$1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Spending- Name One Project

377 Billion for Road Repairs and 164 Billion for Bridge repairs totals 541 BILLION DOLLARS minimum. Just for these two infrastructure issues.
Infrastructure. BROAD BAND - RAIL-AIR PORTS- OUR ROADS & BRIDGES--NO LEAD WATER PIPES. Nothing you dont like beats these things we need to stay a first world country.
Infrastructure. BROAD BAND - RAIL-AIR PORTS- OUR ROADS & BRIDGES--NO LEAD WATER PIPES. Nothing you dont like beats these things we need to stay a first world country.

Conservatives used to brag about American Exceptionalism

Now, they fight to make us a third world country as they oppose modern infrastructure, higher education and healthcare
Conservatives used to brag about American Exceptionalism

Now, they fight to make us a third world country as they oppose modern infrastructure, higher education and healthcare
These things in the past would have had upkeep as real infrastructure. Then after the 1960's social and immigration legislation combined with feminism, we put our resources into so called human infrastructure neglecting the infrastructure that keeps the wheels greased. The costs to maintaining these things also rose with corrupted unions. It is you wiht your Prog support that has caused this as social programs never stop and more are added saddling the taxpayer with permanent payouts that keep rising with more added all the time.
There is no itemized list. If there were, it’d be pork barrel spending.
Hilarious. Here’s $2.2 trillion dollars, go spend it on whatever you want. Don’t let us know what you’re going to buy, that would be wasteful!

What retards you Leftards are
Hilarious. Here’s $2.2 trillion dollars, go spend it on whatever you want. Don’t let us know what you’re going to buy, that would be wasteful!

What retards you Leftards are

Like most major infrastructure, states will have to identify projects and apply for Federal funds

What a concept
There is no itemized list. If there were, it’d be pork barrel spending.
This was passed late Friday night during the Weekend. The usual when less people pay attention swindle that goes on by Progs. Of course Biden is not going to sign it until the Politicians come back to D.C. And it will be another huge stage event that Progs do. Because they emote. They are in a Broadway Production. They have done this for many decades and it makes them look great even if many get screwed. We see the dictatorial ways they have adopted now. And the threats of turning people in domestic terrorists for not following their proclamations. So the signed in a dark and dingy less people are way and then to have the multi camera treatment reserved for award shows at the signing by Biden as he waits until the politicians come back from their vacations. Prince John and the Sheriff of Nottingham can not hold a candle to these corrupted zealots who promote themselves as Robin Hood.
Like most major infrastructure, states will have to identify projects and apply for Federal funds

What a concept
Biden says teachers unions are infrastructure.
So $1.2T to teachers unions.

Fact that you have no clue as to how Obama spent $831B on his infrastructure hoax, validates the OP.
Conservatives used to brag about American Exceptionalism

Now, they fight to make us a third world country as they oppose modern infrastructure, higher education and healthcare
How dare anyone ask how taxes are spent you little people submit to your overlords!
Fact that you have no clue as to how Obama spent $831B on his infrastructure hoax, validates the OP.

The money went for..

Shovel Ready Infrastructure
Tax cuts
Teachers, Police, Firemen
State identified projects
Conservatives used to brag about American Exceptionalism

Now, they fight to make us a third world country as they oppose modern infrastructure, higher education and healthcare
541 BILLION DOLLARS needed according to those two sources for Road and Bridge repairs and renovations. But 110 BILLION DOLLARS is only allocated for road and bridges out of 1.2 TRILLION DOLLARS.
541 BILLION DOLLARS needed according to those two sources for Road and Bridge repairs and renovations. But 110 BILLION DOLLARS is only allocated for road and bridges out of 1.2 TRILLION DOLLARS.
I agree
We need to do more
Hilarious. Here’s $2.2 trillion dollars, go spend it on whatever you want. Don’t let us know what you’re going to buy, that would be wasteful!

What retards you Leftards are
No, there’s an application process.

Remember how people freaked out about earmarks for like a decade? Now you’re freaking out about the lack of earmarks.

You’re a moron.
No, there’s an application process.

Remember how people freaked out about earmarks for like a decade? Now you’re freaking out about the lack of earmarks.

You’re a moron.
Name one project Obama’s $831B infrastructure hoax created that wasn’t already funded.
No, there’s an application process.

Remember how people freaked out about earmarks for like a decade? Now you’re freaking out about the lack of earmarks.

You’re a moron.
Shitforbrains doesn’t know what a earmark is.
When a spending bill to go to the moon is passed, it lists when and how the money is spent to go to the moon.

When it includes money for dog parks, that’s an earmark, shitforbrains.

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