1.3 million COVID deaths worldwide, 250k in the USA

I've watched Iceland because they were one of the most effective countries at TESTING.
You must have a great pair of binoculars.

Access to data, that's all it takes. Although I have been there.
I've posted about this for literally the whole year. It's been a model in that way. I've also posted about a town in Italy that wiped out its Corona completely, by literally testing everybody and then quarantining the carriers. That was what had to be done; it wasn't a secret.

Still, yes I actually do have some rockin' binoculars.
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Oh my God! Joe Biden said Trump is personally responsible for the deaths of 250,000 Americans!
And people vote for this fool and liar and take him seriously.

Isn't that a horrible indictment of the American public? Has a more irresponsible thing ever been said on the
presidential debate stage?
Is every leader of other other nation on the planet as incompetent as Trump? Biden said that if Trump took it seriously, we would have had ZERO deaths.....yes, he said that. He said we should have had ZERO deaths.

So, again, is every leader of every other nation on the planet also an incompetent fool?

What did they do that Trump did wrong, specifically?

Also let me take this chance to ask for the 20th or so time.....

Liberals, what would you have done to beat the Rona. Start in January and give specific actions and dates.

For example....the minute we heard there was a problem in Wuhan in January, I would have completely shut the nation down 100%.

Something like that...go for it.....actions and dates....your plan...Go:
No just Biden. If he wasn’t so incompetent and stupid no one on the left would have voted for him.
Access to data, that's all it takes. Although I have been there.
I've posted about this for literally the whole year. It's been a model in that way. I've also posted about a town in Italy that wiped out its Corona completely, by literally testing everybody and then quarantining the carriers. That was what had to be done; it wasn't a secret.

Still, yes I actually do have some rockin' binoculars.
Comparing Iceland and a town in Italy to a country the size of the US is absurd.
Is every leader of other other nation on the planet as incompetent as Trump? Biden said that if Trump took it seriously, we would have had ZERO deaths.....yes, he said that. He said we should have had ZERO deaths.

So, again, is every leader of every other nation on the planet also an incompetent fool?

What did they do that Trump did wrong, specifically?

Also let me take this chance to ask for the 20th or so time.....

Liberals, what would you have done to beat the Rona. Start in January and give specific actions and dates.

For example....the minute we heard there was a problem in Wuhan in January, I would have completely shut the nation down 100%.

Something like that...go for it.....actions and dates....your plan...Go:
First off, we never should allowed the governors in blue states to put Kung Flu infected people in with the elderly. Back when German Measles were around, all the healthy people got together so they could all catch it, then build up their immunities and within 1 month the pandemic was over. Yeah, we couldnt see grandma and grandpa that year, but they survived for about 15 years later. Such stupid people who are coming out of public education these days, because they are so stupid.....they are so stupid that when their prog leaders tell them to do something, instead of questioning it, they just bobble their heads and bow down to their masters.....
Is every leader of other other nation on the planet as incompetent as Trump? Biden said that if Trump took it seriously, we would have had ZERO deaths.....yes, he said that. He said we should have had ZERO deaths.

So, again, is every leader of every other nation on the planet also an incompetent fool?

What did they do that Trump did wrong, specifically?

Also let me take this chance to ask for the 20th or so time.....

Liberals, what would you have done to beat the Rona. Start in January and give specific actions and dates.

For example....the minute we heard there was a problem in Wuhan in January, I would have completely shut the nation down 100%.

Something like that...go for it.....actions and dates....your plan...Go:
First off, we never should allowed the governors in blue states to put Kung Flu infected people in with the elderly. Back when German Measles were around, all the healthy people got together so they could all catch it, then build up their immunities and within 1 month the pandemic was over. Yeah, we couldnt see grandma and grandpa that year, but they survived for about 15 years later. Such stupid people who are coming out of public education these days, because they are so stupid.....they are so stupid that when their prog leaders tell them to do something, instead of questioning it, they just bobble their heads and bow down to their masters.....
That was at the time CDC policy because hospitals were being overwhelmed. The "guideline" required those nursing homes to provide adequate isolation.

And newsflash...nursing homes and assisted care facilities ACROSS the nation were and ARE where the greatest number of people have died...
Biden said that if Trump took it seriously, we would have had ZERO deaths.....yes, he said that. He said we should have had ZERO deaths

It was Trump who said we would have zero deaths when he said we had 15 cases of CIVID that would go to zero in a few days
Is every leader of other other nation on the planet as incompetent as Trump? Biden said that if Trump took it seriously, we would have had ZERO deaths.....yes, he said that. He said we should have had ZERO deaths.

So, again, is every leader of every other nation on the planet also an incompetent fool?

What did they do that Trump did wrong, specifically?

Also let me take this chance to ask for the 20th or so time.....

Liberals, what would you have done to beat the Rona. Start in January and give specific actions and dates.

