$1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Spending- Name One Project

Most of th money is going to line the pockets of union bosses and all the relatives they list as employees who never show up to work
Claiming everyone else is getting $$$ but saying nothing about Trump's big giveaway.

March 22 2020
The White House on Sunday reportedly refused to back down from its demand that a coronavirus relief package include $500 billion, which would be provided to corporations at the discretion of Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin.

June 11 2020
U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told Congress Wednesday that the Trump administration intends to keep secret the names of the businesses that have received more than $500 billion in COVID-19 bailout funds through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), claiming the information is “confidential.”

The Government Accountability Office, which is supposed to brief Congress on whether COVID-19 relief funds are being distributed as intended, says the Treasury has refused to give the agency the names of recipients.
Now read the OP.
Name one project and it’s project date.

The states get the $$$, they distribute the $$$, to their agencies that made request to fix or build something that the state couldn't, because of lack of $$$, thanks to the GQP.

The states/ counties and cities are the one that signs a project contract and start dates.
Claiming everyone else is getting $$$ but saying nothing about Trump's big giveaway.

March 22 2020
The White House on Sunday reportedly refused to back down from its demand that a coronavirus relief package include $500 billion, which would be provided to corporations at the discretion of Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin.

June 11 2020
U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told Congress Wednesday that the Trump administration intends to keep secret the names of the businesses that have received more than $500 billion in COVID-19 bailout funds through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), claiming the information is “confidential.”

The Government Accountability Office, which is supposed to brief Congress on whether COVID-19 relief funds are being distributed as intended, says the Treasury has refused to give the agency the names of recipients.
This isn't about Trump.

Start a thread on that if you want. I'm no fan of Trump.
Avoiding the small print, aren't you.? No doubt there will be more money spent on non
infrastructure than infrastructure. I'm sure the left will redefine 'infrastructure' to encompass
the fraud.
Dems ignored their crumbling sewer systems for decades. Instead funneling the money into public employee unions to buy votes. Repeated spills of hundreds of millions of gallons of raw untreated sewage into rivers and oceans. Now taxpayers in other states basically have to pay to fix sewer systems in blue states. This bill is a Dem blue state BAIL OUT.
The states get the $$$, they distribute the $$$, to their agencies that made request to fix or build something that the state couldn't, because of lack of $$$, thanks to the GQP.

The states/ counties and cities are the one that signs a project contract and start dates.
All of which is nonsense....Buttigeau is already personally approving "projects" especially those that relate to equity (black neighborhoods) to move hwy etc. It's a money giveaway and like with Obama's shovel ready projects nothing for taxpayers---just more debt. Buttigeau will be super rich after this as well.
Even the Leftard ‘fact’ checkers call bullshit.
Dems ignored their crumbling sewer systems for decades. Instead funneling the money into public employee unions to buy votes. Repeated spills of hundreds of millions of gallons of raw untreated sewage into rivers and oceans. Now taxpayers in other states basically have to pay to fix sewer systems in blue states. This bill is a Dem blue state BAIL OUT.
Blue Cities have been subsidizing Red Rural Infrastructure for generations

Without those subsidies Rural America would not have paved roads, electric power, phone, hospitals and modern schools
Thankfully, we have responsible Democrats doing something about it instead of Republicans trying to cut taxes on Billionaires
Do you really think that Gates and other billionaires are going to pay more taxes?
Are you really that gullible?
The democrats will make sure they don't.
Do you really think that Gates and other billionaires are going to pay more taxes?
Are you really that gullible?
The democrats will make sure they don't.
They are paying historically low tax rates

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