$1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Spending- Name One Project

I can’t see one specific thing the money is to be spent on. Just the generic “highways” “bridges” etc.
$350 million for "wildlife crossings". You know, because that's a priority over homeless people living on the streets. Also $200 million to spruce up a park in San Francisco near Pelosi's big donors.
$350 million for "wildlife crossings". You know, because that's a priority over homeless people living on the streets. Also $200 million to spruce up a park in San Francisco near Pelosi's big donors.
Interesting claim

Can you please provide a link ?
There's BILLIONS for 'administration' presumably the BILLIONS they spend hiring government workers to administrate will be administrating something other than the BILLIONS they included for government studies, grants, and research.

Lets be honest, this is a growing government PORK bill.
Are you really so ignorant of how our Govt works that you think individual projects would be written into a bill?
Specifics about how money is spent on a federal bill?

That is not how things are done, I can vouch for that, no, no, no.

No, they want the biggest pot of money they can get, and then be as vague as they can about how it will be spent or where the money goes.

And they will make sure that the bill is a billion pages long in lawyer speak so that no one be able to read it, or if they did, would not understand it if they took 4 years to read it.
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It will go towards the same shit that was supposed to be fixed under Obamas "shovel ready" projects but went into the pockets of criminal politicians instead.

And 10 years from now, we will have another bill to fix all the shit that was supposed to be fixed THIS TIME.

Lemmings eat it up every time they are lied to.
I bet you have proof for that allegation...

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