For example....the minute we heard there was a problem in Wuhan in January, I would have completely shut the nation down 100%.

Something like that...go for it.....actions and dates....your plan...Go:

There are 12 nations who have done a worse job than Trump. And 151 who have done better.

That puts the US in the lower 8th percentile. With 92% of nations having done a better job.

Our response has been an absolute failure. Trump doesn't even bother with meetings on coronovirus anymore. He doesn't even bother talking about it. As we break records daily, as we lose a 911 of Americans every 3 to 4 days......his response is to whine about how the election was 'stolen' from him. Pout and retweet conspiracy theories.

This is what passes for leadership among conservatives now.

Iceland went a full six months with no COVID deaths at all. They had ten (10) into mid-April.

It's picked up since last month though. They're up to a staggering two dozen.
Iceland has a population of 100 white people.
I've watched Iceland because they were one of the most effective countries at TESTING.
You must have a great pair of binoculars.

Access to data, that's all it takes. Although I have been there.
I've posted about this for literally the whole year. It's been a model in that way. I've also posted about a town in Italy that wiped out its Corona completely, by literally testing everybody and then quarantining the carriers. That was what had to be done; it wasn't a secret.

Still, yes I actually do have some rockin' binoculars.
Pogo can see Iceland fro his basement!!
I've watched Iceland because they were one of the most effective countries at TESTING.
You must have a great pair of binoculars.

Access to data, that's all it takes. Although I have been there.
I've posted about this for literally the whole year. It's been a model in that way. I've also posted about a town in Italy that wiped out its Corona completely, by literally testing everybody and then quarantining the carriers. That was what had to be done; it wasn't a secret.

Still, yes I actually do have some rockin' binoculars.
Pogo can see Iceland fro his basement!!
He has Goofle Urth Professional
What did they do that Trump did wrong, specifically?
He didn't shut down air traffic from Europe until 6 WEEKS after travel from China was partially stopped.
He didn't quarantine anyone coming back
He DOWNPLAYED the virus...which made his Trumper fans not take it seriously...they STILL don't
He never got behind mask wearing. One day he was for it...most days he wasn't. He hardly ever wore a mask...which was a big part of why it was so hard to get his minions to do so
He pushed to open the economy by Easter...when clearly that was wrong.
He lied about kids not be susceptible to the virus
He pushed bullshit cures
He was slow to enact the DPA to get PPE and testing supplies and never fully got behind THAT effort

He was inconsistent

He was chaotic

He Continues to be so
What did they do that Trump did wrong, specifically?
He didn't shut down air traffic from Europe until 6 WEEKS after travel from China was partially stopped.
He didn't quarantine anyone coming back
He DOWNPLAYED the virus...which made his Trumper fans not take it seriously...they STILL don't
He never got behind mask wearing. One day he was for it...most days he wasn't. He hardly ever wore a mask...which was a big part of why it was so hard to get his minions to do so
He pushed to open the economy by Easter...when clearly that was wrong.
He lied about kids not be susceptible to the virus
He pushed bullshit cures
He was slow to enact the DPA to get PPE and testing supplies and never fully got behind THAT effort

He was inconsistent

He was chaotic

He Continues to be so
Now it's Bidens problem, 70 million Americans will die in 4 years..

1,530,000 tests in one day is a lot.
144k positives tad under 10% which is definitely up from months of 5-7%.
Is every leader of other other nation on the planet as incompetent as Trump? Biden said that if Trump took it seriously, we would have had ZERO deaths.....yes, he said that. He said we should have had ZERO deaths.

So, again, is every leader of every other nation on the planet also an incompetent fool?

What did they do that Trump did wrong, specifically?

Also let me take this chance to ask for the 20th or so time.....

Liberals, what would you have done to beat the Rona. Start in January and give specific actions and dates.

For example....the minute we heard there was a problem in Wuhan in January, I would have completely shut the nation down 100%.

Something like that...go for it.....actions and dates....your plan...Go:
Don't worry, kernel, your ignorant right-wing brethren will keep racking-up COVID deaths long after the incompetent, impeached president trump has been thrown out of the White House.

Then, you RWNJs can blame Biden when your ilk continue to refuse to take the necessary precautions.

You devoted fanatics of the impeached president trump should work hard to make American deaths from COVID-19 account for more than half the deaths, worldwide. It will be a record your orange-tinted hero can take pride in helping reach.

Invalid comparison. Iceland has a population of 356k people, which is smaller than most of our major cities. They also live on an island with natural geographical barriers making it easier to keep others out. Additionally, they have a centralized government where it is easier to makes decrees throughout the land unlike our decentralized government over 320 million.
But you're much better at making excuses than them.
Pffffffffffft. India has four times our population and HALF our death count. There went that theory.
That theory will never die. It will have eternal life as no other country is as exceptional as the US.

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