is in Recession--An annual event worldwide with Basis in the "Moses Atrocity", (Deut 23:19-20): Usury Economics allegedly deity-directed. The public works put people back to work, spending in the market economies: Widespread Wealth allegedly an outcome.

Ronald Reagan changed all that. Federal Deficits suddenly went to the already prosperous, Defense Contractors instead. Bush Presidency I would not be able to prosper therefrom. The Clinton Democrats finally got the deficit to $300.0 bil., and more like Keynesian expectations. Bush Presidency II, however, failed miserably to notice that half the eligible taxpayers had federal income tax liability. Tax Cuts couldn't work.

The Obama deficits went to the $1.0 tril. level, keeping the unemployment rate low enough to avoid a Greater Depression. The deficit levels were starting to reverse after 2012.

Now there low unemployment, but also $1.0 tril. federal deficit spending: Fiscal 2019.

Rising national debt: 2019 US budget deficit nearly $1 trillion

What do Senators McConnell and Rand Paul: provide for Kentucky? A 17.2% poverty rate is on record. Famous Red States WV, LA, and MS are at 19.1%, 19.7% and 19.%. Red AR and Red Al are at 16.4% and 16.9%.

Mostly USA Poverty is at 45 mil. people, 12.3%. Red OK is at 15.8%, Red SC is at 15.4%, Red TN is at 15.0%, Red GA and Red AZ are at 14.9%, Red North Carolina and Red Texas at 14.7%. Red FL and Red GA are at 14.0.%

And so anyone sees a lot of "Trump-Made-Red-States," with the deficit spending going to higher paying jobs in all the other states, already prosperous. What those states see about Trump and "The Base" is easily said not how they want to live!

A job creating poverty in so many of the "Base" Red states: At least one Evangelical Publications appears to be immoral with a basis in the leader(s) at the top.

"Crow, James Crow; Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Homeless Poverty not much discussed at DNC Los Angeles Debate, (Basis in Matt 25:14-30)!)
Make all the cuts needed. For if Trump can not help the deficit you won't. Unless you tax the middle class more giving your privileged employees their usual sweetheart break. You tried to steal money through Obamacare. And you did. Your own voters didn't even want that but they remained quiet as the deplorables became angered. But your side voted with purchasing no insurance and any didn't even bother paying the penalty. Oh the penalty. Obama….a day with the Fuhrer.
Is the angry incoherent left trying to make some sort of connection between the national debt and the poverty rate in Kentucky? President Trump is good but he can't cure all the ills of half a century of liberalism in three years.
Poverty rate data can tend to improve. The Giant Spike in the Federal Deficit has the cause: Trump Administration federal tax policy. In the accompanying link below: The OP tends to be supported about where RNC has sent the deficit spending.

Explanations for higher rates of poverty include the Agricultural economic base in some states. Trump screwed them completely. The New Democratic Party bailout only reached them last month. The Make America Trade War Great Again--like leading up to the Great Depression--hit farmers the most.

Why Are Some States So Poor and Others So Rich?

Some states are more urban, research centers and higher paying jobs. The OP is about the federal deficit dollars going to the already prosperous. California Reagan started that up in earnest.

California Democratic Party contender, Andrew Yang, actually has an income guarantee plan with basis in some state and municipal plans. Alaska started it all. California cities are doing that in small-scale. Blue Hawaii is following that along.

None of that is about Donald John Trump and his band of Impeachables.

Slowly, arithmetic is being discovered to not be deity-directed.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
("Financial Inclusion" tends to describe Nigerian Traders Moni. 2.0 mil. micr-businesses offered guaranteed no-interest credit in equal amounts. Greater amounts become available on repayment. It's happening in Nigeria. Matthew 20:1-16, is about a marketplace with spending money, or usury-bets in that kind of investment firm--Like Hunter Biden's partnership, or Mitt Romney's firm. It is known that neither likely know much about the Oil and Gas Industry: If maybe also not too much about anything else(?).)
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Payroll gains are less this current year than the previous year. Anyone infers that paychecks are not keeping up with higher prices, created from yet higher paychecks--even funded by the federal grants, 10% of $70.000 requires a market of buyers----more than one--to pay the raise. A federal grant can also pay it, taking money away from programs for lower incomes. Still, nothing "trickles down," or even up. That grant awardee can still raise prices: Making GDP look terrific!

And so there is the "Magic Show" of the Donald John Trump economy that is so robust and stellar after all!

Then if Rep Nunes bought a castle in the South of France with his crop bail-out: The other Directors of Burisma are likely not going to make him any job offers at all, Clearly they need to avoid appearances of corruption(?).

Even "Corruption" is a term undefined at RNC.

Just today especially, evidence released is that Trump was actually holding up the aid to Ukraine, just a few hours before the famous phone call. It was even called the "77th piece of evidence," that Donald John Trump was personally involved in the actual corruption, connected with the call.

The Democrats have called it, "Abuse of Power." A religious publications has called it all immoral.

A Los Angeles Prosecutor might even plea: "If the glove clearly fits, then you must convict:" Which is close enough a rhyme to make the TV news! Even a trial is as fair as that!. There has to be a catchy rhyme, to fit the reason(?)! That is even playing out, into the brand new decade(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Any well-trained pet at RNC knows exactly how to sniff all the bags and suitcases, full of all the money!)

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