$1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Spending- Name One Project

yeah, they bitch, but when questioned about why ... they fold.

Now paying for every american to have four weeks vacation .... or free college beyond the free community college they pretty much get now .....

But infrastructure?

Their real bitch is trump lost but trump had weekly infrastucture week

I am still waiting for Republicans who voted against the bill to turn down infrastructure projects in their district that they claim is pork and abuse
It does not have to be that way, it is that way because we allow it to be.
It always has been. You think Jackson's supporters were happy when Adams got the presidency. Nixon in 68?

Now if the question is that neither party, nor Trump, did jack shit for most of us .... well, I voted for Forbes and McCain in the 1996 and 2000 primaries.
It does not have to be that way, it is that way because we allow it to be.
No, power has been subverted from the states to the Federal government. The kicker was allowing the Constitution to be amended to allow the Federal Income tax, and then the subsequent creation of the Fed so that government could spend even more than what they took in with the Federal income tax.

Once power is given it is never surrendered.

However, there is one small chance because the Constitution allows states to amend the Constitution. It has never been done before, but is the only hope in restoring order and limits on federal spending. To do this, people need to vote for state officials supporting the Article V movement, which is to have states amend the Constitution. It has never been done before, but now is the time and was put there just for this. The first two amendments should cover both term limits for Congress and some sort of fiscal restraint.

Otherwise, the Republic just goes belly up, much like what almost happened during the credit crisis.
I am still waiting for Republicans who voted against the bill to turn down infrastructure projects in their district that they claim is pork and abuse
Votto lives in a dream world that ceased to exist sometime around 1861, or 1901 at the latest.

But to the larger question, I'm not really going to blame the progs like Red Bernie, All About Cortez or Can't Even Pay her Jayabills. The centrists are disappointed in Biden, as am I, because Biden once could get bill passed with 60 votes. And I'd had hope we'd move something on immigration that would make extremes on both sides unhappy ... but Biden chose to not make people make hard choices in the wake of Jan 6.

Most likely in 24 we'll have a guy like tom cotton as potus, and gop majs in the House and Sen ... and McConnell might still be around.

But at least we got a quick econ turnaround and I'll have clean water again ... hopefully. Our progressive "poverty warrior" mayor could screw up keeping the garbage trucks running .... wait he has! LOL
I can’t see one specific thing the money is to be spent on. Just the generic “highways” “bridges” etc.

Where’s the itemized list? They came up with the dollar amount, based upon what?

Which bridges?
Which highways?
What’s their project dates?

Without looking they're expanding govt. and floating money to States for whatever they figure their needs are and no red tape is too much.

If the govt. is doing it bet your bottom dollar it's inefficient & ineffective.

$350 million over five years—for state, local, and tribal governments to construct wildlife crossings over and under roads. Such crossings are proven to reduce human and animal fatalities and injuries caused by the more than 1 million wildlife-vehicle collisions that occur each year.

Seems reasonable
Makes our roadways safer
Not one specific thing stated. $1.2 Trillion for an animal crossing (in downtown Stockton or Sacramento?) that will begin construction TBD and completed on TBD.
Votto lives in a dream world that ceased to exist sometime around 1861, or 1901 at the latest.

But to the larger question, I'm not really going to blame the progs like Red Bernie, All About Cortez or Can't Even Pay her Jayabills. The centrists are disappointed in Biden, as am I, because Biden once could get bill passed with 60 votes. And I'd had hope we'd move something on immigration that would make extremes on both sides unhappy ... but Biden chose to not make people make hard choices in the wake of Jan 6.

Most likely in 24 we'll have a guy like tom cotton as potus, and gop majs in the House and Sen ... and McConnell might still be around.

But at least we got a quick econ turnaround and I'll have clean water again ... hopefully. Our progressive "poverty warrior" mayor could screw up keeping the garbage trucks running .... wait he has! LOL
Hilarious. You have no clean water. Simply hilarious.
Which infrastructure projects will occur in their districts?
You can’t name one that will occur in the entire nation. Nor any dates.

I say they get NONE

Let them explain why they voted against it
Avoiding the small print, aren't you.? No doubt there will be more money spent on non
infrastructure than infrastructure. I'm sure the left will redefine 'infrastructure' to encompass
the fraud.
Like Obama’s infrastructure, hundreds of billions to his pals who declare bankruptcy the day after cashing the check.

Roads and bridges​

The bill provides $110 billion to repair the nation's aging highways, bridges and roads. According to the White House, 173,000 total miles of America's highways and major roads and 45,000 bridges are in poor condition. And the almost $40 billion for bridges is the single largest dedicated bridge investment since the construction of the interstate highway system, according to the Biden administration.

Public transit​

The $39 billion for public transit in the legislation expands transportation systems, improves accessibility for people with disabilities and provides dollars to state and local governments to buy zero-emission and low-emission buses. The Department of Transportation estimates that the current repair backlog is more than 24,000 buses, 5,000 rail cars, 200 stations and thousands of miles of track and power systems.

Passenger and freight rail​

To reduce Amtrak's maintenance backlog, which has worsened since Superstorm Sandy nine years ago, the bill provides $66 billion to improve the rail service's 457-mile-long Northeast Corridor as well as other routes. It's less than the $80 billion Mr. Biden — who famously rode Amtrak from Delaware to D.C. during his time in the Senate — originally asked for, but it would be the largest federal investment in passenger rail service since Amtrak was founded 50 years ago.

Electric vehicles​

The bill spends $7.5 billion for electric vehicle charging stations, which the administration says are critical to accelerating the use of electric vehicles to curb climate change. It also provides $5 billion for the purchase of electric school buses and hybrids, reducing reliance on school buses that run on diesel fuel.

Internet access​

The legislation's $65 billion for broadband access aims to improve internet services for rural areas, low-income families and tribal communities. Most of the money would be made available through grants to states.

Electric grid​

To protect against the widespread power outages that have become more frequent in recent years, the bill spends $65 billion to improve the reliability and resiliency of the nation's power grid. It also boosts carbon capture technologies and more environmentally-friendly electricity sources like clean hydrogen.


The bill spends $25 billion to improve runways, gates and taxiways at airports and to improve terminals. It would also improve infrastructure at air traffic control facilities.

Water and wastewater​

To improve the safety of the nation's drinking water, the legislation will spend $55 billion on water and wastewater infrastructure. The bill includes $15 billion to replace lead pipes and $10 billion to address water contamination from polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS — chemicals that were used in the production of Teflon and have also been used in firefighting foam, water-repellent clothing and many other items.

This is from your article.

I'm not sure how they decide which project to pick or if they give X amount of dollars to every project.

It could just be that they give it to the states and the states decide which projects to spend it on. A percentage would go to roads, another to airports, etc.
They will "award" it to the "unions"
Avoiding the small print, aren't you.? No doubt there will be more money spent on non
infrastructure than infrastructure. I'm sure the left will redefine 'infrastructure' to encompass
the fraud.

Which of that is not infrastructure?

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